How to Break Your Bad Habits

Post on 14-Jul-2015

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Transcript of How to Break Your Bad Habits

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Your habits have three parts:

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A cue is a familiar indicator or landmark that you brain relies on to start your habit

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Cues can be anything from emotions, objects, places, or people

The routine is the behaviour or action itself

The reward is the benefit you experience from performing your routine. It’s the reward that tells your brain to remember your habit.

Once your brain starts to anticipate the reward after seeing a cue, your habit will become automatic.

Charles Duhigg calls this the habit loop.

Let’s take an example:

Your cue is to stand in front of the mirror after taking a shower

Your routine is brushing your teeth

Your reward is minty sensation in your mouth

Five steps to drop any bad habit

The 5 steps are fully explained in my online course. Click on the image for a promotional coupon:

2 strategies to eliminate bad habit. See the full details in the 5 step process.


First strategy is the most effective to change a bad habit. It’s called the

Replacement Method



Keep same Keep sameKeep same Keep same

Keep the same cues and rewards, but replace the routine with something that’s positive. The key is finding a positive routine that provides a similar reward as your bad habit.

Increase awareness of the triggers

2Avoid cues altogether

Make changes to your environment to avoid your cues altogether.

Follow these steps, and you will be successful in changing

your bad habits

Learn the 5 step process and much more in my online course. Click on the image for a promotional coupon:

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