How to Boost Your Confidence with Women in 5 Steps

Post on 17-Jan-2015

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Transcript of How to Boost Your Confidence with Women in 5 Steps

Do you always feel too nervous when

you are with a woman you like?

Many men who are NOT CONFIDENT with the opposite sex get anxious even by just thinking of actually approaching women!

One of the really best ways to BOOST YOUR CONFIDENCE is by putting

more of your focus on your very own positive traits and attributes. If you attend to what you don’t have and

ignore what you actually have, you’re likely to end up having low self


Be always optimistic and certain.

Focus on the attributes that you are blessed with and

you’ll surely get that confidence!

You can start with a simple “Hi” or “Hello”. And as time passes by, go for topics which can spark her interest and attention. You can ask her questions that aren’t too freaky and personal. This will get you to find an easier way to hook up with her.

Take things one step at a time.

Prepare yourself for possible rejections. Instead of feeling depressed after being rejected, move forward and just learn from your experience. Remember that rejection is a normal thing in life and you’re not alone in that department. Don’t bother doing the same mistakes over and over again. Learn from it.

Accept rejection.

DO NOT HIDE yourself from women! Interact and mingle. You’ll surely find yourself being

very comfortable with them around and improve your chances of

getting a girlfriend.

Learn to socialize.

Give her the chance of expressing herself. But do not let it become her monologue. Respond to her once in a while. Women love to know that their partner can cope up with her and still loves her for it.

Be a good listener.

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