How to …… Bisect an angle.. What? ‘Bisect’ means to cut exactly in half. If you bisect an...

Post on 21-Jan-2016

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Transcript of How to …… Bisect an angle.. What? ‘Bisect’ means to cut exactly in half. If you bisect an...

How to ……

Bisect an angle.


• ‘Bisect’ means to cut exactly in half.

• If you bisect an angle, you get two equal angles e.g. if you bisect a 60° angle you get two 30° angles.

• Any point on the angle bisector will be equidistant from the lines which make the original angle.

I was okay until the last bit.

Angle bisector

Equal lengths

How to bisect an angle

Set your compasses to a reasonable length

Place the point on the vertex of the angle

And draw 2 arcs.

Like this….

Now place the compass pointwhere one of the arcs cross

the line

And draw another arc ‘inside’ the angle

Should look similar to this

Now repeat on the other side

Draw a line from where the arcscross to the vertex of the angle

You have bisected the angle

Leave your arcs in situ