How to be Successful in life?

Post on 14-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How to be Successful in life?

How to Be Successful in Life

Mohammad Masab Omair – 7879Department of Computer ScienceAbasyn University, Peshawar

“Success is how high you bounce when you hit bottom”.

-George S. Patton

Who wants to be successful in life?


1. Passion Identification

What are your Passions?

What do you want your legacy to be?

What are your subjects of interest in your life?

Russell Crowe about his passion

2. Make a list of your goals…

What do you want to achieve in you life?

Setup you goals Goals might be for long and

short interval

Be a Goal-Oriented person

3. Think Big

I want to get 100%

NOT 95%

Bill Gates followed this step, and look! Where is he now…

Chairman of Microsoft

4. Don’t be afraid of Failure

Albert Einstein, in his childhood was very poor in Science and Math.. He feared in Exams.. !! But, with his hard work, What did he get?

He became one of the greatest scientists of all time

That’s why, It’s right said, “fear is never an option”.

5. Don’t be afraid of introducing new ideas

Wright Brother, who thought that Man can also fly like birds,

Were criticized by other people for their thought

But, very few knew that We, at present, couldn’t live without Airplanes,

They Invented the World ‘s first Airplane, after which many

advancement were made in this field & our life in incomplete without the

Modern Aircrafts

6. Dedication
