How to be successful in life

Post on 18-Nov-2014

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There are many ways in which an individual can make his success wherein one has to realize about oneself, identifying their passions and interests which are required for setting up goals to give color to life. These goals can be a short term one or a long term one and to achieve them you need to pay attention to your actions and cherish your life by enjoying the most of it. Being educated lets you acquire knowledge, skills and lets you to harness the maximum out of you with apprenticeships and long term training to boost your confidence. No Matter how much you earn, managing your finance is indeed essential and need to keep a track on your expenses and plan accordingly.

Transcript of How to be successful in life

How to Be Successful in Life

1. Identify your passions

8 Ways to Discover Your Passion in Your Life1. Slow down.2. Change your story.3. Own your uniqueness.4. Cultivate confidence.5. Find the themes.6. Write.7. Focus on the fun.8. Push past fear.

2.Make a list of your goals and achieve them

Reachable goals are :

•Specific•Simple•Significant•Strategic•Measurable• Rational• Tangible• Written•Shared• your values

3. Live purposefully

Tips for Living Purposefully:

1. Take your Time2. Smile3. Keep your Cool4. Say Yes More5. Understand Yourself6. Say, “Thank you.”7. Dream8. Respect Other People’s Time9. Ask and Listen10. Lighten Up and Have Fun

4. Be educated

An educated person knows how to acquire desired skills by identifying and utilizing available resources, deconstructing the process required for learning a particular skill, and experimenting with potential approaches.

5. Manage your finances

TIPS FOR MANAGING YOUR FINANCES:•Track your monthly spending.•Develop a household budget you can follow.•Be sure to budget for savings•Pay your monthly bills on time and avoid late charges•Review your credit report•Obtain your credit score.•Eliminate credit card debt•Take advantage of free money.•Assess your insurance policies.•Use legitimate financial institutions.

6. Manage your time

7.Achieve Internal Success

• Enjoy the present moment

• Don't compare your own life to other peoples' lives.

• Count your blessings. • Look after your health

• Enjoy the present moment

How to Live in the Moment•Dance like nobody's watching.•Be optimistic.•Take notice of the world.•Focus on whatever you're doing•Smile when you wake up.

• Don't compare your own life to other peoples' lives.

1. Think about how unique your life is and celebrate it. 2. Learn to be happy for others. 3. Don’t compare yourself to anyone, good or bad. 4. Realize that people showcase the best of themselves.

• Count your blessings

No matter how much you achieve in life, you will always feel unhappy if you constantly focus on what you don't have. Instead, devote time every day to appreciating the things you do have. Think beyond material items; appreciate your loved ones, and remember happy memories.

• Look after your health

10 Ways to Look After Your Mental Health•Talk About Your Feelings•Eat Well•Keep in Touch•Take a Break•Accept Who You Are•Keep Active•Drink Sensibly•Ask for Help•Do Something You're Good At•Care for Others