How to be a successful student athlete

Post on 22-Jan-2018

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Transcript of How to be a successful student athlete

How to Be a Successful Student Athlete

Scenario 1- Late Away Game- You have a game on a Wednesday


- It is a day 1 or 4 and you have a ton of homework and an essay due.

- You will not get home until at least 9:30 and are already tired from the game.

What do you do?

Scenario 2- Missing a Day of School Missing a Friday for a tournament

It’s a day 5 or 6 so you are missing 3-4 long classes

You have a Math quiz and an essay due in English

What do you do?

Group DiscussionsWhat methods have you used to help manage your time?

What do you find works best to keep focused?

How do you communicate with teachers?

Time Management Tips for Student-Athletes

1. Spend less time on social media, make social media a reward

2. Spread out the work – If your teacher gives you advance notice on tests, projects or book assignments, get started when you have free time

3. Use a calendar/organizer

4. Plan ahead

5. Turn off your phone during study time

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