How to Bathe A Dog at Home

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of How to Bathe A Dog at Home

How to Make Bathing Your Dog Easier

6 Tips for a Fuss-Free Doggie Bath

There is nothing better than having a well-groomed bulldog. And while grooming your favorite canine companion is a fairly easy task, you can still make your job a

lot easier by following these simple tips.

1. Get everything ready beforehand.

Have all the grooming essentials ready on your bathing station before putting a single drop of water on your dog. Have a veterinarian-approved shampoo (preferably one containing ketokonazole), mineral oil and cotton balls, washcloth or sponge, towels, as well as some brush and combs for your bulldog’s coat and for the areas between his toes and nails. You should also have a bathing tether and a rubber tub mat to hold your pet comfortably in place while bathing.

2. Brush before a bath.

Avoid the trouble of having to deal with hard to remove mats by

brushing your dog before bathing.

3. Prep your dog.

After giving your pal a good brushing, apply

mineral oil in your dog’s eyes to protect them from suds and put a

small piece of cotton in the ear canals to

prevent water from getting inside. Make sure that you use the right size to prevent it

from slipping down the ear canals.

4. Use warm water.

Always use warm water when bathing your dog. Fill the sink or

tub with enough water (up to your dog’s knee level) before you

bring in your dog to prevent stressing him out.

5. Keep a positive attitude.

Don’t lose your temper if your dog resists going into the water. Instead, lead him into the water with as little drama as possible, offer him a treat along the way,

and get to work.

6. Give your pal a thorough drying.

Squeeze out excess water and use absorbent towels to dry your dog’s coat. Use a blow dryer to speed things up but remember to

set it on the cooler setting to avoid skin injuries. Keep your pal away from drafts and

don’t let him outside until the hair is completely dry.

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How to Make Bathing Your Dog Easier