How to bathe a cat

Post on 17-Jul-2015

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Transcript of How to bathe a cat

How to Bathe a Cat

All Photos by wikiphoto Via Wikihow Creative Commons BY NC SA

Step one: Carefully clip your cats nails with the proper scissors.

Step Two: Brush your cat before putting it in the bath to remove all of the loose fur.

Step Three: Be sure to change into proper clothing to protect yourself from any possible scratches.

Step Five: Get proper cat shampoo. Note: never use normal shampoo to bathe your cat, this can result in drying out their skin or can even be toxic to them.

Step Five: To begin the bathing process you will need to fill the tub with 4 to 5 inches of water.

Step Six: Before you begin to bathe your cat you should be sure to shut your bathroom door to prevent the cat from escaping. Also, you should put a rubber matt or towel on the surface of the tub so the cat doesn’t slide around.

Step Seven: Tire out your cat to tire him/her out. This will help your cat be more calm while you’re trying to bath it. You can do this inside or outside of the bath.

Step Eight: Talk to your cat in a calm quiet voice to scare him/her less.

Step Nine: Soak your cat from the neck down and apply the shampoo and massage it into the fur.

Step Ten: Be sure to rinse your cat a few times to make sure all of the soap is out.

Step Eleven: If you wish, you can rinse your cats face with water don’t take the risk of applying soap to the fur on the face and getting it in their eyes.

Step Twelve: You can use a towel to help dry off your cat.

Step Thirteen: Short haired cats can dry off themselves for the most part but be sure to give them a warm area.

Step Fourteen: Be sure to treat your kitty after the bath to reward them, then they wont be as much of a pest to bathe.