How to Bat a Baseball or Softball

Post on 15-Apr-2017

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Transcript of How to Bat a Baseball or Softball


To hit a baseball you must stand next to home plate

When you are ready in the batters box, the pitcher will throw the ball

When the ball comes you swing as hard as you can to hit the ball

If you hit the ball you run to first base, if you miss the ball you get a strike.

It is okay if you get a strike, because you are allowed to get three

If you get three strikes you are out. We do not cry or throw the bat if we get out

If the pitcher throws the ball and you can not hit it, do not swing, because it will be a ball.

If you get 4 balls you can go to first base!

When you get to first base your team will cheer for you!!!

If you hit the ball when you swing and can get to first base that is good too!

Now you know how to bat in a baseball game!!!