How to Apply Search Marketing and Audience Generation Tactics to Your Multichannel Marketing Mix

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Transcript of How to Apply Search Marketing and Audience Generation Tactics to Your Multichannel Marketing Mix

Search M

arketing &



ce Gen


MEDIA HORIZONS INC. Search Marketing & Audience Generation




03 Paid Search (SEM)

04 Influencer Outreach

02 Organic Search (SEO)

01 Consumer Search Engine Behavior

Consumer Search Engine Behavior 01



Why Search 01

1 The ultimate form of Pull Media - active “hand-raisers”.

• Search has become a utility where consumers first turn for information/research

• Combats drop off to competitive product

• Right place, right time, right message

A primary direct-response media channel yielding:

• Targeted click/traffic volume

• Efficient cost-per-acquisitions

• High levels of return on investment

A live focus group – Search is a “listening tool”

• Allows us to test, measure & learn about your customers over time

• Provides key learnings on search behavior, messaging strategies, consumer response, site engagement, etc.



Your Website

If your brand is not present on search engines, an opportunity is lost to your competitors.





Consider These Facts 01

According to a study conducted by Google entitled, The New Multiscreen World, 65% of online searches for products, services of businesses prior to making a purchase began on a mobile device, with 61% of those users continuing the path to purchase via a desktop.

Consumers Use Search Prior To Making A Purchase Decision

According to a recent study by Fleishman-Hillard, 89% of consumers use a search engine such as Google, Yahoo or Bing to find information on products, services or businesses prior to making purchases.

B2B Decision Makers (and Buyers) Also Use Search First

71% of U.S. based enterprise purchase decisions begin with research on the search engines, according to the DAC Group. In Canada, 61% of B2B purchase decisions begin with a search engine as well.

Search Behavior Can Impact Multiple Devices




Sources: Brafton, Google & Ipsos, Search Engine Watch,


The Anatomy of a Search Engine Result Page 01

Paid Search

Advertisers “bid” for a position in the paid placements and pay a cost per click.

Natural Search

Natural or Organic results are “free” and positions are determined by the engines based on a variety of factors and sources of data.


The Search Engine Landscape 01

An estimated 65% of searches occur on Google. Bing, which powers Yahoo’s search engine, combine for an estimated 30% of search volume.

Source: Hitwise 2013


Organic Search (SEO) 02



The Google Algorithm 02

At last count, the Google algorithm used to rank the order of websites on the result pages had over 255+ elements in their formula and continues to grow each day.



The Google Algorithm – Part 2 02

While SEO professionals know the general components of what goes into the rank formula, what prevents anyone from “gaming” the Google results are the ever-changing weights associated with each ranking criteria.

In the example below, while the GREY CIRCLE gets many link “votes,” they mostly come from THE GREEN CIRCLES, sites with little weight. The YELLOW CIRCLE, would be ranked #1, due to the volume and more importantly, the types of links pointing towards it (quality and quantity of link votes).



The Google Algorithm – Part 3 02



The SEO pyramid – Components of a Complete SEO Strategy

Off Page Factors including link development and social activity are hardest to achieve.

On Page Factors are easiest to achieve as we can alter site content much easier as this is in our control






Earn positive activity on platforms like Facebook,

Twitter, and Google+.

Create direct link references to content internally on your own sites

and from high quality, reputable, external sources.

Choose keywords that search engine users are likely to use to find your content. Place important keywords properly on your

pages in important areas like page titles, URLs, body content and image alt attributes (where possible.)

Create phenomenally useful content that will delight visitors while answering their queries. Craft a high quality user experience (design, layout, navigation) to promote

positive usage signals and ensure all content is accessible across devices and particularly search engine crawlers.



• Cross link all social profiles for enhanced link popularity scores, a key driver of SEO success • Attain a link from various partner owned website properties (including any other corporate owned property) • Leverage influencer outreach efforts to gain link relationships with brand related content sites

SEO is Now Total Asset Optimization 02

Leverage all brand touch points to enhance visibility across the search engines.


Tag channel and video listings with keywords and links – each video

can be individually ranked. Great for

product videos, how-to videos and more.


List links to other properties; Twitter

ranked within Bing’s SEO. Higher

engagement is a rank indicator now.

List all owned property URLs in About section

which is crawled by spiders. More social

engagement is a rank indicator for the search



Helps with SEO image searches and referral

traffic. Great for retailers and for brands

that skew towards females.


Text/keyword heavy; cross link within

different owned media. Frequent updates

preferred by search engines. Utilize new

Authorship tag.



The more link relationships you have across quality websites that have a similar content theme, the more of an “information resource” you are seen by from search engines when ranking your site.

Off Page Link Building is Vital for SEO Success 02

SEO Link Components:

1 Consider all the sources of inbound linking from outside sites. Use keywords and link to deeper pages, such as article and recipe pages - not just the home page. Some places to consider are:

• Social media channel optimization • Directory Submissions • Image syndication (i.e. Flickr) • Article and content syndication • Partner sites • Press releases • Sponsorships

2 Add internal links by cross-linking body copy on website.

3 Links from .gov, .edu and .org sites are seen with more weight than .com site links.



The Perfectly Optimized Webpage 02

1 Use keywords to inform what content should be created.

2 This is an example of the perfectly optimized page for “chocolate donuts.”

3 Page title is the title tag

4 Notice the order of the content – primary keyword towards the front of tags, body content, h1 tags, etc

The “Perfectly” Optimized Page (for the example keyword phrase “chocolate donuts”)

Page Title: Chocolate Dounts | Mary’s Bakery

Meta Description: Mary’s Bakery chocolate donuts are possibly the most delicious, perfectly formed, flawlessly chocolate donuts ever made.

H1 Headline Chocolate Donuts from Mary’s Bakery

Page URL:

Photo of Donuts (with ALT Attribute):

Chocolate Donuts

Image Filename: chocolate-donuts.jpg

Body Text:__________________ ____chocolate donuts_________ __________________________________donuts____________________________________________________chocolate donuts__

____________________________________________________________donuts__________________________chocolate___________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________chocolate donuts_________ __________________________________________________chocolate________________________________________________________________donuts_______


SEO & Reputation Management 02

Managing your online reputation is not about “removing” negative sites as they will always get listed in the engines. The goal should be about amplifying your branded content to help flush negative sites to page 2, 3 and beyond.

Key Steps to Reputation Management Using SEO

1 Cultivate the right social channels to help flood the search results with multiple listings. Regular, authentic participation is key.

2 Create a universal bio with links to your various web property sources (.com, blogs, social networks, etc.).

3 Invest in corporate image. Speak at conferences, sponsor events, post job openings, hold seminars, etc. Helps flood the search engines with powerful PR pages, media sites, etc. showing different aspects of your corporation.

4 Control the real estate your brand will show up in. Avoid the Wikipedia’s where users can edit or comment, and invest in creating LinkedIn profiles.

5 Optimize images, videos and Google Places listings to push content down.


Paid Search (SEM) 03



What is Paid Search? 03

Advertisers are charged on a cost-per-click basis only when a searcher clicks on an ad from one of the keywords being purchased. This is great for a business that needs instant visibility, cost effective and transactional traffic that is in full research mode prior to making a purchase.



How Much Should I Pay for Paid Search? 03

Costs will range by keyword on a daily basis based on consumer search volume and competitor bid competition. Ideally, brands should strive to have their ads placed in the top 3 ad placements for enhanced visibility as well as expanded syndication to Google’s search partners.


Paid Search Quality Scores 03

Campaigns in market over a longer duration tend to reap the rewards of applied ongoing campaign optimizations, as well as an increased Quality Score, a metric used by Google to help provide lower costs and higher quality to search engine click-throughs.

Landing Page


Account History

Relevance of Keyword &

Ad to Search Query

Relevance of Keyword

to Ads

Historical CTR




Paid Search Is A Consumer Testing Lab 03

An always-on, real-time environment for listening, learning, testing/optimizing key marketing levers (messaging, positioning, key insights, offers, etc.).

Glean strategic insights from search that can be applied to social media posting, brand content creation, etc.

An immediate, ongoing and cost-effective input stream that constantly “learns” for more effective tests over time.

Multiple messages in market / being tested simultaneously

Insights can help validate or enhance existing creative directions on messaging, positioning, insights, etc.

Winner messages stay in market and/or developed into both traditional and digital creative strategies



Multivariate A/B Text Ads 03

Text Ads rotate evenly until data becomes statically significant. Then, a “winning” creative text ad can be chosen. This ad can then continue to be tested against new creative ads to provide an endless loop of consumer insight testing.

Note: Text ads do not require any creative resources in order to produce.


Video Promotion Via Paid Search 03

YouTube offers TruView, a component of Google AdWords, which is a cost per video view platform that can instantly provide visibility for a brand’s video assets on the world’s #2 most popular search engine.



About Media Horizons, Inc.

Media Horizons, Inc. is an award-winning digital and direct marketing agency located in Norwalk, CT with over 25 years of experience in successfully reaching the Boomer and Senior markets. Media Horizons has repeatedly launched effective digital marketing campaigns targeting this demographic, spanning a wide variety of products and services, successfully helping brands generate new customers and maximize their lifetime value throughout digital channels. Full-service capabilities include Strategic Planning, Creative Development, Media Planning & Buying, Data & Analytics and Customer Database Marketing, Project Management and Process Mapping.

Contact Us:

40 Richards Avenue Norwalk, CT 06854


Cyrus Karimi Director of Search Marketing & Audience Generation