How to Achieve your Goals for 2015

Post on 18-Jul-2015

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Transcript of How to Achieve your Goals for 2015

This year – no more excuses!

Let’s begin living the life of our dreams!


"This one step - choosing a

goal and staying with it -

changes everything."

Successful People Have….

High level physical ENERGY

and mental stamina

Incredible sense of purpose


Consistently positive


World-changing GOALS

Rock solid PLANS

Crystal clear PRIORITIES

Powerful ability to lead and

create SYNERGY


Incredible ability to OPTIMIZE


Highly action ORIENTED

10 Mistakes that Mess with


Consistently low physical

and mental ENERGY

Half Hearted MISSION and


A Defeatist ATTITUDE

Vague, uninspiring GOALS

Poorly Developed PLANS

Confusing, unfocused


Inability to lead and create


Total lack of ORGANIZATION

Poor TIME management skills

Inability to take ACTION

Low efforts based performance is what causes people to spin their wheels and ultimately suffer the heartbreak of failed hopes, dreams and expectations.

“Success is not based on luck -

It requires consistent daily actions in the direction of

one’s dreams”.

Speaker: Faith Wood, CSP

The road to SOMEDAY leads to a place

called NOWHERE!

Unlocking the

Mysteries of the Mind

Our Minds

We use our minds all

the time, but do we

ever take the time

to think about what

power the mind


The mind, like the operating system of the computer does not exist

as an entity that we can measure but its power is truly awesome!

Like a computer, once a program has

been accepted, no program will be

allowed in that conflicts with the


This means that the things we learned

at our earliest ages become the most

important and can sometimes impede

our progress.

We act on evidence that confirms

what we already believe to be true.

(positively or negatively)

The mind functions much like a computer program – it needs detailed

and specific information to help it compute effectively

The analytical portion of the

Mind has the job of

gathering all the information

about the things that are

going on around us.

It helps us solve our

problems by providing all

the facts for analysis.

Our emotional brain cannot be repressed. We can hold down the natural

release of an emotion but it always finds a way out.

A repressed emotion will normally be expressed in a destructive manner.

Emotions drive our whole life.

Often we know what we should

do; we just don’t want to do it.

What about Willpower?

Will Power is like the

booster rockets on

the shuttle.

It’s job is to point you

in the direction of

any goal you choose

and then it gets you

in motion towards

that goal.

Once you are moving

towards your goal, will

power is finished and

can no longer assist

you with achieving

that goal.

Without an internal

desire to reach the

goal, it cannot be



If you are aware of:

what you want in life, and

what you are getting


you have the power to

change it!

Power of Choice

If you could actually SEE your performance negatives – you

would eliminate them… wouldn’t you?

If you knew what your negatives were costing you – personally

and professionally – you WOULD eliminate them – wouldn’t you?

Permit negatives to remain and you will struggle with FAILED

expectations for the rest of your life.

Choose to eliminate them and you have the capacity to be

successful beyond your wildest dreams!

Excellence is not a

single act, but a

habit. -Aristotle-

HabitsHabits are connectors that connect an action or

activity with the habit. You do one thing and you feel

compelled to do the other.

GOALS Goals provide a target

and allow you to

manifest movement

towards them

If you don’t know what

you want, how will you

know when you have it?

Conversely if you don’t

know where you are

going, how are you going

to know when you get


Many people limit their ability to succeed at a Goal

simply by the words that they speak

(either silently to themselves or

out loud for everyone to hear)

I cant

I don’t deserve it

I’m not ready or I amafraid

I’ll try

Within you right now is the power to

do things you never dreamed

were possible. This power

becomes available to you just as

soon as you shift your beliefs.

Dr. Maxwell Maltz

Stop Rationalizing inactivity

Focusing on the BUT rather than the follow through

Creating Excuses for why you aren’t taking action

The only thing keeping you from having

what you want in your life is the story you

tell yourself about why you can’t have it!

Momentum & Chunking (create smaller bites) are powerful antidotes to rationalizing

What is most important here?

What is the first step?

Momentum will overcome STRESS

Chunking focuses energy on smaller bites of your big audacious goal & keeps you making consistent progress

Case Study for how chunking and

momentum work (In reality)….

Faith decides to learn to slalom

ski at 40 to keep up with her


First attempt – I leaned back

too far and never made it out

of the water.

2nd attempt, I leaned forward

too far and drank a lot of


3rd attempt, I am already

making excuses in my head as

to why I shouldn’t do this (too

old, what if I get hurt, blah blah


embracing the challenge, I

dug in and managed to hold

the crouch on the 4th attempt

and push the ski flat on top of

the water.

Once the ski began to shimmy

as it planed into position, I lost

my balance again – just where

does that back foot go???

I wanted to quit. My body was

shaking from cold and from


The nagging voice in my head

kept shouting – wait for next

year – learn in stages – why

bother at all.

if we accept these voices, then we limit our opportunities for

growth. I don’t know of anyone who ever tripped over success and

opportunity sitting in a chair.

So I took a deep breath and started focusing on the

smaller bite size steps to standing up.

I discovered I could put the big

toe of my back foot against

the instep of my front foot and

that would give me greater

stability coming out of the


Then, I could stay crouched

until the ski leveled off behind

the boat.

Then, I could stand up.

Once stable, I could slide my

back foot behind me.

With this re-focus, I soon found

myself riding solidly on one ski.


Nope – I didn’t look as good

as this…

But what was this a realistic


10 Ways to Choose


Choose to be Energetic

Choose to be Passionate

Choose to be Enthusiastic

Choose to be Self-Directed

Choose to be Prepared

Choose to be Focused

Choose to be Supportive

Choose to be Systematic

Choose to be Timely

Choose to be Proactive

Don’t let tradition paralyze

your mind

Ask yourself – How can I do


Ask yourself – How can I do


Capacity is a state of mind

These questions put your

mind to work creating


Some parting thoughts….

Sharing a goal with others gives you a multitude of reasons for

doing whatever it takes to make sure your dream becomes

reality – we call this accountability.

When you feel defeated, tap into your greatest desires

Regard setbacks as lessons – learn from them and then push


Blend persistence with experimentation

A wise man will be master of his mind

A fool will be his slave.

Success is an AttitudeWhat are you focusing on?