How Smart Is Your On-Line TOC Analyzer?€¦ · analyzer and crucial for proper TOC analysis. UV...

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TOC Analysis

©Copyright ISPE 2008

This articlepresents thedevelopmentand integrationof an Ultraviolet(UV) sensor foron-line TOCanalyzers anddemonstratesthe efficacy ofthis criticalcomponent, itslife cycle, andthe usage ofPAT in itsdetermination.

How Smart Is Your On-Line TOCAnalyzer?

by Nissan Cohen and Terry Stange, PhD


Many on-line TOC analyzers use Ul-traviolet (UV) lamps to oxidize or-ganics to CO2. UV-based TOC ana-lyzers are the most common type

for on-line use as they have exceptional stabil-ity and simplify the analysis process by notrequiring the addition of oxidizing reagents.The application of on-line TOC analyzers forreal-time release emphasizes the need for im-mediate measurement, cost effectiveness, ana-lytical performance, reliability, elimination ofsampling errors, and reduced risk factors.1 TheUV lamp is a key component of an on-line TOCanalyzer and crucial for proper TOC analysis.UV lamp performance is paramount as it canaffect cost of ownership, accuracy, and thespeed of analysis.

The implementation of a novel scheme foron-board intelligence and self-monitoring di-agnostics to on-line TOC analyzers permitsreal-time monitoring of the UV lamps. Inte-grating an internal UV sensor to monitor UVlamp intensity over time provides advanceddiagnostic capability, improved instrument re-liability, and reduced cost of ownership to theon-line TOC analyzer.

Utilization of Process Analytical Technol-ogy (PAT) to enhance the knowledge of a phar-maceutical production system, the use of real-time release of the pharmaceutical water toproduction, and the assessment and institu-tion of risk-based management are describedwith reference to the FDA’s 21st Century Initia-tive.2 Although no technology is specified byPAT guideline documents, any device, compo-nent, software, or instrument used to increaseprocess knowledge, operation, and feedback ofthe process in a multivariate environment isconsistent with PAT goals. Growth in the PATinitiative can be enhanced by addressing is-sues of risk minimization through the imple-

mentation of improved reliability in appliedprocess instrumentation. By monitoring an in-strument or sensor performance in real-time,the instrument can provide immediate feed-back on its operation and can be used to antici-pate a potential failure – reducing operationalrisk. When multivariate parameters are ad-ministered in a single instrument or analyzer,diagnosis of all functioning components en-hances performance, reliability, and achievesPAT goals.

This article illustrates the benefits of on-board intelligence and self-diagnosing UV sen-sors in TOC analyzers by presenting data re-garding the increased utilization of a UV lamp,the measurement of the UV intensity, and thegradual degradation of a UV lamp during us-age. Each of these measured parameters has aneconomic benefit to a pharmaceutical watersystem and directly supports the goals of PAT.

BackgroundThe adoption of USP ⟨643⟩ in 1998 defined theusage and measurement of TOC in USP phar-maceutical waters. The USP TOC standardshave helped in the international harmoniza-tion of TOC monitoring for all pharmaceuticalwaters, including the adoption of EuropeanPharmacopoeia (EP) Method 2.2.444 and meth-ods in Japan Pharmacoepia XV. The use oflaboratory and on-line instruments is permis-sible under USP ⟨643⟩. Some Quality Assur-ance (QA) personnel have been slow to endorsethe usage of on-line instrumentation for real-time release, preferring traditional laboratoryanalysis. The unfamiliarity of some QA person-nel with on-line instrumentation, its function-ality, speed of response, volume of measure-ments, reliability, and utility has led to manysituations where only laboratory measurementswere deemed “official” for product release. How-ever, the increasing number of on-line instru-

Reprinted from


The Official Magazine of ISPE

January/February 2008, Vol. 28 No. 1


TOC Analysis

©Copyright ISPE 2008

ments and the release of the FDA’s 21st Century Initiative arechanging QA personnel’s perception of on-line instrumenta-tion, its value in parametric measurement for process moni-toring, and its operational characteristics. Improved reliabil-ity and automated calibration of on-line TOC analyzersreduces user interaction, allowing lab personnel to focus onmore intricate analyses. On-line TOC instruments are gener-ally designed to be less maintenance intensive, less expen-sive to operate, and require less personnel intervention forcalibration, standards administration, and formulations. Onthe other hand, laboratory TOC instruments using methodsof combustion and NDIR detection can have annual totalizedcosts exceeding $100,000 when calculated for maintenance,laboratory labor, glassware, chemicals, test preparations,labor for point-of-use samples, process sampling, and calibra-tion. Thus, the use of on-line TOC analyzers for water productmonitoring, at some pharmaceutical facilities, has been in-corporated for more than 10 years.

Most on-line TOC analyzers use a UV lamp to produce ·OHradicals to oxidize organics in the sample water. UV lamps

are a consumable item and lamp output degrades over time.There are several issues related to lamp life and/or the abilityof UV light to penetrate the water sample, which shouldconcern people moving to on-line release.

• UV lamps will solarize the quartz sleeve encasements overtime causing transmissibility issues.

• The UV lamp intensity will degrade over time. Typically,UV lamps are recommended for replacement after sixmonths of use7 (Figure 5).

• Rouge and contamination as external factors in the watersystem can have an adverse affect on transmissibility ofUV light to the sample.

In any of the above individual or combined effects, a lessenedamount of UV energy penetrating the sample will lead tolower ·OH production. Low ·OH concentration will lengthenthe oxidation time and can cause an inaccurate TOC mea-surement. Excessive oxidation time is particularly problem-atic for fixed-time TOC analyzers without dynamic oxidationendpoint detection capability.

To have a robust, reliable, and accurate TOC instrument,

Figure 1. Oxidation cell assembly.

Lamp Lamp 3 Year 5 Year 7 YearUtilization Life Savings Savings SavingsIncrease (months) (per unit) (per unit) (per unit)

17% 7 $574 $957 $1,340

33% 8 $1,005 $1,675 $2,345

50% 9 $1,340 $2,233 $3,127

67% 10 $1,608 $2,680 $3,752

83% 11 $1,827 $3,045 $4,264

100% 12 $2,010 $3,350 $4,690

Table A. Per unit cost savings from extended lamp utilization(System Suitability Testing verification).Figure 2. Oxidation cell housing modified with a UV sensor PCBA.


TOC Analysis

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the device should have a simple design with minimum com-plexity and discernible diagnostics of all critical parameters,especially key components such as the UV lamp.

PAT Methodology and AdoptionPAT methodology encompasses process knowledge and itsfeedback, continuous process improvement, measurementand monitoring of parameters in a multivariant environ-ment.5 Some TOC analyzers provide more than just the TOCreadings and may include water temperature, conductivity,and flow. These information points may be primary or sec-ondary measurements used in the operation of the watersystem. The greater frequency of data and parameter mea-surement, a greater confidence in the operation of the watersystem will ensue, as many unknowns are removed fromspeculation. With the initiation of on-line instrumentation,the operation of pharmaceutical water systems has greatlyimproved due to constant monitoring of critical and non-critical parameters. Today, more than 80% of all pharmaceu-tical water systems have TOC levels below 50 ppb. Increasedusage of reverse osmosis and continuous deionization sys-tems has reduced TOC, conductivity, and microbial counts,while increasing water quality. The basic tenet of PAT is thatmore data, more feedback, better process knowledge, andbetter process manufacturing yields a high quality productmanufactured consistently within specifications and controlswith no scrap or excursions. The adoption of PAT and risk-based management has increased production throughputwith higher quality product.6 Defining the critical path andcritical components of an instrument or process is a basis forPAT and risk-based management.

It is now rare to suspect the water system as the maincontamination culprit in a failed production lot, as the imple-mentation of on-line instrumentation with higher frequencymeasurements and readings obviates the need for laboratoryconfirmation. The reluctance to use on-line instrumentationfor product release is changing. Large pharmaceutical com-panies are slowly changing from laboratory verification to on-line verification for product release. The overriding factor inthe reluctance of large pharmaceutical companies to imple-ment on-line release is the traditional reliance on the labora-tory for analytical analysis. Even though on-line and labora-tory TOC analyzers were authorized in the original USP ⟨643⟩

mandate, the current SOPs designating laboratory proce-dures, previous investment in equipment, and the training ofpersonnel are common arguments used to validate labora-tory testing versus on-line. Although these arguments servethe laboratory personnel well, it may be a disservice tomanufacturing personnel who need immediate data andinformation on their process, quality, and manufacturingsystems. Installing on-line instrumentation frees laboratorypersonnel to perform more complicated analyses that cannotbe automated for on-line usage.

UV Lamp Utilization –Reducing Cost of Ownership

Like any electrical component with a finite lifetime, UV lampwarranties are established based on time-based failure dis-tributions. Warranty periods are set somewhere below thepoint at which typical lamp failures begin to occur, thuscovering premature or product defect based failures, andmaking sure there is sufficient margin between the warrantyperiod and the onset of a typical lifetime based failure.However, from the failure distribution curve, lamps would beexpected to last much longer than the specified warrantyperiod with some lamps lasting significantly longer. Anecdot-ally, reports of UV lamp longevity have reached close to twoyears by some users of on-line TOC analyzers. Each watersystem is different. The ability to monitor UV lamp output inreal-time and report impending lamp failures to a TOC

Lamp Lamp 3 Year 5 Year 7 YearUtilization Life Savings Savings SavingsIncrease (months) (per unit) (per unit) (per unit)

17% 7 $1,654 $2,757 $3,860

33% 8 $1,950 $3,250 $4,550

50% 9 $2,180 $3,633 $5,087

67% 10 $2,364 $3,940 $5,516

83% 11 $2,515 $4,191 $5,867

100% 12 $2,640 $4,400 $6,160

Table B. Per unit cost savings from extended lamp utilization (UVSensor verification).

Figure 3. Illustration of oxidation cell configurations withintegrated UV sensors.


TOC Analysis

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analyzer would maximize the utilization of the lamps andreduce the cost of downtime and replacement. UV lamp life inTOC analyzers is typically warranted for six months (~4200power-on-hours).7

Increasing lamp utilization in an on-line TOC analyzercan have a significant benefit in terms of reduced cost ofownership per analyzer as shown in Table 1. To arrive at thecost savings shown, the following assumptions are usedbased on real-world information:

• Assume the lamp is normally replaced every six monthsper manufacturer’s recommendation

• Two labor hours to replace the lamp and run a SystemSuitability test to verify lamp performance

• Cost of replacement lamp = $400• Cost of System Suitability kit = $150• Labor rate = $60 per hour

If a pharmaceutical facility has installed five analyzers, thensavings can be five fold, and so on. The more analyzers usedand the longer the lamp utilization, the greater the overallcost savings.

Now consider relying on an integrated UV sensor to reportthe output of a new lamp to verify the lamp is workingproperly, and eliminate the cost associated with running aSystem Suitability test to confirm lamp performance. Thereduced cost of ownership in this case is shown in Table B,only one hour of labor is needed to replace the lamp. Clearly,the implementation of a lamp output sensor can lead to costsavings when employed in an on-line TOC analyzer.

Modifying a TOC Analyzerwith a UV Sensor

UV sensors are based on the use of photodiodes to convertlight to an electrical signal. The key to implementing UVsensors for monitoring lamp output in TOC analyzers is touse photodiode materials that are sensitive to UV light, whileat the same time, are not degraded by long-term exposure toUV radiation. Degradation of the UV sensor would lead tophotodiode drift and instability. The photodiode must be

sensitive to the specific wavelength of light emitted by the UVlamp (e.g. 254 nm). Photodiodes have been used in manyapplications for monitoring UV output, but until recentlyhave never been commercialized in UV-based on-line TOCanalyzers.8 When implementing UV sensors in a TOC ana-lyzer, the following specifications are important for bothanalyzer performance and end-user confidence:

• UV sensor must work over specified TOC analyzer envi-ronmental range.

• No additional calibration requirements by end-user.• UV sensor should not require factory re-calibration for

more than five years.• Proper notification of lamp degradation that would result

in excessive oxidation time.• Proper notification of lamp failure that could cause inac-

curate TOC readings.• Easy ability to verify lamp status through instrument

diagnostic menus.• NIST-traceable sensor output that guarantees accurate

UV lamp intensity measurement.

Figure 1 shows a schematic of the cell assembly from acommon on-line TOC analyzer used in pharmaceutical watersystems. The key components of the oxidation cell include theUV lamp and quartz oxidation cell used to enclose the on-linewater sample.

Figure 2 illustrates the cell assembly in Figure 1 aftermodifying the housing with a UV sensor Printed CircuitBoard Assembly (PCBA) with integrated photodiode. Drill-ing a small hole into the copper housing of the cell assemblycreates a light pipe leading from the UV lamp to the photo-diode sensor.

UV light falling on the photodiode creates a small electri-cal current, which is further amplified and converted to avoltage output supplied to the TOC analyzer’s main control-ler board. An illustration of the cell – sensor arrangement isshown in Figure 3.

UV sensors are calibrated to full-scale irradiance (in mW/cm2) against a NIST-traceable master sensor. A calibratedsensor PCBA is placed in the master sensor slot transferringthe intensity value of a NIST-traceable light source to the

Figure 4. UV lamp ageing curve.9

Figure 5. UV Sensor self-diagnosis application strategy for On-lineTOC analyzer.


TOC Analysis

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Figure 6. Actual UV sensor (lamp) output vs. Oxidation Time for500 ppb TOC samples.

Figure 7. UV sensor implementation for rouge detection.

uncalibrated sensor PCBA. The newly calibrated UV sensorboard is then installed into the oxidation cell housing. Inter-nal validation of the performance of the UV DetectTM systemis achieved through a manufacturing test plan that addressestrigger points, temperature testing for thermal drift, humid-ity testing, electrical compliance, and firmware and softwareverification. Customer validation is addressed through theinstallation and operational qualification procedures to vali-date the calibration and accuracy of the UV DetectTM sensor.

UV Lamp MonitoringEffective implementation of self-diagnosis relies on the inte-gration of sensor hardware with instrument firmware toprovide useful information to the end user. To effectivelymonitor UV lamp output, it is important to first understandthe typical lamp life curve as depicted in Figure 4. As a UVlamp ages, the intensity of 254nm light output diminishes. Atsome point, the lamp will degrade to a level where it will notemit enough UV light to oxidize the organics in the watersample. An effective strategy for employing self-diagnosiswould allow the instrument user to be notified of an impend-ing lamp failure giving the user time to order and install areplacement lamp before it ultimately fails. In addition, theuser should be notified when the lamp has actually failed andTOC measurements are no longer accurate. Figure 5 showshow the UV sensor self-diagnosis and reporting strategy isimplemented in the UV Detect TOC analyzer.8

The initial UV sensor output voltage (V1) is set to full-scale for a new lamp (i.e., 100% intensity). As the lamp ages,the sensor output drops to a level (V2) where the lampintensity is still enough to oxidize a 500 ppb TOC sample, butoxidation time is significantly extended vs. a new lamp. Atthis point, the user is prompted to replace the lamp. If theoriginal lamp remains in the analyzer, it will eventuallydecay to a point (V3) where the lamp intensity is barelyenough to complete oxidation of a 500 ppb TOC sample withinthe maximum time allowed by the analyzer. In this case, thelamp is considered failed and should not be used for furtherTOC analysis. The instrument reports the lamp failure to theend user and prevents further TOC analysis until the lamp is

replaced. It is important to note that the voltage thresholdvalues are based on sensor output only and not lamp Power-On-Hours (POH). In this case, the sensor output representsthe real life remaining on the lamp. Continuously monitoringUV lamp output and reporting status to the TOC analyzerprovides real-time risk assessment of the UV lamp within theguidelines of FDA’s 21st Century Initiative for risk-basedmanagement.

Figure 6 shows actual UV sensor output data vs. oxidationtime for a 500ppb TOC sample. Reducing the current appliedto the lamp simulates lamp aging and diminishes UV sensoroutput. After dropping the lamp output, a 500 ppb TOCsample was injected into the analyzer and the oxidation timewas recorded.

In addition to active warning indications, the UV lampstatus can be queried through the TOC analyzer diagnosticmenu. This is particularly useful under conditions whereTOC readings are suspect due to a deviation from normaloperating values, an unexpected increase in analysis time, orthe standard deviation jumps significantly from measure-ment to measurement. These are all symptoms of impendinglamp failure, but they also can be caused by actual water


TOC Analysis

©Copyright ISPE 2008

Standard Non-Rouged Cell Rouged CellInjection Oxidation Oxidation

(ppb Sucrose) Time (sec) Time (sec)

50 325 321

500 421 1854

1000 1158 <2100

Cell Condition Sensor (mA) % RelativeTransmissibility

New 4.81 100%

Used 4.77 95%

Rouge 4.01 0%

Table C. Effect of rouging on TOC oxidation time.

system conditions. Verifying correct lamp performance al-lows the user to focus on the water system rather thanquestioning the accuracy of the TOC analyzer.

UV Sensors for Rouge Monitoring –A Novel Application

Figure 7 depicts another novel implementation of UV sensorsin an on-line TOC analyzer. By integrating a second UVsensor in the oxidation cell housing, the transmissibility ofUV light through the oxidation cell can be monitored. Mea-suring transmissibility allows the analyzer to detect cellcontamination, such as rouging, which could lead to pooranalyzer performance (e.g., under-reporting TOC). Rouge isa common problem in many pharmaceutical water systems.While low temperature water tends to inhibit rouge forma-tion, high temperature water systems often have fast andlarge rouge build-ups, which can migrate to non-metallicsurfaces such as quartz, PFTE, and PFA tubing in TOCanalyzers.10,11

Table C compares TOC oxidation data from a new cell anda heavily rouged cell within a TOC analyzer. Thick rougelayers on the quartz walls of the oxidation cell can signifi-cantly increase the oxidation time, even to the point ofcausing an inordinately long oxidation. The rouge layerprevents UV light from entering the oxidation cell and oxidiz-ing the organics in the water sample. UV transmissibilitysensors placed in the oxidation cells used to generate the datain Table C show the problems caused by rouge. Thick rougelayers reduce the transmissibility of UV light to nearly 0%,which causes prolonged oxidation and oxidation time-outerrors for higher TOC levels (e.g., during TOC excursions).Analysis of lower levels of sucrose (50 ppb) appear to beunaffected by the rouge. Apparently, there is still enough UVlight entering the oxidation cell to complete oxidation or thephotocatalytic effect of the titanium electrodes is enough tocomplete the oxidation quickly. However, at 500 ppb sucroselevels, the rouged cell takes more than four times longer tooxidize the sample. A self-diagnosis and reporting implemen-tation strategy similar to Figure 7 can be employed for rougemonitoring to notify users of excessive cell contamination,requiring either cleaning or maintenance.

SummaryAdopting a self diagnosis and reporting strategy for any keycomponent in on-line instrumentation used for process moni-toring achieves PAT goals by providing feedback mecha-nisms to increase reliability, prediction of component failure,and health of the device. This strategy effectively helps tolower operational risk in concert with the goals of the PATinitiative. Employing UV sensors into on-line TOC analyzerscan lead to cost savings in addition to improvements inreliability. UV sensors can be used for increasing lamputilization and predicting lamp failures to prevent unsched-uled downtime. Eliminating the need for expensive SystemSuitability testing after replacing UV lamps will lead to lowercost of ownership and improved instrument up-time. UVsensors can also be used for monitoring rouge build-up inoxidation cells, which can lead to slow analysis, instrumenterrors, or in the worst case, inaccurate TOC measurement.Slow analyzer response can delay the ability to detect TOCexcursions, which can lead to manufacture of poor qualityproduct that may need to be discarded. Using NIST-traceableUV sensors provides a science-based approach to on-line TOCmeasurement and gives users more confidence in their TOCanalyzer.

References1. Godec, R. and N. Cohen, “Automated Release of Water

Using On-line TOC Analysis and FDA Risk Based cGMP,Inspection, and PAT Principles,” Pharmaceutical Engi-neering, January/February 2005, Volume 25 Number 1.

2. “Pharmaceutical cGMPs for the 21st Century – A Risk-Based Approach, Final Report – Fall 2004,” Departmentof Health and Human Services, U.S. Food and DrugAdministration, September 2004.

3. Hatfield, Jim, (30 September 2005), SMART AttributeAnnex,_Analysis,_and_Reporting_Technology.

4. European Pharmacopoeia Method 2.2.44 – Total OrganicCarbon in Water for Pharmaceutical Use, European Phar-macopoeia Commission.

5. “Guidance for Industry, PAT a Framework for InnovativePharmaceutical Development, Manufacturing, and Qual-ity Assurance,” U.S. Department of Health and HumanServices, Food and Drug Administration, Center for DrugEvaluation and Research, Pharmaceutical CGMPs, Sep-tember 2004.

6. American Society for Test and Measurement, ASTME2474-06 Standard Practice for Pharmaceutical ProcessDesign Utilizing Process Analytical Technology.

7. Sievers® 900 On-Line Total Organic Carbon Analyzer,“Operation and Maintenance Manual,” DLM 96100-01Rev A, 2004, page 138.

8. UV DetectTM , Anatel A643a, BHK, Inc.,

Datasheet.pdf.10. Mathiesen, T., J. Rau, J. Frantsen, J. Terava, P. Bjornstedt,

and B. Henkel, “Using Exposure Tests to Examine Roug-


TOC Analysis

©Copyright ISPE 2008

ing in Stainless Steel,” Pharmaceutical Engineering, July/August 2002, Volume 21 Number 4.

11. Honeyman, Trevor; Rymer, Trevor, “Rouge” and Pharma-ceutical Water Systems,” Honeyman Group Ltd, 2005,

About the AuthorsNissan Cohen has more than 30 years ofexperience in instrumentation and mission-critical monitoring with emphasis in semi-conductor manufacturing, pharmaceuticalprocess and production, ultrapure water,drinking water, waste water, chemical sys-tems, nuclear, hydroelectric, and fossil fuelpower generation, and environmental issues

of containment and remediation. Cohen has written morethan 30 technical and peer reviewed articles for variouspublications, including Pharmaceutical Engineering, Phar-maceutical Technology, Ultrapure Water, Semiconductor In-ternational, Contamination, A2C2, and the Journal of theInstitute for Environmental Sciences. A recognized worldwideexpert in TOC and water systems, Cohen is a member ofISPE, the Institute for Environmental Sciences and Technol-ogy (IEST), Technical Editor for the Journal of the Institutefor Environmental Sciences and Technology, member of theASTM International E-55 and D19 Committees, steeringcommittee member of ISPE Communities of Practice forCritical Utilities, Process Analytical Technology (PAT), andHVAC, former Chairman of the ISPE Internet subcommittee,Past Chairman of the ISPE Membership Services Commit-tee, and Co-Chairman of the Pharmaceutical EngineeringCommittee. He can be contacted by telephone: +1-303-926-1866 or by e-mail:

Start-up Business Development, 267 S. Jefferson Ave.,Louisville, Colorado 80027, US.

Terry Stange, PhD, is the Vice President ofR&D for Hach Ultra based in Loveland, CO.He is responsible for advanced research andproduct development for Total Organic Car-bon (TOC) and Optical Particle Counting(OPC) instrumentation. Dr. Stange receivedhis BS in chemistry from St. Cloud StateUniversity and his PhD in chemical engi-

neering/materials science from the University of Minnesota.He also holds an MBA from the University of Denver DanielsCollege of Business. He can be contacted by telephone: +1-970-622-1161 or by e-mail:

Hach Ultra Analytics, 5600 Lindbergh Dr., Loveland,Colorado 80539, US.


TOC Measurement Technology

©Copyright ISPE 2008

Figure 1. UV oxidationprocess of organiccompounds.

This articlediscusses realtime TOCtracking in thewaterpurificationprocess and theimportance ofrapid,continuous, andreliable TOCmonitoring forreal time criticalwater release.

Improving Water System Performance:A Continuous TOC MeasurementTechnology to Enhance Real-TimeProcess Control

by Giovanni De Dona and Robert Theriault


Water is the most widely used excipi-ent in pharmaceutical and biotechmanufacturing processes. It is usedas an ingredient, reagent, solute,

delivery device, cleaning material, and in somecases, the water is the end product such assterile water for injection. In pharmaceuticalproduction, the accurate measurement of wa-ter quality is critical to the water purificationprocess. This industry mandates the monitor-ing of Total Organic Carbon (TOC) as specifiedin the monographs of the United States Phar-macopoeia (USP) for Purified Water (PW) andWater for Injection (WFI), and in the EuropeanPharmacopoeia (EP) monographs for thesesame waters as well as Highly Purified Water(HPW). In these monographs, the specific TOCtesting requirements for these waters are ref-erenced in USP ⟨643⟩ and in the EP 2.2.44general test chapters.

Organics are introduced into natural watersystems by leachates in soil typically from thedecomposition of vegetation, animal waste, andsoil runoff. Humic acids are a common productof plant decomposition and a main contributorto elevated levels of organics in potable waterduring the fall season. These compounds are acomplex mixture of high molecular weight sub-stances containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxy-gen predominantly. Organic compounds in

water are a concern at all levels of water purityfrom potable water to pure waters used in themanufacture of pharmaceuticals. The sourcewater used for the production of Purified Waterand WFI is drinking water as indicated in themajor pharmacopeia. Potable water quality canvary seasonally according to climatic changesand municipal treatment strategies, and thisresults in varying TOC concentrations. In phar-maceutical manufacturing, organics are a con-taminant to be controlled as they are a foodsource for bacteria in the water purificationsystem. An increase in TOC concentration canbe the result of an increase in potable waterTOC or a decrease in water purification effi-ciency. The decrease in water purification effi-ciency can be due to the degradation of waterdistribution system components such as ionexchange resins in the form of fines, pumplubricating oils, polymer material dissolution,polishing resins, stagnant water zones, andmembrane erosion among other contributingfactors. A change in the TOC load in the watersystem can be the result of changed TOC in thesource water, change in the water system com-ponents, or change in the purification efficiencyof the water system. This change can influencemicrobiological control.

In pharmaceutical water quality monitor-ing that is performed on-line, the predominantmethod to measure TOC is based on differen-

Reprinted from


The Official Magazine of ISPE

January/February 2008, Vol. 28 No. 1


TOC Measurement Technology

©Copyright ISPE 2008

tial conductivity measurements. Electrical conductivity mea-surements respond to the presence of ionic species in ultrapurewaters which have an intrinsically low, but measurable,conductivity. Most organics do not exist in ionic form and arenot detectable by conductivity, but exposure of water to UVlight at wavelengths shorter than 200 nm leads to the forma-tion of free hydroxyl radicals, ·OH. The hydroxyl radicals arehighly reactive and subsequently proceed to break bonds ofthe organic molecules and oxidize the organic species present,producing carbon dioxide and water. The carbon dioxideforms carbonic acid, H2CO3, which partially dissociates toform H+ and HCO3 – which are detected as a change inconductivity - Figure 1. Based on the physical and chemicalproperties of CO2 and H2CO3 in water,1 this change in conduc-tivity is related to the TOC concentration. The UV light isusually produced using Hg lamps that are similar in someregard to the TOC reduction lamps found in water systemstoday. These lamps produce 185 nm radiation to make thereaction proceed. There is also extensive 254 nm radiationpresent (5 to 20 times more intense than 185 nm) to facilitatethe photolytic reaction.

The other detection technology used in the measurementof TOC in Purified Water is based on an infrared measure-ment of the carbon dioxide produced from various types ofoxidation. The CO2 generated from the oxidation reaction issparged from the solution and transported to a measurementchamber. A C=O bond stretch vibration produces a prominentabsorption band that is measured at a wavelength of 2330-2350 cm-1 (4.255-4.290 µm) in Figure 2.2

Irrespective of the technology, all TOC instruments thatare used for “critical water release to production” must meetthe USP ⟨643⟩ standard for TOC measurements and instru-mentation.

USP Requirements and PAT InitiativesCurrent monographs for PW and WFI mandate meeting USP⟨643⟩. USP ⟨643⟩ contains both instrument acceptance crite-ria, and specific upper limits for the TOC concentration. Boththe EP and Japanese Pharmacopoeia (JP) have specificationsfor the TOC measurements and instrumentation.

One of the requirements for USP ⟨643⟩ is that PW and WFImust not contain TOC levels exceeding 0.5 mg C/L (500 ppbcarbon). Most pharmaceutical water purification systemswill produce TOC levels that are typically a factor of 10 lowerthan this limit.

Also, USP ⟨643⟩ places acceptance criteria on TOC instru-mentation. This criteria requires that the measurementsystem must meet the following:

1. It must distinguish between inorganic and organic carbon.

2. The limit of detection is 50 ppb carbon or less.

3. It must meet the System Suitability Test (SST).

The SST concept is used by the pharmacopoeia to challengethe suitability of a technology. In this case, the test is basedon the ability to convert and detect two dissimilar organiccompounds equivalently. Specifically, the standard compoundis sucrose, a simple organic molecule consisting only of singlebonds. The challenge chemical is p benzoquinone, which is anaromatic pi-bonded molecule and it has stronger bonds tobreak, requiring more energy to cleave each bond - Figure 3.

Both chemicals are prepared to a concentration of 500 ppbof carbon using Reagent Water (typically Purified Waterquality or better, but not necessary) that must contain lessthan 100 ppb TOC. The TOC measurement system measureseach solution, and the instrument readings for each solutionare recorded. The TOC value of the Reagent Water is alsomeasured since this water also contributes TOC to the stan-dard and challenge chemicals. The instrument response forthese three solutions is recorded for the Reagent Water (Rw),the sucrose (Rs), and the p-benzoquinone (Rss). The ratio of theinstrument response for the 500 ppb p-benzoquinone solutionto the sucrose, corrected for the Reagent Water, is expressedas the response factor below.

(Rss – Rw)Response factor = 100 × __________

(Rs – Rw)

The response efficiency must be within 85 to 115 % in orderfor the TOC system to be suitable.

TOC sensors are used to analyze the purity of water. Toensure water quality and water purification system perfor-mance, constant monitoring is critical to allow actions to betaken in a timely manner, especially in the case of excursions.It is this approach that is embodied in the FDA’s Process

Figure 2. Infrared absorption bands for Carbon Dioxide.

Figure 3. Sucrose and 1, 4-benzoquinone chemical structure.


TOC Measurement Technology

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Analytical Technology (PAT) initiative.3,4 The initiative statesthe following, “PAT is considered to be a system for designing,analyzing, and controlling manufacturing through timelymeasurements of critical quality and performance attributesof raw and in-process material and processes with the goal ofensuring final product quality.” This provides criteria thatcan be applied for any sensor used in the control of a produc-tion process. The main objective is the assurance of productquality through process monitoring and process understand-ing. As indicated in the initiative, this can be achievedthrough prompt measurements that are related to controland understanding of the process, and ultimately to productquality. In fact, the PAT initiative promotes the use of realtime measurements with the objective of ensuring goodproduct quality. This allows Real Time Release (RTR) ofproduct and leads to a more efficient operation.

Water Systems and MeasurementsA water system is a dynamic process consisting of variouscomponents and equipment whose collective purpose is toprovide clean water meeting a certain specification. When asensor is used to monitor levels of a component mixture suchas TOC, the measurement is not only a regulatory tool, but itis also a diagnostic monitoring device. It allows the failed or

weakened component within the water system to be easilyidentified and full water capacity to be restored in a timelymanner, ideally prior to failure. Measurement of the TOClevels of the water in the return loop from the Points of Use(POU) to the UPW storage tank (Figure 4), allows the user toconfirm they are meeting USP water standards for criticalwater release to production. Other measurement points ofinterest as indicated in Figure 4 include:

• after Reverse Osmosis to monitor membrane efficiency

• before the UPW storage to ensure low organic levels havebeen maintained after storage of RO water in tanks

• after TOC destruction to monitor the efficiency of the UVTOC reduction process

• after Deionization (DI) beds to monitor resin life andefficiency, but before the Points of Use distribution lines toensure final water quality

When four TOC measurement systems were placed at theUPW Points of Use to monitor the water system shown inFigure 4, repeatability data was collected as shown in Figure

Figure 4. TOC sampling points within a water system.


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5. Two of the TOC sensors were Continuous Flow TOC (CF-TOC) sensors and the other two measurement systems (la-beled TOC A and TOC B) are existing product technologies.All technologies utilize conductivity measurements of pre-and post-oxidized water samples to determine TOC. The TOCsensors were all calibrated and passed SST prior to perform-ing any testing and data collection.

A comparison of more than 48 hours of repeatability for thefour TOC measurement systems revealed several resultsthat warranted closer inspection - Figure 5. The CF-TOCsensors both show some baseline activity. On closer inspec-tion, it reveals that the CF-TOC sensors are showing aconsistent pattern. Conversely, TOC A appears to have arandom baseline response and TOC B shows an offset flat linecompared to the other TOC sensor responses.

Other data was collected for the CF-TOC sensor and re-scaled to a one hour interval; it also showed repeatablebehavior in the water system - Figure 6. This new data

revealed that the continuous flow TOC sensor showed arepeatable increase followed by a decrease in the TOC valueover approximately a 40 minute period (Figure 6) and thiscycle recurs without end. The water system diagram (Figure4) shows how potable water is pretreated by a combination offiltration, softener, carbon bed, reverse osmosis, and UVradiation, before final treatment by further filtration, UVtreatment, EDI, and mixed-bed ion exchange.

In Figure 6, the TOC is measured at ~10 second intervals,and a recurring increase and decrease in the TOC level isobserved to be cyclical. Upon close inspection of the operationof the water system, it appears that an increase correlateswith the delivery of water from the RO storage tank to theUPW storage tank. This increase continues until the UPWtank fills and the pre-treated water is no longer being deliv-ered. While the tank is filled, the recirculation through theUV treatment and polishing distribution system causes theTOC to decrease. There is consumption of the water bymultiple users as well as some reject water from the EDI. Asa result of the consumption, the tank drains and eventuallythe control system calls for more water from the RO storagetank, and the cycle repeats.

An increase in the scale to three hours shows that thecycles are regular and correlate to the usage of water in theUPW system and the filling step from the pre-treatmentsystem - Figure 7. The cycle typically ranges from 4.2 to5.6ppb TOC. This illustrates how continuous and real-timeTOC sensors can provide finite detail of the water purifica-tion system characteristics.

When the water system is fully operational, a continuousTOC sensor does not only reveal an excursion, but can providesufficient resolution detail such as cycles within the watersystem - Figures 5 to 7. These cycles can show UPW waterrecirculating from the tank to the POU and back again, aswell as water transfer from the RO tank. When the UPW tank

Figure 5. Repeatability of different TOC technologies.

Figure 6. One hour data sampling from Continuous Flow TOC sensor.


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is full and this water is recirculating, the TOC levels continu-ally decrease as the water is continually purified by thecombination of the UV lamps and the mixed bed ion-exchangepolisher. As the water is consumed by the combination ofusage and EDI rejection, the UPW tank level eventuallylowers and the control system calls for RO water. As morewater is distributed from the RO tank to the UPW tank, theTOC levels continually increase. The result is a TOC concen-tration that reflects the cyclical makeup and usage processesof the water system. Conventional TOC measurement tech-nologies which record a measurement every 10 to 30 minutescannot see this detailed behavior.

Real-Time SensorsUntil the mid-1990s, testing for organics in bulk pharma-ceutical waters had been based on wet chemical testingusing potassium permanganate and sulfuric acid. This testis known as the “Oxidizable Substance Test” (OST), and it isstill in use today for several USP packaged waters such asSterile Water for Injection. This test is based on the colorretention of potassium permanganate. The premise of thistest was that this powerful oxidizing agent (Mn7+ in the formof permanganate) would lose its pink-purple color and be-come a clear solution if sufficient organics or other oxidiz-able substances were present in excessive quantity in thewater. This test was deficient in several regards. OST wasnot quantitative, it required some subjective determina-tion, and was not sensitive to low level TOC. Furthermore,OST required discrete samples to be collected and testedwhich added to the time and cost of analysis. Manualhandling of samples also added the potential for contamina-tion. This was an opportunity to provide real-time, quanti-tative analysis for process control in addition to RTR. In

1996, the USP replaced the Oxidizable Substance Test withUSP ⟨643⟩ with a requirement for the control of organics inPurified Water and WFI, providing an opportunity for aTOC measurement that is ideally suited for on-line qualitycontrol. Instrumentation meeting this specification wasnow able to perform multiple analyses per day. As thetechnology improved, on-line sensors were introduced ca-pable of measuring lower TOC levels in less than 20 min-utes, and this analysis does not require any sample han-dling. Present day instruments are capable of real timecontinuous measurements allowing Real Time Release (RTR)of Purified Water.

Continuous MeasurementsFor this discussion, a continuous measurement is describedas one that monitors a physical or chemical property of aprocess, and the measurement is followed by another mea-surement within seconds. This continuous measurementtechnology is based on constant flow of sample through thesensor and the ability to measure the process change in a brieftime. This technology allows low sample volume per analysisincreasing the volume of water available for release to pro-duction, consequently reducing the cost of producing Purified

Figure 7. Three hour data sampling from Continuous Flow TOC sensor.

Figure 8. Continuous Flow Technology based TOC sensors.


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Figure 10. MeOH response curves. CF-TOC vs. TOC B.

Water. An excursion can be rapidly identified with this typeof TOC sensor. Identifying an excursion rapidly allows animmediate response, preventing non-compliant water frombeing used in the production process or contamination fromthe return loop to the UPW water storage tank. If contami-nated water reaches the UPW storage tank, it is then possiblethat non-compliant water may reach the use points. Theadditional costs of lost production time, additional testing,and product impact assessments depend on the usage of thewater and the products that are impacted, but accurate andfast measurement of the TOC in the UPW system can resultin significant cost savings by eliminating non-value-addedsteps.

A TOC sensor using continuous flow technology is basedon constantly flowing water. In the example in Figure 8,initial background conductivity is measured at conductivitysensor 1. As the water travels through the quartz coil, it isexposed to UV light where hydroxyl radicals are generatedand break down any organic molecules present to carbondioxide which forms carbonic acid, H2CO3 . The acid partiallydissociates to form H+ and HCO3

–, and the second sensormeasures the resultant conductivity. The difference is de-tected as a change in conductivity and is related to TOC. Thetime between successive TOC measurements is five seconds,and the resulting TOC measurement is delayed <60 secondsfrom the time the water enters the TOC sensor.

If a contaminant is introduced into the water system, itmay be necessary to respond to the contamination and possi-bly divert the water from returning to the UPW tank toprevent contamination. A real-time measurement is one thatprovides a rapid response to an excursion and allows imme-diate action to be taken. Continuous flow TOC sensors pro-vide fast real-time measurements and allow excursions tominimally effect the production of pharmaceutical waters.

Excursions and Real-Time RecoveryIn addition to measurement and control, TOC sensors are

used to monitor deviations, sometimes rapid or intermit-tent, from a baseline measurement. These excursions arecaused by the introduction or release of contaminants intothe purification process. It may be a brief disruption withduration of seconds or minutes caused by a valve openingand closing for example, followed by a return to baselinereading. Alternatively, it may be a longer disruption whichresults in a long term baseline drift or change such as an ROmembrane defect. It also can be normal cyclical behaviordue to water consumption (as described above) or sanitiza-tion cycles. For these types of excursions, rapid continuousand real-time measurement technology is an invaluable toolfor TOC measurements. These attributes are expected andprovided in conductivity, pH, DO, pressure, temperature,flow, and other measurement systems so it is reasonable tostrive to achieve a similar speed performance with a TOCmeasurement technology.

When the disruption is brief or intermittent, a fast andcontinuous measurement update rate will allow the excur-sion to be detected, whereas a slow sample rate measure-ment is likely not to detect the intermittent failure. If thereis a significant baseline shift, a slow sampling frequencymeasurement system is similar in terms of its detectabilityto a continuous measurement system. Both fast and slowtechnologies will see the shift. However, in the example,the response time is the more critical attribute. The soonerthe excursion can be detected, the sooner the controlsystem can identify a potential for product impact. In thecase of a measurement technology where there is a combi-nation of speed (response time) and continuous measure-ment, a close and rapid (real-time) inspection of the pro-cess is possible. The resolution provided by data that areonly seconds apart allows real time tracking of the watersystem process. This combination of speed and continuousmeasurements provides an opportunity for non-compliantwater to be re-directed to drain or recirculated, rather thaninadvertently used for product contact directly or indi-

Figure 9. MeOH response curves. CF-TOC vs. TOC A.


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Figure 11. IPA response curves. CF-TOC vs. TOC A.

rectly, such as a cleaning/rinsing process. Today’s TOCinstrumentation and sensors are routinely equipped withvarious analog and digital outputs that interface with anycontrol system.

In a series of real time recovery tests, three conductivitybased TOC systems (CF-TOC, TOC A and TOC B) werecompared by performing testing on select typical organicchemicals. All chemicals were prepared at concentrations of10 ppb Carbon. Water was flushed through each analyzer for30 minutes. An organic solution was pumped into each of theunits for five minutes and the TOC data observed for up to onehour to track the response. The delay from a common mani-fold was calculated to be 21 +/- 5 seconds for all sensors tested.The Continuous flow TOC technology and two other technolo-gies were evaluated under these test conditions.

A concentration of 10ppb TOC Methanol was introducedinto each TOC sensor by standard addition. This was achievedby the injection of a stock solution of methanol at a set ratebased on the flow of the water through an injection station.The solution was homogenized by passing through a mixingchamber which delayed the flow by one minute prior to entryinto the TOC sensors. The dotted pulse in Figures 9 and 10represent 10ppb TOC of methanol over a five minute inter-val. When methanol is injected into the three instrumentssimultaneously, the CF-TOC sensor responds within twominutes of the injection time, while TOC A and B show aresponse, but seven minutes after the beginning of theexcursion for the methanol. In both cases (Figures 9 and 10),the five minute excursion is over before TOC A and TOC Bdetect it.

Under similar test conditions, another test was performedwith 10ppb TOC IPA. The CF-TOC sensor responds withintwo minutes of the injection time to IPA with a proportionalresponse - Figure 11. By comparison, TOC A responds simi-larly, but five minutes after the beginning of the excursion. Ina similar test (Figure 12), TOC B responds proportionally tothe TOC disturbance, but eight minutes after the IPA is

injected. Again, in both cases (Figures 11 and 12), the fiveminute excursion is over before TOC A and TOC B detect it.The CF-TOC technology responds to the excursion within twominutes after its appearance, and it also detects the disap-pearance of the excursion in real time.

When discrete batch measurements in the laboratorywere more common, sampling one liter of water which tookabout five seconds to produce (out of a 10 hr day, thisrepresents sampling of <0.014% of the time) means that thewater is not being monitored >99.98 % of the time. Sincewater production is a continuous purification and consump-tion process, a real water system can be enhanced by a “real-time” detection and analysis. When an excursion occurs, itis essential to relate the accuracy of a TOC sensor to itsability to respond and identify the upset condition in atimely manner. Directly stated, if the duty cycle of themeasurement system is low, the ability to detect an event islow. If the duty cycle is high, the ability to detect is high.Unless an event is being monitored, it will not be detected.

If the excursion duration is regarded as an integrationwindow over which we determine the response factor from aTOC sensor, a sensor with continuous measurement technol-ogy would respond immediately and be more accurate be-cause the response is within the time that the excursion wasoccurring. Conversely, if a sensor’s main response is after theupset condition due to a slow response time, then its inte-grated error is greater, and it exhibits a greater responseerror. A real time recovery error would incorporate bothspeed of response and the percentage recovery or sensorresponse. Then the definition of the real time error would be,Equation 1:

Abs[R(t) – l(t)]Real Time Recovery Error % = 100 × _______________


Where l(t) is the input disturbance at time t, R(t) would be thesensor measurement in response to l(t) at time t, and Abs is

Figure 12. IPA response curves. CF-TOC vs. TOC B.


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Figure 13. Total error accumulated over time.

Figure 14. Summary of Total Recovery Error- NR is no response.

surement.In real water systems, both speed of response to an

excursion as well as recovery of response back to normalconditions are important in real-time monitoring. A TOCsensor needs to respond rapidly to an excursion and thenequally as fast recover when the excursion has passed.

An introduction of 100ppb TOC as acetic acid reveals arapid response from the CF-TOC sensor with a TOC of 90ppbCarbon - Figure 15. Alternatively, the TOC A analyzer showsa varying TOC value approximately 165ppb Carbon. Anautozero reset was initiated by the TOC A unit taking itoffline for 35 minutes. TOC B did not respond.

The varying responses by the different sensors to each ofthe organic species show that each technology is susceptibleto interferences. However, when TOC is measured in a realwater system, the organic species discussed represent smallfractions of a mixture that is measured as the Total OrganicCarbon measurement.

Maintenance, SST, and CalibrationOne of the main attributes of real time TOC sensors is theneed for maximizing operational time and in return minimiz-ing downtime associated with functions such as mainte-nance, SST, and calibration. Depending on the initializationor start up time required for the TOC technology, calibrationsand SST tests can be performed in less than two hours if bothtests are performed sequentially. Most of the time a require-ment to perform these tests involves ensuring the sensor hasbeen sufficiently rinsed to eliminate any cross contamina-tion. The SST test and calibration are typically performedusing a kit which can be incorporated as a dedicated compo-nent on a TOC sensor or separated kit which is connectedwhen needed. Its function is to deliver SST and calibrationsolutions into the TOC sensor. If multiple TOC sensors areutilized in a process, the kit can be moved from one sensor toanother in minutes. SST tests and calibrations are typicallyperformed on a six month cycle maximum for a system thatis in operation on a 24 hour basis; however, a greater testing

the absolute value. A perfect response would be when R(t) =l(t) at all times because the response is instantaneous andequivalent to the disturbance. The total recovery error for aperfect sensor would then be the sum of all the real timerecovery errors and would be equivalent to zero, i.e., Equa-tion 2:

Total Recovery T

Error for a = Σ Real Time Recovery Error(t) = zeroperfect sensor t=0

In actuality, equations 1 and 2 are relative errors as they arecalculated as deviations from a baseline response which canvary from one type of sensor to the other.

If the total recovery error for all the tested sensors wascalculated for IPA using data collected from response curvesin Figures 11 and 12, the plot in Figure 13 would be the result.Figure 13 shows how with time, the longer the delay in theresponse from the TOC sensor after an excursion, the greaterthe accumulated error. The total error for the CF-TOC is thenlower because of the response within two minutes of thebeginning of the disturbance.

Figure 14 shows the final value of the total recovery errorat the end of the experiment. As shown in the bar graphs, thetotal recovery error is dependant on the organic compoundand the sensor being used. The bar graphs represent the totalrecovery error for a TOC sensor grouped by organic com-pound. The lower the bar graph value, the closer that sensorresponded to a perfect response for the organic compoundinjected. The varying errors show that no one sensor re-sponded perfectly for all tested organic compounds. WhereNR is shown, this indicates that there was No Response or aless than 1ppb shift from the baseline was observed duringthe measurement.

Each instrument has a variable real time recovery errordepending on the organic compound injected. Each of thesecompounds represents one of thousands that may be presentin a water purification system that make up the TOC mea-


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Figure 15. Acetic acid response curves.

frequency can be adopted. The six month frequency for theSST and calibration can coincide with the maintenanceprogram which is the replacement of the UV lamp. Anothermaintenance requirement is changing the inlet filter elementwhich takes less than five minutes to perform. The filterelement replacement frequency is dependant on the qualityof water being supplied to the TOC sensor.

Operation of CF TOC sensors require no gases or reagents,and there are no associated disposal costs due to chemicals.The simplicity of CF TOC sensors means that there are nomoving parts, which result in less wear on system compo-nents.

Transmitter-Sensor DesignOn-line process TOC sensors are designed as a transmitter-sensor combination. The transmitter is an instrument thatmeasures the two conductivity and temperature measure-ments from the TOC sensor, processes the measurementsinto a TOC measurement, and then produces an output. Theoutput can be viewed on the transmitter display, or it can betransmitted via analog or various digital means to an exter-nal chart recorder, PLC, or other recording device. Theadvantage of a separate transmitter-sensor is the ability fora multiparameter transmitter to add other process measure-ment tools in addition to the TOC sensor. Measurementsensors such as conductivity, pH, ORP, oxygen, flow, andpressure/tank level also can be connected to the transmitterin addition to multiple TOC sensors. This approach is advan-tageous to the end user from both a cost and training perspec-tive. The use of patch cables up to 300 feet allows the sensorto be located next to the transmitter or far from the transmit-ter if the sensor needs to be installed in a difficult location. Inthe case where the water system control panel is a distancefrom the sample port, the transmitter-meter concept has adistinct advantage that allows the user to install the sensorat the sample port and install the transmitter at the controlpanel.

The transmitter-sensor concept with multiparameterfunctions has evolved since its introduction in 1989. If atransmitter is designed to accept sensors based on differentmeasurement principles, it would need to identify the type

of sensor. Manually entering the sensor calibration andsetup information every time a sensor is connected to thetransmitter can be both cumbersome and lead to an array ofhuman errors with incorrectly entered data. A plug and playconcept utilizes smart sensor technology that stores therelevant identity information on a non volatile memory chipthat the transmitter reads when the sensor is connected intothe transmitter. This allows the sensor to be taken toanother transmitter, and the identity as well as the calibra-tion data of the sensor is accessible through the new trans-mitter.

When determining low level TOC, the CF sensor transmit-ter also will display the conductivity (compensated or uncom-pensated), resistivity (compensated or uncompensated), andtemperature. These are critical additional parameters whenmonitoring water system quality. The TOC, conductivity/resistivity, and temperature readings are not only qualitymonitoring parameters, but also useful diagnostic tools whenattempting to determine the source of an excursion.

ConclusionThe response of the continuous flow sensor to variousorganics shows that, like the other TOC technologies, it issusceptible to interferences. Despite differences in responseto individual organic species, these represent small frac-tional contributions to the Total Organic Carbon content. Achange in a component organic species may be insignificantwhen compared to numerous other organics that may bepresent in treated water in an UPW system making up theTOC response. A TOC sensor is a tool used to determinechanges in the overall organics, and it has no specificity.However, the TOC sensor must respond rapidly, be func-tional, and stay on-line. This allows the pharmaceuticalwater to be produced and released with confidence withoutcostly repercussions.

A Real Time Release continuous flow TOC sensor providesrapid response to an excursion with an opportunity in realtime to respond to and divert contaminated water. Thisreduces downtime associated with excursions, maximizesefficiency, and reduces cost associated with product loss,manpower, and equipment. In brief, it allows closer control ofthe entire water purification process through the under-standing of the UPW system characteristics. It ensures theend users are receiving reliable good quality water for thevarious uses in production.

References1. Light, T.S., B.Kingman, and A.C. Bevilacqua, “The Con-

ductivity of Low Concentrations of CO2 Dissolved inUltrapure Water from 0-100°C,” 209th American ChemicalSociety National Meeting, Anaheim, CA, 2-6 April 1995.

2. Bruno, T.J. and P.D.N Svronronos, Handbook of BasicTables for Chemical analysis, second edition 1989, P406.

3. US Food and Drug Administration, Pharmaceutical CGMPsfor the 21st Century-A Risk-Based Approach [Final Report],


TOC Measurement Technology

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September 2004,

4. US Food and Drug Administration, Guidance for Industry,PAT-A framework for Innovative Pharmaceutical Develop-ment, Manufacturing, and Quality Assurance, September2004,

AcknowledgementsWe would like to acknowledge the Mettler-Toledo Thorntonstaff members who contributed to both the concepts andorganizational development of this article.

About the AuthorsGiovanni De Dona is a Product Manager atMettler Toledo Thornton. At Thornton, heworks mainly with the TOC product line andits application in the pharmaceutical mar-ket. His previous roles have included appli-cations chemist and technical manager. Hehas more than 15 years of experience inanalytical instrumentation in a variety of

industries. His experience includes working with a broadrange of spectroscopic and titration instrumentation, such asX-ray fluorescence, Broad band pulsed NMR, UV/visiblespectroscopy, ORP/pH/color titrations, and turbidity. He re-ceived a MS in chemical analysis from Greenwich Universityin the UK and a BSc in chemistry from the University ofLondon. He can be contacted by e-mail at:

Robert Theriault has been a member of theMettler Toledo Process Analytics Divisionover the past seven years. Theriault’s workincludes TOC product development, projectmanagement, and oversight of a UPW watersystem. His previous product developmentexperience prior to joining Mettler Toledoincludes the areas of high vacuum Plasma-

Polymerization, Electrochemical Engineering (fuel cells/electrolyzers/batteries/battery fuel gauges), and MEMS/Microfluidics. He received an MS in chemical engineeringfrom Northeastern University. He can be contacted by

Mettler-Toledo Thornton, Inc., 36 Middlesex Turnpike,Bedford, Massachusetts 01730, US.


Process Gases and Distribution Systems

©Copyright ISPE 2008

This articlediscusses theuse of processgases in thepharmaceuticalindustry.

Process Gases and DistributionSystems in Pharmaceutical Production

by Katrin Åkerlindh, Michael Vestermark,Helene Olsson, Anders Ernblad, Markus Birath,Nils Lindman, Åsa Klang, and Linda Cypriansen

Pure gases and well-defined gas mix-tures are used in the pharmaceuticalindustry for a very broad range of pur-poses. These can be classified accord-

ing to the chemical or physical applicationinvolved - Table A. The most commonly usedgas in pharmaceutical production is nitrogen,but argon, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and com-pressed air are also common. Gas can be con-sidered a raw material, component, or process-ing aid (excipient), depending on how it is usedand whether the process is API production orthe production of final pharmaceuticals. Sincegases are used for different purposes, a varietyof gas purities and specifications exist on themarket. Guidelines and regulations offer littleguidance. This creates a big challenge for today’sdrug producers to find and choose the appropri-ate gas quality. In general, three main defini-tions of gases are commonly used: industrial,traceable, and medicinal gases.

Medicinal gases are finished drug products,and manufacturers of medicinal gases mustfollow the requirements of current Good Manu-facturing Practice (cGMP) regulations. Medici-nal gases are specifically reviewed in the EUGuide to GMP, Annex 6 Manufacture of Me-dicinal Gases,1 the Pharmaceutical Inspection

Convention and Pharmaceutical Inspection Co-operation Scheme (PIC/S) Guide to Good Manu-facturing Practice for Medicinal Products, An-nex 6 Manufacture of Medicinal Gases,2 and inthe FDA’s draft guidance cGMP for MedicalGases.3 According to the EU classification, “anygas or mixture of gases intended to be adminis-tered to patients for therapeutic, diagnostic, orprophylactic purposes using pharmacologicalaction” is classified as a medicinal product.1,2

Industrial and traceable gases are termsand categories used by gas suppliers. For thatreason, no common and well-defined definitionexists. The differences between the three cat-egories are illustrated in Table B. A traceableprocess gas is a gas characterized by its trace-ability. The product should be purchased ac-cording to an agreed specification and shouldalways be delivered with a Certificate of Con-formity (CoC) or a Certificate of Analysis (CoA),depending on how critical the gas is, i.e., wherein the process the gas is used. While a typicalCoC states the supplied product meets mini-mal purity specifications, it generally does notoffer analytical results. A typical CoA statesthe minimal product specification, along withthe results of a specific analysis of the batch.The product may be analyzed for impuritiesaccording to pharmacopoeias or pharmaceuti-cal industry production demands with quali-fied instruments and validated methods. How-ever, since the gas is not a medicinal product, itdoes not need to be produced according to cGMP.

There is a wide range of gas distributionsystem installations in the pharmaceutical in-dustry:

• industrial installations (maintenance andwelding)

• specialty gas installations (laboratories)• process gas installations (GMP production)

• Reactants in chemical reactions such as oxidation andhydrogenation

• Fermentation and cell-cultivation• Inerting media, e.g., to prevent oxidation• Fluidized bed dryers or coaters• Drying of equipment• Particle transport and jet milling• Sparging of liquids• Stirring of liquids• Low-temperature cooling, e.g. low-temperature

reactions, freezing or lyophilization• Super-critical extraction• Cryo condensation• Propellants for inhalers• Cleaning with dry ice• Cryo grinding• pH regulation

Table A. The use of gasapplications in thepharmaceutical industry.

Reprinted from


The Official Magazine of ISPE

January/February 2008, Vol. 28 No. 1


Process Gases and Distribution Systems

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The main differences between these systems are quality ofthe gas, system tightness, and level of documentation. Spe-cialty gas systems in laboratories have higher tightnessrequirements, whereas the critical parameter for process gassystems is documentation. This article focuses on the use ofprocess gases in the pharmaceutical industry. These gassystems may be regarded as a critical utility as well as non-critical utility depending on the influence on the final prod-uct.

Risk-Based Approach to theSpecification of Gases

In order to determine the requirements for the gas, a drugproducer needs to find the requirements of the drug product,the manufacturing process, and applicable cGMP regula-tions. What production requirements will be fulfilled, con-trolled or influenced by using the gas? Identify these require-ments and set values according to the product specification.Divide the manufacturing process into logical process steps,and identify the stage in the process at which the gas will beused in order to fulfill production requirements.

Product or process impact assessment:

• How might the gas related requirement fail?• Can the gas affect any other drug product requirements?• Can the gas affect the process step in any other way?

For each point that might make the requirement fail, ask: “Ifthis failure occurs, what effect may it have?” and thendetermine the severity of the effect of the failure if it were tooccur.

Define requirements and/or measures that, if fulfilled,would mitigate or eliminate the failure or its effect. Themitigation activity is a method to design out potential fail-ures early in the process. The number and level of mitigationsfor a given failure or its effects are determined by its severity.The list of mitigations will form the basis for the userrequirement of the intended gas and/or gas system.

Regulatory Requirements,Guidelines, and Standards

The FDA’s system-based inspections have a risk-manage-ment approach and focus on operating systems. The system-based inspections are an initiative of the FDA intended toensure the more efficient use of resources, and to providemore focused inspections. The inspections are based on knowl-edge gained from previous inspections, and on scientific andtechnological developments.4

The facilities and equipment system includes utilities thatare not intended to be incorporated into the product, such asHVAC, compressed gases, and steam and water systems. Thesystem inspection covers aspects,4 including:

• equipment installation and operational qualification whereappropriate

• adequacy of equipment design, size, and location• controls to prevent contamination, particularly with any

pesticides or other toxic materials, or other drug or non-drug chemicals

• equipment identification practices (where appropriate)

The materials system includes measures and activities thatcontrol finished products, components (including water orgases that are incorporated into the products), containers,and closures. Areas to be covered during an inspection of thematerials system include the following gas-related areas:4

• identification and inventory• at least one specific identity test conducted on each lot• testing or qualification of the supplier’s test results• water and process gas supply, design, maintenance, quali-

fication, and operation

The FDA has recently focused attention on process gases, andacknowledges that they are used both in non-critical andcritical processes, in which the API or finished pharmaceuti-cal products are exposed to the gas.

End users and their qualification and quality assurancepersonnel must demonstrate that the facility complies with21 CFR 211.65(a) which states:

“Equipment shall be constructed so that surfaces thatcontact components, in-process materials or drug prod-ucts, shall not be reactive, additive, or absorptive so as toalter the safety, identity, strength, quality, or purity ofthe drug product beyond the official or other establishedrequirements.”5

All utilities that could impact on product quality (e.g., steam,gases, compressed air, and heating, ventilation and air con-ditioning plants) should be qualified and appropriately moni-tored. Action must be taken when limits are exceeded. Draw-ings for these utility systems must be available. A gas systemqualification may include Design Qualification (DQ), Instal-lation Qualification (IQ), Operational Qualification (OQ),and Performance Qualification (PQ). Gas samples are taken

Table B. Differences between industrial, traceable and medicinalgases.

Industrial Gas Traceable Gas Medicinal Gas

Use Utility, cutting and Raw material, Healthcarewelding process aid, applications

excipient,high-purity gases

Specification Standard from Agreed Pharmacopoeiasupplier specification, e.g.

according toPharmacopoeia

Type of On demand Certificate of Certificate ofCertificate conformity or conformity

Certificate ofanalysis

Applicable ISO or equivalent ISO or equivalent cGMPQuality (non-cGMP) (non-cGMP)System


Process Gases and Distribution Systems

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during the OQ and/or the PQ stage, and analyzed accordingto agreed specifications, which in most cases will be thespecifications in the pharmacopoeia monographs.6

The Aide-Memoire – Inspection of Utilities of the PIC/Sprovides guidance for GMP inspectors for use in training andin preparation for inspections. It is not mandatory; however,the industry should consider the PIC/S recommendationsand aide-memoire to be appropriate. The Aide-Memoire isdesigned as checklists for HVAC, water, steam, and gases.7

Improved standards and guidelines, such as the ASMEBioprocessing Equipment Standard (BPE-2002) and the ISPEBaseline® Pharmaceutical Engineering Guides, have driventhe quest for quality in pharmaceutical piping systems. Thematerial generally used in high purity biopharmaceuticalapplications is stainless steel. Requirements also have beenspecified for the quality of the components chosen, welding,cleaning, etc.

A process gas system having direct contact with the prod-uct or preserving product status is defined as a “Direct ImpactSystem,” and the point of use filter is a “Critical Device.”8 Themanufacturer of sterile products should use the followingdesign considerations for a process gas system:9

• Process gas quality must meet the product specification.• Construction materials should be compatible with any

external sanitizing agents or internal sterilants (such assteam).

• 5 µm or better pre-filtration and 0.2 µm filtration at pointof use in the case of a sterile or aseptic application

• The distribution system design should include samplingpoints.

ISO 8573 “Compressed Air” is intended to establish purityclasses and harmonize air contamination measurements.The standard deals with contaminants in the form of water,oil (both as vapor and as aerosols), solids, microbiologicalorganisms, and gaseous contaminants. At present, seven ofthe nine planned parts have been published. Since the stan-dard is designed for any industrial application, it may not besufficient for all pharmaceutical purposes, and in many waysdoes not correspond to or is not compatible with the text in thePharmacopoeias.10

Documentation is vital for gas distribution systems if theyare to comply with regulations.

Impacts from the Gas System on theQuality of Gases

Impurities other than water are almost negligible since themagnitude of their presence is the same in the ambient air asinside the process gas distribution system. However, if thesystem passes through rooms with perceptibly higher concen-trations of impurities in the air, i.e., with a partial pressurehigher than that inside the system, one should consider evensmall leaks in the system as a potential source of contamina-tion due to diffusion. Another risk is the injector effect, wherea gas passing a leak at high speed can cause vacuum,introducing ambient air into the system. Therefore, it is

recommended to perform leak tests on gas supply systems ona regular basis. First, gas leaks can be very expensive in thelong term. Second, a leak can be the source of contaminationof the gas. Leak tests should always be performed as part ofthe commissioning activities on the system after mainte-nance and any alterations.

Contamination of the gas with another gaseous substancealso could originate from a mix-up in the filling of gassystems. However, this should be prevented by the supplier’squality assurance system, including dedicated trucks andfilling equipment for the gases.

The accumulation of gaseous pollutants in cryogenic ves-sels is considered a risk. Cryogenic vessels are rarely emptiedcompletely and condensed gases that do not enter the gasphase at the low temperature of the gas in the cryo vessel mayaccumulate. According to EU GMP, Annex 6, 5.2.11,1 deliver-ies of gas may be added to bulk storage tanks containing thesame gas from previous deliveries. The results of a samplemust show that the quality of the delivered gas is acceptable.A sample could be taken from:

• the delivered gas before the delivery is added• the bulk tank after adding and mixing

WaterWater in process gases is critical because it is the basis for thegrowth of microorganisms. Therefore, water content shouldalways be part of the specification for the gas. In monographsfrom the European Pharmacopoeia, the allowed value is 67parts per million volume (ppmv) for nitrogen, oxygen, andcarbon dioxide.11 The value corresponds to the water satura-tion pressure at minus 50° Fahrenheit (-45,6°C) and atmo-spheric pressure of the gas. In such a dry environment, themicrobial growth rate will be very close to zero. The advan-tage of employing ppmv instead of dewpoint is that it isindependent of the actual pressure of the gas.

However, water can enter the distribution system itselffrom the surrounding environment.

Though gases are usually distributed at pressures six toeight times the ambient air pressure, the water vapor pres-sure in the ambient air is higher than the water vaporpressure inside a system containing a dry gas. This may allowthe moisture to diffuse inward through the weaker compo-nents of the system. Therefore, it is recommended to restrictthe use of hoses and other non-metallic components. Particu-larly if consumption is limited or if the system remainspressurized with no consumption, the threat should be con-sidered real and could be one of the main challenges whenvalidating the system.

ParticlesIn older systems made of galvanized steel or copper, oxidationof the pipe walls also may lead to contamination. The initialparticles, formed by oxidation, may act as an abrasive thatgrinds off more particles from the pipe wall. Opening thedistribution system also will expose the system to particlesfrom the outside environment. When altering the system, the


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contamination risk can be minimized by using strict specifi-cations on how to conduct activities, such as cutting pipeworkand handling pipes and components before the actual instal-lation, e.g., storage of pipes on the building site.

To ensure that contamination with particles does notinfluence the quality of the gas at point of use, it is necessaryto flush the system after maintenance and repairs. A finaltest of the particle content of the gas before using the systemis recommended. Contamination of the gas with particles alsocan be caused by faulty equipment such as compressors orfilters. A maintenance and surveillance program for thecomponents can only minimize this risk to the system. Thismay include pressure difference monitoring over filters andregular inspection of compressors and driers.

HydrocarbonsHydrocarbon impurities can originate from malfunctioningcompressors, from pipe work or components that have notbeen properly cleaned before installation. Risks can be mini-mized with proper specification and guidelines for document-ing the cleanliness of the materials used. Malfunctioningequipment can only be avoided by maintenance and surveil-lance. In compressed air systems, the inlet should be locatedin a place where the ambient air is not subjected to exhaustfrom motor vehicles or other gaseous pollutants. It is recom-mended to include hydrocarbon measurement as part ofregular testing.

BioburdenBioburden of gases also must be considered, especially insterile manufacturing facilities. Microbial growth requiresthe presence of water (condensed or as vapor and/or nutrition,such as hydrocarbons). The specification for process gasesshould eliminate these contaminants.

To rule out the presence of microorganisms, point of usesterile filters should be used and regularly maintained.

Designing Process Gas Distribution SystemsA general rule for designing a process gas distribution systemis Keep It Simple. Avoid the introduction of elbows or dead-legs and try to have as many straight lengths of piping aspossible.

Due to the long lifespan of a gas system, it is highly likelythat there will be changes, such as additions and removals ofpoints of use, to the system during its lifetime. If possible, itis a good idea to include easily replaceable pipe elements tosimplify additions of T-joints for new points of use whenbuilding the original system. To distinguish between gassystems and water systems, gases such as nitrogen and airare dry and non-corrosive, whereas dead-legs in water sys-

tems can trap stagnant water promoting microbial growth.The capacity of the system also should be considered in

order to accommodate additional expansion requirements.Although common practice is not to design distribution sys-tems to be drainable, it will be a good investment even if thesystem needs to be cleaned with a fluid only once in itslifetime.

Redundancy of the supply and distribution system shouldbe considered in the design phase. Questions to consider are:What might the value of a steady supply be? What are thecosts of the gas supply failing during a critical process?

Dedicated (separated) systems for critical and non-criticalapplications also should be considered.

The initial costs for installation will be higher, but therunning costs of maintaining the system in a validated statusfor critical applications will be lower. With one system toserve all users, any alterations even for non-critical purposesmust be conducted within the system of change control, andwill require revalidation of the system.

Construction MaterialThe material for gas systems should be specified as low-carbon stainless steel (EN1.4404, 1.4432 or 1.4435 corre-sponding to ASTM 316L).

Specifications for the inner average surface roughness,Ra, also should be stated. The finer the inner surface, the lesshygroscopic the piping will be. For compressed air, Ra < 0.8µm is widely accepted in the industry for components andpipes. For process gas systems, Ra < 0.4 µm is commonlyused, and components with Ra < 0.8 µm also may be acceptedfor process gas systems. Stricter specifications may apply tohigh-purity applications and applications for reactive orcorrosive gases.

The need for material certificates for pipes and compo-nents should be addressed either during the commissioningor qualification activities.

PVC and rubber must be avoided in any distributionsystem since they are highly permeable.

If hoses must be used, PTFE (Teflon) is the best choice.However, the British National Physics Laboratory (NPL)does not recommend the use of PTFE for dewpoint tempera-tures below -20°C (-4°F).12

WeldingPipes may be connected by welding or by press fittings. Usingpress fittings can be more cost-effective; however, they shouldonly be applied in cases where the risk assessment allows it(dry and non-corrosive gases). Unlike WFI systems where therequirements for the inner surfaces are always of paramountimportance (due to the risk of microbial growth), this may notbe needed for all gas distributing systems.

“The FDA’s risk-based approach promotes a deeper knowledge of drugmanufacturing processes and finished drug products.”


Process Gases and Distribution Systems

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Welders should be certified according to local standards.Welding procedures should be verified according to appli-cable ISO standards such as ISO 15614-1:2004.13

ComponentsMaterials of construction in components that are in contactwith the product should be specified as non-reactive. It is notalways possible (or reasonable) to specify components built ofstainless steel. An assessment of the risk of using othermaterials should be made and the system design should takeinto account the risk that other materials might pose to thegas quality. The component itself should not pose a risk ofcontamination of the gas. Once again an assessment of therisk should be made. For instance, it can be assessed whetherthe use of oil-lubricated compressors poses a risk of contami-nation as the air is filtered through activated carbon beforepassing into the distribution system. The risks should beweighed against the costs if the filter should fail.

PipingThe surface finish inside the pipes in a distribution system forprocess gases is an important parameter for the hygroscopicproperties. Although it is not as critical as piping for WaterFor Injection (WFI), where insufficient finish may result inmicrobial growth, one should pay adequate attention to thiswhen specifying the user requirements for a process gasdistribution system.

When specifying piping for the gas system, the materialshould be chosen according to the applicable standards.Furthermore, it is important to remember the following:

• Specify oil-free stainless steel pipes.• Specify the quality of the inner surface: i.e. Ra < 0.8 µm.• Specify seamless tubing if possible.

FiltersBecause most process gas systems serve both critical andnon-critical applications, it should be addressed during therisk assessment where points of use filters are needed. Pointof use filters are advisable at all critical points to have a finalbarrier before the application and thereby, confidence thatthe gas fulfills the requirements for particles and microor-ganisms. If filters (sterile filters) are used, there must beestablished procedures for how often they are changed andintegrity-tested.

Other features to be considered are traps or inline filtersto catch solid particles such as dust or dirt that may enter thesystem through an adverse incident arising from faulty inletfilters on compressed air systems or from the impropermounting or connection of gas cylinders to the system. Theseforeign bodies will be caught in the point of use filters, buttheir presence in the last barrier before a delicate process willcertainly not boost confidence in the system.

A very delicate use of gases is in fermentors, especially ifmammal cells are involved in the fermentation process. Itmay be necessary to heat up the gas in an incinerator in orderto inactivate any bacterial germs or bacteriophages (viruses)

that are too small to be caught in the filters.As for all the above, the specification for filters should be

that all parts in contact with the product should be non-reactive. Furthermore, materials such as plastics and/orother synthetics must be guaranteed not to give off any sortof gaseous pollutants. Filter houses made of stainless steelwith filter cartridges should comply with the requirements ofthe FDA 21 CFR 177.14

Hoses and GasketsHoses and gaskets can pose a threat to gas quality due topotential diffusion of contaminants such as humidity. Somegases may break down or dry out plastic material making itporous. And some plastic material itself can contribute chemi-cal pollutants. Therefore, it is essential to ensure the compat-ibility of the material of construction with the gas in question.Materials for hoses and gaskets should be chosen in coopera-tion with the supplier and comply with FDA 21 CFR Part177.14 Where possible, the number of hoses used should bekept to an absolute minimum.

MonitoringWhen preparing a risk assessment for an application wheregases are used, the critical parameters (e.g., water, hydrocar-bons, and pressure) should be identified and appropriatemonitoring and sampling solutions found. Whenever pos-sible, critical parameters should be monitored continuouslyand alarm levels decided upon. This is also one of the prin-ciples in Process Analytical Technology (PAT). Gas systemspressure and dewpoint, which together express water con-tent, are often critical parameters. A continuous flow of validdata provides much more information on system perfor-mance than the information contained in random samples. Ifa sample can be considered a snapshot of a condition in thesystem, the continuous data stream can be considered amoving picture.

Commissioning and Qualification ofGas Distribution Systems

This section should be read as a list of possible issues to beconsidered, such as gas quality, capacity, alarm test, and leaktest. Local conditions may call for a more comprehensiveapproach. The qualification of a gas system follows thecommon practice of qualifying/validating equipment. Choos-ing ISO 9001 certified suppliers could be an advantage asthese companies have documented systems for commission-ing activities and are easier to audit.

When planning a process gas distribution system, animpact assessment is an effective tool for defining commis-sioning and qualification activities. The impact assessmentfocuses on critical issues, components, and systems anddefines the qualification activities. Since the ISPE BaselineGuide for Commissioning and Qualification can easily beapplied to gas systems,8 we recommend the following items tobe considered specifically for process gas systems. Table Cstates different stakeholders in commissioning and qualifica-tion activities.


Process Gases and Distribution Systems

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Engineering and User Quality AssuranceMaintenance

Operation and Assuring use of gases Ownership of gasmaintenance of systems with correct specification– purchasing the gas specifications forsupplies from a vendor different applications

SOP’s for operation and Ownership of sampling Auditing and approvingmaintenance of gas including plan for external suppliers


Qualification of process SOP’s for use of gas Approval of thegas systems analyses of gas

samples including thesample plan

Maintaining systems in Periodical process Periodical processchange control review review and release of

the gas utility

Periodical process Comments on impacts Approval of SOPsreview from OOS

Out of specification OOS handling(OOS) handling

Table D. Responsibilities and roles for process gas distributionsystems.

User Requirement Specification and DesignQualificationIn the User Requirement Specification (URS), the basicproperties of the system are addressed. This includes capac-ity, based on a study of possible simultaneous consumption ofthe specified gas requirements to be distributed. The URSmay stipulate that use of oil, such as for cutting the pipesduring construction, is not allowed since oil is difficult toremove.

Selection of materials and components may be a part of theURS or it may be transferred to a requirement specificationbased on an analysis performed in the requirement classifi-cation. The first element of the qualification of new gassystems will be design qualification. The compliance of thedesign of the process gas system with cGMP should bedemonstrated and documented.

Installation QualificationThe IQ area of coverage can include verification of specifiedmaterials of the components, including gaskets and washers,instruments and their calibration, the presence of updatedand approved P/I diagrams, and can include a system leaktest. It also includes evaluation of workmanship according tomethods and acceptance criteria defined prior to testing. Thepresence of approved SOPs, such as for maintenance anddaily operations, including changing and testing filters, maybe included as a part of IQ validation as well.

Operational and Performance QualificationSome schools of validation prefer addressing the challengesduring PQ, but our experience is that it adds value to performthe challenges during OQ. Alarm tests and functional tests ofcritical components are a natural part of the OQ. This mayinclude capacity tests, i.e., if a sufficient amount of gas isdelivered in a specified period. In the case of compressed air,if the dryers have sufficient capacity if one or more are inregeneration mode at any given time.

The PQ focuses on demonstrating the ability to continu-ously produce and distribute gas that meets the specification.Samples should be taken or monitoring points for continuousmonitoring should be determined both centrally, such asimmediately after the dryers or main tank, and at the pointsof use. If there is a difference in the content of water vaporbetween the sample points, it might be due to leaks or inwarddiffusion through poorly sealed joints. A possible challengecould arise from the system being left pressurized with noconsumption for a period of time, trapping the gas in thedistribution system. Does this affect the content of water vaporas a function of time? If so, diffusion is likely to be the cause.

As is common practice in other utility systems, the initial

qualification (IQ, OQ, and PQ) of a gas system should befollowed by a period of intensified sampling and monitoring,usually throughout a full year. This provides data on how thesystem performs during the changing conditions that varywith the seasons. The demand can vary from idle to fullcapacity during a campaign, and climatic conditions such astemperature and humidity will cover the whole scale.

OperationMaintenanceRepair and maintenance operations should not affect thequality of the gas. The maintenance of systems for gas andcompressed air is in many ways not complicated to perform assuch systems are seldom technically very complex. However,it is imperative that the personnel performing the mainte-nance are properly instructed, both regarding personal safetyand contamination risk to the product. It is highly recom-mended to prepare SOPs describing the maintenance proce-dures. Defining roles and responsibilities is particularlyimportant.

Maintenance of a gas system should include:

• inspection of compressor equipment for compressed airsystems

• prescribed service for all mechanical equipment, such ascompressors and driers for compressed air, and supplyunits for other gases

• changing filters• integrity test of sterile filters• calibration of monitoring equipment• leak testing• analysis of gas quality at point of use and supply unit

One also should be aware that if a distribution system hasbeen opened for alterations or repairs, it has been exposed toambient air. Though steel is impermeable, this does not mean

Activity Stakeholder Group

Commissioning Engineering, Manufacturing, Contracting, Supply

Qualification Engineering, Manufacturing, Quality Assurance (QA),Validation, Contracting, Supply

Table C. Stakeholders in commissioning and qualification activities.


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that it is not hygroscopic. The NPL recommends flushingdistribution systems with dry gas. For instance, if the dewpointof the gas is -70°C (-94°F), it should be flushed for at least twohours. Copper used as piping material is far more hygroscopicthan steel or even PTFE. In view of this, copper piping shouldbe flushed for at least four hours if the dry gas has a dewpointof -60°C (-76°F).12

Testing for bioburden in pressurized gases is very chal-lenging. The requirement for a sterile manufacturing systemwill be <1 cfu/m3 (<0.028 cfu/ft3)of air for the most criticalapplications.15,16

It has not yet been possible to develop a validated methodfor these acceptance criteria for the following reasons:

• Testing requires pressure regulation, which cannot beproven to be 100% sterile before use.

• Testing at system pressure is not possible as filters or agarwill be damaged at the relatively high pressure of 7 bar(101.5 psi).

• It is not possible to produce a reference gas for the methodvalidation with an exact amount of 1 cfu/m3 and for thecontaminants to be equally distributed.

Change ControlLike any other qualified utility system a qualified process gasdistribution system should, of course, be subject to changecontrol. All changes to the system require a change request,but some exceptions can be made if the change does not affectthe qualification and use of the equipment, such as:

• planned and preventive maintenance, including change ofwear parts with identical specifications

• a “like to like” change of spare parts (spare parts with thesame capacity, function, accuracy and identity)

• moving of equipment if this does not affect the equipmentitself

Whenever performing maintenance or changes to a processgas system, the integrity of the system should always be keptin mind and respected. If the system is opened to ambient air,purging must be performed and gas quality must be verifiedat critical points of use.

If process gas systems are qualified and commissionedaccording to a risk-based approach, it is easier to implementminor changes to non-critical parts of the system. Re-qualifi-cation activities can be replaced by commissioning activitiesthat do not require QA approval.

Responsibilities and RolesSince the use of a gas system often includes several depart-ments and vendors, it is a good idea to visualize the differentresponsibilities and roles in a matrix, see Table D, and relatethem to existing written agreements on cooperation.

Conclusion – Trends and FutureThe FDA’s risk-based approach promotes a deeper knowl-edge of drug manufacturing processes and finished drug

products. An impact assessment tool helps to reduce qualifi-cation activities and documentation to promote commission-ing. This decreases the amount of actual testing conductedduring the qualification of gas systems to include only criticalcomponent and parameter verifications. Risk-based qualifi-cation includes a greater focus on critical issues, such as gasquality, alarm testing, capacity, and leak testing. Non-criti-cal issues should be commissioned, making it easier to imple-ment minor changes to non-critical parts of the process gassystem.

Authorities are interested in rationales and documenta-tion supporting the choice of gas quality and traceabilitylevel. Traceable process gases are not medicinal gases, andneed not be produced and handled according to cGMP. Whensubmitting a drug registration file, manufacturers shouldavoid specifying medicinal gas if not necessary. The gasspecifications should first of all fulfill production require-ments. The pharmacopoeia monographs can give useful guid-ance.

The user of the gas must always identify threats to thequality of gases. Critical parameters must be identified andpossible risks of contamination of the gas should be ad-dressed. The most commonly identified pollutants are water,particles, hydrocarbons, and microorganisms. As long as thegases are kept in piping systems and pressure vessels of steel,stainless steel, or aluminum, they are practically invulner-able since these materials are impermeable.

The general rule for designing a distribution system isKeep It Simple. Dedicated (separated) systems for critical andnon-critical applications should be considered. The design ofthe process gas system should always correspond to thedesired gas specification. Stainless steel should be the mate-rial of choice.

The key challenge for gas users is to keep up with author-ity requirements, as there is a wide range of regulations andstandards, which are often ambiguous. A further challenge isto maintain a focus on criticality as seen from the products’perspective. It is clear that the authorities focus on criticalprocess gases and related utilities. The pharmaceutical in-dustry would definitely benefit from standardized guidelinesregarding gases and process gas distribution systems.

References1. Annex 6 to the EU Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice,

Manufacture of Medicinal Gases, ENTR/6109/00, FinalVersion, April 2001.

2. PIC/S Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention, Pharma-ceutical Inspection Cooperation Scheme, Guide to GoodManufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products, PE 009-3, 1 January 2006.

3. FDA’s Draft Guidance for Industry, Current Good Manu-facturing Practice for Medical Gases (Posted 5/6/2003).

4. FDA’s Compliance Program Guidance Manual, DrugManufacturing Inspections, Program 7356.002 (Imple-mented 2/1/2002).

5. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Part 211 CurrentGood Manufacturing Practice forFinished Pharmaceuti-


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cals, (Revised as of 1 April 2006), Code of Federal Regu-lations, Title 21, Volume 4.

6. ICH Harmonized Tripartite Guideline Q7A, GMP Guidefor Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients, Final version, 10November 2000.

7. PIC/S Pharmaceutical Inspection convention, Pharma-ceutical Inspection Cooperation Scheme, Aide-MemoireInspection of Utilities, PI 009-2, 1 July 2004.

8. ISPE Baseline® Pharmaceutical Engineering Guide, Vol-ume 5 – Commissioning and Qualification, InternationalSociety for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE), FirstEdition, March 2001,

9. ISPE Baseline® Pharmaceutical Engineering Guide, Vol-ume 3 – Sterile Manufacturing Facilities, InternationalSociety for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE), FirstEdition, January 1999,

10. International Standard ISO 8573 Part 1-7, CompressedAir for General Use, First edition

11. European Directorate for the Quality of Medicines, Nitro-gen (01/2008:1247); Oxygen (01/2008:0417); and Carbondioxide (01:2008:0375) Monographs, European Pharma-copoeia 6.0 edition.

12. The Institute of Measurement and Control, A Guide to theMeasurement of Humidity, ISBN 0-904457-24-9, 1996.

13. International Standard ISO 15614-1:2004, ReferenceSpecification and Qualification of Welding Procedures forMetallic Materials - Welding Procedure Test - Part 1: Arcand Gas Welding of Steels and Arc Welding of Nickel andNickel Alloys.

14. U.S. Food and Drug Administration, Part 177 IndirectFood Additives: Polymers, (Revised as of 1 April 2006),Code of Federal Regulations, Title 21, Volume 3.

15. Annex 1 to the EU Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice,Manufacturing of Sterile Medicinal Products, 2003.

16. U.S. Pharmacopoeia, USP 30, General Information,<1116> Microbiological Evaluation of Cleanrooms andotherControlled Environments, p. 589.

About the AuthorsKatrin Åkerlindh is Global Business De-velopment Manager, Special Products andChemicals, Linde Gas. She is a specialist forspecialty gases as well as QA questions frompharmaceutical companies. Prior to her cur-rent responsibilities, she successfully devel-oped and implemented Linde’s traceable non-medical gases to the pharmaceutical indus-

try. She has since 1998 worked for AGA Gas AB, Sweden, assales representative, project manager, and with businessdevelopment of new products to the pharmaceutical andbiotech industries. In 1995, she joined the pharmaceuticalindustry for three years, working with quality control, methodvalidations, and instrument qualifications. Åkerlindh holdsan MS in chemical engineering, an MBA, and is an activemember of the ISPE Nordic Affiliate and the Swedish Acad-emy of Pharmaceutical Sciences. She can be contacted bytelephone at: +46-40-28-38-33 or by e-mail: katrin.akerlindh@ Gas, Box 845, SE-201 80 Malmö, Sweden.

Michael Vestermark is QA Professional,Novo Nordisk. After spending his youth inthe shipbuilding and naval industries, hejoined Novo Nordisk in 1996. His first assign-ment was as an assistant to the manager ofthe packaging department. Since 2001, hehas been in the position as a QA specialistwithin the field of utilities. Vestermark has

a special interest in leaning the costs of being in compliance,and has conducted a couple of projects to minimize qualitycosts. He has a BS in mechanical engineering and is an activemember of the ISPE Nordic Affiliate. He can be contacted bytelephone: +45-44-43-38-80 or by e-mail:

Novo Nordisk, Novo Allé, DK-2880 Bagsvaerd, Denmark.

Helene Olsson is Project Engineer in theEngineering Department at H. Lundbeck A/S in Copenhagen. Olsson’s main field of re-sponsibility is project management and de-signing and qualifying supply systems forgases and compressed air for research andproduction facilities. She has been with H.Lundbeck since 2002. Prior to this, she has

worked as project engineer at Lucent Technologies and prod-uct manager at AGA A/S. Olsson is an active member of theISPE Nordic Affiliate. She can be contacted by telephone +45-36-43-27-44 or by e-mail:

H. Lundbeck A/S, Ottiliavej 9, DK-2500 Valby, Denmark.

Anders Ernblad is International ProposalManager for NNE Pharmaplan where hefocuses on project and business development.He joined NNE Pharmaplan in 2003 fromLinde Gas, where he was an applicationmanager. Prior to that, Ernblad held differ-ent management and project managementpositions within the engineering organiza-

tion of AstraZeneca in Sweden. He is an active member of theISPE Nordic Affiliate. He can be contacted by telephone: +46-730-755-204 or by e-mail:

NNE Pharmaplan, P.O. Box 498, SE-191 24 Sollentuna,Sweden.

Markus Birath is a Key Account Manager/Regional Product Manager for AGA Gas han-dling the pharmaceutical and biotech indus-try. He is a Key Account Manager for phar-maceutical and biotech customers in Swe-den. Birath is also a Product Manager in theNordic countries for AGA’s traceable non-medical gases to the pharmaceutical indus-

try. He joined AGA in 2005 from a position as validationengineer at Semcon AB. His qualifications include an MS and


Process Gases and Distribution Systems

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additional studies in Business Administration. He is anactive member of the ISPE Nordic Affiliate. He can becontacted by telephone: +46-732-579-573 or by

AGA Gas AB, Rissneleden 14, SE-172 82 Sundbyberg,Sweden.

Nils Lindman is Senior Application Engi-neer, Marketing and Sales – Chemistry, forAGA Gas. He is working with sales and devel-opment of gas and applications for the phar-maceutical and energy industry. Previously,he was responsible for technology and clinicalsupply in the Development Department atLinde Gas Therapeutics. Before joining AGA

in 1996, he was working in the energy industry and wasmanager process technology at Astra AB. Lindman receivedhis PhD in chemical technology in 1977 at the Royal Instituteof Technology in Stockholm, where he also is associated profes-sor since 1983. He is currently active member of the ISPENordic Affiliate. He can be contacted by telephone at: +46-8-731-1804 or by e-mail:

AGA Gas AB, Rissneleden 14, SE-172 88 Sundbyberg,Sweden.

Åsa Klang is an R3-Engineer, Cleanrooms,HVAC, and Utilities at AstraZeneca SwedenOperations. She is working as a specialist incleanroom engineering and has done so since1994. Her area of responsibility includesfacilities, HVAC, and gas systems with focuson design, troubleshooting, validation, andGMP issues. Her previous experience in-

cludes positions with Pharmacia and Upjohn and Team TspAB as a Consultant. Her qualifications include process tech-nology at YTH, University in Sundsvall, Sweden. She is anactive member of ISPE Nordic Affiliate. She can be contactedby telephone: +46-8-553-210-57 or by email:

AstraZeneca, SE-151 85 Södertälje, Sweden.

Linda Cypriansen is with AstraZeneca,Sweden Operations in QA supply, QualityAssurance, and raw materials. After gradu-ating in March of 1998, Cypriansen startedworking at Pfizer’s plant in Strängnäs withQuality Assurance mainly of the water sys-tems. She has been employed at AstraZenecaSweden Operations since August 1999 work-

ing with raw materials, mainly supplying the liquid productsmanufactured in Södertälje. She has a BS in chemical engi-neering and is an active member of the ISPE Nordic Affiliate.She can be contacted by telephone: +46-8-553-260-00 or by e-mail:

AstraZeneca, SE-151 85 Södertälje, Sweden.


Industry Interview

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The Director ofEngineering ofthe GlobalGenericResourcesGroup for TevaPharmaceuticalsdiscusses howsolidmanagement,strategicthinking, andproper executionhave helpedmake Teva oneof the top 20pharmaceuticalcompanies andone of thelargest genericpharmaceuticalcompanies inthe world.

PHARMACEUTICAL ENGINEERING InterviewsUri Boneh, Director of Engineering,Global Generic Resources Group,Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.

by Nissan Cohen, Co-Chair, ISPE PharmaceuticalEngineering Committee

Teva Pharmaceu-tical IndustriesLtd. is a globalpharmaceuticalcompany specializ-ing in the develop-ment, production,and marketing ofgeneric, propri-etary brandedpharmaceuticals,and active phar-maceutical ingre-

dients. Teva is among the top 20 pharmaceuti-cal companies and among the largest genericpharmaceutical companies in the world.

With more than a century of experience inthe healthcare industry, the company enjoys afirmly established international presence, op-erating through a carefully tailored network ofworldwide subsidiaries. Headquartered in Is-rael, 80% of Teva’s sales, which totaled $8.4billion in 2006, are in North America andEurope. Teva has more than 26,000 employeesworldwide and production facilities in Israel,North America, Europe, and Latin America.

Q What led you into a career in manufactur-ing?

A Strictly by chance. I was an engineer andTeva was looking for a maintenance engi-

neer. I applied and got the job.

Q How, why, and when was Teva founded?

A 1902. (Editor’s note: Teva was established46 years before there was a State of Is-


Q Where are your major facilities located?

A We have around 35 locations around theworld, including Israel, Argentina, Chile,

Mexico, Peru, Venezuela, UK, Holland, France,Ireland, Poland, Czech Republic, Hungary,Lithuania, China, Canada, and the UnitedStates.

Q What types of products and what thera-peutic areas are you currently involved

in? What products do you currently manufac-ture?

A We are currently producing APIs, oralsolid dosage forms, respiratory products,

and injectables.

Q What factors do you believe contributedmost to Teva’s success and growth in the

generic market?

A I believe that sound management and theexecution of our strategies have contrib-

uted to Teva’s success and growth.

Q What is your strategy for longterm growth?

Reprinted from


The Official Magazine of ISPE

January/February 2008, Vol. 28 No. 1


Industry Interview

©Copyright ISPE 2008

A We are designing new plants,integrating improved technology

for manufacturing, investing in R&D,developing new products, and continu-ally integrating acquisitions quicklyand efficiently.

Q What do you see as the majorgrowth area for generics?

A I believe the major growth areafor generics is oral solid dosage


Q Why do you think the genericmarket has grown?

A Some of the growth in the genericmarket is natural, and some of

the growth can be attributed to theincreasing generic options to pharma-ceutical labeled drugs.

Q What are some of the biggestissues in manufacturing gener-


A In my opinion, some of the big-gest issues in manufacturing ge-

nerics are quality, regulation, and com-pliance. Regulatory bodies will be withus for a long time. International har-monization is important to help withthe globalization of manufacturing.

Q What are some of the key factorsyou are seeing in terms of global-


A I’m seeing a number of factors in-fluencing globalization, includ-

ing, a combination of market, marketshare, cost of labor, and management..We are always concerned about cost ofproduction. These influences are im-portant.

Q What impact does governmentsupport or investment have on

your growth/expansion plans?

A It helped with the Jerusalemfacility as we are located in a

high technology park with governmentincentives, as are also in Hungary andthe Czech Republic. But overall, mostof our foreign operations have little orno government support.

Q What sets Teva apart from othergeneric or pharmaceutical manu-

facturers? What do you do differentlyfrom the competition?

A We have good management, stra-tegic thinking, and excellent ex-

ecution everywhere. Teva is constantlylooking at reducing costs.

Q What do you see as the chal-lenges or barriers to achieving

the goals Teva has set for its globalpharmaceutical manufacturing opera-tions?

A We have good management, weexecute our strategic plans very

well, and we are always looking atefficiency and cost reduction. The chal-lenges and barriers are minimized byour strategies and the way we executethem.

QWhat are Teva’s long term goals?

ATeva’s long term goal is to be thelargest manufacturer with the larg-

est market share of generic products inthe world.

Q How does the current politicalsituation in Israel affect Teva?

A The current political situation inIsrael does not directly affect us.

Q What is your involvement withISPE? When did you first en-

counter ISPE?

A My involvement with ISPEstarted about 17 years ago with

facilities issues and reading articlesfrom Pharmaceutical Engineering. I at-tended meetings in Philadelphia andTampa.


GAMP 5 – Enabling Innovation

©Copyright ISPE 2008

The new GAMP 5:A Risk-BasedApproach toCompliant GxPComputerizedSystems providespragmatic andpractical industryguidance that aimsto achievecompliantcomputerizedsystems that are fitfor intended use inan efficient andeffective manner,while also enablinginnovation andtechnologicaladvance. Therevised Guidedescribes a flexiblerisk-basedapproach tocompliant GxPregulatedcomputerizedsystems, based onscalablespecification andverification. Arobust quality riskmanagementprocess based onICH Q9 principles iscentral to theapproach. GAMP 5also contains newinformation onoutsourcing,electronic batchrecording, end userapplications (suchas spreadsheetsand small databaseapplications), andpatch management.

GAMP 5 – Enabling Innovation

by Sion Wyn

Changing Environment –Regulatory and Industry Initiatives

The pharmaceutical industry is respond-ing to the challenge of significantlyimproving the way drug developmentand manufacturing is managed. New

concepts are being developed and applied, in-cluding science based risk management ap-proaches, a focus on product and process un-derstanding, and the application of Quality byDesign concepts.

Many of these ideas are defined and de-scribed in the FDA 21st Century Initiative, newICH documents, such as Q8 PharmaceuticalDevelopment, Q9 Quality Risk Management,and Q10 Pharmaceutical Quality System,ISPE’s Product Quality Lifecycle Implementa-tion (PQLI) initiative, and various supportingindustry consensus standards, such as ASTME2500 Standard Guide for Specification, De-sign, and Verification of Pharmaceutical andBiopharmaceutical Manufacturing Systems andEquipment.

As these new ideas and ways of working arebeing established, the industry will for sometime be in a period of transition.

GAMP Guidance must evolve to meet theneeds of the changing environment and inte-grate fully with ISPE initiatives, such as PQLIand the revision of the ISPE C&Q Baseline®

Guide. There is both a need and an opportunityto make activities related to all types of com-puterized systems efficient, effective, and fo-cused on patient safety.

New and Innovative ApproachesWhere a computer system is regarded as onecomponent of a wider manufacturing process orsystem, particularly in an integrated Qualityby Design environment, specific and separatecomputerized system validation may not benecessary. This environment requires both com-plete product and process understanding andthat the critical process parameters can beaccurately and reliably predicted and controlledover the design space. In such a case, the fitnessfor intended use of the computer system withinthe process may be adequately demonstratedby documented engineering or project activi-ties together with subsequent Process Valida-tion or continuous quality verification of theoverall process or system. The same principleapplies to the adoption of Process AnalyticalTechnology (PAT).

These innovative approaches are availableand useable now if the appropriate pre-requi-sites are met. While acknowledging that not allregulated companies will be in a position to, orwill choose to, fully embrace the new approachesimmediately, GAMP 5 is intended to encourage

the adoption of such ap-proaches and in no way to bea barrier.

Improving QualityPractice

During the period of transi-tion, the industry continuesto need practical guidancebased on current good prac-tice – giving practitioners thetools to do the job today, whilebuilding a bridge to new ap-proaches. GAMP 5 aims todescribe current good prac-

Figure 1. Drivers forGAMP 5.

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The Official Magazine of ISPE

January/February 2008, Vol. 28 No. 1


GAMP 5 – Enabling Innovation

©Copyright ISPE 2008

tice in order to satisfy the needs of the majority of practitio-ners involved with computer systems, while also enablingnew and innovative approaches, e.g., for process systems in aQuality by Design environment. These innovative approachesand the application of principles to specific system types willbe explored in detail in subsequent documents.

In the meantime, key aspects supportive of ISPE PQLIand ASTM E2500 are addressed immediately to make cur-rent activities as effective and efficient as possible. Theseinclude:

• focusing on aspects critical to the patient

• avoiding duplication of activities (e.g., by fully integratingengineering and computer system activities so that theyare performed only once)

• leveraging supplier activities to the maximum possibleextent, while still ensuring fitness for intended use

• clarifying the roles of Subject Matter Experts and QualityAssurance

• scaling all lifecycle activities and associated documenta-tion according to risk, complexity, and novelty

• clarifying that traditional linear or waterfall developmentmodels are not the most appropriate in all cases

These are reflected in Key Concepts upon which GAMP isbased, and in the detailed contents - Figure 2.

GAMP 5 is deliberately flexible with regard to terminology– focusing on value-added activities and avoiding unneces-sary activities is the main intent, and different regulatedcompanies and suppliers may choose to use a wide range ofdifferent terms. In line with the principles of ASTM 2500,GAMP 5 adopts specification and verification as overall termsdescribing specific life-cycle activities, but does not discardthe general lifecycle validation framework to reflect currentindustry practice for companies that decide to maintain thesepractices rather than applying the new concepts.

Extended Scope and ApplicationCoupled with these initiatives in development and manufac-turing, a wide and ever-increasing range of local and globalnetworked computerized systems are being used throughoutthe product life cycle. Many of these are fundamental to GxPactivities.

Accuracy and integrity of records and data is essentialthroughout the product life cycle, from research and develop-ment through pre-clinical studies, clinical trials, productionand quality control to marketing. The GAMP Good PracticeGuide: A Risk-Based Approach to Compliant Electronic Recordsand Signatures provides further guidance on this topic, andshould be read in conjunction with GAMP 5.

Achieving compliance and fitness for intended use for allGxP regulated systems in a pragmatic and efficient manneris essential. GAMP 5 aims to address the need to safeguardpublic health, product quality, and data integrity while at thesame time enabling innovation and technological advance.

Focusing on Patient RiskWhile previous GAMP guides provided an overall life cycleframework for systems and controlled equipment, they recog-nized that the practicalities are different for different systemtypes. As a result, a series of Good Practice Guides wereproduced to support the understanding of these differencesand provide more practical detail.

Many pharmaceutical companies undertake complex, timeconsuming and expensive qualification practices. There areaspects of qualification that can add value in terms of ensur-ing the equipment and systems are fit for intended use, butthere are other aspects that often do not add this value. Someof the prescriptive and rigid conventions and practices thatsurround qualification as often practiced can detract from itsoverall value. GMP regulations provide the basis for theactivities that are called qualification, but no specific require-ments that relate to how qualification is practiced.

By focusing on the risk to the patient and leveraging theexpertise of the supplier and subject matter experts based onGood Engineering Practices, verification is considered as aset of integrated activities that can replace the activitiespreviously called IQ and OQ. Regulated company IQ and OQactivities may then be omitted or limited to an assessment ofthe supplier’s activities and documentation, and if necessary,performing mitigation activities to close gaps. This elimi-nates much of the costly duplicated testing which does littleor nothing to protect the patient.

Finally, the overall performance and fitness for intendedpurpose can be ensured through Performance Qualificationor Verification, which focus on critical-to-quality attributes.Overall, this will demonstrate that the equipment or systemis performing satisfactorily for its intended purpose, theprocess with which it is involved is controlled, and the risksto the patient have been effectively managed, thus meetingthe regulatory requirement for validation.

It is important to select the right tool for a specific need,such as design review, inspection or testing (e.g., Commis-sioning, Qualification, IQ, or OQ). The term verification is

Figure 2. Key Concepts of GAMP 5.


GAMP 5 – Enabling Innovation

©Copyright ISPE 2008

used in ASTM 2500 and aims to promote flexibility in choos-ing the right approach - Figure 3.

A science- and risk-based approach is inherent in thethinking behind verification, where the level and extent ofverification is based on scientifically-assessed risk to thepatient from specific processes, equipment, and systems.This is directly in line with the principles described in ICHQ8, Q9, and the forthcoming Q10 documents for the develop-ment, quality risk management, and quality management ofpharmaceutical products throughout their life cycle. It is, ofcourse, still appropriate to create a plan describing andjustifying the approach taken to ensure the equipment is fitfor use in a GxP regulated environment, and to have a reportavailable providing the necessary evidence to support thisclaim.

Different Types of Computerized SystemsFor integrated manufacturing systems or equipment where acomputer-based system is part of the overall functionality, aspecific and separate computerized system validation maynot be required.

For example, where the computer controlled equipmentcan be regarded as one component of a wider manufacturingor process control system the verification can be an inte-grated part of the overall process validation effort. Theverification of fitness for intended use may be adequatelydemonstrated by documented integrated engineering orproject activities together with subsequent Process Valida-tion – and the overall approach may be defined based on eachregulated company’s policies and preferences.

Validation is the common term used in regulations world-wide to describe a process that demonstrates that systemsare fit for intended use. Some computerized systems areintimately involved in many regulated business activitiesoutside the manufacturing area, and are critical for thehealth and protection of the patient. Examples include thecollection of clinical trials data, the management of donordetails in blood collection, the recording of adverse events andcomplaints, the release of product for sale, and the recall ofdefective product.

Such IT systems have no direct correlation with themanufacturing and release of the product. Consequently,there is no direct parallel with the manufacturing processand associated process validation. Acceptance of the system

is dependent on the satisfactory completion of a functionaltest, such as the traditional OQ or equivalent tests, prior toa controlled cut over into the live environment. (Some furthertesting, e.g., stress or performance testing, may be necessarywhich some organizations call PQ but it is not an activityparallel to the PQ testing of controlled process equipment).

The principles described in ASTM Standard E2500 shouldbe interpreted with attention to the special characteristics ofparticular systems, and suitable verification that the critical-to-quality requirements of the system have been met shouldbe completed before the computer system can be approved foruse in a GxP-regulated environment.

The ideas that led to the development of ASTM E2500 areapplicable to all computerized systems. GAMP 5 describes aprocess which follows the same principles:

Figure 3. The specification, design, and verification process.

New and Revised MaterialParticular emphasis is given in GAMP 5 on providing a costeffective approach to compliance and demonstrating fit-ness for intended use. To support this, new and updatedguidance is given on the following aspects:• a complete system life cycle approach as part of a

Quality Management System (QMS), from concept toretirement

• a scaleable approach to achieve and maintain GxPcompliance driven by novelty, complexity, and risk topatient safety, product quality, and data integrity

• clarifying the role of the Quality Unit, and introducingthe roles of Process Owner, System Owner, and SubjectMatter Experts.

• in the GMP environment, stressing the importance ofclear requirements based on a thorough understandingof the science and of the Critical Quality Attributes(CQAs) of the development and manufacturing processand drug products, to facilitate the adoption of a Qualityby Design (QbD) approach

• the leveraging of supplier documentation and knowl-edge, wherever possible, and subject to satisfactorysupplier assessment to avoid unnecessary duplication

• improving efficiency by promoting practical and effec-tive interpretation of GAMP guidance

• maximizing use of documentation from activities suchas development and commissioning as verification evi-dence

• the importance of effective governance to achieve andmaintain compliance

• identifying opportunities for process and system im-provements based on periodic review, root-cause analy-sis, and Corrective and Preventive Action (CAPA)

New information is provided in specific appendices on thefollowing topics of special interest to industry:• alignment with ASTM E2500• organizational change• outsourcing• electronic batch recording• end user applications such as spreadsheets and small

databases• patch management


GAMP 5 – Enabling Innovation

©Copyright ISPE 2008

• the requirements of the system should be clearly defined

• requirements critical to the health and protection of thepatient (critical-to-quality requirements) have been iden-tified and the risks identified and controlled

• the principles of GEP are applied throughout

• the testing carried out and documented by the suppliershould be leveraged as much as possible

• the critical-to-quality requirements are appropriately veri-fied and reported by the regulated organization in linewith regulatory expectations

It is also recommended that a plan describing and justifyingthe approach taken, and a report supporting the claim thatthe system is fit for intended use, are created.

Performed in this way, the process described above forcomputerized systems meets all the GxP regulatory expecta-tions for validation.

TerminologySince GAMP 5 covers both systems involved in manufactur-ing of pharmaceuticals and systems for other critical types ofIT applications, this Guide uses terminology that enablesappropriate selection of the relevant life-cycle activities,depending on the specific context.

Some organizations have already taken the decision toadopt the term “verification” and apply it to both computerand control systems. Others have indicated that they willstay with the words “qualification,” but adopt the principlesdescribed in the ASTM Standard 2500. Still others havechanged to verification for controlled process equipment, butretained “qualification” for computer systems.

The GAMP Community of Practice aims to strongly sup-port and promote innovation. GAMP Guidance is neithermandatory, nor prescriptive, but aims at enabling innovationin a compliant and cost effective manner.

Descriptions of current industry practices in GAMP 5should not be read as constraining in any way the develop-ment and adoption of other approaches. Individual compa-nies should and will decide what terms and precise approachthey will use.

GAMP 5, like previous versions of GAMP, supports goodquality management practices. The enhanced focus on sci-ence and the increased focus on risk to the patient areimportant to the future of the pharmaceutical industry.GAMP will continue to support evolving good practices for thepharmaceutical industry at large, its regulators, and suppli-ers.

GAMP 5 is scheduled to be released at the ISPE Confer-ence on Manufacturing Excellence, 25-28 February 2008 inTampa, Florida, US. Please visit for more information.

About the AuthorSion Wyn, Director, Conformity Ltd., is anacknowledged expert in computer systemvalidation and compliance and internationalregulations in this field. He is currently as-sisting the FDA with its re-examination of 21CFR Part 11, and is a member of the teamthat produced the FDA Guidance on 21 CFRPart 11 Scope and Application. He is the

technical content expert for the FDA’s ORA Virtual Univer-sity on-line training modules on computerized systems vali-dation and compliance. He has received the FDA GroupRecognition Award for work on Part 11. Wyn is the editor ofISPE’s Good Automated Manufacturing Practice (GAMP)Guide for Validation of Automated Systems, and is a memberof the ISPE GAMP Council and the GAMP Europe SteeringCommittee. He has extensive experience in all aspects ofcomputer systems validation and compliance, including man-aging validation projects, validation planning, specificationand testing of systems, performing site and system compli-ance audits, writing SOPs, performing 21 CFR Part 11assessments, and supplier audits. Wyn’s expertise as a spe-cialized computer validation consultant covers all stages ofthe lifecycle approach to validation of computerized systemsand most system types including MRPII, manufacturingexecution, electronic document management, EBRS, processcontrol and monitoring, environmental monitoring, manu-facturing equipment, and laboratory systems. At ConformityLtd., Wyn provides computer validation and complianceconsultancy to the pharmaceutical and other regulatedhealthcare industries. Wyn received the 2006 ISPE Profes-sional Achievement Award, which honors an ISPE Memberwho has made a significant contribution to the pharmaceuti-cal manufacturing industry.


Corrosion Resistance

©Copyright ISPE 2008

This articleidentifies thesource ofdiscolorationthat can appearon sanitarywelds of AL-6XN materialand its effect onthe corrosionresistance of thematerial.

AL-6XN® Weld Discoloration and EffectCorrosion Resistance

by John Tverberg and Ken Kimbrel

Figure 1. Visualdiscoloration on welds.


It is a well known fact that weld discolora-tion is detrimental to the performance andlife span of austenitic stainless steels. Dis-coloration can lead to premature material

failure by promoting pitting and crevice corro-sion. As buffer solutions become more aggres-sive, it has become necessary to look beyondthe traditional austenitic steels such as 316L.One such material gaining popular usage inpharmaceutical and other sanitary applica-tions is the super-austenitic 6% molybdenumcontaining material AL-6XN.

A common characteristic observed whenwelding 6% molybdenum materials either byautomatic weld machine or by hand is theappearance of light and dark spots on both theinside and outside of the weld bead. Figure 1shows two sections of 0.065' minimum wall 20RA polished AL-6XN tubing automatic fusionwelded together utilizing an alloy 625 weldinsert ring. Clearly visible, these colors mayappear with or without the use of a weld insertring which is used to over-alloy the weld for thepurpose of enhanced corrosion resistance, andappears different than the standard oxide dis-

coloration typically experienced due to improperpurge practices.

AL-6XN (UNS N08367) is a low-carbon, ni-trogen containing super-austenitic stainlesssteel and is one of the most corrosion resistantiron-based austenitic steel produced.1 Origi-nally marketed for seawater environments, AL-6XN has recently gained wide acceptance foruse in sanitary applications for the food, phar-maceutical, and biotech industries due to itsexceptional resistance to general corrosion, pit-ting, and intergranular corrosion.

For this study, alloy 625 (UNS N06625) isused as the over-matching composition weld-ing product. Super-austenitic stainless steelsare susceptible to chemical segregation in theweld area and therefore subject to preferentialcorrosion attack in severe corrosive environ-ments. In order to compensate and offset thesegregation of the molybdenum within the heat-affected zone of welds which will not undergopost-weld heat treatment, three different typesof consumables are recommended by the manu-facturer of AL-6XN. These are Alloy 625, AlloyC-22 (UNS N06022), or Alloy C-276 (UNSN06276). Each of these is a nickel alloy withhigher levels of molybdenum than AL-6XN.Inconel 625 contains 9% Mo, Hastelloy C-22contains 13% Mo, and Alloy C-276 contains16% Mo. C-22 has the highest chromium con-tent (22%) of these. The higher content of theAlloy 625 welding products offsets the effects ofelemental segregation in the weldments whichcan result in preferential weld corrosion.2

Test MethodologyIn an effort to identify the origin of and effectthe spots may have on the corrosion resistanceof the welds, the following analytical tech-niques were used to evaluate the discolora-tion:

Reprinted from


The Official Magazine of ISPE

January/February 2008, Vol. 28 No. 1


Corrosion Resistance

©Copyright ISPE 2008

Figure 4. Low magnification view (470X) of light area on inside oftube weld.

Figure 5. High magnification view (1000X) shows small particlesof refractory oxides on the edges of the dendrites.

1. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) to determine whatthe surface “looks like” and to determine those areas forevaluation with microprobe analysis.

2. Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), sometimes calledmicroprobe analysis, to determine the approximate com-position of any areas in question.

3. X-Ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) to determine themolecular composition of areas or compounds present andto provide light element detection.

4. Accelerated corrosion testing in a modified ASTM G 48solution to identify areas of potential corrosion attack.This test is explained further in the corrosion section.

Test Samples• AL-6XN Tube 1.5" × .065" wall Ht. #4100039• Alloy 625 Washer Style Insert Ring Ht #RL75• Automatic welds made with 100% Argon

The following summarizes the results obtained from thistesting.

Scanning Electron MicroscopyFour areas of the weld, designated as dark and light, wereselected for Scanning Electron Microscopic (SEM) evaluation.One pair was located on the inside and one pair on the outsideof the tube. These areas were examined at 470 and 1000X, andare included in this article as Figures 2 to 9. One of the majoradvantages of SEM examination is the relative ease of per-forming microprobe analyses; therefore, anomalies found dur-ing examination may be identified and traced to their origin.

Figure 2 is a low magnification view (470X) of a dark areaon the inside of tube weld. The dark areas are non-conductiveand will not hold an electron charge, and most likely repre-sent refractory oxides such as aluminum oxide. The whitecrystals are more highly conductive areas and probablyrepresent some type of ionic compound or the corner of asharp surface formation, such as the edge of a crystal face.

Figure 3 is a high magnification (1000X) view of the darkarea of the weld on the inside of the metal tube. The dendriticpattern of the weld is clearly seen. The white areas are themetal free from any oxides, visible through the thin oxide/nitride coating.

Figure 2. Low magnification view (470X) of dark area on inside oftube weld.

Figure 3. High magnification view (1000X) of dark area on insideof tube weld.


Corrosion Resistance

©Copyright ISPE 2008

Figure 4 (470X magnification) is the light area of the weldon the inside of the tube. It is very uniform in appearance andindicates little or no oxide or nitride on the surface. Thedendritic structure of the weld is clearly visible.

Figure 5 (1000X magnification) shows small particles ofrefractory oxides on the edges of the dendrites. The lack of anyoxide film makes the dendrites clearly visible. The clarity ofthe structure indicates the weld cover gas, in this area, wasexcellent.

Figure 6 is a (470X) magnification of a dark area of theweld on the outside of the tube. Large black particles are seenwhich appear to be refractory compounds, probably inclu-sions from the steel that were melted during welding andredeposited as slag. Several crystals are present on thesurface, again most likely some ionic compound that contami-nated the surface after welding, representing secondarycontamination. The darker gray color is a continuous oxide ornitride layer on the surface of the weld.

Figure 7 is a high magnification (1000X) view of the samearea. Here, the layer appears to be more crystalline, mostlikely a chromite spinel or a simple chromite. Also in thisview, it is possible to see the areas where microprobe analyses(EDS) were performed. These show up as white dots in theinclusions.

Figure 8 (470X magnification) is the light area of the weldon the outside of the tube. The black particles are refractoryoxides or nitrides and the white spots are the high-energypeaks of the dendrites. Very little oxide or nitride coating of themetal is present. The crystalline surface layer is not visible ateither magnification. These micrographs appear darker be-cause the voltage was decreased to obtain more contrast.

Figure 9 is a high magnification (1000X) SEM micrographof the white area of the weld on the outside of the tube. Thewhite dots in the dark platelet – upper left; the light inclusion– center, and dark inclusion – lower right are spots wheremicroprobe analyses were made.

1a, ID 1b, ID 2a, ID 2b, IDGeneral General General Dark Light General Light Dark Dark

Inclusion Inclusion Inclusion Platelet InclusionSpectrum 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Micrograph 7353 7354 7350 7350 7350 7347 7347 7347 7347a, b 7355 7351 7351 7351 7349 7349 7349 7349

Mg - 0.5 - - 6.0 - - - 0.4Al 2.1 0.3 3.3 41.7 57.8 0.1 0.4 - 0.2Si 0.5 0.5 0.5 2.7 1.1 0.7 0.6 0.6 0.4S - - - - - - - - -Ca 0.4 0.1 0.9 49.2 17.0 - 0.2 0.2 0.1Ti 0.1 - - 1.0 0.2 - - 0.2 0.2Cr 21.5 22.6 20.8 2.6 5.7 22.6 20.5 23.6 21.8Mn 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.2 - 0.3 0.4 0.4 0.6Fe 46.3 44.0 45.3 2.3 7.2 44.9 48.1 42.4 44.9Ni 22.3 21.9 22.3 0.5 3.2 22.3 23.1 20.7 24Cu - 0.2 - - - - 0.4 - 0.3Mo 6.3 9.5 6.5 - 1.9 9.1 6.4 11.9 7.2

Chemical Composition Wt. %

Table A. EDS analytical results. Sample 1a is the “Dark” area of the weld on the inside of tube, 1b the “light” area, 2a the “dark” area onthe outside of tube, and 2b the “light” area.

Figure 6. Low magnification view (470X) of dark area on outsideof tube weld.

Figure 7. High magnification view (1000X) of dark area on outsideof tube weld.


Corrosion Resistance

©Copyright ISPE 2008

Spectrum C N O F Na Mg Al Si Cl Ca Ti Cr Mn Fe Ni Zn Mo Ag W Pb1a 1 44.0 3.6 39.9 - 0.5 - 6.6 1.1 Tr 0.7 - 1.2 - 1.6 0.3 0.3 0.1 - - -1b 2 48.4 - 35.5 - 0.2 - 0.9 3.6 - 0.3 0.7 5.1 0.1 3.7 0.8 0.3 0.5 - - -2a 3 39.8 4.9 34.3 3.7 0.3 0.5 4.8 3.6 - 1.2 0.1 5.0 0.4 1.0 - 0.1 - 0.1 0.1 -2b 4 62.4 2.0 22.4 - 0.5 0.2 2.8 3.1 0.4 1.0 - 3.1 1.2 0.7 - 0.2 - - - 0.1

Chemical Composition Wt. % 1a - Dark area on ID of weld 2a - Dark area on OD of weld1b - Light or White area on ID of weld 2b - Light or White area on OD of weld

Table B. Summary of the elemental surface composition, in atomic percent, within 40Å of the surface.

Figure 8. Low magnification view (470X) of light area on outsideof tube weld.

Figure 9. High magnification view (1000X) SEM micrograph ofwhite area on outside of tube weld.

Energy Dispersive SpectroscopyEnergy Dispersive Spectrographic (EDS) or microprobe analy-ses were made of several areas during SEM examination ofthe welds. These results are summarized in Table A and theenergy spectra are included as EDS Spectra 1-9.

The dark areas on the outside of the weld are very highin aluminum, calcium, and titanium. Because EDS ana-lyzes to a relatively deep level compared to XPS this layer isreasonably thick. The origin of the aluminum and titaniumis the deoxidation practice following AOD, and the calciumcomes from the AOD/caster slag. These oxides/nitrides arein the metal as inclusions and are remelted during weldingand form a slag on the surface of the weld. The light areasof the weld have magnesium and copper. Magnesium prob-ably comes from the refractory brick of the arc meltingfurnace, AOD convertor, the casting ladle, or the tundish atthe continuous caster. Copper is a tramp element that comesfrom the scrap used to compound the melt. Silicon wasslightly higher on the outside of the weld in the darkinclusions, indicating that it was a slag component from thesteel itself, floating on the surface of the weld. There is lesssilicon in the light color areas of the weld. Silicon is addedto the steel as a deoxidizer and to increase the fluidity of themolten metal.

The chromium, nickel, molybdenum, and iron are in thecorrect range for AL-6XN stainless steel.

X-Ray Photoelectron SpectroscopyFour areas were selected for examination using XPS. Thesewere the same areas used for SEM and EDS examination.

The system used for this analysis was a Physical Electron-ics Model 5802 Spectrograph with a monochromatic alumi-num anode. The spot size was approximately 0.8 × 2.0 mm(0.032 × 0.078 inches) and the depth of analysis was approxi-mately 40Å (1.6 × 10-7 inches). The chamber pressure duringanalysis was 10-9 Torr (1.9 × 10-11 psi). Each specimen waswashed in isopropanol prior to examination to reduce thepotential for contamination and filament burn-out. After theinitial scan, each major element was analyzed in high energyresolution mode to determine the compounds present andtheir degree of oxidation.

Table B summarizes the elemental surface composition ofeach of the four areas as obtained with XPS. These data areillustrated in Spectra 1-4. No boron was detected in any of theareas analyzed. Therefore, if boron was added at the continu-ous casting operation to control sliver formation during hotrolling, it remained in solid solution and the quantity wasbelow the detection limit of the spectrograph and is not partof a weld slag component.

Ratios were calculated for Si/Fe, Cr/Fe, and Mn/Fe fromthe data in Table B. These are presented in Table C. The Cr/Fe ratio is greater than 1.0 in all areas except one, the darkarea on the weld ID, and greater than 4.0 on the OD surfaces.The Si/Fe and Mn/Fe ratios are likewise high on the ODsurfaces. This is logical since these are light oxides or silicatesthat tend to float on the surface of the weld puddle.

Table D summarizes the molecular composition of theelements on the surface of the welds. Area 1b, the light orwhite area on the weld ID, is unique in that it containselemental chromium and iron, while the other areas were


Corrosion Resistance

©Copyright ISPE 2008

the crevice corrosion test is more severe than a pitting test,but because of the near impossibility to make a plastic creviceformer to fit a circular weld, the test is modified to make it intoa severe pitting test that approximates the same corrosionsensitivity. The higher temperature and 1% hydrochloric acidmakes this test much more severe so it will indicate if thecomponent will behave differently than the base alloy. TableE presents the corrosion results for the two temperatures.

The weight loss is substantial for the 50°C test. Examina-tion of this corroded specimen shows severe attack in the heataffected zone of the AL-6XN stainless. This is caused by theformation of secondary phases formed in the heat affectedzones of welds during the cooling period after welding, whichis vulnerable to attack in severe corrosion environments. The35°C sample shows no corrosion pits, indicating the test takesplace below the critical pitting temperature. Neither speci-men showed any evidence of attack on or around the oxidefilm on the weld or heat affected zone which was the focus ofthis test.

SummaryVisual examination of the two areas selected for evaluation,namely the light and dark areas of the weld on both the insideand outside of the tube, shows a heavier surface oxide ornitride layer in the dark areas and little, if any, coating in thelighter areas. The dark areas had large patches of blackcompounds. The coating is essentially nonexistent in thelight areas. Figures 5 and 6 indicate the surface in the darkarea appears to be covered with a crystal that is eitherchromite or chromite spinel based on the XPS analyses.

The high calcium and aluminum in the dark particles comefrom melting the inclusions in the steel. Argon-Oxygen Decar-burization (AOD) is a refining process used to adjust the finalchemistry of the steel to very precise levels and to removeessentially all of the carbon and sulfur from the molten steel.Calcium and magnesium silicate is used as a protective slag inthe AOD refining process and may be entrapped in the moltensteel. A short radius caster was used which is very prone tocapturing slag particles on one side of the ingot. Following theAOD operation, aluminum, titanium or both, are added toremove the excess oxygen from the AOD operation. Unfortu-nately, all of these additives may show up in the finishedproduct as slag inclusions and cause problems during welding.

Usually, the dark brown to blue-black colors on the weldand heat affected zones indicate contaminated gas coverageor decomposition of complex oxides present in the inclusions.At the high temperature of the welding torch, it may bepossible to reduce the oxides to a substoichiometric species,thus, providing oxygen to allow further oxide formation. Thisis fairly common with reactive metals like zirconium andtitanium where the substoichiometric oxides are black andcorrosion resistant, but once the oxide becomes stoichiomet-ric, rapid corrosion occurs. This mechanism would account foroxygen when no oxygen appears to be present.

The 35°C (95°F) corrosion test shows no evidence of corro-sion susceptibility although the 50°C (122°F) had excessiveattack in the heat affected zone because of chi phase in the

Si/Fe Ratio Cr/Fe Ratio Mn/Fe RatioSample 1a 0.7 0.8 -Sample 1b 1.0 4.0 0.0Sample 2a 3.7 5.1 0.4Sample 2b 4.4 4.4 1.7

Table C. Ratio of silicon, chromium, and manganese to iron.

Temperature, ºC Weight Loss, grams % Weight Loss50 0.9200 11.0335 0.0011 0.013

Table E. Corrosion test results.

Table D. Summary of molecular form of elements on the weldsurface.

Element Spectrum SummaryC 5 Mixed hydrocarbon and carbon/oxygen species;

due to atmospheric exposure and isopropanolwashing

N 6 Nitrides on Sample 2a, 2b (OD); organically boundon 1a, 1b (ID)

O 7 Mixed oxides – assignment difficult due tonumber of oxide species

F 8 Teflon on Sample 2a; none in other areasAl 9 Oxide on all surfaces, but also major Al

intermetallic on Sample 1aSi 10 Silicates on all surfacesCa 11 Calcium oxide and probably calcium silicateCr 12 Primarily Cr2O3; 5% Cr° on 1b, hydrated oxide on

1aMn 13 Mn O2 on Samples 2a, 2b (OD)Fe 14 Primarily Fe2O3; 10% Fe° on 1bZn 15 ZnOMo 16 MoO2

totally oxidized. These data indicate a high level of oxygen inthe weld zones. In addition, there are high levels of calcium,silicon, and manganese.

Teflon on the outside of the tube appears to be fromsecondary contamination after welding. Keep in mind thatXPS analyzes the top 5 to 8 atoms on the surface of the metal.High energy spectrum charts from which these data wereobtained are included as Spectra 5-16.

Corrosion TestingThe remaining section of the submitted sample, not con-sumed in the preceding analyses, was submitted for corrosiontesting. The specimen was cut into two equal pieces so that aportion of the weld center line was exposed to the corrodingsolution in both pieces. AL-6XN is a superior austeniticstainless steel that has proven to be resistant to standardtests for typical austenitic steels such as 316L. Therefore, thetest used for this study was a modified ASTM G 48 corrosionimmersion test. The solution is 6% FeCl3 + 1% HCl. Twotemperatures were selected, 35° C and 50°C each for a 72 hourduration. The 50°C corrosion test is more severe than thenormal acceptance test for AL-6XN. The normal acceptancetest is a crevice corrosion test in 6% FeCl3 at 35°C. Normally,


Corrosion Resistance

©Copyright ISPE 2008

AL-6XN. No attack took place in the weld area. The presenceof the chi phase is a problem with the formulation of the AL-6XN alloy and is caused by the alloy’s low nickel content.There is little you can do to prevent its formation. The alloyneeds at least 45% Ni to prevent chi formation and AL-6XNstainless has only 24%. Chi forms in the temperature rangeof 1750 - 2050°F, a zone of which will exist in both heataffected zones of every weld. Its formation can be minimizedby extracting the heat as fast as possible, perhaps by usingwater cooled weld rings. Changing filler alloy to either C-22or C-276 will have little impact on chi phase formation in theAL-6XN stainless although it will make a difference in thesolidification structure of the weld.

Although the weld and heat affected zones show discolora-tion, the discoloration should have little effect on the perfor-mance of the weld in service. The oxides appear to be stableand do not dissolve even at very high temperatures and in anextremely corrosive solution. Therefore, it appears that thecurrent welding practice may be used in the field withoutconcern of early corrosion failure.

References1. Grubb, J.F., AL-6XN Alloy – Allegheny Ludlum Corpora-

tion, Allegheny Teledyne Company, Pittsburgh, PA, 2002.2. Inconel Alloy 625 Technical Bulletin, Publication Number

SMC-063, Special Metals Corporation, Huntington, WV.2004 (Jan 2004).

AcknowledgementThe authors would like to thank Central States Industrial –Springfield Missouri for providing the samples and weldingused in this study.

About the AuthorsKen Kimbrel is Vice President withUltraClean Electropolishing Incorporated.He attended Tulsa Community College andhas an extensive background in engineering,equipment manufacturing, and is a NACEInternational Board Certified Corrosion Tech-nician. He is a member of the AmericanSociety of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and

serves as Chairman of the ASME BPE Sub-Committee onMetallic Materials of Construction. He is also a member ofthe ASME-BPE Sub-Committees on Accreditation, the MainCommittee and Executive Committee. He is a member ofISPE, ASM International (ASM), the International Metallo-graphic Society (IMS), the National Association of CorrosionEngineers (NACE), and serves NACE as a member of SpecificTechnology Group 39- Material Applications; TechnologyExchange Group 114X – Applications of Duplex and FerriticStainless Steel, and Technology Exchange Group 116X- Aus-tenitic Alloy applications, and serves as vice-chair of NACETechnology Exchange Group – Material Issues in High Purity& Sanitary Applications. He can be contacted by telephone:+1-417-827-2526 or by e-mail:

UltraClean Electropolishing, Inc., 1814 Sunny Dr., Hous-ton, Texas 77093, US.

John Tverberg, PE, FASME is the Manag-ing Partner of Metals and Materials Consult-ing Engineers and the former vice presidentof technology for Trent Tube, E. Troy, WI. Hehas both a BS and MS in metallurgical engi-neering and a minor in physical chemistryfrom the University of Arizona. He was anexchange scientist with EURATOM in Ger-

many. His career includes nuclear power, heat transfer, alloydesign, and industrial design. He is a member of ASME ASMInternational, NACE, and ISPE. He served as chairman ofthe ASME heat exchanger committee and is past chairman ofthe Columbia Basin Chapter of ASM. He is a licensed profes-sional engineer, and the author of numerous technical pa-pers. He can be contacted by telephone: +1-262-392-3113 orby e-mail:

Metals and Materials Consulting Engineers, 135 FruitlynDr., Dallastown, Pennsylvania 17313, US.


Equipment Design

©Copyright ISPE 2008

This articledescribes thedesign of aninnovativeAutomatic PillBottle Opener,which was aSenior DesignProject in theMechanicalEngineeringDepartment atStevensInstitute ofTechnology,completed inMay 2007.

Automatic Pill Bottle Opener

by Jorge DaSilva, Jay Peterson, Murat Kocak,William Indoe, and Richard Berkof

Project Background

Like most fourth year engineering stu-dents, four mechanical engineering stu-dents at Stevens Institute of Technologyin Hoboken, New Jersey began their

senior design project in September 2006. Thismay not sound significant, but the final body ofwork more closely resembled a new productdevelopment project than your standard un-dergraduate design project. With a fundinggrant from ISPE and a total project cycle timeof eight months, these students attempted todo what many professionals could not: Find amarket need, design a product to meet thisneed, and transform the final design into a newproduct reality.

Given the problem statement of designingand developing a semi-autonomous electrome-chanical product to assist the elderly, the origi-nal problem statement was about as vast as theAtlantic Ocean. But before the team could nar-row down the scope, it needed to understand itsmarket. The results from the subsequent mar-ket research were not surprising. The domesticelderly care and assistance market is one of thefastest growing markets in the world. Withinthe next 15 years, another 32 million new cus-tomers from the older baby boomer demographicwill enter this market representing a total spend-ing power of $2.1 trillion.1 Currently, Americansage 65 or older account for approximately 12.6%of the total population, or roughly 36 millionpeople, with an average expenditure of $3,588

per person on healthcare. This represents a totalhealthcare spending of $129 billion.2

Now that the team had a fairly good under-standing of its overall market, a preliminaryneeds assessment was conducted. Desperatelytrying to capture the voice of its customer, theteam vigorously pursued all avenues. Focusgroups held at senior citizen homes, one-on-oneinterviews with elders, and internet searchesfor elderly products all yielded several plau-sible opportunities, particularly in the areas ofpersonal mobility, medication delivery, andmemory assistance. Finally with input frompotential customers, data captured from mar-ket research and lengthy brainstorming ses-sions, the group identified a need for an auto-mated medication container opener.

The automated medication container openerwas targeted at individuals suffering from ar-thritis, cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, orany other cause for general muscle weaknessand reduced grip strength. Such individualstend to have difficulties opening standardchildproof closures found on most medicationcontainers. Thus, the team’s new objective wasto facilitate the opening of medication contain-ers through the development of an electrome-chanical consumer device. The goal was toprovide a universal solution for removing thesemedication container closures.

In addition to simply fulfilling a need, theteam felt that this product also presented agreat market opportunity. Consumer models

Poster Contest Team at Contest: (l-r) RichardBerkof, Jorge DaSilva, Murat Kocak, William Indoe,and Jay Peterson.

Poster Contest Team at Engineering. Day: (l-r)Richard Berkof, Murat Kocak, William Indoe, JorgeDaSilva, and Jay Peterson.

Reprinted from


The Official Magazine of ISPE

January/February 2008, Vol. 28 No. 1


Equipment Design

©Copyright ISPE 2008

that exist in the current market are not fully automatic. Mostconsumer models are simple manually assisted devices thatrequire a large amount of dexterity and strength from theuser. If a fully automatic device could be designed and built,it would enjoy a huge competitive advantage as being the firstsuch product to market.

Preliminary DesignWith a customer need and market opportunity identified, theteam could now enter the initial design phase. Knowing howimportant customer satisfaction is to the success of a con-sumer product, the team needed to ensure that the finaldesign would satisfy the customer’s needs and wants. Toachieve this, the team developed a House of Quality Matrix- Figure 1. The matrix takes engineering characteristicslisted in the top row of the matrix and compares them to thecustomer requirements listed in the leftmost column. In thecell where the customer requirement intersects the engineer-ing characteristics, the level of interdependence is denoted bya symbol or number. Ranking the customer requirements inorder of priority and then seeing which engineering charac-teristics correspond to the higher ranking requirements, theteam is able to identify areas of the design in which to focus.For this project, the top three ranking customer require-ments were ease of use, cost, and appearance.

Now that important engineering characteristics were iden-tified, the next step in the process was to develop a productscope and specifications for the design. With the original goalof developing a universal fully automatic device, the teamtried to make the scope as wide as possible without biting offmore than they could chew. Thus, they decided to include alltypes of medication containers they could. The types ofcontainers included in the scope were child safety, standardscrew off, and pop top containers. The only containers omittedfrom the scope were the child resistant containers featuringtwo tabs on the side of the cap across from each other, whichthe user depresses in order to unlock the safety mechanism.

Specifications such as the cap and bottle dimensions andclosure type were determined through researching the differ-ent types of medication containers that exist. The values were

acquired from manufacturers of the medication containers.Specifications such as the machine dimensions, weight, open-ing time, and loading time were determined from feedbackthat was provided by the customers. The customer researchshowed that the consumers desire a product that is similar toconventional home devices such as a coffee maker or amicrowave. The opening time must not exceed 30 seconds andloading time must not exceed 20 seconds. The remainingspecifications such as opening torque and minimum downforce were determined experimentally. After performing suchexperiments, it was found that in order to depress a standardchild safety mechanism, a minimum of 11 pounds of downforce must be applied. In addition, the minimum torquerequired to open a bottle was determined experimentally tobe about 1.5 inch-pounds.

During the next phase of the project, the team brainstormedseveral different concepts and developed hand sketches ofthese concepts, such as the one shown in Figure 2. Based onthe highest ranking customer requirements and the impor-tant engineering characteristics identified in House of Qual-ity, the team was able to perform a concept screening tochoose the best concept. The sketch shown is actually thewinning concept that was selected for further development. Itfeatures a crosshead that travels vertically downward toengage the child safety mechanism. The bottle is centeredusing the lower grippers and then the crosshead rotates toopen the container.

Design DevelopmentAfter two and a half months of work, several discussions, anda few disagreements, the team was ready to begin its detaileddesign. With the customer needs always in mind and focusingon the critical engineering characteristics, the team was ableto utilize advanced 3D modeling software packages to de-velop a detailed design. Figure 3 shows an exploded view of

Figure 1. House of Quality matrix.

Figure 2. Early concept sketch.


Equipment Design

©Copyright ISPE 2008

the final detailed design. Somewhat different from the origi-nal sketch, the final design does not use fingers to physicallyhold the cap after it is loosened. The team felt that a userwould not want the machine to retain the cap after the bottleis opened. This also helped reduce complexity in the design asit reduced the number of moving parts.

The final design features a bottom gripper operated by therotation of an internal cam. This gripper is only used to centerthe bottle and does not need to firmly grasp the bottle once thecrosshead is engaged. A linear lead screw is used to raise andlower the crosshead as well as provide the necessary downforce to depress the child safety mechanism. This linear leadscrew is operated via a stepper motor. The final motion, whichis the bottle rotation, is done at the crosshead and is poweredby a standard permanent magnet DC motor.

The advantage of using a 3D modeling program is theability to perform stress analysis on the various parts thatmake up the assembly. This allowed the team to verify theintegrity of the design and make design changes quicklybased on unfavorable results. The screen shot was taken fromone of these analyses performed on the internal cam mecha-nism of the assembly - Figure 4. The team identified this

component as having a high potential for failure; thus, theteam used the software to verify that its design would not failunder the stresses and strains of operation.

Final Design, Fabrication, Assembly,and Integration

A final design was now in place, critical parts were identifiedand analyzed, and the team had four months remaining tofabricate and test the design. During these remaining fourmonths, the team was able to order and receive all compo-nents, machine those that needed machining, perform adetailed electrical design, program a microcontroller, as-semble all of the sub components, and test the machine’sfunctionality. After a successful integration phase, the resultof this effort is shown in a fully functional proof of conceptdevice capable of gripping, engaging, and rotating caps off awide variety of medication containers - Figure 5.

Industrial DesignThe major aspiration of this project was design, build, refine,and test the proof of concept device to highlight the feasibilityof our concept for an automated pill bottle opener. The teamdecided that it also needed to demonstrate that the concepthas a marketable aspect to it. Thus, a consumer design wasrequired to reveal the next rendition of the group’s concept;the design incorporated all the knowledge of the mechanics ofopening various caps that the group had learned from testingand refining the proof of concept design. The consumer modelcan be seen in Figure 6. Some major changes are the sleekerouter casing, which would be made of injection molded plas-tic. This helped significantly reduce the number of fastenersnecessary for assembly, reducing assembly time. The casingalso helped considerably reduce size and weight. The powertransmission mechanism also was changed on the lowergripper of the consumer design from a belt and pulley to a geartrain.

Figure 3. Detailed design – exploded view.

Figure 4. Stress analysis of cam.


Equipment Design

©Copyright ISPE 2008

Figure 5. Proof of concept demonstration device.

Figure 6. Industrial design – consumer model.

This consumer model also was important to help determinethe economic feasibility of the project. Market research showedthat price was the primary concern for consumers. It alsoshowed that there was a willingness to buy the product if it couldbe offered at approximately $75. Based on revenue projections,manufacturing cost estimates, and start up expenses, thisinitial investment could generate an IRR of 33%, a Net PresentValue of $1,778,000, and a payback period of 4.1 years. The costof the product is reasonable, considering many devices on themarket are manual and can cost up to $30.

As people age, they lose some of the physical functionalitythey had at younger ages. As this begins to happen, theybecome more dependent on others to help them completedaily tasks. This device will allow elderly individuals toretain a level of self-reliance, which could enhance theiroverall quality of life. Not such an insignificant accomplish-ment for eight months work from a group of highly motivatedundergraduates.

Note About the ProjectThis project was supported by a generous grant from theISPE New Jersey Chapter, of which the associated StevensStudent Chapter is the active organization on campus. TheSenior Design Project concept and working model were pre-sented at the 2007 ISPE New Jersey Student Poster Contest,and won first place/top honors.

References1. Demographic Profile: American Baby Boomers, http://

2. Demographic Profile: American 65+,

About the AuthorsJorge DaSilva graduated top of his classfrom Stevens Institute of Technology inHoboken, New Jersey, in May 2007. He re-ceived a Bachelor’s of Engineering in me-chanical engineering, along with a Master’sof Engineering in systems engineering. Aftergraduation, he joined Johnson & Johnson’sGlobal Operations Leadership Development

Program (G.O.L.D.). As part of his first rotation, he is workingas a Mechanical Engineer in the Engineering TechnologyInnovations group for Johnson & Johnson Consumer Prod-ucts Company.

Jay Peterson graduated from Stevens In-stitute of Technology in May 2007 with aBachelor’s of Engineering in mechanical en-gineering. Following graduation, he is work-ing as an Associate Field Professional forHalliburton Energy Services in their Log-ging and Perforating Division in Woodward,Oklahoma.

Murat Kocak graduated from Stevens In-stitute of Technology in May 2007 with aBachelor’s of Engineering in mechanical en-gineering. Following graduation, he is work-ing at Buck, Seifert and Jost Inc., and ispursuing his Master’s in mechanical engi-neering.

William Indoe graduated from Stevens In-stitute of Technology in May 2007 with aBachelor’s of Engineering in mechanical en-gineering.


Equipment Design

©Copyright ISPE 2008

Dr. Richard S. Berkof is the Founder (in2002) and Director of the PharmaceuticalManufacturing Engineering Program, theDepartment of Mechanical Engineering ofStevens Institute of Technology in Hoboken,New Jersey, and is distinguished industryprofessor of mechanical engineering. He pre-viously worked with the pharmaceutical in-

dustry at Raytheon/United Engineers and Constructors inPhiladelphia as Manager, Advanced Manufacturing and Sys-tems Integration, and engineering projects with Sandoz multi-product bulk pharm plant, Hoffmann-La Roche pharm techcenter and launch complex, Ciba-Corning Diagnostics’ mod-ernized medical diagnostic test manufacturing facility, andAres-Serono’s biotech production facilities. He earned hisPhD in engineering mechanics from the City University ofNew York, MS in mechanical engineering from ColumbiaUniversity, Bachelor’s of Mechanical Engineering from theCity College of New York, and spent many years in industryin engineering management positions related to the develop-ment of complex automated systems, from concept and designto testing and acceptance. He has authored more than 30publications, many relating to dynamics of machine systems,and has been active in ISPE and ASME, as well as othertechnical professional societies. He holds PE licenses in NewYork and Pennsylvania. He can be contacted by e-mail

Stevens Institute of Technology, Castle Point on Hudson,Hoboken, New Jersey 07030, US.


ISPE Update

©Copyright ISPE 2008

PQLI at Forefront of Industry’s Quest for Qualityby Rochelle Runas, ISPE Technical Writer

PQLI, the groundbreaking projectto find practical, global ap-proaches to implementing ICH

guidelines, continues to gain momen-tum with more interactive sessionsscheduled for ISPE’s Copenhagen Con-ference in April.

The Product Quality Lifecycle Imple-mentation (PQLI) initiative is an in-dustry-driven effort lead by ISPE tofind pragmatic approaches for thosewanting to implement the high levelICH Guidelines Q8, Q9, and Q10.

With the encouragement of the USFDA, PQLI was launched in June 2007at the ISPE Washington Conference,which featured highly interactive work-shops with 50 FDA participants. PQLIhas since been capturing the attentionof industry leaders and regulatorsworldwide. In response to fast growinginterest, PQLI sessions were held atthe ISPE Berlin Conference in Sep-tember 2007 in Berlin, Germany, andat the ISPE Annual Meeting in No-vember 2007 in Las Vegas, Nevada.

At the Berlin Conference, JacquesMorénas, EU expert and Chairman ofthe Pharmaceutical Inspection Coop-eration Scheme (PIC/S), announced hissupport of PQLI. PIC/S is a cooperativearrangement between 30 regulatoryauthorities worldwide that enablesactive and constructive cooperation andsharing of information in the field ofGMP.

The ISPE Annual Meeting broughttogether regulators from the US FDA,Japan’s MHLW, and the EMEA whoactively engaged in PQLI educationalsessions with conference attendees.

The next PQLI gathering will takeplace 9 - 11 April at the ISPE Confer-ence on Innovation in Copenhagen,Denmark.

BackgroundICH GuidelinesThe ICH is a forum that brings togetherthe regulatory authorities of the US,Japan, and Europe, and experts from

the pharmaceuticalindustry to harmo-nize technical re-quirements for theregistration of phar-maceutical prod-ucts among thethree regions.

In November2005, ICH endorsedand recommendedthat the three regu-latory authoritiesadopt the followingtwo guidelines:

• ICH Q8 (Phar-maceutical De-velopment) –provides suggested content for a par-ticular section of a product registra-tion application to regulatory au-thorities in the three regions. Thissection is intended to provide re-viewers and inspectors a compre-hensive understanding of the prod-uct and its manufacturing process.

• ICH Q9 (Quality Risk Management)– provides recommendations for asystematic approach to quality riskmanagement. The guidance includesprinciples and tools for quality riskmanagement that can be applied toall aspects of pharmaceutical qual-ity throughout the lifecycle of drugsubstances, drug products, and bio-logical and biotechnological prod-ucts. The guidance is intended toenable regulators and industrymake more effective and consistentrisk-based decisions.

Currently under development is ICHQ10 (Pharmaceutical Quality System).This guideline is expected to describe amodel for an effective quality manage-ment system for the pharmaceuticalindustry that can be implementedthroughout the different stages of aproduct lifecycle. Implementationshould facilitate innovation and con-tinual improvement and strengthen

The Big Picture –Why PQLI is so Important

PQLI plays an integral role in bringing industry and regulatorstogether to find solutions to the challenges of implementingthe high level concepts found in ICH Q8, Q9, and Q10 andQbD.

These concepts coincide with the industry movementtoward building quality into pharmaceuticals from develop-ment through manufacturing; bridging gaps between pharma-ceutical development and manufacturing; and using soundscience to demonstrate and assure the product’s safety,quality, and efficacy throughout its entire lifecycle.

If these concepts are implemented, it may streamline theway pharmaceuticals are developed and manufactured, re-sulting in cost benefits for the pharmaceutical companies,which they in turn, can pass on to patients in the form of highquality, affordable medicines.

the link between pharmaceutical de-velopment and manufacturing activi-ties.

Quality by DesignAround the same time ICH Q8 and Q9were issued, the term Quality by De-sign (QbD) made its way into theindustry’s lexicon. It has been describedin many different ways, including itbeing a concept, idea, approach, phi-losophy, or perspective that qualityshould be built into a product as op-posed to being tested for after manu-facture. Many of the concepts in Q8and Q9 are elements of or are closelyaligned with QbD.

Currently under development is ICHQ8 R1 (Pharmaceutical DevelopmentRevision), the annex to Q8 (Pharma-ceutical Development). The documentis expected to provide an official defini-tion for QbD and its principles. Thedocument is also expected to providefurther clarification of key concepts(e.g., design space) and tools outlinedin the core guideline and how they canbe put into practice.

PQLI – Tying It All Together“The ICH guidelines, especially Q8,Q9, and Q10, are unique because they

Reprinted from


The Official Magazine of ISPE

January/February 2008, Vol. 28 No. 1

Continued on page 2.


ISPE Update

©Copyright ISPE 2008

PQLI at Forefront of Industry's Quest for QualityContinued from page 2.

are more visionary,” said Moheb Nasr,Director, Office of New Drug QualityAssessment, CDER, US FDA, in theDecember issue of the Journal of Phar-maceutical Innovation. “They are at ahigher level, they are not very pre-scriptive, and do not provide a lot ofdetails of how and what to submit inapplications.”

“Because of that, there is a need todevelop more detailed technical guid-ance to facilitate the implementationof Q8, Q9, and Q10,” Nasr said. “ISPEdeveloped the PQLI program to do justthat.” PQLI also aims to provide moredetailed technical guidance to imple-ment QbD in regulatory submissions.

The main objectives of PQLI are to:

• Facilitate the understanding of theconcepts contained in the ICH docu-ments Q8, Q9, and Q10

• provide the technical frameworkrequired for the implementation ofQuality by Design (QbD) in regula-tory submissions

• enable Q8, Q9, and Q10 to becomecross-functional tools valued by boththe industry and regulatory authori-ties worldwide

While accomplishing the above objec-tives, PQLI envisions delivering to theindustry a comprehensive and practi-cal knowledge base that will includethe following: white papers and simi-lar publications, guidances, technicaldocuments, an Enyclopedia of QbD,and education and training.

What has PQLIAccomplished So Far?

Much progress has been made in facili-tating the understanding of QbD andthe concepts in the ICH guidelines,including:

• Criticality (subtopics of critical vs.non-critical, attributes and param-eters, and knowledge space)

• Design Space• Control Strategy

These concepts are discussed in detailin the Draft PQLI Summary Update

The Next Step: CopenhagenCopenhagen will feature highly interactive workshops with valuable input

from 20 European regulators.

Copenhagen 2008 PQLI Workshop Draft Agenda(Agenda Subject to Change)

Day 1 – Wednesday 9 April 2008 (Introductory workshop)

Afternoon Session – Plenary – Introduction to Program

Introduction to ICH and the way ICH works

Overview of the ICH Guidelines

Coffee Break

ICH Implementation Work Groups and ICH Q8/9/10 Guidelines from an Assessors Perspective

ICH Implementation Work Groups and ICH Q8/9/10 Guidelines from an Inspectors Perspective

Wrap up and lead in to PQLI

Day 2 – Thursday 10 April 2008

Morning Sessions – Plenary

Introduction to PQLI

The Future Role of Pharmacopeias

Coffee Break – Exhibition

Establishing Release Specification – Current and Future (An Assessor and Industry Perspective)

What Could be the Role of the Qualified Person in the Future – including Control Strategy andBatch Release (Inspector and Industry Perspective)

Introduction to Workshops

Lunch and Exhibition

Afternoon Sessions – 4 parallel task teams. Workshop / Case Study Format

Design Space Criticality Control Strategy LegacyProducts

Coffee Break – Exhibition

Design Space Criticality Control Strategy LegacyProducts

Reception and Exhibition

Day 3 – Friday 11 April 2008

Morning Sessions – 4 parallel discussions. Workshop / Case Study Format

Future Role of a Submission vs. Specifications Real TimeQualified Person Inspection Data Release

Coffee Break – Exhibition

Future Role of a Submission vs. Specifications Real TimeQualified Person Inspection Data Release

Lunch and Exhibition

Afternoon Sessions – Plenary

Reports and feedback on Workshops

Coffee Break – Exhibition

Panel Discussion and Q&A – All Region and Key Speakers from Industry and Regulators+ Industry Speakers

Conclusions and Wrap-Up: Way forward for PQLI


ISPE Update

©Copyright ISPE 2008

First of Its Kind Joint ISPE-PIC/S Workshop a Successby Robert M. Tribe, ISPE Regulatory Affairs Advisor, Asia-Pacific

ISPE joined with PIC/S to co-host theWorkshop “Systems Approach to

Quality Risk Management,” which wasthe first time that PIC/S had collabo-rated with an industry organization toarrange the training of regulatory GMPinspectors alongside industry repre-sentatives.

The Workshop, held 22 – 23 Novem-ber 2007 in Singapore, was attendedby 226 participants, comprising 65regulators and 161 industry partici-pants from 34 different countries. TheWorkshop provided updates on ICHQ8, Q9, and Q10, as well as the riskmanagement methodologies that theindustry can use to enhance manufac-turing efficiencies. Examples of the useof risk management approaches, in theform of actual case studies, were pre-sented by a French regulator and anindustry representative.

Regulators and industry represen-tatives also worked together in smallbreakout groups to discuss and seeksolutions to two fictitious manufactur-ing problems using risk managementtools and methodologies. These work-shop exercises revealed that regula-tors and industry generally reachedsimilar conclusions when solvingmanufacturing problems, using simi-lar risk management approaches.

There was enthusiastic participa-tion and interaction between regula-tors and industry, not only during theWorkshop sessions, but also duringthe less formal coffee and lunch breaksand evening networking reception.

PIC/S has reported in a press re-

lease that “the Workshop was a suc-cess and it is expected that more jointworkshops will be organized with pro-fessional and industry associations inthe future.”

Bruce Davis, Chairman of ISPE,has indicated, “We in ISPE were proud

to have been the first industry organi-zation to be invited to co-host such aprestigious event in such a dynamicpart of the world and, as Chairman, Iwas delighted to be able to open theWorkshop along with Mr. JacquesMorénas, Chairman of PIC/S.”

PQLI at Forefront...Continued.

Report, V04, by PQLI Technical WriterSion Wyn, which can be found

White papers and articles are be-ing developed for publication this yearin Pharmaceutical Engineering andthe Journal of Pharmaceutical Inno-vation.

Mark Your Calendar with these ISPE EventsFebruary 20085 Nordic Affiliate, Conference on Product Security and Protection Oslo, Norway9 ISPE Southeast Student Leadership Forum, McKimmon Center, Raleigh, North

Carolina, US9 ISPE West Coast Student Leadership Forum, Embassy Suites, Walnut Creek,

California, US12 ISPE Webinar: Successful Training of CTM Professionals14-15 INTERHEX Puerto Rico, Puerto Rico Convention Center, San Juan, Puerto Rico20 Carolina-South Atlantic Chapter, Student Career Fair, NC Biotech Center,

Research Triangle Park, North Carolina, US21 Rocky Mountain Chapter, Annual Vendor Expo and Workshops, Millennium

Harvest House, Boulder, Colorado, US21 New Jersey Chapter, Clean Room Overview and Comparison of FDA and EU

Regulations, Somerset, New Jersey, US21 San Diego Chapter, Dinner Meeting, Topic: Business Continuity, San Diego,

California, US25 - 28 ISPE Conference on Manufacturing Excellence, Hyatt Regency Tampa, Tampa,

Florida, USTopics include: Biotechnology processing, validation, aseptic processing, PAT,GAMP®5, advanced automation and process control, critical utilities, disposables,and operational excellence

28 San Francisco/Bay Area Chapter, Vendor Night, South San Francisco ConferenceCenter, South San Francisco, California, US

28 UK Affiliate - Central Region, Seminar on Risk and Quality Management, AZ,Loughborough, United Kingdom

28 - 29 ISPE Classroom Training, Auditing for GMP, Tokyo, Japan

March 20084 Carolina-South Atlantic Chapter, Annual Technology Show with local Chapter

Student Poster Competition, RBC Center, Raleigh, North Carolina, US12 Carolina-South Atlantic Chapter, Joint CASA/ASHRAE Event, BioContainment,

McKimmon Center, Raleigh, North Carolina, US12 Nordic Affiliate, Conference on Biomanufacturing Excellence, Copenhagen,

Denmark12-13 Indonesia Affiliate, Conference, Indonesia13 France Affiliate, Conference on Single Use Devices, Paris, France17 Argentina Affiliate, Workshop Topics include GAMP Validation, Qualification,

Risk Analysis, Buenos Aires, Argentina18 Central Canada Chapter, Toronto Breakfast Seminar: Biotech Session, Toronto,

Ontario, Canada19 Central Canada Chapter, Montreal Breakfast Seminar: Biotech Session, Montreal,

Quebec, Canada20 Central Canada Chapter, Quebec City Breakfast Seminar: Biotech Session,

Quebec City, Quebec, Canada20 New Jersey Chapter, Dual Track Program on RFID and AIA Contracts,

Somerset, New Jersey, US26-28 INTERPHEX2008, Pennsylvania Convention Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,

US28 Turkey Affiliate, Seminar on GAMP 5, Istanbul, Turkey

Dates and Topics are subject to change.


ISPE Update

©Copyright ISPE 2008

ISPE – CCPIE PartnershipAims to Advance China’sPharmaceutical Industryby Rochelle Runas, ISPE Technical Writer

With China’s entry to the WTO expected to open thefloodgates of the country’s pharmaceutical industry along

with stiffer pharmaceutical standards, the joint ISPE andCCPIE inaugural GMP Conference held in Shanghai couldn’thave been timelier.

More than 150 industry leaders, government officials, andacademics attended the conference, held 28 October 2007 atthe Parkview Hotel, Shanghai, China.

The Conference was a joint collaboration between ISPEand the China Centre for Pharmaceutical International Ex-change (CCPIE), a division of the China Safe Food and DrugAdministration (SFDA).

The Conference was held the day before the 12th ChinaInternational Pharmaceutical Industry Exhibition and theChina International Pharmaceutical Industry Forum and justdays after China’s State Food and Drug Administration issuedrevised good manufacturing practice inspectional guidelines.

According to an article in PharmaAsia, the new guide-lines, effective 1 January, replace GMP inspectional guide-lines that were implemented in 1998. The revised guidelinesare meant to increase quality systems standards for pharma-ceutical manufacturers, expanding “drug makers’ technicalrequirements for personal qualifications, production pro-cesses, quality control, and validation documentation.”

The inaugural GMP Conference included sessions ad-dressing the latest trends in the Chinese pharmaceuticalindustry, including policies, regulations, industry guidelines,and technical criteria.

Some of the topics discussed included the Use of Scienceand Risk-Based Approach and Quality by Design in Pharma-ceutical Engineering and Manufacturing, and an in-depthlook into the PricewaterhouseCoopers report Pharma 2020:The Vision – Which Path Will You Take?

The GMP Conference is a result of a three-year Memoran-dum of Understanding (MOU) signed by ISPE and CCPIEOctober 2007. Under the MOU, ISPE and CCPIE will collabo-rate to oversee the production of conferences, exhibitions, andtraining programs, both for the pharmaceutical industry inChina and the SFDA.

By introducing training programs and educational events toqualified professionals, ISPE hopes to share global best prac-tices and knowledge with China’s pharmaceutical industry.This will contribute to the advancement of technical efficiencyof pharmaceutical professionals in China, such as engineers,microbiologists, chemists, QA/QC, production, process develop-ment, pharmacists, regulatory and training personnel, academia,and suppliers. ISPE also aims to keep industry professionalsupdated on the latest technological and regulatory trends thatare occurring on the international scene.

International Call for ArticlesPharmaceutical Engineering is the Global InformationSource for Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Profession-als and is the official magazine of ISPE. ISPE membersinclude individuals participating in multiple fieldsrelating to pharmaceutical manufacturing. This audi-ence encompasses engineering staff, operators, sci-entists, and compliance staff from biologics andpharmaceutical operating companies; vendors sup-plying equipment and services to these industries;regulators and government officials; academic schol-ars, professors, and students.

Pharmaceutical Engineering is seeking articles witha global perspective for the issues listed here.

JULY/AUGUST 2008Theme: Process DevelopmentManuscripts Due: 3 March 2008 Publishes: 21 July 2008Potential articles in this issue will focus on process development topics,including process research and innovation, process modeling, scale-up,and the design, construction, and operation of pilot plants and laboratoryunits. This issue could explore technology transfer, manufacturingoptimization, operational excellence, and the use of PAT to achieve newefficiencies and increase process knowledge and control. Additionaltopics could include design space, combined products, continuousprocessing, ICH Q8, Q9, Q10, Quality by Design, and fast responsefacilities.

SEPTEMBER/OCTOBER 2008Theme: Oral Solid Dosage (OSD)Manuscripts Due: 2 May 2008 Publishes: 22 Sept 2008Potential articles in this issue will focus on the processes and equipmentused in a typical Oral Solid Dosage (OSD) facility. Case studies willattempt to demonstrate PAT application, better process control strate-gies, and automation in an OSD environment. Articles featuring thelatest in OSD packaging technology, including robotics, RFID, and visionsystems will be sought. Additional topics could include advancementsin combined products, production, tabletting, containment, and riskassessment. An update and application of the ISPE Baseline Guide willbe featured.

NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2008Theme: Decontamination/Containment/SterilizationManuscripts Due: 3 July 2008 Publishes: 20 Nov 2008Potential articles in this issue will focus on the latest in Decontamination/Containment/Sterilization technologies and their applications in thepharmaceutical industry. Case studies could explore how these systemsare incorporated into pharmaceutical processes and facilities. Additionaltopics could focus on how to effectively utilize a Risk Managementprocess to determine the decontamination/containment/sterilizationneeds, in addition to sampling issues, aseptic sampling, cleaning, PATapplication, and process control strategy. Articles on the newly updatedISPE Baseline Guide for Sterile Manufacturing Facilities as well asupdates and applications of various ISPE technical documents, includingthe Water and Steam Baseline Guide Revision, HVAC Good PracticeGuide, and the C&Q of Pharmaceutical Water and Steam Systems GoodPractice Guide will be featured.

For further information, please visit our Web siteat, and then connect the following links:

Publications, Pharmaceutical Engineering,How to Submit an Article, and then Author Guidelines.


Classified Advertising

©Copyright ISPE 2008

Architects, Engineers – Constructors

CH2M Hill, PO Box 22508, Denver, CO80222. See our adin this issue.

CRB Consulting Engineers, 7410 N.W.Tiffany Springs Pkwy., Suite 100, KansasCity, MO 64153. (816) 880-9800. See ourad in this issue.

IPS – Integrated Project Services, 2001Joshua Rd., Lafayette Hill, PA 19444.(610) 828-4090. See our ad in this issue.

Parsons, 150 Federal St., Boston, MA02110. (617)-946-9400. See our ad inthis issue.


Cleanroom Products/Services

AdvanceTec, 485 Southlake Blvd.,Southport Corporate Center, Richmond,VA 23236. (804) 378-1550. See our ad inthis issue.

AES Clean Technology, 422 Stump Rd.,Montgomeryville, PA 18936. (215) 393-6810. See our ad in this issue.

Dagard USA Corp., 1251 Avenue of theAmericas, 34th Floor, New York, NY10020. (212) 583-4928. See our ad in thisissue.

Employment Opportunities

Manufacturers RepresentativeMeto Corp. seeks independent manu-

facturers representatives to sell its lineof METOLIFT material handling equip-ment to the pharmaceutical industry.Most regions of the USA are available.See Web site www.metolift. com. Pleasesend inquiries to

Employment Search Firms

Jim Crumpley & Associates, 1200 E.Woodhurst Dr., Bldg. B-400, Springfield,MO 65804. (417) 882-7555. See our ad inthis issue.

Filtration Products

MKS Instruments, 5330 Sterling Dr.,Boulder, CO 80301. (800) 345-1967. Seeour ad in this issue.

Siemens Water Technologies, 10Technology Dr., Lowell, MA 01851. (978)934-9349. See our ad in this issue.


Hach Ultra Analytics, 5600 LindberghDr., Loveland, CO 80539. (970) 663-1377. See our ad in this issue.

Label Removal Equipment

Hurst Corp., Box 737, Devon, PA 19333.(610) 687-2404. See our ad in this issue.

Passivation andContract Cleaning Services

Active Chemical Corp., 4520 Old LincolnHwy., Oakford, PA 19053. (215) 676-1111. See our ad in this issue.

Astro Pak Corp., 270 E. Baker St., Suite100, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. (800) 743-5444. See our ad in this issue.

Cal-Chem Corp., 2102 Merced Ave., SouthEl Monte, CA 91733. (800) 444-6786.See our ad in this issue.

Spray Dryers

GEA Niro Pharma Systems, 9165Rumsey Rd., Columbia, MD 21045. Seeour ad in this issue.

Sterile Products Manufacturing

Used Machinery

Validation Services

Commissioning Agents, Inc., 1515 N.Girls School Rd., Indianapolis, IN 46214.(317) 710-1530. See our ad in this issue.

ProPharma Group, 10975 Benson Dr.,Suite 330, Overland Park, KS 66210;5235 Westview Dr., Suite 100, Frederick,MD 21703. (888) 242-0559. See our ad inthis issue.


Gemu GmbH & Co., Fritz-Mueller-Str. 6-8, D-74653 Ingelfingen, Germany. +497940123-0. See our ad in this issue.

VNE Corp., 1149 Barberry Dr., Janesville,WI 53547. (800) 356-1111. See our ad inthis issue.

Water Treatment

Christ Pharma & Life Science AG,Haupstrasse 192, 4147 Aesch,Switzerland. +41 617558111. See our adin this issue.

Siemens Water Technologies, 10Technology Dr., Lowell, MA 01851. (978)934-9349. See our ad in this issue.

Veolia Water Solutions & Technologies,Global Headquarters, L’Aquarène – 1,place Montgolfier, 94417 Saint-MauriceCedex, France,, E-mail: See our ad in this issue.

Reprinted from


The Official Magazine of ISPE

January/February 2008, Vol. 28 No. 1

Global Regulatory News



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On-Line Exclusive Article


The Official Magazine of ISPE

January/February 2008, Vol. 28 No. 1

InternationalA report of the 11th conference of theGlobal Harmonization Task ForceSG1 held 3 to 4 October 2007 in Wash-ington DC, USA have been availableon their Web site1 since 19 October.Presenter’s slides are also available.

In November 2007, Global Harmo-nization Task Force SG4 posted2 draftguidelines on regulatory auditing ofquality management systems of medi-cal device manufacturers for generalcomment by 14 May 2008. The docu-ment is intended to provide nonbind-ing guidance on the regulation of medi-cal devices, and has been subject toconsultation throughout its develop-ment.

EuropeThe European Commission haslaunched a public consultation on pro-posals to simplify variations regula-tions and make them less burdensomeon manufacturers. The document3 isthe second part of a two-part consulta-tion that proposes revisions to the ECregulations. Proposal for change to re-quirements are considerable and in-clude:

• flexibility to manufacturers wheremodern (e.g. ICH) quality tools havebeen put in place

• simple notification procedures forType IA variations

• treating changes not explicitly rec-ognized as Type IA, II or line exten-sions as Type IB variations by de-fault and no longer as Type II

• introducing generic definitions ofvariations and replacing the cur-rent annexes with detailed guide-lines on the classification of varia-tions

• outlining cases where grouping ofvariations under a single submis-sion could

• be allowed

• clarifying exactly when change isallowed to be implemented by a mar-keting authorization holder

The European Directorate for the Qual-ity of Medicine & Healthcare (EDQM)has announced via its Web site4 that atan October meeting of the Pharmaco-poeial Discussion Group in associationwith ICH Expert Working Groups har-monization had been achieved on 9 ofthe 11 General Chapters identified bythe ICH Q6A Guideline, including thenewly signed off general chapters onsterility, disintegration and X-Ray Pow-der Diffraction In addition, the mono-graph for Sucrose and revisions to themonographs for Corn Starch, PotatoStarch, and Wheat Starch were signedoff. At present, therefore, 25 of the 35General Chapters and 36 of the 62excipient monographs have been har-monized.

In November 2007, the EuropeanPharmacopoeia announced on the sameWeb site that it would like to extendthe deadline for manufacturers to sendtheir comments on practical aspects ofthe application of the new method forUniformity of dosage units (2.9.40). TheEuropean Pharmacopoeia at presenthas two sets of general chapters con-cerned with dosage uniformity: 2.9.5Uniformity of mass of single-dose prepa-rations and 2.9.6 Uniformity of contentof single-dose preparations, and 2.9.40Uniformity of dosage units. The latterhas been developed as a harmonizedchapter following a request from theICH Steering Committee related to theQ6A Guideline and contains tests foruniformity of both mass and content.Comments (with data) should now beprovided by end June 2008

The Committee for MedicinalProducts for Human Use (CHMP)has published reports5 from its Sep-tember, October and November ple-nary meetings held on 17-20 Septem-ber, 15-18 October, and 2-15 Novem-ber 2007 respectively.

The following relevant guidelines6

have been prepared or adopted by theQuality Working Party:

• Guideline on Radiopharmaceuticalsfor 6-month public consultation(EMEA/CHMP/QWP/306970/2007)

• Revised Guideline on MedicinalGases for 6-month public consulta-tion (EMEA/CPMP/QWP/1719/00Rev 1)

• Guideline on Declaration of StorageConditions has been adopted(CPMP/QWP/609/96/Rev 2)

The following relevant guideline6 hasbeen prepared by the Biologics Work-ing Party:

• Draft Guideline on allergen prod-ucts: Production and quality Issuesfor 6-month public consultation(EMEA/CHMP/BWP/304831/2007)

The Committee on Herbal Medici-nal Products (HMPC)7 has publishedtheir monthly meeting reports for themeetings 7 September and 31 October2007. No new relevant information wasnoted.

The Paediatric Committee(PDCO) has published their monthlymeeting report8 for the meeting on 21-23 November 2007. No new relevantinformation was noted.

The Committee for Orphan Me-dicinal Products (COMP) has pub-lished their monthly meeting report9

for the meeting held 24 to 26 October2007. No new relevant information wasnoted.

The Committee for VeterinaryMedicinal Products (CVMP)10 haspublished their Monthly Reports of Ap-plication Procedures, Guidelines andRelated Documents for September andOctober 2007. Each includes an accu-mulative summary of the opinions is-sued by the CVMP in the current yearand a list of adopted Guidelines andother public documents.

At their September meeting,11 a re-vised Guideline on Stability Testing:Stability testing of existing active sub-stances and related finished products(EMEA/CVMP/QWP/846/99-Rev.1)was adopted for release for a 6-monthperiod of public consultation. The aim

Global Regulatory News

©Copyright IS

PE 2008


of this revision is to update provisionsin line with the recently updated VICHguideline on stability (GL3).

The Committee adopted a questionsand answers document regarding ap-plication of the so-called ‘sunset clause’to centrally authorized veterinary me-dicinal products (EMEA/CVMP/120559/2006) following the close of thepublic consultation. This documentaddresses questions that a MarketingAuthorization Holder may have on thistopic and on how EMEA will monitorany centrally authorized veterinarymedicinal products.

IrelandThe Irish Medicines Board (IMB)has published a guide to batch specificrequests (BSRs) for human medicineson its redesigned Web site.12 Essen-tially, BSRs will only be accepted forauthorized medicines to ensure main-tenance of supply when supply of prod-uct in a fully compliant product is tem-porarily and unavoidably unavailable,and will normally cover sufficientbatches for three month’s supply to themarket. The BSR procedure can alsobe used in such instances where a varia-tion has been approved and the PAholder is unable to meet the requiredtimeline for implementation.

IMB further advises that BSRsshould not be submitted for batcheswhich have been deemed by the Quali-fied Person to meet the terms of thereflection paper on dealing with minordeviations from the detail in the Mar-

keting Authorization (EMEA/INS/GMP/71188/2006) available on theEMEA Web site.13

IsraelThe Israeli Ministry of Health hasissued new requirements14 for the la-beling of medicinal products coveringthe outer packaging, immediate pack-aging and package inserts. The aim ofthe guideline is to prevent prescrip-tion, dispensing or handling errors bymedical professionals. To this end, re-quirements are designed to enable easyidentification and differentiation ofsimilar products and also ensure theirproper use.

RussiaRussia (Roszdravnadzor) has an-nounced14 a plan to complete goodmanufacturing practice (GMP) certifi-cation of all drug manufacturers regis-tered in the country by 1 January 2010.The majority of domestic pharmaceu-tical companies in Russia founded dur-ing the Soviet era or in the early 1990shave not yet started modernizationprocedures that would make their drugmanufacturing processes GMP com-pliant. However, as over 1200 factorieslocated outside the Russian Federa-tion are involved in drug manufacture,Roszdravnadzor plans also to inspectforeign drug manufacturing sites.

Implementation of the plan will in-clude consultations with stake holdersand amendments to the Russian DrugLaw.

References1. GHTF -


2. GHTF -

3. EC - h a r m a c e u t i c a l s / v a r r e g /consultation_paper_20071024.pdf

4. EDQM -

5. EMEA -

6. EMEA - http://www.emea.europa.e u / p d f s / h u m a n / p r e s s / p r /42748007en.pdf

7. EMEA -

8. EMEA -

9. EMEA -

10. EMEA -

11. EMEA -

12. IMB - EMEA - http://www.emea.europa.


14. RAJ Pharma, November 2007.

This information was provided by IanMorland, MRPharmS, PhD, Pharma-ceutical Research Associates (UK).