How Pariksit received the age of Kali Texts 1.16.1 – 1.16.9 ( Suta Goswami speaks of Maharaja...

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Transcript of How Pariksit received the age of Kali Texts 1.16.1 – 1.16.9 ( Suta Goswami speaks of Maharaja...

How Pariksit received the age of KaliTexts 1.16.1 – 1.16.9

(Suta Goswami speaks of Maharaja Pariksit’s life, and Saunaka Rsi asks to

hear more about Maharaja Pariksit’s chastisement of Kali)

Prayers chanted before reading SB

Om namah bhagavate vasudevaya

I offer my obeisances to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Vasudeva

narayanam namaskritya naram chaiva narottamam

devim sarasvatim vyasam tato jayam udirayet

Before reciting this Srimad-Bhagavatam, which is the very means of conquest, one should offer respectful obeisances unto the Personality of Godhead, Narayana, unto Nara-narayana Rishi, the supermost human being, unto Mother Sarasvati, the goddess of learning, and unto Srila Vyasadeva, the author. (Srimad-Bhagavatam 1.2.4)

Śrnvatām � sva-kathāh krsnah punya-sravana-kīrtanah

hrdyantah stho hyabhadrāni vidhunoti suhrt satām

Śrī Krsna, the Personality of Godhead, who is the Paramātmā [Supersoul] in everyone's heart and the benefactor of the truthful devotee, cleanses desire for material enjoyment from the heart of the devotee who has developed the urge to hear His messages, which are in themselves virtuous when properly heard and chanted.(1.2.17)

Prayers chanted before reading SB

nasta-prāyesv abhadresu nityam bhāgavata-sevaya

bhagavaty uttama-śloke bhaktir bhavati naisthikī

By regular attendance in classes on the Bhāgavatam and by rendering of service to the pure devotee, all that is troublesome to the heart is almost completely destroyed, and loving service unto the Personality of Godhead, who is praised with transcendental songs, is established as an irrevocable fact.(1.2.18)

om ajnana-timirandhasya jnananjana-salakaya

caksur unmilitam yena tasmai sri-gurave namah

I was born in the darkest ignorance, and my spiritual master opened my eyes with the torch of knowledge. I offer my respectful obeisances unto him.

mukam karoti vachalam pangum langhayate girim

yat-kripa tam aham vande shri-gurum dina-taranam

"I offer my respectful obeisances unto my spiritual master, the deliverer of the fallen souls. His mercy turns the dumb into eloquent speakers and enables the lame to cross mountains."

So far from the preceding chapters Chapter 13:

Vidura’s return to Hastinapura after pilgirmage,he inspires Dhrtrastra and Gandhari to advance towards the ultimate spiritual destination.

Chapter 14:

Yudhishthira observes bad omens making him fear that Lord Krishna had left the world. He expresses his fear to Bhima. Arjuna returns from Dwarka and Yudhishthira inquires from about friends and relatives in Dwarka

Chapter 15:

Arjuna replies that Sri Krishna had indeed left the world along with almost all the members of the Yadu Dynasty. Yudhishtira enthrones Maharaja Pariksit and renounces the world. His brothers, Kunti Devi, Draupadi and Subhadra follow.


sūta uvāca

tatah parīkṣid dvija-varya-śikṣayā

 mahīṁ mahā-bhāgavatah śaśāsa ha

yathā hi sūtyām abhijāta-kovidāh

 samādiśan vipra mahad-guṇas tathā


Sūta Gosvāmī said: O learned brāhmanas, Mahārāja Parīksit then began to rule over the world as a great devotee of the Lord

under the instructions of the best of the twice-born brāhmanas. He ruled by those great qualities which were foretold by expert

astrologers at the time of his birth.

1.16.1: From the purport He was a mahabhagavata – first class devotee.Once one becomes a devotee all the

qualities worthy of possession develop

“Mahārāja Parīkṣit was, therefore, a devotee of the first order, and thus he used to consult great sages and learned brāhmaṇas, who could advise him by the śāstras how to execute the state administration

Flawless rules and regulations were already in the Vedas left by great sages like Yajnvalkya and Manu

The king took the help of great sages to execute the state administration based on sastra

Qualities of the sages that formed the council

Great brahamanas of the first order

Did not take any salary- state got best advise without any expenditur (e.g nowadays President takes advise from business leaders and consulting companies)

Philosophers in the real sense- knew the science by which people could really be happy in this life and next. Not concerned with hedonistic philosphy of eat drink and be merry. (e.g Present leaders confused about what makes people happy- pro abortion, pro euthanasia)

Equal to everyone, both man and animal – did not advise protecting man but killing animals

A welfare state in the real sense of the term because no one was unhappy in that state

1.16.1- Points for application

Importance of following the program given by Srila Prabhupada:

Maharaja Pariksit’s family members and Lord Sri Krsna had left the planet. The training given to him by Maharaja Yudhishthira and His devotional qualities made him able to run the affairs.

We may find ourselves in a similar situation(as Maharaja Pariksit) to execute our duties in Krishna consciousness without many familiar people around or we are called upon to guide

Our strength <=> sadhana, surrender and relationships with devotees


sa uttarasya tanayām

 upayema irāvatīm

janamejayādīṁś caturas

 tasyām utpādayat sutān

King Parīksit married the daughter of King Uttara and begot four sons, headed by Mahārāja Janamejaya.

1.16.2: From the purport Maharaja Pariksit married Iravati who was his maternal uncle’s daughter-

this was allowed if they were not of the same Gotra .

Maharaja Janamajeya(rajarsi)

Had two sons Jñātānīka and Śaṅkukarna.Did sacrifices at Kuruksetra

Sarpa Yajna- to kill serpents & Taksaka

Even though Taksaka received protection from Indra, he nevertheless became attracted by the mantras and was about to fall into the fire. Seeing this, Brhaspati, the son of Aṅgirā Ṛsi, came and advised Mahārāja Janamejaya that Taksaka could not be killed because he had drunk the nectar of the demigods. Furthermore, Brhaspati said that all living entities must enjoy the fruits of their past activities.

He heard the story of battle of Kuruksetra from Vyasadeva who was present at the sacrifice

He expressed his desire to see his father before the great sage Vyāsadeva. Vyāsadeva also fulfilled his desire. His father was present before him, and he worshiped both his father and Vyāsadeva with great respect and pomp. Being fully satisfied, he most munificently gave charity to the brāhmanas present at the sacrifice.

1.16.2: Points for application Leading a guided life- become a recipient of the mercy:

How much do I like to run my life independently in hiding vs How much am I willing to be open and humble and learn from others?

Mundane material education prevents us from accepting ourselves for who we are because it is based on competition

Who am I hiding from??Who benefits when I take guidance?

Hiding = personal agenda, competitive spirit, want to be accepted, reputation

Our advancement can be measured by the quality and depth of our relationships with at least a few devotees

Being Yourself:

Intentions clear and open- can get guidance e.g. Mahabhagavata Maharaj Pariksit, Janamajeya, Dhruva Maharaja attacking the Yakshas, Prithu Maharaja and the 100th horse sacrifice.

Simplicity is attractive to Krishna

We cannot be open with Guru and Krishna if we cannot be open with ourselves and our devotee friends


ājahārāśva-medhāṁs trīn

gaṅgāyāṁ bhūri-daksinān

śāradvataṁ guruṁ krtvā

devā yatrāksi-gocarāḥ

Mahārāja Parīksit, after having selected Krpācārya for guidance as his spiritual master, performed three horse sacrifices on the banks of the Ganges. These were executed with sufficient rewards for the attendants. And at these sacrifices, even the common man could see demigods.

1.16.3: From the purport Interplanetary travel by the denizens of higher planets

is easy

Demigods agree to be visible:

Just as the Lord out of His mercy becomes visible

Due to Maharaja Pariksit’s influence Analogy:

Cloud <–> waters of the earth

Charity in sacrifices <->Taxes from citizens Even for a king like Mahārāja Parīksit there was need of

a spiritual master for guidance. Without such guidance one cannot make progress in spiritual life.

For us we need siksha guruS and friends in Krishna Consciousness where we can be open.


nijagrāhaujasā vīraḥ

kaliṁ digvijaye kvacit

nrpa-liṅga-dharaṁ śūdraṁ

ghnantaṁ go-mithunaṁ padā

Once, when Mahārāja Parīksit was on his way to conquer the world, he saw the master of Kali-yuga, who was lower than a śūdra, disguised as a king and hurting the legs of a cow and bull. The King at once caught hold of him to deal sufficient punishment.

1.16.4: Points from the purport King was there to execute the will of Lord duly and not for

personal gain- cannot tolerate insults to cow& Brahmana

Human civilization means to advance the cause of brahminical culture, and to maintain it, cow protection is essential.

Milk contains all the necessary vitamins to sustain human physiological conditions for higher achievements.

Brahminical culture can advance only when man is educated to develop the quality of goodness, and for this there is a prime necessity of food prepared with milk, fruits and grains.

Kali- mismanagament and quarrel

Root cause is worthless men with modes of lower class men come to helm of state management

Maharaja Pariksit wanted to stop it in the very beginning

Comparison with current affairs

News item from august 13,2012, Obama Meat Aid:

“President Barack Obama, campaigning in Iowa today, announced $170 million in government meat purchases to help farmers struck by drought, helping to send hog prices to a one-week high. ”. “We’ll freeze it for later -- but we’ve got a lot of freezers,” Obama told supporters in Council Bluffs as he kicked off a three-day visit to Iowa, a swing state that is also the country’s leading producer of pork, soybeans, corn and ethanol. “That will help ranchers, you know, who are going through tough times right now.” The buying will help farmers, and the government will get a better price on products than if they were bought later, he said.

1.16.4: Points for application Committing to our services:

We must also perform the service to the best of our ability.e.g. Maharaja Pariksit touring his kingdom

Krishna is all knowing -Accepting the position but not executing as required is not pleasing to Krishna

One must constantly seek ideas and feedback on how we can improve ourselves in that service to better serve the devotees

If we cannot execute properly open up with our peers and authorities in that service in a humble mood

Our services are to satisfy the Lord and His devotees.

Service according to our nature

Else we will be very uncomfortable and will not be able to contribute.e.g. Sudra becoming king, Gajendra defeated by crocodile

We will create disharmony within and without

Therefore we see where we can best serve in Prabhupada’s movement


śaunaka uvāca

kasya hetor nijagrāha

kaliṁ digvijaye nrpaḥ

nrdeva-cihna-dhrk śūdra-

ko ’sau gāṁ yaḥ padāhanat

tat kathyatāṁ mahā-bhāga

yadi krsna-kathāśrayam

Śaunaka Ṛsi inquired: Why did Mahārāja Parīksit simply punish him, since he was the lowest of the śūdras, having dressed as a king and having struck a cow on the leg? Please describe all these incidents if they relate to the topics of Lord Krsna.

1.16.5: Points from the Purport

Sages were astonished as to why Maharaja Pariksit simply punished him and did not kill the culprit

They wanted to hear further if this was in anyway related to Lord Krishna

“There are many topics in the Bhāgavatam about sociology, politics, economics, cultural affairs, etc., but all of them are in relation with Krsna, and therefore all of them are worth hearing. Krsna is the purifying ingredient in all matters, regardless of what they are. In the mundane world, everything is impure due to its being a product of the three mundane qualities. The purifying agent, however, is Krsna.”


athavāsya padāmbhoja-

makaranda-lihāṁ satām

kim anyair asad-ālāpair

āyuso yad asad-vyayaḥ

The devotees of the Lord are accustomed to licking up the honey available from the lotus feet of the Lord. What is the use of topics which simply waste one’s valuable life?


ksudrāyusāṁ nrnām aṅgamartyānām rtam icchatām

ihopahūto bhagavānmrtyuḥ śāmitra-karmani

O Sūta Gosvāmī, there are those amongst men who desire freedom from death and get eternal life. They escape the slaughtering process by calling the controller of death, Yamarāja

1.16.8 na kaścin mriyate tāvad

yāvad āsta ihāntakaḥetad-arthaṁ hi bhagavān

āhūtaḥ paramarsibhiḥaho nr-loke pīyeta

hari-līlāmrtaṁ vacaḥ

As long as Yamarāja, who causes everyone’s death, is present here, no one shall meet with death. The great sages have invited the controller of death, Yamarāja, who is the representative of the Lord. Living beings who are under his grip should take advantage by hearing the deathless nectar in the form of this narration of the transcendental pastimes of the Lord.


mandasya manda-prajñasya

vayo mandāyusaś ca vai

nidrayā hriyate naktaṁ

divā ca vyartha-karmabhiḥ

Lazy human beings with paltry intelligence and a short duration of life pass the night sleeping and the day performing activities that are for naught.

1.16.6-9: Points from Purports Human life is a precious chance to come out of the cycle of birth and


Less intelligent waste this gift in sleeping, enjoying and investing time in “naught”=>sense enjoyment

Intelligent take care of this gift properly – strenuously endeavor to get out of this entanglement

Pure devotee attracted only to hearing subject matters related to Krishna

e.g Battle of Kurukshetra full of politics and diplomacy – but it is related to Krishna. Bhagavad Gita adores all over the world

Pandavas, Maharaja Pariksit- all related to Krishna

“Duration of life is very short- any moment we may have to leave- therefore use all the time in hearing topics only about Krishna”

1.16.6-9: Points from Purports How to escape from Yamaraja’s cruel slaughtering process?

Invite him for srvanam and kirtana. “he likes to be invited to kīrtanas and

sacrifices by the pure devotees, who are constantly engaged in the devotional service of the Lord”

Thus the sages of Naimisaranya invited him

The surest remedy for avoiding death is to accustom oneself to hearing the nectarean pastimes of the Lord as they are systematically narrated in the text of Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam.

1.16.6-9: points for application Regular hearing and discussing amongst devotees –


Try to implement at least one thing that we have heard

Hearing as an expression of gratitude to the Lord and His devotees-

Lord appeared to perform pastimes so that we could hear about them and develop love towards Him and want to go to Him- (janma karma ca me divyam)

Devotees travel all around the world speak katha to reclaim fallen souls like us

Importance of submissiveness – cultivate by engaging in Vaishnava Seva- dissolves the false ego makes the heart more receptive to what we have heard

From Hg Gauranga Prabhu’s lecture

Sri in Srimad means wealth of the Lord

Daily hearing of Srimad Bhagavatam is important

Hear submissively, serve selflessly then we will eventually becoming heirs to our Lord’s wealth

Hearing purifies us so we can serve selflessly

Bhakti is about selflessness- unless we feel the pain in our physical body, our mind intelligence and false ego we do not have hope. Thus engage in Devotional service with devotees


Unveiling His Lotus Feet- Hg Bhurijana Prabhu

Srila Prabhupada’s purports HG Gauranga Prabhu’s Janamshtami

lecture 2012-