How Not to Conduct a Meeting

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Meetings that ramble, start and finish late and don't come to any conclusions are huge time wasters for all. However, if you avoid these seven common business meeting pitfalls, you can come out ahead.

Transcript of How Not to Conduct a Meeting

How Not to

Conduct a


7 Mistakes That’ll Ruin

Your Progress

Have a Vague Agenda

If there’s little to no agenda or time parameters,

you’re headed for trouble.

Late Start

This is a surefire way to send signals that you’re less than serious.

Cell Phone Interference

Checking your cell phone or allowing others to check theirs is a quick way lose attention and derail your meeting.

Allow Endless Brainstorming

Have room for brainstorming, but give some boundaries and focus on the objective.

Invite Too Many People

If three people are integral to the project, invite them and no one else.

Come to No Conclusions

Convert your ideas into action plans. Great ideas with no implementation is a time waste.

Run Overtime

Set time parameters and stick to them. Don’t let discussions wander down wrong paths.

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