How Natural User Interfaces are changing Human Computer Interaction

Post on 19-Nov-2014

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(Presentation that I did at UX-LX in 2010)We are living a new ‘wave’ of innovation in Human-Computer Interaction, as new devices and technologies are allowing the creation of new forms of interaction. These new technologies are the building blocks for us, software developers, designers, and architects, to create more natural and intuitive interfaces for our applications. These new technologies are, not only multi-touch enabled, but also allow multiple users to interact simultaneously with the application, in a collaborative manner, opening a world of possibilities and potential for next generation software to take advantage of. New platforms and tools are emerging every day, such as Microsoft Surface, Apple's Iphone, Pranav Mistry's Sixth Sense, and the upcoming Xbox360's Project Natal are great examples of this ‘new wave’ of technology, and the positive feedback these new ideas are receiving prove that users value this change. I think that now it’s important to stop and evaluate the impact we, as IT Professionals, can have on the way users interact with devices, with information and even each other, and how we can take advantage of these new tools and add value to our applications.For more information on this subject checkout:

Transcript of How Natural User Interfaces are changing Human Computer Interaction

  • 1. How NUI are changing HCI
    Marco Silva
    Twitter: @marconsilva

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Keyboard
From Flickr user Dirk Gently
8. Text Based UI
Both Input and Output
From Flickr user Dirk Gently
9. Mouse
From Flickr user Phantasy Photo
10. Graphics
From Flickr user Phantasy Photo
11. 12. Touch
13. Gestures
14. Touchless
15. Object Recognition
16. Voice
17. Augmented Reality
18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. Lionhead Studios Milo
25. From Flickr User Guillerm
26. There is Morethan Just INPUT
27. And Morethan Hardware
28. ...
29. Interpretation
30. User Interface Metaphors
31. Text Commands
32. Windows
33. Icons
34. Mouse Pointer
From Flickr user Darrren Hester
35. Mouse Drag
Double Click
Right Click
From Flickr user Darrren Hester
36. 37. Pintch
38. 2 Finger Scroll
39. ...
40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. From flickr user Chad Fust
57. From Flickr User Shisela Mier
58. Experiment
From Flickr user tk-link
59. Share
From Flickr user Ingrid0804
60. What Ive Learned so far...
61. NUI is Much More than Touch
62. Speach
Eye Tracking
Augmented Reality
NUI is Much More than Touch
Natural Learning
User eXperience
Object recognition
63. Think BIGand Start Small
64. DevScope SmartView
65. Focus on the User
66. Dont Over do it ...
67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. Whats Next?
75. 76. Para informao adicional:
Marco Silva
Twitter: @marconsilva
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