How my rock music magazine represents people

Post on 28-Jun-2015

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Transcript of How my rock music magazine represents people

How my rock music magazine represents

people.By Josh Davey

Fonts-The use of fonts in my magazine help to build up conventional representations of the artists featured. For example all of the fonts featured in the magazine are bold and in capital letters, apart from the standfirst and body copy, it’s conventional not to do so. By including bold and large fonts in capital letters, it represents the artists as strong and tough, which are correct representations of aritsts within the rock genre. Also I’ve used mainly sans serif fonts as it shows their slight immaturity and also helps aim my magazine at the target audience.The reason I used some serif fonts is because it’s in the rock genre style as it looks more aggressive than typical serif fonts.

Colours-The use of colours in my magazine help to build up conventional representations of the artists featured. The main colours I have used are red, black, white and yellow. The reason I chose red and black is because they’re conventional rock colours as they connote violence and aggression and will therefore represent the artists in this way. The reason I chose yellow and white is because they help contrast with either background or text, and therefore make the text stand out, making it look bolder and more outgoing, which helps represent the featured artists in this way.

Images-My use of images helps build up conventional representations of the artists in many ways. For example, my use of low angle shots helps create a dominant and powerful representation of the artists, as does the use of certain facial expressions, such as in this image. In one of my other images the facial expression represent the artist as depressed and deep in thought, which is also conventional. Also though the use of mise-en-scene the representations are created, such as being in the studio and using instruments creates a productive representation which is what bands are known as, and also the use of dark clothing helps represent the dark, aggressive and evil side of the rock genre.

Language-Through the use of language it represents the artists as slightly immature, which they are, and also which the target audience are so it will appeal greatly to them.Examples of this include using exclamations marks, to which exaggerates the points and creates the immature representation, and also this represents the artists as loud and energetic which are conventional representations. Also the use of swearing and slang, such as “Fucking hard as hell”, which can be found in my body copy; this represents the artists as reckless and rebellious which are also conventional, and this can give the representation of energetic and lively.

ContentAlso the use of topics in my magazines represent the artists as lively, as the cover story shows the featured bands’ enthusiasm to be back in the studio. Also the use of a pull quote represents the artist as reckless and un-careful, as he is “lucky to be alive!”, this also gains sympathy and acts as a hook for the reader.

The use of social networking integration represents the artists as connected as they’re included in the use of twitter in this case through the competition. This appeals to the target audience as they’re sociable and it’s one of their main interests.