How Learning Microsoft Excel Can Make You Happier

Post on 12-Jan-2017

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Transcript of How Learning Microsoft Excel Can Make You Happier

How Learning Excel can make you happier

Does this describe your life as an analyst?

You may wonder why you spent all those years in school…

Only to be a chart


It’s likely that one thing holding you back is lousy data

Analysts spend the majority of their time not analyzing data…

But preparing and cleaning it.

Bean-counter much?

Improving in Excel will help you fight lousy data…

…allowing you to do the work you really care about.

You will become more creative, too.

Deep down, everyone is creative.

It can be hard to remember that when you are tallying spreadsheets in a cubicle all day.

Mastery at Excel turns you into a data artist!

Dashboards, models, charts and more bring your ideas to life.

Excel is a development tool, a medium of expression, not just another boring office tool.

You’re also joining a great community

At 750 million, the Excel user base is arguably the largest professional network of them all.

This is a great way to network with people from all companies and industries.

Because is Excel is nearly universal in business, this won’t hurt come your next job interview.

All of us want a fulfilling career…even “chart monkeys.”

If you’re feeling stuck with tedious reporting and data preparation, time to learn more Excel. You will be happier.

Where to begin? Try my course:(Click image to visit page)

My course is designed specifically for job seekers and others who want to learn the basics of Excel and apply it directly to career


Also visit me at

Good luck! Now get happy with Excel!