How is swimming useful for health

Post on 17-Aug-2015

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Transcript of How is swimming useful for health

How is Swimming Useful for Health?

• If you want to be healthy you should exercise regularly. If we talk about exercises what is better than swimming.

• Swimming is a full body exercise that not only refreshes your body but also your mind.

• Swimming is a great workout for maintaining a highly toned body. It is a fine activity to relax your senses and feel extremely good.

• Swimming is also considered a low impact effective workout. This activity requires your body to move against the water resistance and hence resulting in burning lots of calories.

• Swimming helps you to brush off your stress and enhances your muscle strength.

• With the help of this wonderful activity you can lose excess weight and can maintain a healthy and toned body. Internal organs such as lungs and heart are also affected positively by this activity.

Following are some of the benefits from swimming:

• Relaxes your body and mind

• Workout for whole body

• Enhances flexibility

• Helps in arthritis

• Strengthening muscles

• Maintaining weight

• Maintains a healthy heart.

• If you have a stiff muscle or are overweight or are suffering from sore joints swimming is the best cure.

• The stretching of the muscles during swimming helps in many cases of arthritis.

• Patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis are suggested for hydrotherapy.

• This fashionable workout in pool helps to reduce asthma and avoid its attack.

• Several researches and study shows that swimming helps the asthma patients to improve their overall condition.

• It also helps in maintaining the right cholesterol level. This full body workout also minimises the risk of diabetes.

• Swimming leads to a proper movement of the joints and the muscles resulting in body flexibility.

• It is also found that this workout also helps in increasing height. A perfect body with no fat, a stress free mind by an enjoyable way, what more do you want from a workout.

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