How Innovative Companies and People Generate Great Ideas

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Transcript of How Innovative Companies and People Generate Great Ideas

we help you discover smarterways to think, grow, and live.

This presentation consists of 10 highlights from the interview with @MoeAbdou,

founder & host of 33voices®.

David BurkusDavid Burkus is assistant professor of

management at the College of Business at Oral Roberts University, where he

teaches courses on creativity, innova-tion, entrepreneurship, and organiza-tional behavior. He is the founder and editor of LDRLB, an online publication that shares insights from research on leadership, innovation, and strategy.

His work has been featured in Forbes, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, Psychology-Today, Fast Company and the Harvard

Business Review.



Creativity isn’t a divine gift,it’s a skill that you harness each time you generate

a novel and a useful idea.


To ignite your creativity, commit to a process that’s anchored

by these four components:


To ignite your creativity, commit to a process that’s anchored

by these four components:- Domain expertise


To ignite your creativity, commit to a process that’s anchored

by these four components:- Domain expertise

- Creativity-relevant process


To ignite your creativity, commit to a process that’s anchored

by these four components:- Domain expertise

- Creativity-relevant process- A motivation for the task


To ignite your creativity, commit to a process that’s anchored

by these four components:- Domain expertise

- Creativity-relevant process- A motivation for the task

- an inviting social environment


Disruptive ideas will more likely emerge if you’re applying your expertise at the fringes.

live on the edge for one hour a week.


Disruptive ideas will more likely emerge if you’re applying your expertise at the fringes.

live on the edge for one hour a week.


To maximize the impact of your next brainstorming session.

combine your divergent ideas with your convergent thinking for optimal execution.


The mere act of sharing your challenges

and setbacks in a meetingis a gateway towards re-imagining the essence of the problem.


Within each problem lies a solution

waiting to be your eyes and peel away.


Want to build a high-performing team?

take a lesson from Broadway and assemble a team around a specific project


Building a better mousetrap may garner attention,

but it’s your ability to sell your idea that will determine its ultimate

Invite feedback & judgment.


Most good ideas come from some older ideas.

stay open to sharing your ideas because it’s more likely that it will be rejected than stolen.


“Creativity is just connecting things” -Steve Jobs

try combining ideas and technology.

Do you consider yourself or your organization creative? If not, why?