How hypnosis help people with phobias

Post on 05-Dec-2014

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o know more about hypnosis or hypnotherapy and how it can help take away phobias, consult the experts at Hypnosis San Antonio. They will give you a comprehensive overview on the power of hypnosis and the benefits it can give. So check out San Antonio Hypnosis now.

Transcript of How hypnosis help people with phobias

How Hypnosis Help People with


People can have fears to anything and it can range

from petty to real disturbing phobias…

from animals, being alone, small or enclosed spaces,

dark rooms, death, heights, fire, injections or needles, to

travel, trains, water, men with beards and so on.

There can be many things that people may fear

PHOBIA defined as a persistent fear to a specific stimulus situation or object.

This is not just a simple fear but a total terrifying fear of

the stimulus.

Usually, a hypnotist is present the by a phobia

problem and he or she deals with it by knowing if it is truly a fear or a phobia.

In order to know if the patient has a fear or phobia,

the hypnotist will conduct a series of trance, letting the patient think that they are faced with the particular

object or situation that they dread the most.

The hypnotist will be able to determine that it is not

phobia but fear.

Phobia is when people are obsessive that they can’t even bear thinking about the stimulus and this is

likely to control their lives.

So what really causes phobia?

While researchers are still uncertain as to the true

causes of phobia, but it is commonly believed that

some factors likely heightens the phobia and these factors



According to research, some phobias run in families. This means that there could be a

family history of certain phobias.

Cultural factors

There are certain phobias that occur only in some

cultural groups.

Life experience

Most phobias are a result from real-life experiences that may or may not be


To know more about hypnosis or hypnotherapy and how it can help take

away phobias, consult the experts at

Hypnosis San Antonio.

They will give you a comprehensive overview on the power of hypnosis and the benefits it can give. So

check out San Antonio Hypnosis now.