How do you write a strong introductory paragraph for an argumentative essay?

Post on 20-Jan-2016

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Transcript of How do you write a strong introductory paragraph for an argumentative essay?

How do you write a strong introductory paragraph for an

argumentative essay?

In this lesson you will learn to write an introductory

paragraph to define your claim by arguing why this

issue is important and addressing the opposing


Let’s Review

Planning To Write

Drafting the Essay

Finding Supporting Evidence

Choosing a topic

A Common Mistake

A weak introduction leaves the reader guessing what the claim is.

What’s the argument?

Why am I reading this?


Core Lesson

Grab the reader’s attention with a hook1

2Describe the issue and why it’s important by presenting the major topics and thesis statement.

Identify the opposing claim to your argument


Core Lesson How do I structure an introductory



Major Topics

Thesis Statement

Core Lesson

More people need access to clean water.

Lack of sanitation causes causes environmental/health problems

Many people are without clean drinking water

Economic systems are damaged

Core Lesson

• Question

• Interesting fact

• Story

How do I start my essay with a hook?

Have you ever wondered how there would be water shortages, if all you have to do is turn on a faucet?

Water covers three-quarters of the Earth’s surface, but only 2% of that is fresh water that could serve as the essential element for human life.

Water is everywhere, isn’t it? Water also covers three-quarters of the Earth’s surface, but only 2% of that is fresh water that could serve as the essential element for human life.

Core LessonHow do I describe my topic and present the major reasons for my

argument? Many people are without clean drinking water

Lack of sanitation causes causes environmental/health problems

Economic systems are damaged

Across many parts of the world, especially Africa, there are many problems caused when people do not have access to clean drinking water.

The lack of sanitation facilities in these areas means that there are horrible environmental issues that result in additional health issues.

Without access to clean water, labor is compromised and economies are held back.

Core Lesson

How do include the opposing claim into my


The cost of getting more people access to clean water is too high.

What is the opposing claim to my argument?

Core Lesson How do I put my introductory paragraph


Water is everywhere, isn’t it? Water also covers three-quarters of the Earth’s surface, but only 2% of that is fresh water that could serve as the essential element for human life. Across many parts of the world, especially Africa, there are many problems caused when people do not have access to clean drinking water. The lack of sanitation facilities in these areas means that there are horrible environmental issues that result in additional health issues. Without access to clean water, labor is compromised and economies are held back. Though people may argue that the cost of doing this is too high, the benefits far outweigh the money spent. The lack of clean water in Africa has negative impacts on people’s health, the health of the environment and even the health of the economy that leaves many countries unable to improve, which is why more people need access to this precious natural resource.

Core Lesson

Grab the reader’s attention with a hook1

2Describe the topic and why its important by presenting the major topics and thesis statement

Identify the opposing claim to your argument3

In this lesson you learned to write an introductory

paragraph to define your claim by telling your reader why this issue is important

and addressing the opposing claim.

Guided Practice

Practice by using the information below and the structure provided to write your own introductory paragraph.

1. Hook

2. Description

3. Thesis

4. Opposing Claim

Extension Activities

Extension Activities

On your own, think about a time you really wanted to do something. Write an introductory paragraph that lays out your argument in a clear and concise way, while identifying the opposing claim. Then, have a partner break it down to check that it effectively communicates the argument.

Extension Activities

Extension Activities

With a partner, find an op-ed article in the local paper. Read the first paragraph and break it down using the structure you learned for writing introductory paragraphs. Did the author effectively state his/her argument and identify the opposing claim? Why or why not?

Extension Activities

Extension Activities

With a partner, draft an introductory paragraph for a topic you’d like to argue. Use the steps to develop a hook, reasons for your argument, and then a thesis. Make sure to work in an opposing claim. Together, decide if this paragraph clearly states your argument.

Let’s Review

Quick Quiz

On your own, use your thesis, major supporting reasons for your argument, hook, and the opposing claim to develop an introductory paragraph.