How Do We Respond

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Transcript of How Do We Respond

Matthew 7: 24-27

Gospel Light Baptist Church - March 15, 2009 1

The Holy Bible : King James Version. 1995 (Mt 7:24). Oak Harbor, WA: Logos Research Systems, Inc.

Matthew 7: 24-27

24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:

25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.

26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:

27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.


Matthew 7

V20: … Heareth these things of mine and doeth them… Wise man House on the rock Withstands storms, flood, and wind

V26…Heareth these things of mine and doeth them not…Foolish manHouse upon the sand Destroyed by storms, flood, and wind


Matthew 7: 24-28

The response to what they heard The description of the responder The action of the responder The consequence of the response


The response to what they heard

The “sayings of Christ” –

Chapter 5The picture of Kingdom LifeThe law of MosesThe law of murderThe law of reconcillationThe law of adulteryThe law of divorce

The law of oaths The law of

nonresistance The law of love

Chapter 6 Almsgiving Prayer Money anxiety


Sayings of Christ in Matthew 7 V1 – Judge not and be ye not judged V 7 – Ask and it shall be given you; seek

and ye shall find V12 – all things whatsoever ye would that

men should do to you, do ye even so to them

V13 – enter ye in the straight gate… V15 – beware of false prophets


V1 – Judge not and be ye not judged Positive responder Negative responder

Give the benefit of the doubt (clarify and verify) don’t depend on words don’t depend on a single actDon’t speak evil of him/herPray for their intentions__________________

Judges a brother because of jealousy or ill nature

Infer things from their words

Judges for revenge



V1 – Judge not and be ye not judged Positive responder Negative responder

Wise man House on the rock Withstands storms, flood, and wind

Foolish manHouse upon the sand Destroyed by storms, flood, and wind


V 7 – Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall findPositive responder Negative responder

Asks forgiveness of sin, accepts Christ in his/her life

Seeks the Will of God

Finds peace in God


Rejects being called a sinner, rejects the Gospel

Just follow his/self

No peace



V 7 – Ask and it shall be given you; seek and ye shall find Positive responder Negative responder

Wise man House on the rock Withstands storms, flood, and wind

Foolish manHouse upon the sand Destroyed by storms, flood, and wind


V12 – all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them Positive responder Negative responderLoveJoyPeaceLongsufferingGentlenessGoodnessMeeknessTemperance_______________

HateGriefWarRudenessBadnessArroganceNo self control_______________


V12 – all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them Positive responder Negative responder

Wise man House on the rock Withstands storms, flood, and wind

Foolish manHouse upon the sand Destroyed by storms, flood, and wind


V13 – enter ye in the straight gate…

Straight and Narrow gate Wide and Broad gate

Gets saved

Reads and applies the Bible in his/her life

Holy Spirit lead life


Remain lost

No Bible knowledge

Society lead, Moral lead, Self lead life



V13 – enter ye in the straight gate…

Straight and Narrow Gate Wide and Broad Gate

Wise man House on the rock Withstands storms, flood, and wind

Foolish manHouse upon the sand Destroyed by storms, flood, and wind


V15 – beware of false prophets

Aware of False Prophets Unaware of False Prophets

Attends different “spiritual” gatherings

“There is only one God… kanya kanyang method lang”

Most basic… cannot defend his faith

Feung Sui, horoscope, Holy Days


Rooted on a Bible believing church

“There is only one method… God’s method”

Most basic… can defend his faith

Jesus Christ is the ONLY guide



V15 – beware of false prophets

Aware of False Prophets Unaware of False Prophets

Wise man House on the rock Withstands storms, flood, and wind

Foolish manHouse upon the sand Destroyed by storms, flood, and wind


Matthew 7: 24-27 (your options) Your choice action

To hear and do or hear and not do Your choice of character

Be a wise man or be a foolish man Your choice of Life’s foundation

Rock or Sand To withstand or to fall

No longer your choice!