How do we protectourselves?How do we protectourselves?

Post on 27-Mar-2015

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Transcript of How do we protectourselves?How do we protectourselves?

How do we protect ourselves?

No, go, , tell:

Strategies 1Strategies 1[jel] 呼喊


Say noGo away

Yell for help

Tell an adult

[] 成人 , 成年人

Or say, “ Stop laughing at me!.” directly

[] 直接

Go with your friends.

Strategies 2Strategies 2

If you are with friends together, bad people willnot come and you, or if you are in ,your friends can help.

[] 危险

hurt danger

[] 伤害

the phone numbers:your home phone number

your parents’ phone numbers

numbers, such as 110,119,120.

Strategies 3Strategies 3


[] 记住


[] 紧急的

Tell your father and mother where you are going and who you are going with. Then they know where to

find you and that you are


Strategies 4Strategies 4


[] 安全的

Don’t talk to .

Don’t eat strangers’ food.

Don’t go with strangers.

Strategies 5Strategies 5


[] 陌生人