How do ecosystems compare FINAL

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How do ecosystems compare ?Chapter 3 lesson 2

.Each ecosystem has a different climate !

Ecosystem=a place where living and non living things interact

What is climate ?

Climate = Pattern of weather in an . area over a long period . of time.

a place where living and non living things interact .


Can you tell the climate in these ecosystem ?

Wet climate Dry climate Hot and wet climate Cold climate

Now let’s get to know the types of ecosystems:

1.Desert ecosystem

During day time: (Hot)

During Night time : (cold)

A desert is always dry since it receives very low amounts of rain each year.








day 1 night 1 day 2 night 2


How can Animals & Plants survive in the desert? The desert is a very hot & dry place to live in, so in

order for the animals & plants to survive there, they have to adapt to the desert.

Adapt= a behavior or a body part that helps the animal survive .


Camels can survive in the desert for a long time.

It stores the food & water in its hump. when the camel feels hungry, it gets energy from the stored food & water from its hump.



Snakes, lizards & kangaroo rats hide from the sun under big rocks .

In the daytime:

In the Night time:

- Snakes, lizards & rats come out from under the rocks when the sun is gone.

In the daytime:

In the Night time:

Turtles hide from the sun in their shell.

They come out from

their shell.

In the daytime:

Desert foxes hide from the sun in caves .

In the Night time:

They get out of the caves to search for food & water.

Cactus plants store water in their stems.

They also have shallow wide

spread roots that soak up the little

rain that falls.


Cactus grow far away from each


2.Forest ecosystem

Tropical rainforest Temperate forest

Let‘s learn more about the Tropical rainforest

The Climate in the tropical rainforest is Hot & Wet “as it rains all the time of the year”.

What is the Climate in the Tropical rainforest ?

What plants live in the Tropical rainforest ?

As the climate is rainy “wet” all year. The tropical rainforest has Many plants and very tall trees.

(As there is plenty of water for the plants to grow)

Animals of the Tropical rainforest

You can find Millions of animals living in the

tropical rain forest as they can find plenty of water

and plants to eat.

Now Let‘s learn about the Temperate forest

What is the Climate in the Temperate forest ?

• The climate in Temperate forest is different than the Tropical rainforest.

• It rains in the Temperate forests , but they have less rain than the Tropical rainforest which rains all the year.

• It’s climate changes in the 4 seasons “It’s warm in summer , but it’s cold in winter”

What does the Temperate forest looks like in different seasons?

Spring Summer Fall Winter

Climate Hot and wet “rainy”

all year.

Living things Has more animals & plants, than any other ecosystem.

living things Has less Animals & plants than

the tropical rainforest.

Climate Gets less rain than tropical

rainforests.Warm summers and cold



Tropical rainforest Temperate forest

3- Ocean ecosystem

Let’s take a Dive in the LAAAAAARGE ocean !!

Ocean Shallow water

• The sun can reach it.• Warmer & bright water .• Has more living things .

Deep Dark water

• The sun can’t reach it .• Dark & cold water.• Has less living things .

The ocean is : a large body of salt water. The ocean is the biggest ecosystem on earth !!

The earth

has 5



Shallow water = Not deep

( <100 m)

Deep water(>1500m)

Why can you see more living things in the shallow part of the ocean ?

As Sunlight warms the water ,it gives the producers (Water plants) the energy to make their food so Animals will find the food they need)




• Coral reefs are the habitat of many small sea animals.• Many Fish visit coral reefs to hunt other sea animals in their


The sun can’t reach the Deep part of the oceanso the deep part is Dark & Cold, and has less living things.

4. Wet land Ecosystem

It’s covered with water “wet” most of the year, sometimes it gets dry. It’s found at the edges “sides” of the rivers, lakes , ponds & oceans. It may have “Fresh water or Salt water” The soil is full of “nutrients” so many plants grow there.

Wetland ecosystem

Fresh water wetlandBeside a river

Salt water wetland Beside an ocean

Marshes Swamps

Swamp : a wetland with trees

Marshes: A wetland with no trees.

A Wetland prevents flooding.“when water level is so high that can cover the houses” because they are like sponges

that absorb water.

Plants of the wetland help clean dirty water,because it takes “absorb” the wastes from the water.

Oh yes, I get it ! It’s like the

“Hoover that cleans the carpets”