How did you attract

Post on 25-Jan-2015

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Transcript of How did you attract

How did you attract/address your audience?

My audience ranges between older teenagers and young adults; mainly of the student age so I have designed my magazine in a way that will attract them to buy it. One way I attracted my audience is the amount of A-List rappers I featured on my front cover, I did this to draw in my audience as all the rappers will be of interest for most of my target audience and not many magazines feature that many A-List Artists on their front cover so I feel this may give my magazine an edge. The language I have used in the interview would appeal because of the interview style; the voice of the youthful artist featured would effectively relate to my audience. I also think the photograph on the double page spread would appeal to my audience, the styling and pose of it I found to be very popular among my friends who would fit into my audience. Overall, I think I have done a lot of things to attract my audience and address them in an appropriate manner. I think I achieved this by focusing on my audience profile and the requirements of my audience. I also focused a lot on the way in which I was going to represent my artist to appeal to the audience whilst still fitting in a believable magazine. The content is also focused around what I know people who would buy the magazine like, as my friends would be this audience.