How did we do it in the Lodzkie Region? - Choisir une...

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Evaluation of communication campaign:

How did we do it in the Lodzkie Region?


Communication campaign in 2016

How did we do it in the Lodzkie Region?


to encourage beneficiaries and potencial beneficiares to participate in calls

for proposals within ROP for Lodzkie Region and as a consequence – to increase

the absorption of funds from the ROP. MAIN SLOGAN:

We change the Lodzkie Region

with European Funds TOOLS: • INTERNET: Facebook, content marketing (blog, newsletter), Twitter, YouTube, Linkedin, 7 Webinars, 2 mobile apps, Google AdWords,


Communication campaign in 2016

How did we do it in the Lodzkie Region?

TOOLS: • TRADITIONAL MEDIA: dedicated programmes and spots in 2 regional TV stations, 8 regional and local radio stations, 15 articles and 29 annoucements in regional, local and trade newspapers,

• EVENTS: participation in fairs,

• CINEMAS: broadcasting of spots, • OUTDOOR: 282 billboards in the whole region, spots in public transport, • AMBIENT: mobile map of the Lodzkie Region – 20 cities within 108 days.


Educational campaign in 2016

How did we do it in the Lodzkie Region?

• 131 days, 130 locations, 100 cities

and towns;

• more than 5 500 training

participants (mostly entrepreneurs),

• more than 8 500 visitors,

• the unit was interactive and

adapted to the needs of people

with disabilities,

• dedicated webpage:*


Mobile Information Center about the ROP


Evaluation in 2016

How did we do it in the Lodzkie Region?

The main objective of the study was to assess the accuracy and usefulness of the Communication Strategy of Regional Operational Programme of the Lodzkie Region for the years 2014-2020 as well as the efficiency and sustainability of information and promotional actions carried out in 2016 by involved institutions.

Some of the evaluation questions: How our communication and promotional activities in 2016 impact on activation of the inhabitants in applying for support from the European Funds?

What is the level of knowledge within the individual target groups on the scope and method of activity of our information points, websites and profiles in social medias?

Which activities are recommended to increase the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, usefulness and durability of information and promotion activities (depending on the type of beneficiary, project participant or recipient of results)?

What communication tools (including media) are the most effective in transferring knowledge about European Funds to the inhabitants?

How effective are our forms of communication about European Funds in relation to people with disabilities?


Types of actions that were evaluated

How did we do it in the Lodzkie Region?

Techniques that were used

7 How did we do it in the Lodzkie Region?

desk research







Linguistic and semiotic analysis



events local jurnalists MA and IB employees


Some recommendations

Enterpreneurs from SMART specialisations still have low knowledge about European Funds – a separated campaign directed to them is needed;

Direct communication e.g. meetings, conferences, is the most effective (dialog with beneficiaries and potential beneficiaries is the key);

To reaching the general population, the best channels to inform about European Funds are Internet, press and radio;

The level of interest about European Funds among residents is average;

How did we do it in the Lodzkie Region?

We should take more into account the specificity of the region in the scope of segmentation of target group;

We needed to make some adjustments on our webpages to comply with all WCAG 2.0 standards. All other forms of our communication are adequate to the need of people with disabilities.

Thank you

Anna Wenerska-Dzieduch

Department of Regional Policy

Marshal’s Office of the Lodzkie Region
