How did Great Britain deal with its growing empire at the conclusion of the French and Indian War?...

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How did Great Britain deal with its growing empire at the conclusion of the French and Indian War?

Road To The American Revolution

Brief Intro to the English ColoniesBreakdown of Colonies

1. Southern Colonies: founded by profit-motivated companies or individuals

1. Middle Colonies: founded by profit-motivated countries (Dutch)… most tolerant of other religious groups… made money through shipping and trade due to the nearness to water routes

1. New England Colonies: founded due to religious purposes...government based on Theocracy

England’s attitude toward Colonies Early on, England passed laws to control colonies but did not enforce them… they

simply ignored them = Salutary Neglect

By 1660, Charles II = said, “distance of place does not remove the colonies from our justice and power

Mercantilism: is an economic policy…Wealth is power, key to wealth is export

more than import

European countries competed for world power and needed colonies to provide

necessary raw materials.

Colonies’ role: provide raw materials (so mother country does not have to import

from other nations) and markets for exports

Favorable balance of trade for England

Why does Charles II feel the need to exert his control over the Colonies?

What does Charles II do to exert his control over the colonies?

The Navigation Acts

The Navigation Acts

1. Colonies could only trade with England and other colonies

2. Had to import all their manufactured goods from England

3. Had to use English ships

Europe to Africa

England sends manufactured goods to Africa in exchange for

slavesAfrica to English Colonies

English slave ships carried Africans along the Middle Passage (Trans-Atlantic

Slave Trade) to the colonies.

English Colonies to England

Raw goods such as lumber, tobacco, rice, and indigo were

sent to England… manufactured goods were sent back to

colonies to sell.

How did the Navigation Acts affect the Colonies?

Intended Affect By England

Put an end to Salutary Neglect and to force the colonist to follow the principles of Mercantilism…

The idea of providing raw materials to England and buying English manufactured goods

Actual Affect = Colonial Reaction

1. At first they ignored them because England did not enforce them = ?

2.Smuggling and Piracy became a common practice to violate the law.

Conflict with France over the Ohio River Valley

By 1750 the center of conflict was between England and France over Fur Trade in the Ohio River Valley

The French and Indian War

The French and Indian WarWhat started out as a war in the colonies, quickly spread through Europe

Both England and France realized the importance of their colonies and began shipping out large #’s of troops instead of relying on colonial troops

Early Stages of War1. French built Ft. Duquesne close to the French – English border

2. 1st Attempt by England = Colonies sent George Washington to build Ft. Necessity close to the French fort to keep them from expanding their territory

3. French attack Washington and tell him, “if the English come back to this area, we will go to war.

4. Once local Indians allied themselves with the French, they attacked the colonist living in the area and war began

5. 2nd Attempt by England = sent General Edward Braddock, ended in disaster… lost more than 2,000 troops

War, would the colonies be ready?

The Albany Congress1st Attempt to Unify Colonies

Ben Franklin called for a meeting in Albany, NY. = Albany Congress 1754

7 colonies present

Purpose for Congress Secure allegiance with the Iroquois

Indians Unite the colonies in a time of defense Draft a plan for union This plan was called the Albany Plan of


One Problem = How do you colonial leaders to come to the meeting?

America’s Renaissance Man: he was Scientist, philosopher, US Ambassador

To France, he believed in “Social Mobility”Through hard work by Individuals


Appeared in the Pennsylvania Gazette, Franklin’s newspaper.

Snake represents individual colonies

If they act as separate colonies, they will surely DIE

If they JOIN together, they will defend their colonies

Outcome of the Albany Congress

Colonies Decision

They voted = NO

Why – did not want to give up the local power of individual colonies

England’s Decision

They voted = NO

Why – feared the colonies might become too powerful if they come together

End of the War

The Treaty of Paris 1763

Ended the French and Indian War France gave up all land claims in North America,

except for New Orleans England got = Canada, and all land to the

Mississippi River Spain got = Louisiana

Problems after the War

1. Most Indians in the area (Ohio Valley) were still loyal to France

2. Colonists were moving into the new territory gained from the war

3. Since England paid for the war… they emerge with a large debt

How does England deal with these issues?

British Debt after the War

King George III faces new problems after the War

Problems facing England after War1. England was in debt… they paid for the war, not the colonies

2. Since the French were gone, the colonies no longer needed British soldiers for protection

3. The French and Indian War brought the colonies together and taught them something of being soldiers

How did Great Britain deal with its growing empire at the conclusion of the French and Indian War?