How Cloud and Mobile Technologies Impact Our Lives

Post on 20-Aug-2015

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Transcript of How Cloud and Mobile Technologies Impact Our Lives

what kind of impact does the cloud and mobile have on your life?

Productivity loss would cost someone $6,800 per year.

You could spend those 240 hours on a 6-week vacation.

The cloud process can render multiple frames simultaneously.

But say goodbye to these.Use these applications without the cloud.

Part of a server rack.2 Hard drives, 3 Passports and 5 USB drives.



Your phone asks the cloud 1 time to get the best directions in a matter of seconds.

Your phone calculates 400+ routes, slowing down the process of giving you directions.

Siri, how doI get home?

Weather Purchase Research E-mail Social Media Texting Instant Messaging

8 5 14 23 21 11 13

= 95 minutes per day


SOURCES Mobile without Cloud Mobile & Cloud


Everything is safe in the cloud.

Infographic published by Kloudless. Learn more at

Phones can only render videos one frame at a time.

The amount of time you spend on your smart phone

Without cloud computing, you lose 240 productive hours per year

Productivity gains come from parallel processing...

... and big data, which speed up computation!

Mobile and cloud computing enable most apps to function

While decreasing your need to carry physical storage devices

Cloud and mobile security keep your files safe and accessible

+ + + + + +

With cloud and mobile together, you can access information more quickly than before. The new challenge is

keeping it organized!
