How can I use tone to improve my Ignite speech? LO: To understand how to use tone effectively in an...

Post on 03-Jan-2016

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Transcript of How can I use tone to improve my Ignite speech? LO: To understand how to use tone effectively in an...

How can I use tone to improve my Ignite speech?

LO: To understand how to use tone effectively in an Ignite speech.

Do now: What is tone? Explain in a sentence, using your own words. When you explain:

● use pitch● consider pace/ pauses● use body language/ gestures

Answer the register using one of these tones. We will guess which tone you are using...

Authoritative Desperate Insulting Mocking Bitter Dramatic

Cheerful Disappointed Confident Calm Disinterested Aggressive

Indignant (when you feel you are right)

Brave Obnoxious Dreamy Ecstatic Quizzical

Angry Nervous Miserable Excited Factual Instructive

Contemplative Incredulous (when you don't believe something)

Patriotic Pleading Baffled Apprehensive

Concerned Hopeless Joking Flippant Critical Manipulative

List the different tones used in this speech. You will need to listen carefully to when the tone changes. How does the speaker achieve her tones?

Question: Which tones were most effective and why?

Authoritative Desperate Insulting Mocking Bitter Dramatic

Cheerful Disappointed Confident Calm Disinterested Aggressive

Indignant (when you feel you are right)

Brave Obnoxious Dreamy Ecstatic Quizzical

Angry Nervous Miserable Excited Factual Instructive

Contemplative Incredulous (when you don't believe something)

Patriotic Pleading Baffled Apprehensive

Concerned Hopeless Joking Flippant Critical Manipulative

1. Individually, read your speech to yourself, walking around if need be, experimenting with tone.

2. Go through your speech and annotate words/ sections/ phrases/ moments when the tone shifts.

3. In threes, perform one minute of your speech. You should aim for a part of the speech where the tone changes.

Experimenting with tone...

Make sure you wear the following hats:● The Listener (listen carefully and respectfully)● The Positive Critic (make helpful suggestions)● The Builder (help build on ideas)

What are the best tones to start and end your speech on? Why?Authoritative Desperate Insulting Mocking Bitter Dramatic

Cheerful Disappointed Confident Calm Disinterested Aggressive

Indignant (when you feel you are right)

Brave Obnoxious Dreamy Ecstatic Quizzical

Angry Nervous Miserable Excited Factual Instructive

Contemplative Incredulous (when you don't believe something)

Patriotic Pleading Baffled Apprehensive

Concerned Hopeless Joking Flippant Critical Manipulative