How can business and the investment community be effective partners in the EU sustainable...

Post on 21-Jan-2015

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Peter Johnston, Responsible for Information Societypolicy and strategy evaluation - European Commission - Belgium

Transcript of How can business and the investment community be effective partners in the EU sustainable...

European Commission: DG Information Society and media

Partnership with the European strategy for sustainable development

TBLI- Paris – November 2006

European Commission: DG Information Society and media

European policy for sustainable development

Policies that need to be consistently implemented across all 25 Member-States of the European Union, are proposed by the European Commission and decided by Member State Governments in the European Council

The achievement of sustainable development is a Treaty obligation of all Member States: The president of the Council must seek a consensus on a common strategy

A first strategy was agreed in 2001. It has been reviewed by the Commission in 2004-5, and a renewed strategy was adopted by Heads of State in June 2006

European Commission: DG Information Society and media

7 key challenges

Climate change and clean energy; Sustainable transport; Sustainable production and consumption; Conservation and management of natural

resources; Public health; Social inclusion, demography and migration Global poverty and sustainable development

European Commission: DG Information Society and media

Key changes in the renewed strategy:2001-2006

A stronger focus on research, technology and innovation for all goals;

A stronger partnership with business, notably with the leaders of technological, economic and social innovation; “Business leaders and other stakeholders…. Should engage in urgent reflection with political leaders on the medium- and long-term policies needed for sustainable development, and propose ambitious business responses which go beyond existing minimum legal requirements”: A proposal to foster this process will be made by the Commission in 2007

European Commission: DG Information Society and media

Greenhouse gases Atmospheric CO2 concentration has risen by over 30 % since

pre-industrial era to 380 ppm

European Commission: DG Information Society and media

Pattern of probable average temperature changes, 2080s relative to present day

Lähde: Hadley Centre

Climate Change is the top priority…

European Commission: DG Information Society and media

The new realityThe bad news: New research suggests increased GHG

concentrations will cause earlier and more damaging climate change: Urgent shift to a low-carbon economy with less dependence on fossil fuels

The good news: Emerging technologies for greater energy-efficiency

and low-carbon renewable energies offer the potential for a rapid transition to an efficient, diverse and de-centralised energy system.

European Commission: DG Information Society and media

Specific EU actions Financial incentives to cut carbon emissions in the

most cost-effective way: EU Emissions Trading System An Environmental Technology Action plan to co-

ordinate research and accelerate market introductions An Action Plan to improve energy efficiency by about

2.5% p.a to realise energy savings of 20% by 2020; Actions to cut transport intensity (vehicle-kms per

GDP) with better logistics and infrastructure charging; “Green” public procurement by 2010

European Commission: DG Information Society and media

Energy-use projections for Europe:Targeted growth in renewables and 2.5% improvement in energy efficiency per year












1990 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020Year

MTOE Total energy use

Total renewable energy

Total fossil fuels

European Commission: DG Information Society and media

Carbon emissions can be cut significantly by 2020 without compromising economic growth

Carbon emission projections









1990 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020Year

MT Carbon relative to 1990

Business as usual - 1% p.a better energyefficiency

2.5% p.a. better energy efficiency

3.5% p.a. better energy efficiency

European Commission: DG Information Society and media

Recent Trends in U.S. Energy Intensity







1970 1973 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997 2000


1973-1986 Average Rateof Decline ~ 2.6% per Year

1986-1996 Average Rateof Decline ~ 0.8% per Year

1996-2000 Average Rateof Decline ~ 2.7% per Year

European Commission: DG Information Society and media

The network structure of the Internet

European Commission: DG Information Society and media

How can innovations based on information and communications technologies help?

Higher-skill jobs for more of the working-age population

More added-value in more resource-efficient products: some products become immaterial services;

More efficient supply-chains, intelligent and cleaner vehicles and new forms of mobility;

More efficient heating/cooling and lighting in intelligent buildings and more efficient use of buildings;

“Spin-off” technologies for solar energy and lighting

European Commission: DG Information Society and media

A holistic approach to resource productivity

“Pay-per-use”: Product rental, “take-back” and recycling – WEEE targets - 65% recycling and 75% recovery by end 2006

Increased efficiencies for use of energy, space/land, and travel/transport in knowledge work;

Attention to external and internal impacts: Supply-chain; marketing/retail, and employee commuting;

European Commission: DG Information Society and media

Strengthening frameworks for“Triple-bottom-line” reporting


Human resources

“Environment, Health and Safety”

Profit, productivity and Investments in RTD

Human capital - qualifications, retention and training; health, safety and creativity;

Resource productivity : Transport, land and energy.