How Allah Create Human Being

Post on 23-Jan-2016

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In this writing, will be explained how the human being is created by God in Islamic perspective

Transcript of How Allah Create Human Being

Name : Aji Bagus Khoiri

Student ID : 13110139/PAI-D

How The Human Created

Human is One of God’s creation who has so many differences among another God’s

creation. In Holy Qur’an and also Bible. There are so many verses, which talked about human’s


In the Holy Qur’an surah Al-Alaq verses 1-5, God explains how the human created.

ٱقرأ ير�ك ٱسم ب ��ن خلق ١خلق ٱ� ٢من علق ٱ�

1. Read in the name of your Lord Who created.

2. He created man from a clot.

It is indicated that in these verses, human is created from a clot. Scientifically, clot is

formed by the agglutination of sperms and an ovum. As they agglutinated, zygote starts

forming. It is known as clot in the holy Qur’an. In another verses, also explained about the

creation of human. In the Holy Qur’an surah al-mu’minun verse 14,

لع�م ٱع�ما فكسونا ٱلمضغة مضغة فخلقنا ٱلعلقة علقة فخلقنا ٱ�طفة خلقنا �م

�ه خلقا ءاخر �تبار �شأ

ك �ما �م أ حسن ٱ�

١٤ ٱل�لق� أ

14. Then We made the seed a clot, then We made the clot a lump of flesh, then We made

(in) the lump of flesh bones, then We clothed the bones with flesh, then We caused it to grow

into another creation, so blessed be Allah, the best of the creators.

In tis verse, Allah explains about the steps of human’s creation. It is begin from a clot

until finally become the human being. It is explained that seed in the next condition, will

become a clot in a few weeks. From a clot, it will become a lump of flesh, and then Allah makes

in the lump of flesh bones, in another parts, Allah covers the bones with the flesh, like the

clothes which covering the body, then Allah makes it into another creature. After that, Allah

blows the spirit inside it and become the perfect creation named human who is able to sees,

talks, listens, thinks, etc.

In every single part of creation, Allah destines the human’s age, wealth, and couple.

Later, human should do the goodness as the ritual to Allah.