How a dui driver affect modern society

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of How a dui driver affect modern society

How a DUI Driver Affect Modern Society

DUI Stands for Driving Under the Influence, according to study every second in the world someone has died or injury

related to DUI driving.

This is clearly a serious issue, not only in the United States of America, every country in the world.

This article is going to explain What you could do to help this unfortunate situation.

For example step up and report and warn a intoxicated driver, Avoid any driving when drinking, and treatment for

those who got caught drinking and driving.

Dangerous fact DUI

DUI is a serious crime that could end up in jail,

community service, worst prison time.

These sentences are different from states and judges.

Some states tend to have harder punishment when it comes to DUI, and the judge can decide rather the person

who convicted DUI deserve the punishment.

In Texas the first offense and lead to 30 days license suspension, jail time up to 180 days, and annual surcharge

up to $2,00 for 3 years just to keep your own license.

DUI can be simply avoided by being a responsible driver, choose not to drink and drive.

If the person decided to have a night out and driving with friends, have a designated driver or simply take a cab after


Small decisions like this can save many peoples lives, and

these decisions may alter your life forever.

As a citizen and residence, when you spot an intoxicated person getting into a car, step up to them and warn them

about the dangers of driving and driving.

If they refused to listen contact the police and report their license plate number.

The local authority will sort them out.

Small actions like this could possibly save another life.

Modern Treatments for DUI drivers

In Texas, after convicting DUI there are mandatory rehabilitation course.

These course invited victim’s families who lost someone dear in their life due to the other irresponsible driver

involved fatal accidents.

These victim families try to educate these DUI drivers, hoping one day they will learn the fact these decisions could

murder and harm others and themselves.

In the end no matter how tough the punishment is for DUI, there always one person who can’t resist driving and driving

and break the law.

There are no permanent solution all we could do it try and convicted these who DUI and property educated them and

hoping they could avoid making the same mistakes.