Housing Active 01/2009

Post on 29-Feb-2016

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Magazine for professionals involved in the building, repair and maintenance of domestic, social and affordable housing in the UK.

Transcript of Housing Active 01/2009


Tightening of safety regulations for public building fenestration

It’s time to install awindow restrictorEarlier this year, the Avon and Wiltshire

Mental Health Partnership NHS Trustwas taken to court by the Health and

Safety Executive (HSE) as a result of anincident that took place in 2005 when 77-year old Iris Carey, a patient at Swindon’sVictoria Hospital fell 5.5 metres from awindow in her ward. She suffered a brokenankle and a compressed fracture of avertebra.The Trust was fined £20,000 andordered to pay £12,502 costs.

The HSE inspector said that the incidenthad been avoidable as the Trust hadidentified a risk with the windows andalthough window restrictors were in place,they did not meet the required standard.

Requirements to manage risksFollowing an alarming number of

accidents involving people falling out ofwindows – at least 7 fatal accidents andapproximately 30 major injury incidentsattributed to falls from windows identifiedduring the two-year period 2002/03 to2004/05 - Health and Safety officials havereminded hospitals and organisationsproviding care services for vulnerable peoplethat they must take appropriate action tomanage the risks of falls from windows.Failing to do so may result in a breach of theHealth and Safety at Work Act 1974 or theManagement of Health and Safety at WorkRegulations 1999. Health and Safety officialshave insisted that windows must have a100mm restricted opening and in order tobe appropriately insured, building owners arerequired to ensure that all windows cannotbe fully opened accidentally.

Fenster Commercial of Deerhurst, nearTewkesbury has come up therefore with atimely solution to the problem –the Window Safety Restrictor.Fenster is an established door andwindow maintenance companythat not only manufactures andinstalls windows, doors andcurtain walling, but also offersbespoke solutions to siteproblem-solving for publicbuildings, and offers advice onwindow design services in relationto health and safety and riskassessment data.

The opening of windows in

most cases is for the most innocuous ofreasons, e.g. for ventilation or to smoke acigarette, but in many cases, window safety iscompromised by concerns relating to certaingroups of vulnerable people. Such groups willusually comprise children and thoseincapacitated through drugs or drink ormental health problems, all of whose actionscan be unpredictable and therefore a threatto personal safety.

Fenster’s Window Safety Restrictor,introduced by acknowledged experts in thefield of window safety is an ideal solution tomaking open windows safe. Unlike manyprevious types of restrictors, Fenster’sproduct will fit all window types and types ofmaterials and will restrict window openingto 100mm as per H&S guidance.

Impressive features and benefitsThe unit features a high quality polyester

powder coat finish and comes in black orwhite in the standard finishes or optionally, instandard RAL colours. Different lengths of

cable can be specified andfitting instructions are included.

The Window SafetyRestrictor boasts a number ofbenefits. Importantly, it enableswindows to be opened safelyfor ventilation purposes byoccupants of the room and anenvironment is created wheretwo hands have to be used toopen the window.Furthermore, the safe openingoperation does not trap fingers

in window jambs.The restrictor has a dual locking facility

by dead lock, or push-to-release. One key fitsall and for the personal safety of anorganisation’s clients the key can remain inone responsible person’s control. However,if left unlocked, the window can be openedfurther – an option for the premises’ owner.

The robust design of the restrictorensures that the cable cannot be cut withoutspecialist tools – an important considerationin the situations where the product is likelyto be of greatest value.Aesthetically, therestrictor boasts a slim, attractive design thatnot only fits all situations, but whose clean,modern lines blend well with existingwindows.

Robust specificationsThe Window Safety Restrictor’s

specifications are equally impressive:• Die cast zinc alloy lock and slave bodies• 6x 6 close wound steel cable • White or black heat shrunk durable

plastic cable sleeving• All standard RAL finishes available as

options• Any cable length available as an option

(standard= 220mm)• Meets BS 8213 to restrict all windows

in public areas • Meets BS 5588 regarding egress from

private dwellings• Exceeds BS 6375 part 2 strength test

by more than double the required standard.

Fenster’s client profile includes localauthorities, hospitals, health authorities, carehomes, educational establishments, buildingcontractors and window manufacturers.Hotels, offices and factories also feature.Indeed, as well as commercial/public buildingapplications, the installation of a windowsafety restrictor in many other situationsmakes complete sense in today’s litigiousclimate with regard to accidents.

Fenster’s Window Safety Restrictor ispriced at £9.85 + VAT + delivery, withquantity discounts available on request.


Tel: 01684 274 666E: enquiries@fenster.uk.com

Munters has helped Golden Gates Housing to meet its obligationsoutlined in the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive

Tackling social housingenergy performanceWith Social Housing

providers facing a raft ofenergy performance

legislation, including the introductionof Energy Performance Certificateslater this year – Munters hasintroduced a unique EnergyPerformance Survey. This new surveycombines industry leading nondestructive techniques, which, for thefirst time delivers Social Housingproviders with an objective andstructured approach to the energyperformance improvement.

Measuring performanceThe energy survey is designed to

help improve energy efficiency bymeasuring current energyperformance, targeting improvementaction areas to increase energyperformance and identifying furtherinvestigation requirements whichcombined with housing stockdatabase can build a stock andindividual property improvement plan.

Commenting Munters EnergyServices Manager - Nik Day said: “Theapproach that Munters has adoptedenables us to work with Social

Audit Commission) we are constantlylooking to identify and invest in waysin which we can improve ourservices. Our partnership withMunters has enabled us to preparefor meeting our obligations outlinedin the European Energy Performanceof Buildings Directive that comes intoforce October 2008. Partnershipworking with Munters has nowextended to supporting ourorganisations renewable energy pilotschemes. What we required was acomprehensive survey that evaluatedthe existing energy performance andcarbon footprint of the property.Tosupport our ‘whole house’ approachon energy performance,thermography and air tightnesstesting was also initiated.

Comprehensive serviceIan continues: “By having this

comprehensive ‘whole house’ serviceprovided from one organisationdelivers consistency, minimisesbureaucracy and cost. Muntersprofessional approach is now beingemployed by two other social housingproviders on renewable energyprojects in partnership with GoldenGates Housing. Plans are welladvanced for renewable energyprojects for 2008/2009. Munters willbe part of the team in delivering theprogramme that will link with GGH’s30 year ‘asset management strategy’.

With the ever increasing energyefficiency demands on social landlords– HECA, Best Value, Decent Homes,Climate Change and SustainableEnergy Act 2006 - this revolutionaryservice ensures measureable energyefficiency delivery and supportscompliance.

Housing providers to determine arelevant stock auditing model. Thisprovides statistically relevant results,enables a full analysis of stock typeand the implementation of a definedand measured energy efficiencyprogramme.

Nik continued: “As the surveyMunters offers contains the EPC itmeans that by undertaking the surveywithin empty properties, the socialhousing provider can achievesubstantial cost benefits, by not payingfor the EPC certificate twice.”

Three techniquesThe energy survey combines

three non-destructive techniques - anEnergy Performance Certificate(EPC), an air tightness test and athermography survey – the latter usesinfrared technology to identifydifferences in temperature andhighlight heat/energy loss and wherewater/moisture may be entering theproperty. Munters’ own employedtechnicians are qualified andregistered DEAs, accredited BritishInstitute Non Destructive Testing(BIND) technicians andThermographic certified – an uniqueindustry combination.

Golden Gates Housing (ALMO)Business Service DevelopmentManager, Ian Robinson commented:“As a leading social housing landlord(awarded 3 star status with ‘excellentprospects for improvement’ by the


Tel: 01480 432 243E: info@munters.co.ukwww.munters.co.uk

ABOVE: Theenergy surveyis designed tohelp improveenergyefficiency bymeasuringcurrent energyperformance,targetingimprovementaction areas toincreaseenergyperformance.

Rob Simpson of StranDNA shares with Windows Active his innovativesecurity idea for greater homeowner peace of mind

Eureka moment thatled to Chain ReactionWhen tough economic conditions

prevail, the easiest way to boostrevenues is to revisit former

happy customers. But therein lies a drawback.You need a healthy product portfolio to wethomeowners’ appetites.The success of theongoing ‘Alternative Revenue Streams forInstallers’ series in Windows Active hasproved there is an increasingly high demandfor niche and innovative products.

Security is always a hot topic that attractsinterest from homeowners.With the Policeand other organisations providing mappingsof ‘burglary hotspots’, it is no wonder thatsecurity figures prominently in homeowners’minds. Furthermore, recessionary periods arealways characterised by a surge in attemptedburglaries and doorstep scams.

Eureka momentRob Simpson of StranDNA is wholly

familiar with this worrying trend. During aperiod of rehabilitation following a seriousmotoring accident he gave his inquisitivemind and his personal drive full rein inexploring creative ways of generating income.It wasn’t long before he had his ‘eureka’moment and came up with an ingenious idea.

The idea was to create a unique securitydevice that would utilise all thecharacteristics of a standard front door chain,but enhanced with key innovations. Robexplained his thinking to Windows Active:“Due to the increased technical specificationsincorporated into house and vehicle alarms,making it far more complex to bypass anygiven system, thieves areresorting to far moreextreme methods togain access to houses.These crimes arecommonly referred to asaggravated burglaries,home invasions orforced entries.”

Rob has designedand now brought tomarket an innovativesolution to the problem.His Chain Reactiondevice is modelled on

the standard door chain, but uniquelyincorporates an ear-splitting138-decibelscreech alarm along with DNA tracetechnology. He explains:“We believe ChainReaction is predominantly a crime preventionproduct, specifically designed to ease the fearassociated with entrance door crimes. Ifactivated, Chain Reaction assists the Police inthe apprehension and detention of theindividuals who perpetrate such offences byusing the latest DNA trace technology.TheDNA trace will also provide the CrownProsecution Service with irrefutable evidence,aiding the prosecution of criminal acts in acourt of law.”

Chain Reaction explainedThe additional fixing of a supplied notice,

on or near the entrance, warning that theproperty is protected by StranDNA willhopefully also deter potential burglars.

However, if the warning is notheeded and an attack occurs,not only will the 138-decibelscreech alarm be activated butat the same time there will bean emission of forensic traceliquid.

Following an arrest, if theindividual is found to bestained with the trace liquid, aforensic science service cananalyse the liquid anddetermine the DNAcomponent allocated.WhenStranDNA is provided with

this unique code, the company’s database willidentify the exact location of the installationwhere the device was professionally installedand registered, clearly placing the individualstained as perpetrator of a specific crime.

A definitive illegal action is required forthe security device to be activated - forexample an individual aggressively attemptingforced entry through the front or rear doorof a residence.The trace liquid is a clear, non-toxic, UV-based substance, only visible underultraviolet light. It has a unique DNA codethat will remain on clothes or skin formonths, depending on exfoliation and thenumber of times clothing is washed.

At the point of installation, a registered,approved installer or sub-licensee will takethe DNA trace code supplied and willregister that code at a specific residentialaddress.There are in excess of one billioncodes and no two canisters are the same.

Installers and sub-licensees soughtStranDNA are currently establishing an

infrastructure of mobile installationprofessionals nationwide and would like tohear from independent security installers,locksmiths or replacement door fittersinterested in undertaking an approvedinstallation course in various nationwidelocations.

Once registered, approved installers willcarry out installations on StranDNA’s behalfand receive a generous pay scale with abonus scheme available on generated sales.The company would also be keen to hearfrom larger organisations interested in thesub-licensing of this device to sell under theirown direction or name.

Rob is currently working on othersecurity access innovations that will developfurther the principles shown by the ChainReaction product.Although currently tightlyunder wraps, these further exciting additionsto the product range will be announced andlaunched later this year.


Tel: 08442 490150 www.strandna.co.uk

A magnetic wall covering is set to reduce maintenance cycles inpublic, commercial and domestic buildings across the UK

‘Magnetic’ glass wall coveringoffers maintenance solution

Arevolutionary new “magnetic”wall covering is set to reducemaintenance cycles in public,

commercial and domestic buildingsacross the UK.

Magnet is the latest innovationfrom Vitrulan, a German companywhich manufactures fabric wallcoverings that are made entirely fromglass.

Vitrulan’s glass déco fabrics, whichare hung in a similar way to traditionalwallpaper, have only recently becomeavailable in the UK despite being usedwidely across Europe for more than20 years.

Unlike wallpaper, the glass wallcoverings provide a huge number ofbenefits in terms of hygiene, cleaning,durability, wall reinforcement and firesafety, as well as being chemical-freeand environmentally friendly.

Straight onto the wallMagnet shares all of these benefits,

but with the added benefit that anycommercial magnet can be stuckstraight onto the wall.

To achieve this,Vitrulan hascombined a layer of its texturedwoven-glass fabric with a compressedglass lining fleece and infused a uniquemetallic coating between the two.

The development means thatentire wall interiors, from floor toceiling, could be used for displays,presentations or creative workstations– without the need for drawing pins,

rather than requiring a pasting table,and it can be coated in an almostunlimited number of paint colours andfinishes.

Magnet can be hung alongsideVitrulan’s standard glass déco fabric onthe same wall elevation if only alimited magnetic area is required fordisplay purposes.

Vitrulan’s glass déco fabrics areideal in areas which require a highlevel of cleanliness or experience ahigh level of human traffic, such asschools, hospitals and hotels. Butalmost any commercial office wouldbenefit from the enormousmaintenance cost savings it provides.

The glass fabric not only hidescracks in the wall substrate butactually reinforces the wall due to thestability of the glass, which does notshrink or expand when exposed tovarying temperature and humidity.

It is extremely impact resistant forthe same reason. It is fire-proof,entirely safe for human health(complete with Oeko-Texcertification), and can be washed andscrubbed for years on end withoutleading to any surface damagewhatsoever.

Completely sealedAlso, combined with the fact that,

once coated, the seams betweenadjacent lengths of the glass fabric arecompletely sealed, they are probablyone of the most hygienic wallcoverings available in the world.This ispartly borne out by the fact that 95%of hospitals in Germany use glass décofabrics – even in highly sensitive areaslike operating theatres.

Mr Sheppard added:“The conceptof woven glass wall coverings ingeneral is still pretty new to the UK,but people are now starting to seebeyond the novelty value.”

sticky tape, adhesive putty orexpensive notice boards.

Anyone, from architects toteachers, can now replace orrearrange their large format drawingsor classroom displays as often as theylike in the knowledge that the wallswill remain clean and unmarked – thusdramatically reducing the need forongoing maintenance andredecoration.

Great flexibilityChris Sheppard, UK sales manager

for Vitrulan, said:“Magnet wouldbenefit almost any building you couldimagine – be it commercial, public orresidential. It not only allows theflexibility of potentially bigger displayareas, it also means that displays canbe changed as often as you likewithout the walls becoming damagedor in need of redecoration.This willhave a major knock-on effect in termsof a building’s whole-life cost.

“Magnet even presents a challengeto the humble kitchen fridge, whichhas for years been the ‘notice board’of choice for families across the UK. Infact, traditional notice boards couldbecome a thing of the past in almostevery walk of life.”

Like Vitrulan’s other glass décofabrics, Magnet comes in rolls similarto traditional wallpaper. It is installedby first applying adhesive to the wall,


Tel: 01455 553118www.vitrulan.com

ABOVE: Unlikewallpaper, theglass wallcoveringsprovide a hugenumber ofbenefits interms ofhygiene,cleaning,durability, wallreinforcementand fire safety,as well asbeing chemical-free andenvironmentallyfriendly.

Crittall has introduced a range of aluminium-timber composite doorsand windows suitable for new build and refurbishment project

Composite rangeavailable from Crittall


launch of its innovativenew Composite range, Crittall Windows nowoffers the trade a perfect blend of timberand aluminium windows and doors, suitablefor installation in both new build andrefurbishment.

One of the world’s leading windowmanufacturers - and the largest manufacturerof steel windows in Europe - Crittall has beendesigning and producing high quality windowsand doors for over 150 years. It is thisexpertise which the company has applied toits major expansion into the compositewindow sector.

Crittall’s new Composite range simplifiesthe specification process for architects,builders, contractors and installers: thecompany is the only supplier to offer a UK-based design, manufacture and installationservice to ensure continuity, quality andlogistical support.

This new range, designed for application inthe health, education, commercial, housing andhotel sectors, includes a wide choice ofwindows and opening styles, as well asComposite light duty doors suitable forbalconies and patios, plus thermally brokenaluminium heavy duty doors suitable for mainentrances and emergency exits.

Crittall’s Composite range successfullycombines the warmth and natural beauty thattimber lends to interiors with the highperformance and minimal maintenance thataluminium brings to exteriors.

Selected from sustainable sources ofnatural hardwood and softwood, the timber

complements the modern design of thewindow profile, and can be lacquered orpainted as required to suit the interior.Specifiers can choose between laminatedEuropean redwood or solid European oak.

Similarly, the aluminium exterior can becoloured as required to add a contrastingfeature or to blend in with a building’soverall design. Performance, durability andlow maintenance are ensured because thealuminium is coated in-house with Crittall’sDuralifeTM polyester powder coating.Thistough, high quality finish increasesresistance to the adverse effects ofexposure to the elements.Crittall’s new Composite range offers the

optimum in weather tightness, and also meetsthe requirements of BS7950:1997 forresistance to forced entry, while excellentthermal performance is ensured throughcompliance with Part L of the BuildingRegulations.This means that because wood isa natural insulator, the windows remain warmto the touch indoors whatever the outsidetemperature.

Modern and traditional lookThese new windows and doors are easily

incorporated into both modern andtraditional building fabrics. Designimprovements in dimensional accuracy andstability - combined with the patentedmonolithic construction which ensures astrong, mechanical connection - haveeliminated the need for adhesives, clips andveneers. In addition, the aesthetic effect isenhanced by the elimination of knots andfinger joints.

The Crittall Composite range offers achoice of window types and opening styles,including fixed light, side hung (inward andoutward opening), top hung (outwardopening), bottom hung (inward opening), andtilt and turn.

Standard window hardware includes mattsilver anodised finish handles, concealed multi-locking, folding openers, friction arms and butthinges, while additional options include trickleventilators, remote operation mechanisms,polished chrome or gold and painted finishhandles, restrictors and locking handles.

Door types and opening styles includesingle and double, outward or inward opening,while door hardware includes pull handles,emergency exit devices, lever handles,magnetic locks, electric strikes, andEuroprofile cylinder locks.

For additional customer service, thewindows can be factory or site glazed with28mm insulating units, while options toensure safety, security, solar control andprivacy are also available. If and whenrequired, Crittall’s Composite windows canalso be quickly and easily reglazed from theinside, thus eliminating the need for expensiveaccess equipment or scaffolding.

For extra customer reassurance, CrittallComposite windows and doors offer a designlife of 40-plus years. In addition, CrittallWindows has just been granted ISO14001:2004 accreditation, declaring that thecompany operates in an environmentallyresponsible manner – preventing pollution,reducing waste and improving itsenvironmental performance year-on-year.


Tel: 01376 530800www.crittall-windows.co.uk

Nick Harrison of Hurst Plastics talks about the development of a newbreed of fire doors and the advantages the doors bring

Entrance doors thatfire the imagination

The aesthetics ofexternal doors have,without doubt, come a

long way in recent years andthey are now available in ahuge array of patterns andstyles.The trend is largely

driven by the homeowner’s desire toupgrade the look and feel of their home, theneed for the developer to offer a visuallyappealing entrance to help sell the propertyand the steady increase in the averagehousehold’s disposable income. Despite this,the aesthetics of the fire door, whichaccounts for almost 10% of the entrancedoors used in the UK, has largely beenneglected.

For years, the most common types offire doors were the standard flush plywooddoors, which separate a house from agarage, or the often unattractive mainentrance doors to flats.They often didn’tprovide the same level of security as theircounterparts and needed to be painted orstained every few years to keep themlooking good.

Mind the gapThe development of the composite GRP

entrance door over the past decade hasbrought an affordable high performanceproduct, with all the characteristics of timberbut with none of the drawbacks, to withinthe reach of the homeowner.A welcomemove it certainly was, but it did furtherwiden the gap between the standardentrance door and the fire door.

The use of composite fire doors is

becoming more prevalent. Specifiersare increasingly using them on bothpublic and private sectordevelopments to comply with theever tightening building regulations.There’s also the drive from theGovernment’s Decent Homesincentive to bring public sectorhousing up to, and often, above thestandards of the private sector.Asthe scheme progresses, more andmore buildings will be equipped withthe new and better performingcomposite fire doors.

It’s evident therefore, that the demandfor a fire door that looks as good as a top ofthe range composite door, yet performs tothe same standards of security and weather-resistance, whilst offering the same low life-cycle costs has never been greater.

It therefore falls to the market leaders inthe sector to find an offering for what isundoubtedly a growing shortfall in the rangeof entrance doors available in the UK.

Performance and protectionOne of the first to offer a real solution

to meet the demands of the specifier,landlord and end user for a specification-driven product that offers consistently highquality and adequate fire protection is HurstPlastics.

The company has just launched a rangeof high performance composite fire doorsets, which offers the very highest in securityand weather performance plus a full halfhour fire rating (30 minutes stability and 30minutes integrity).The Hurst fire door makesa smart entrance and is exceptionally safeand secure. It benefits from the same robustGRP skin as the rest of the Hurst compositedoor range, making it one of the mostsecure fire doors in its class. Outwardlyindistinguishable from the standard Hurstcomposite door, the new fire door isavailable in a choice of two solid designs orhalf glazed.All doors are supplied pre-fittedas a door set in a Eurocell series 70 outerframe with Yale multi-point locking andchoice of ironmongery.

And just like the standard Hurst

composite door, the fire door hasthe same low life cycle costs and isvirtually maintenance free. Unlikemany composite fire doors whichare fitted in a timber frame, theHurst fire door is supplied in adurable PVC-U frame, whichrequires virtually no maintenance.The frame matches the PVC-Uwindows and door frames in aproperty much better than a timberframe, which improves the visualappeal of the whole door.

Hurst’s composite door rangeThe standard Hurst composite door

range was launched in 2007. It has beendeveloped to be fully compliant with all thelatest and pending building legislation. Intests, the door surpassed the requirementsof PAS 23 and 24 (including the new Clause11 that covers severe physical attack on thelock cylinder and door handle). It meets PartL and Part M and has been licensed underthe Police Preferred Specification - “Securedby Design”.All these tests have one aim, toprovide specifiers and end users with doorsthat will have long, trouble-free and, in turn,cost-effective lives.Thanks to Hurst’sdedicated manufacturing unit, the doors arealso readily available.The factory is fittedwith all the latest machinery that is capableof CNC machining a door leaf every 12minutes. Backed by a comprehensivemanufacturers guarantee, the through-coloured GRP door has a UV stable skin.Thethrough-colour resists scratches andeliminates the need for painting andmaintenance.

The composite fire door opens up newopportunities to meet the demands of thespecifier and homeowner alike and earlyindications suggest that this exciting newrange from Hurst will be a welcome solutionto a growing supply problem throughout theindustry.


Tel: 011482 790790www.hurst-plastics.co.uk