Hot! or Not!. Or…She Bangs 8:05 For as long as two genders and cognitive thought have coexisted,...

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Transcript of Hot! or Not!. Or…She Bangs 8:05 For as long as two genders and cognitive thought have coexisted,...

Hot! or Not!

Or…She Bangs


For as long as two genders and cognitive thought have coexisted, humanity has attempted to define the role of each gender.

Looking at life through the eyes of another is a very challenging task. It’s simple to live every day without ever thinking about what it’s like walk in another’s shoes

“Bartleby the Scrivener: A Story of Wall Street” is a story written by Herman Melville.

Fear serves many purposes. Primarily, fear keeps us in check. Some do not break laws for fear of reprimand, some choose not to engage in adventurous activity for fear of injury, and some choose to believe in certain deities for fear they will be damned.

When one looks at the world it is normally perceived as a common place. On a normal day in a normal setting, common objects are not considered as complex or thought provoking.

What is it about the upper class that people in lower classes find so interesting?

In Edgar Allen Poe’s short story “Bernice”, the narrator is a studious young man named Egaeus who suffers from monomania, a disease where the subject obsesses over an object or idea.

Since conforming to the “Cult of domesticity” is an essential aspect of a true Victorian woman of the 19th century, it is not completely unrealistic to find subtle references to its inevitable transformation in novels such as “The Lamplighter” and “The Wide Wide World.”

The Lamplighter, a novel by Maria Susanna Cummins, was one of the most popular literary works of the 19th century.

Bartleby the Scrivener portrays the economy’s transformation from specialized to industrial work and its subsequent affects on the individual.

Harriet Beacher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin is a novel that has the singular purpose of emphasizing and bringing to light the injustice of the slavery of the nineteenth century.

Thing theory is the study of the role that concrete objects have in developing story plots.

Things affect the way we act. This is the basis of the Thing Theory.

Slavery is an integral part of this story because an important submissive relationship exists between two characters in the story.

The use of fictional literature to endorse political views is not uncommon.

In Maria Susanna Cummins’, “The Lamplighter,” the heroine of the story, Gerty, must journey to become a true nineteenth century woman of class in the Cult of Domesticity.

In most English classes, students are taught the basic necessities needed to pass the class.

It is often said that a person should not follow the crowd. They should instead be their own person and do their own things.

During the mid-eighteen hundreds it was very important for young women to grow up into ladies. Gerty is not excluded from this vision.

Edgar Allen Poe’s The Black Cat is an intriguing narrative of a murderer and his ironic fate.

An author’s diction, whether used to report factual information or weave an intricate tale, can convey vastly different emotions from the same story by simply setting a unique tone.

Edgar Allan Poe’s, “The Black Cat,” was written in 1843 during a time when alcohol appeared to play a major role in his life.

The environment and the attention that a child receives while they are being brought is very vital to the kind of person they become.


In Carolyn Forche’s “The Colonel”, one of the central aspects of the story is the setting.

The novels read in class are not mere fictional stories but devices used to convey important messages to the public.

In Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Black Cat,” the unnamed narrator allows alcohol to become a part of his life and it destroys his relationships with everyone who cares for him.

Uncle Tom is not the typical slave from the southern United States in the 1800s.

Objects – every story has them. A book, a car, a candle, two dozen doughnuts all of these things are objects.

In Maria Susanna Cummins’ The Lamplighter, the child called Gerty transforms from an uneducated ruffian to the sophisticated woman that is the ideal of her era.

Slavery is one of the most embarrassing and horrifying events that has taken place in the history of the United States of America.

Taking the life of another individual requires a unique psyche.

The definition of adulthood has changed over the years almost as much as the changes one goes through to get there.

The Wide, Wide World by Elizabeth Wetherell tells a story of a girl growing up with hardship and loss.

Superstitions, a story by which one holds fear or hope based on a certain action or even, have the capacity to grip the mind and create paranoia beyond the understanding of the host.

Edgar Allan Poe is widely considered one of the greatest storytellers in American history.

The world is often viewed as materialistic, where a person is thought to be happy if wearing the right clothes, living in a decent house, and having enough money left over for vacationing and a few nice cars.

Why does Ellen have an aversion to Aunt Fortune?

In the novel Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe, food allows everyone within the story to connect with one another.

In societies all across the world, people get to know each other through the sharing and telling of stories.

What is in a name? Any object, whether living or inanimate, that has been given a name surely has gotten some caring thoughts put into naming that object.

Authors have used “things” to describe and relate other things to people.

In The Lamplighter, the author uses the relative abundance of light present in Gerty’s life to parallel her progression towards becoming the ideal and complete woman.

The thing theory of literature states that the things, such as toys, tools, food, and décor, that the characters of the novel encounter are very important to the full understanding of the novel. One such novel that portrays the thing theory is Uncle Tom’s Cabin.

In Uncle Tom’s Cabin the author, Harriet Beecher Stowe focuses a great deal of attention on the head cooks of each house.

Edgar Allen Poe’s The Black Cat is a unique allegory, which depicts the pain that slavery inflicts upon not only the slave but also the slave owner.

“The Black Cat” by Edgar Allen Poe delves into the darkness of the human mind and explores the causes and effects of crime on one’s consciousness by showing a man’s spiral into immorality.


In Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Black Cat”, Poe expresses his political views on slavery through the representation of a man’s ownership over his pets to a slave master’s ownership over his slaves.

Edgar Allen Poe’s work “The Black Cat” is a psychological study that ventures into the mind of an extremely obsessive narrator who attempts to rationalize his irrational actions throughout the story.

During the late eighteenth century, the Temperance Movement, also known as Prohibition, came into existence.

In “The Black Cat”, Poe explores the internal and most perverse flaws of the brain, through examination of the irrational thoughts of the brain, the altering effects of alcohol, and the recurrence of unbelievable events, Poe demonstrates the internal flaws of even the most docile of human beings, which may even be disturbed to the extent to which Poe’s character acts.

Many people, whether they acknowledge the fact or not, subconsciously fear the day when[DrH1]  they get accused of committing a felonious act.  [DrH1]Good opener.

In Edgar Allan Poe’s, The Black Cat, we follow the narrator as he goes from an upstanding honorable member of society with a love for animals, to an insane killer.

Many people believe that “The Black Cat” was written to dissuade people from drinking because of its horrid details depicting the actions of a man who drinks and also the fact that it was published around the time when the Temperance Movement was wide spreading in 1843.

Latin American political history marks periods under the rule of military juntas, a form of dictatorship usually consisted of leaders from a military rebellion or coup.

Arguments sometimes spark because of a little reason, but then manifest into a greater predicament.

Insanity is the inability to logically comprehend emotions and situations the way an average person would.

Things. This term represents vagueness, and generally means an object that can be felt in some shape or form.

Written in 1853, Herman Melville’s short story “Bartleby the Scrivener” describes the isolation of a man who does not fulfill society’s expectations for having a good work ethic.

When people reach certain points in their lives, they often overlook what got them to those places.

In “The Black Cat” by Edgar Allan Poe, the narrator begins his story with claiming that he is not insane.

“The Black Cat” was written by Edgar Allan Poe in 1843, a year when slavery was an extremely prevalent concept.

“FOR the most wild, yet most homely narrative which I am about to pen, I neither expect nor solicit belief.” The narrator of the passage “The Black Cat” states the quote in the very first sentence of the story. A wild tale it is indeed one of murder and the malice that can develop in the mind of a man.

The Lamplighter shows through the life of Gerty that one’s behavior and personality is based upon their nurturing and environment rather than their nature.

Throughout high school students are taught to delve deeper into the literature that they read. Teachers force students to probe for deeper meanings, to understand more than you can with just a careless browsing.

Before Gerty is taken into the care of Uncle True, she is seen as a product of nature that has not yet been furnished by society.

The Civil War started in the 1860s with the primary argument over slavery.

The art of storytelling is an ancient skill that has been honed for eons. But even so, there is always one question that is asked repeatedly, over and over.

Does anyone really still notice the countless news stories that deal with teenagers dying from alcohol poisoning, intoxicated drivers killing innocent civilians, or alcoholic parents abusing their children?

Every person on earth would rather be happy than sad, though all people go about gaining happiness and repelling sadness in different ways.

The loyalty and faithfulness of mankind has been tested throughout the ages using instruments such as temptation and bribery.

The world we live in is a collection of many different objects, or “things,” all interacting with one another.

It is clear what the paper will prove.        1        2        3       4       5 

It is clear what the focus of the paper will be.        1        2        3       4       5 

It is clear how the paper will prove it.        1        2        3       4       5 

The point to be proven is unique and insightful.        1        2        3       4       5 

The reasons why it is important are compelling.        1        2        3       4       5 

The intro and thesis tell me something I did not know before, or a new angle on a familiar idea.

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Every term or important idea is clearly defined (be particularly suspicious of "thing" appearing in any form).

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The paper offers an important and clear definition for a key term.

       1        2        3       4       5 

It is clear the role the definition will play--how the author will use it in his or her argument

  1        2        3       4       5 

The paper is fun to read; the writing style is lively.        1        2        3       4       5 

The paper addresses an idea that is appropriate for a 3-page paper--not too broad--and spends at least three pages proving it.

       1        2        3

Grammar and typing are correct.        1        2        3