Horse SA [Horse] Volunteers are Gold

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Transcript of Horse SA [Horse] Volunteers are Gold


18 August, 2016

HORSE SA relies heavily on the unpaid work of volunteers and values their contribution highly. They are recognised as an essential part of our organization, performing many different roles.

An educational webinar sharing Horse SA’s volunteer policy as a base for ideas in your own club.

The Volunteer Protection Act (2001) exists in SA, but it is not enough alone for organisations

The intent of this legislation is to provide protection to individual volunteers from personal liability for loss, injury or damage caused as a result of an act or omission on their part while undertaking their volunteering duties on behalf of an incorporated organisation.

A volunteer is not protected under the Act if they:• act illegally• are affected by alcohol or illicit drugs• defame someone• act outside authorised activities

In effect, the Act transfers personal liability from the individual to the organisation.

The Act does not provide the Volunteer with personal accident cover. Download fact sheet Link to more info on the Act

However, the organisation needs to ensure that the job role for the volunteer is defined, and provide training if required.

Organisations also need to discuss with their insurance broker the number of volunteers, type of work being undertaken, where and when. This will guide the type of insurance required e.g. personal accident and perhaps other types, such as professional indemnity.

Volunteers can request information about the insurance cover, or in many cases, organisations have insurance information placed online.


On commencement, new volunteers should be given an induction package and be provided with orientation to the organisation which will include a copy of the volunteer policy and any other policies that affects their work.

Inductions need to be recorded.

Many organisations are now looking to online induction options which records evidence of completion. This may only go part way to fulfilling needs.

Contractors also require induction.


Google ‘SafeWork SA induction’ for this template

Volunteers should have a job description and agreed working hours

To keep volunteering attractive, think of how regular well-run workplaces operate & promote similar benefits to your potential helpers.

Job description• regular breaks• shelter, seating, drinks available• policies • extra provisions for hot/ inclement

weather• job sharing• reimbursement for agreed expenses• discuss improvements or changes to the

job to make it easier/safer• professional development (pathway to a

different role?)

Volunteers need to be provided

with sufficient

training to do the job.

Make training fun, social, and recognise the effort spent to attend.

Volunteers have the right for confidential and personal information dealt with in accordance with the principles of the Privacy Act 1988

Organisations may have their own privacy policy which relates to the collection, storage, disposal or sharing of an individual’s information.

It is also an idea to talk to your insurer about what information is stored on and offline. (Cybercrime)

Horse SA Confidentiality policy is available online

Further example: Pony Club Victoria

Info about the Australian Privacy Principles:

Photo: Michael Mullen

Volunteers have the right to be interviewed and employed in accordance with equal opportunity legislation, and work in a healthy and safe environment free from discrimination and harassment of any kind

In South Australia, it is unlawful to discriminate because of:• Age• Association with a child (in customer service or

accommodation) e.g. breastfeeding, childcare• Caring responsibilities• Chosen gender• Disability• Marital or domestic partnership status• Pregnancy• Race• Religious appearance or dress (in work or study)• Sex• Sexuality• Spouse or partner’s identity

Discrimination laws also cover:• Sexual harassment• Victimization• Whistleblowing

Inclusive cultures

Volunteers have the right to have access to a grievance procedure

Organisations are encouraged to develop their own grievance procedure, including appointment of an Officer(s) as the first point of contact.

Sports SA runs a State Sports Dispute Centre for more complex mediation

Volunteers shall carry out duties assigned by the management of HORSE SA and shall be under the direct supervision of the EO.

In an organisation:

Volunteers need to know what tasks are sanctioned by the organisation.

Who will supervise new volunteers on tasks?

Line of reporting needs to be clear.

What training and PPE are provided.

What to do if there is a problem.

All volunteers shall be treated with respect and gratitude for their contribution. HORSE SA will endeavour to acknowledge their commitment, their efforts and their dedication

Ideas… no need to run out of them!

Volunteering Australia has come up with 101 ways to say thank you to your volunteers!

A note on WHS: Volunteer associations that do not have employees are not governed by South Australian work health and safety laws. However, under common law obligations, organisations owe a duty of care to its volunteers to take reasonable steps to avoid foreseeable harm, injury or loss. More info here.

Horse SA Volunteer Policy HORSE SA relies heavily on the unpaid work of volunteers and values their contribution highly. They are recognised as an essential part of our organization, performing many different roles. HORSE SA will endeavour to acknowledge their commitment, their efforts and their dedication. All volunteers shall be treated with respect and gratitude for their contribution. Volunteers shall carry out duties assigned by the management of HORSE SA and shall be under the direct supervision of the EO. Volunteer rightsVolunteers have the right to: work in a healthy and safe environment free from discrimination and harassment of any kindbe interviewed and employed in accordance with equal opportunity legislationbe adequately covered by insurance be given an induction package which will include a copy of this policy and any other policy that affects their work have a job description and agreed working hours have access to a grievance procedure be provided with orientation to the organisation have confidential and personal information dealt with in accordance with the principles of the Privacy Act 1988 be provided with sufficient training to do the job. Volunteer Protection Act (2001) The intent of this legislation is to provide protection to individual volunteers from personal liability for loss, injury or damage caused as a result of an act or omission on their part while undertaking their volunteering duties on behalf of an incorporated organisation. The Act does not provide the Volunteer with personal accident cover. All other relevant legislation will be observed.


18 August, 2016Thank you