Horror film pitch

Post on 17-Feb-2017

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Transcript of Horror film pitch


By Fatihah, Orla, Daisy and Karinna

Who are the main


• Mrs Robertson• Keely• Joe• Chloe• Claudia• Miss Howard-Saunders- Mary Ann• Mr Willett (music)

What is the

storyline and the genre?

There is a school trip to the woods to go camping and the students sneak in a Ouija board. Mrs Robertson finds out and takes the Ouija board from them before they say goodbye. The students being feeling scared because the second rule of the Ouija board is to say goodbye. Throughout the night they feel like something is wrong and night starts getting spooky. We have used teenagers because it makes them more vulnerable to the situation but also because stereotypically teenagers are more carefree with their actions.

When do the events

take place?

When is it set?

• The trip is set on Friday 13th (present time) in the woods. This is because it is commonly known as an unlucky day, which gives a scarier and more intriguing affect.

Where is location of the movie?

• The movie is set in the woods at night in England. It is set in the modern day so the audience can relate more to what is happening and there are teenagers in the opening scene so people of that age can have something in common.

Why/what the is the

aim of the protagonist?

• We chose to have a one of the main quite characters to he the hero