Hormonal aspects of breast cancer: Growth factors, drugs and stromal interactions

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Critical Reviews in Oncology/Hematology, 1992; 121-23 0 1992 Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved 1040-8428/92/$5.00

ONCHEM 00015

Hormonal aspects of breast cancer Growth factors, drugs and stromal interactions

Robert Clarke, Robert B. Dickson and Marc E. Lippman Lombardi Cancer Research Center, Georgetown University Medical Center, Washington DC, U.S.A.

(Accepted 2 August 199 1)





Introduction................................................................... 2

Steroid hormones and their role in hormonal carcinogenesis 2

Steroid hormones and growth factors in breast cancer 4 A. Steroidhormonereceptors ................................................... 4 B. Autocrinegrowthstimulation ................................................. 4 C. Steroid regulation of growth factor and growth factor receptor expression. .......... 5 D. Further comments on tumor growth factor interactions in breast cancer ............ 7

IV. Paracrine-stromal growth factor interactions. 7 A. B. C.



Stromal populations of lymphoreticular origin in breast neoplasia. ................. 8 Stromal populations of mesenchymal origin in normal breast. ..................... 9 The role of stromal cells of mesenchymal origin in mediating the estrogenic responsivity ofnormalbreasttissue ....................................................... 9 The role of stromal populations of mesenchymal origin in the control of breast tumor growth.. .................................................................. IO Further comments on tumor-stromal interactions in breast cancer ................. 12

V. Hormonal modulation of cytotoxic chemotherapy .................................. 13 A. Hormonal effects on cell cycle modulation and response to cytotoxic drugs .......... 13 B. Effects on drug resistance and MDR-I ......................................... 14

VI. Conclusions ................................................................... 14

References .............................................................................. 15

Robert Clarke received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees from Queen’s Uni- versity of Belfast, U.K. He did his Postdoctoral at Queen’s University of Belfast, and Medicine Branch N.C.I., N.I.H., U.S.A. Dr. Clarke is presently Director of the Lombardi Cancer Research Center Animal Core Facility, and Assistant Professor, Department of Physiology and Biophysics, Georgetown University. Robert R. Dickson received his M.Phil. and Ph.D. degrees from Yale University, New Haven, CT, and his Postdoctoral fellow from Laboratoy of Molecular Biology, N.C.I., N.I.H., Bethesda, MD. Dr. Dickson is presently Associate Professor of Anatomy and Cell Biology, Georgetown University, and he is a member of the Breast Cancer Working Group (N.C.I. Organ

Systems Program) and the Vincent T. Lombardi Cancer Center Exec- utive Committee, Georgetown University. Marc E. Lippman received his B.A. from Cornell University, Ithaca, NY and his M.D. degree from Yale Medical School, New Haven, CT. Dr. Lippman is presently Director of the Vincent T. Lombardi Cancer Center, and Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology, Georgetown University School of Medi- cine, Washington, DC.

Correspondence: Robert Clarke, Room S128A, Lombardi Cancer Re- search Center, Georgetown University Medical Center, 3800 Reser- voir Road, Washington DC 20007, U.S.A.


I. Introduction

Breast cancer is the second most common form of cancer among women in western society. Approximate- ly one in ten of all women in the U.S.A. living to age 80 years will develop breast cancer. Furthermore, the in- cidence of breast cancer appears to be inexorably in- creasing [13], with an annual worldwide incidence of over one million predicted by the turn of this century [2]. This high incidence of metastatic breast cancer is a major problem, particularly since the probability of fur- ther survival beyond 5 years is low for patients with de- tectable metastatic disease. Unfortunately, there is little evidence that significant progress has been made over the past 20 years in improving overall survival. Thus, a clearer understanding of the biology of breast tumors and the mechanisms responsible for their progression are essential for the development of novel therapeutic strategies.

The development of normal mammary tissue is the re- sult of complex interactions between a number of hor- mones and growth factors including the steroids, insulin and various pituitary factors. Steroids can influence cel- lular function by both genomic and genome-indepen- dent mechanisms. Genomic mediated effects of steroids, including induction of mitogenesis, are generally not de- tected less than 30 min following hormone treatment and occur following significant perturbations in the level of expression of a number genes [3]. Non-genomic me- diated events that occur following exposure to steroids are generally observed at pharmacological rather than physiological concentrations [3]. The genomic effects 178-estradiol (E2), progesterone and hydrocortisone ap- pear to be essential for the induction of growth and dif- ferentiation in normal mammary tissue. For example, estrogens increase nipple differentiation and induce pro- liferation of the surrounding mesenchymal stroma in the developing mouse fetus [4]. E2 and progesterone are also important in alveolar formation, ductal branching [5,6] and for full lobulo-alveolar development [7]. Pri- mary breast carcinomas appear to arise from the epithe- lial rather than myoepithelial cells of the glandular epi- thelium, presenting as either intraductal or intralobular lesions. Invasive tumors spread radially by infiltrating through tissue spaces and can invade both lymphatic and blood vessels. There is a high incidence of distant metastases, particularly in soft tissues, lungs, liver, bones and adrenals. The curative potential of current therapies is restricted by the disseminated nature of the disease and the progression of the overwhelming majori- ty of tumors to a phenotype characterized by resistance to both cytotoxic drugs and hormonal therapies. Whilst progesterone (probably in conjunction with E2) is more

closely associated with control of normal breast tissue [8], E2 is the hormone most closely associated with the control of neoplastic breast tissue. Of the estrogen re- ceptor (ER) positive human breast cancer cell lines most widely available, all exhibit a marked mitogenic re- sponse to E2 in vitro [9]. Pharmacological concentra- tions of antiestrogens inhibit the proliferation in vitro of human breast cancer cells expressing ER as a result of their interactions with this protein [lO,l 11. It is unlikely that this simply represents a competitive inhibition of E2 binding, since these agents are effective even in the apparently total absence of E2. Thus, the antiestrogen/ ER complex may have intrinsic inhibitory properties [10,12,13]. At the higher pharmacological or supraphar- macological concentrations, E2 and tamoxifen are cyto- toxic to both ER-positive and ER-negative cells [ 14,151. We have recently demonstrated that this relatively non- specific toxicity is closely associated with alterations in the gross membrane fluidity of the target cells [15]. These observations may reflect the ability of high-dose estrogens and antiestrogens to inhibit some apparently ER-negative breast tumors [ 16,171.

In this review we will address various hormonal as- pects of breast cancer. We will begin with a discussion of the role of steroids in hormonal carcinogenesis. This will be followed by an examination of the role of ste- roids and growth factors in breast tumorigenesis and progression, with particular emphasis on the autocrine hypothesis. The role of stromalepithelial interactions in mediating the effects of steroids in breast tumor growth and progression will be addressed from the pers- pective of potential paracrine interactions and how these may be addressed in vitro. The final hormonal as- pect to be discussed will be an analysis of the effects of hormonal agents on systemic cytotoxic treatments for metastatic breast cancer.

II. Steroid hormones and their role in hormonal


Steroid hormones have been widely implicated in the process of carcinogenesis, however, their precise role re- mains to be established. Epidemiological evidence in women indicates that the length of exposure of the mammary glands to estrogenic stimuli and to other die- tary, genetic and environmental factors is directly pro- portional to breast cancer risk. Prolonged exposure to endogenous estrogens may occur as a result of early menarche, late menopause and late age at first full-term pregnancy. Obesity also appears to increase the risk of developing breast cancer, perhaps as a result of increas- ing peripheral aromatization of circulating androgens to estrogen [ 18,193. Risk is decreased with early menopause

(natural or artificial) and with childbearing but in- creased by first-trimester abortion [20]. Oral contracep- tive use does not appear to be a major risk factor but this is currently controversial [21]. Estrogenic stimula- tion is also implicated as an etiologic agent in vaginal adenocarcinoma, endometrial cancer, ovarian and liver tumors [22-241.

Prolactin has received some attention as a potential etiologic agent. Whilst apparently not a primary mito- gen in human breast tissue, prolactin can increase the mitogenic effects of estrogen [25]. In marked contrast, chemically induced mammary tumors in rodents are to- tally prolactin dependent, at least during the early stages of tumor progression [26,27]. Since breast epithelial mi- toses peak in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle, during which time progesterone levels are at their high- est and estrogen at their lowest, some investigators have suggested that progesterone plays a pivotal role in mito- sis [28]. Whilst the role of prolactin and progesterone re- quire further study, one reasonable hypothesis of hor- monal carcinogenesis in breast cancer invokes the ‘total cumulative exposure of breast tissue to bioavailable es- trogens and the associated cumulative mitotic activity’ as the important etiological factors [20].

Although E2 and progesterone are clearly associated with increased breast proliferation, estrogens may also damage cells directly. This hypothesis has received strong support from the observations concerning the carcinogenic effects of the synthetic estrogen diethylstil- bestrol (DES). DES is oxidized by a peroxidase-mediat- ed reaction. Short-lived expoxide and semiquinone in- termediates are produced which appear to be carcinogenic. Whilst genotoxic, no clear evidence of DES-DNA adduct has been reported. Thus, these spe- cies may be unstable, or alternative mechanisms may be responsible for mediating the genotoxic effects of DES [29]. For example, DES and other estrogens may disrupt mitosis by altering spindle formation or function [30].

Carcinogenic reactive species may be generated by the direct metabolism of estrogens. E2 and ethinylestradiol may be hydroxylated to their reactive 2 OH and 16 OH metabolites, both DNA and proteins (e.g., ER) being potential targets [3&32]. Hydroxylation of 16a-estra- diol increases in breast cancer patients and in women with a high risk of hereditary breast cancer [33,34]. The carcinogenicity of estrogens may involve both mitogenic and metabolic activation components. In Syrian ham- sters, E2 but not 2-fluoro-estradiol can induce renal can- cer. These compounds are equally mitogenic in renal tissues but only E2 is metabolized to a reactive 2 OH inter- mediate. Thus, at least in some tissues the mitogenic and carcinogenic properties of estrogens can be separated [35].


In rats, hormonal stimulation of the mammary gland occurs for the 6 months following onset of estrus (days 35 to 42). Administration by gavage of rats during this period with the chemical carcinogen 7,12_dimethylbenz- (a)anthracene (DMBA) induces intraductal prolifera- tion in terminal end buds which can develop into intra- ductal carcinoma. If these terminal end buds are al- lowed to undergo differentiation into alveolar buds, they are no longer susceptible to DMBA-induced car- cinogenesis. The rapid growth and differentiation of ter- minal end buds that occurs during pregnancy is asso- ciated with an inhibition of susceptibility to the carcinogenic effects of DMBA.

Chemically induced mammary tumors in rodents have proved very useful for investigating the critical role of activation of the c-H-ras oncogene. Up to 70% of chemically induced rodent mammary tumors express an activated ras oncogene [36,37]. Placing the activated rus oncogene under the control of a mammary lactation- specific whey acidic protein promoter, results in trans- genie animals developing mammary tumors after preg- nancy [38]. Similar studies have also implicated the c- myc oncogene in mammary tumorigenesis [39]. There is some evidence indicating that expression of c-myc in human breast cancer cells is E2-regulated [40]. Whilst expression of the c-myc and activated ras oncogenes ap- pear to be important in rodent mammary tumorigenesis, their precise roles in the human disease remain to be clarified [4143].

The ability of both insulin and EGF to increase ex- pression of the c-&B2 protein in breast cancer cells [44], implicate this oncogene in the mediation of some hormone/growth factor effects on tumor initiation and progression [44]. Paradoxically, E2 inhibits c-e&B2 ex- pression in MCF-7 cells [45]. Expression of c-e&B2 may be more closely related to alterations in the differentia- tion state rather than mitogenesis per se. Overexpression of this oncogene provides important prognostic infor- mation, but this may be limited to rather small groups of patients [46-48]. However, the precise function of c- erbB2 oncogene and its role in mammary tumorigenesis requires further study.

It is clear that estrogens can act both directly and in- directly on normal mammary tissue to induce events that are closely associated with a carcinogenic potential. The ability of E2 to stimulate the proliferation of some ER-positive breast tumor cells both in vivo [49] and in vitro [50] clearly implicates estrogens as regulators of tumor growth, subsequent to carcinogenesis. Thus, it is possible that estrogens function as carcinogens, tumor promoters and as regulators of tumor growth.


III. Steroid hormones and growth factors in breast cancer

III-A. Steroid hormone receptors

The presence of specific, high affinity, low capacity

binding sites appears to be obligatory for cells to re- spond to hormonal stimulation. The presence of ER in normal mature human breast tissues has been reported [51-531. The stromal cells are clearly ER negative, whereas some of the epithelial cells are ER positive [51,52]. The ER-positive epithelial cells occur as single cells and are more prevalent in the lobules than the in- terlobular ducts [52]. It has been estimated that only 6-7s of the epithelial cells in normal breast are ER posi- tive [52,53] and the levels of ER expression may alter with the phases of the menstrual cycle [51]. Up to 29% of normal breast epithelial cells may be PGR positive [53]. The myoepithelial cells appear to be exclusively ER and PGR negative [53].

The majority of human neoplasms are believed to originate from the clonoal expansion of single cells, the subsequent heterogeneity resulting from the emerging dominance of phenotypically diverse clonal populations which arise from within the original population [54,55]. The generation of these phenotypically different popula- tions may reflect either the inherent genetic instability of the tumor cells and/or epigenetic phenomena operating in conjunction with the selective pressures provided by the host response to the tumors [56]. The presence of ER in breast tumors may indicate that these tumors arise from within the ER-positive epithelial cell populations of normal breast tissue [57]. Approximately two-thirds of all breast tumor express detectable levels of ER pro- tein [58]. The majority of ER-positive tumors (> 90%) are associated with adjacent non-neoplastic tissue which is also ER positive [59]. Further indirect evidence that E2 responsivity is closely associated with early events in carcinogenesis is provided by the observations that breast cancer occurs almost exclusively after puberty [60], young age at first pregnancy produces a protective effect [61] and the absence of ovarian function reduces breast cancer risk to a level equivalent to that reported in men [60]. Factors which can increase exposure to es- trogens such as obesity [ 181, early age at commencement of menstruation, and late age at onset of menopause [61,62], have been implicated in an increased risk of de- veloping breast cancer. It is difficult to reconcile these observations with the concept of a majority of breast tu- mors arising from ER-negative tissues. It is unlikely that these hormonal effects are directly mediated through the normal stromal populations, since these cells appear to be exclusively ER negative in mature human breast

tissue. [52]. The incidence of ER-positive breast tumors increased 131% over the period from 19741985 [l].

By the time a tumor mass is detected there is already marked heterogeneity of hormone receptor expression [63]. The ER-negative populations may arise as a result of dedifferentiation of the ER-positive populations. This hypothesis gains some support from the observation that ER-negative breast tumor cells are frequently less well differentiated than their ER-positive counterparts [64]. Poorly differentiated tumors (histological grade III) are more likely to be ER negative when compared with well differentiated tumors (grade I and grade II) [65-67]. However, we cannot exclude the possibility that ER expression is occasionally acquired during neoplas- tic transformation [68] or progression. Some predomin- ately ER-negative tumors may arise from within the normal ER-negative subpopulations [69]. The incidence of ER-negative breast tumors increased 22-27% over the period from 19741985 [l].

The point at which cells lose both their dependence upon E2 and their ability to express ER and acquire re- sistance to endocrine manipulation are critical stages in the progression of the disease. Endocrine therapy would tend to further select for these cells and may represent one mechanism by which endocrine resistance develops in patients.

The serum estrogen levels in nude mice are equivalent to that observed in postmenopausal women [70,71]. Uti- lizing an in vivo selection in nude mice, we have recently isolated cells which express a hormone-independent phenotype from cell populations initially dependent upon E2 for growth in ovariectomized nude mice [49,72]. Whilst not requiring estrogen supplementation for growth, these cells retain ER expression [49] and the ability to respond to both E2 and antiestrogens [13]. Thus, the growth pattern of these tumors appears to be analogous to that of ER-positive tumors in postmeno- pausal women. Analyses of the phenotypes of these hor- mone-independent but responsive sublines strongly sug- gests that loss of ER-expression tends to occur later rather than earlier in the progression of the disease [57]. A similar observation has been reported for the loss of hormone dependence by androgen dependent mouse mammary cell lines [73].

III-B. Autocrine growth stimulation

There are a number of restriction sites within the cell cycle which influence the proliferation of non-trans- formed fibroblastic cells. Platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) and basic fibroblast growth factor are required for early Gi transit and epidermal growth factor (EGF) is required for mid Gi transit. Transition through the re-

mainder of G, and subsequent commitment to DNA synthesis requires insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) [74,75]. Whilst there is no clear evidence to support analogous restriction sites in the cell cycle of epithelial cells, insulin and EGF/transforming growth factor- alpha (TGF-a) are additive in stimulating the pro- liferation of MCF-7 cells [76,77], COMMA-D mouse mammary epithelial cells [78], and both normal rat and human mammary epithelial cells [79,80].

De Larco and Todaro [81] initially suggested that some tumor cells may produce the factors they require for continued proliferation. These factors could subse- quently function in an autostimulatory or ‘autocrine’ manner. Thus, cells would secrete ligands which then bind to their receptors on the surface of the same cell from which they were secreted. Internal autocrine stim- ulation may also result from ligand-receptor interac- tions which occur intracellularly, perhaps at the endo- plasmic reticulum-Golgi complexes or within secretory vesicles [82]. We have previously adapted the autocrine hypothesis to explain the control of growth in hormone- responsive breast cancer cells. Thus, we have predicted that EZdependent breast cancer cells might be expected to secrete increased levels of mitogenic growth factors, and lower levels of inhibitory growth factors, in re- sponse to E2 [83]. Antiestrogens might increase the pro- duction of inhibitory factors, whilst decreasing the pro- duction of mitogens. Hormone-independent cells might constitutively express high levels of mitogenic ligands in the absence of hormone and would not respond to hor- monal stimulation.

III-C. Steroid regulation of growth factor andgrowth

factor receptor expression

There is considerable circumstantial evidence in sup- port of an adaptation of the autocrine hypothesis to hormone-responsive tumors. EGF and it’s naturally oc- curring homologue TGF-a have both been implicated in the control of normal breast development and in main- taining the malignant phenotype. Both ligands bind to the EGF receptor protein (EGF-R). TGF-a secretion is E2 regulated in most hormone-dependent human breast cancer cell lines [84]. EGF-stimulated cell proliferation in MCF-7 cells growing in the absence of estrogen is in- hibited by antiestrogens [12] and EGF/TGF-cr can par- tially reverse the growth inhibitory effects of antiestro- gens [85]. These observations suggest that TGF-a may be involved in mediating the ability of E2 to induce a mitogenic response in these cells. In contrast, TGF-a is constitutively expressed in many hormone-independent cells [84,86.87]. Infusion of EGF can increase the ability of EZdependent MCF-7 human breast cancer cells to

form small transient tumors independent of E2 in ova- riectomized nude mice [88].

We have attempted to determine the relevance of these observations by transfecting hormone-dependent MCF-7 cells with a plasmid expression vector directing the constitutive expression of TGF-c(. Transfectants can secrete sufficient TGF-cr to down regulate EGF-R but retain wild-type responses to E2 as determined by induc- tion of PGR and mitogenesis in vitro. When inoculated into ovariectomized athymic nude mice, TGF-a trans- fected cells fail to form tumors without E2 supplementa- tion [89]. Thus, TGF-a expression alone is not sufficient to fully mediate the effects of E2 in MCF-7 cells growing either in vitro or in vivo.

In addition to the ligand, the receptor for EGF/TGF- a is also hormone regulated. Both E2 and progestins in- crease EGF-R expression in hormone-responsive tissues [9&92]. Hormone-independent breast cancer cell lines express high levels of EGF-R relative to hormone-de- pendent cells [93,94]. Primary breast tumors which have either low ER content or have lost the ability to express ER frequently possess high levels of EGF-R [80,95-971. Since E2 increases the levels of both secreted ligand and receptor, perhaps elevated numbers of EGF cell surfaces receptors and increased ligand production are required for mediation of the full effects of E2 through the TGF- CI autocrine loop. NIH 3T3 cells expressing low levels of EGF-R are not transformed when transfected with the TGF-a cDNA but exhibit the fully transformed pheno- type when co-transfected with both EGF-R and ligand [98]. Co-transfection of breast cancer cells with both EGF-R and TGF-a cDNAS are currently in progress

[991. IGF-I is a 70 amino acid polypeptide and IGF-II a

67 amino acid polypeptide, both proteins sharing struc- tural and functional homologies with insulin. The IGFs and their receptors have been implicated in the growth of a number of human tumors. Overexpression of the type I IGF receptor can induce neoplastic transforma- tion in NIH 3T3 cells [loo]. These receptors are widely expressed in benign breast disease [IO11 and in human breast cancer cells [84,102]. There is a direct correlation between expression of ER, PGR and the type I IGF re- ceptor [80,103]. More recently, Bonneterre et al. [ 1041 have observed that expression of the type I IGF receptor indicates a good prognosis. The growth of hormone-in- dependent MDA-MB-231 human breast cancer cells both in vivo and in vitro is at least partly inhibited by an antibody which blocks ligand binding to the IGF-I receptor [105,106]. This antibody also inhibits the growth of a number of human breast cancer cell lines in vitro [106]. In contrast, the growth of hormone-depend-


ent MCF-7 cells is inhibited in vitro but not in vivo [105,107].

Elevated levels of either IGF-I m-RNA or IGF-I-like proteins have been reported in liposarcoma [108], me- dullary thyroid [ 1091, leiomyoma and leiomyosarcoma cells [l lo]. Loss of a requirement for an exogenous source of IGF-I has been implicated in the development of human thyroid tumors [ 1111. IGF-I increases the rate of proliferation of some breast cancer cells [92,112,113] and can induce the transient formation of hormone-in- dependent MCF-7 tumors in ovariectomized athymic nude mice [88]. Some breast cancer cell lines produce an EZregulated IGF-like material [77], but this is not authentic IGF-I since RNase protection analyses fail to detect IGF-I mRNA in these cells [ 1141.

Authentic IGF-II mRNA or protein has been ob- served in breast cancer [86], rhabdomyocarcoma [ 1151, colon carcinoma [108], adrenal pheochromocytoma [ 1161, medullary thyroid [ 1091, leiomyoma and leiomyo- sarcoma cells [l lo] and in Wilm’s tumors [ 1171. IGF-II mRNA is expressed by T47D cells and both IGF-I and IGF-II stimulate the growth of MCF-7 and T47D breast cancer cells in vitro [118]. The activation of the inhibitory growth factor TGF-P requires binding to the type II IGF receptor [119]. Thus, IGF-II could be indi- rectly mitogenic by down regulating its own receptor and thereby reducing the levels of active TGF-8. The proportion of human breast cancer cell lines and breast tumor cells that express authentic IGF-I or IGF-II mRNA appears to be low [114,120]. In contrast, signifi- cant IGF-I and IGF-II mRNA expression is observed in the stromal components of a number of breast tu- mors, implying a potential paracrine role for IGFs [ 1141.

The function of the IGFs in breast cancer is compli- cated by the presence of IGF binding proteins. These proteins have a high affinity for both IGF-I and IGF-II and generally inhibit IGF function. Breast cancer cell lines secrete significant levels of these IGF binding pro- teins [121-1231, and their addition to cell culture media has been clearly demonstrated to inhibit the mitogenic effects of IGFs in human breast cancer cells [124]. IGF binding proteins can also inhibit the growth of some co- lon cancer cells [125]. There appears to be a significant difference in the pattern of binding protein secretion in ER-positive compared with ER-negative tumors [ 1261. Breast cancer cell lines appear to secrete at least two forms of binding proteins, species with approximate molecular weights of 49 000, 43 000, 34 000, 29 000 and 24 000 having been reported [84]. Whilst most investiga- tors describe the inhibitory effects of these proteins, one binding protein (26000 molecular weight) has been de- scribed as increasing the mitogenic effects of IGF-I in human fibroblastic cells [127]. Whether similar effects

can occur in human breast cancer cells remains to be es- tablished. Since breast cancer cells secrete multiple IGF binding proteins [126] and addition of these can inhibit mitogenesis [124], it seems likely that the cumulative ef- fect of IGF binding protein secretion is to partly antago- nize the mitogenic effects of IGFs in breast cancer cell growth. Thus, the precise role of IGFs in directly contri- buting to control of human breast cancer cell growth by an autocrine stimulation remains unclear and requires further study.

Mouse mammary epithelial cells maintained contin- ually in vitro respond mitogenically to basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) which can be substituted for both EGF and IGF-I [82]. bFGF is mitogenic in the S 115 an- drogen-dependent mouse mammary carcinoma cell line [ 1281. Exogenous bFGF increases the expression of two E2-regulated mRNAs, pS2 and cathepsin D [129]. There is co-amplification of coding sequences for both the int- 2 and another FGF-related oncogene hst in approx. 17% of human breast cancers. However, overexpression of the respective mRNA species is only apparent for the hst

oncogene [ 1301. Many of the FGFs are not secreted but may be retained within the cell and released on cell lysis. Incorporation of bFGFs into the extracellular matrix can occur and may be subsequently released by tumor- derived heparan sulfate degrading enzymes [ 13 11. Some human breast cancer cell lines secrete other basic fibrob- last growth factor-like activities [I 321. The frequency of distribution of FGFs and their receptors in human breast tumors, and their relevance to the control of breast cancer cell growth, remain to be elucidated.

Transforming growth factor /3 (TGF-p) is structurally unrelated to TGF-a. In contrast to TGF-cr, TGF-j? in- hibits epithelial cell growth but stimulates the prolifera- tion of fibroblasts [ 1331. Proliferation of normal human mammary epithelial cells in vitro is inhibited by TGF-j? [ 1341, however, expression of the milk fat globule anti- gen is stimulated [135]. TGF-j? is secreted by a number of breast cancer cell lines [136], and it can inhibit the proliferation of these cells growing in vitro [137]. This secretion is reduced by E2 but increased by antiestro- gens, implicating an increased production of activated

TGF-P in the mechanism of action of antiestrogens [ 1361. However, increased secretion of TGF-j3 alone is not responsible for the action of antiestrogens, since some ER-positive cells respond to antiestrogens but not to exogenous TGF-P [138]. We have recently reviewed elsewhere the role of growth factors in mechanism of ac- tion of antiestrogens and the development of resistance [ 1391. The inhibitory potential of TGF-/3 is complicated by the observation that tumor cells frequently secrete TGF-8 in an inactive form. However, this does not ap- pear to be the case for the TGF-P secreted by MCF-7

cells in response to antiestrogens [136]. Conversion of inactive TGF-/3 to its active form requires binding to the type II IGF receptor [ 191. The ability of TGF-P to inhib- it some steroid biosynthetic processes [ 1401 may contrib- ute indirectly to the inhibition of E2-dependent breast cancer growth. These data implicate an additional level of control of steroid-induced proliferation which results from altered secretion of potential growth inhibitory factors.

Other hormones can exert an inhibitory effect on breast tumor cells. Somatostatin and some of its ana- logues inhibit the growth of mammary tumors in vivo [ 141,142] and breast cancer cells growing in vitro [ 143,144]. These analogs also reduce plasma concentra- tions of both IGF-I [145,146] and EGF [147]. Thus, in- hibition of tumor growth may be the result of a combi- nation of indirect endocrine and direct antitumor effects. LH-RH analogues directly inhibit MCF-7 cells in vitro [102]. Some LHRH analogues inhibit the EZ-in- duced stimulation of proliferation in CG-5 cells, a sub- line of the MCF-7 human breast cancer cell line [148]. However, it is more likely that the major mechanism of action of this class of compound in vivo occurs through an ability to inhibit gonadotrophin release and the con- sequent reduction in secreted gonadal steroids [ 1491.

Breast cancer cells express a variety of receptors to other growth factors and hormones. For example, func- tional receptors for glucagon have been reported on a number of breast cancer cell lines [ 1501. The function of glucagon receptors in breast cancer is not known, but they may be involved in modulating insulin responsi- vity. Some human breast carcinomas express gonado- tropin-releasing hormone receptors [ 1511, vasopressin and oxytocin receptors [152]. T47D cells express recep- tors for vasoactive intestinal polypeptide [153]. An un- derstanding of the relevance of these observations clear- ly requires further study.

III-D. Further comments on tumor growth factor interactions in breast cancer

The evidence in support of the autocrine/paracine hy- potheses remains largely circumstantial. We and other investigators have attempted to obtain additional sup- porting data by transfecting hormonally regulated genes of interest into hormone-dependent cells. This approach can provide useful information on what overexpression of a particular growth factor or receptor can or cannot do through an autocrine stimulation in experimental systems. However, the results of transfection experi- ments can be misleading, and conclusive proof that the phenotypic changes induced by genetically introduced cDNAs are biologically relevant, and that they occur


during the normal progression of the disease in patients, is more difficult to obtain. For example, transfection of EGF and EGF-R [98] or the type I IGF receptor [IOO] can induce neoplastic transformation in some cell types. However, many breast tissues also express high levels of these proteins [80,154,155] but show no evidence of a malignant phenotype. Expression of these autocrine loops may be essential for normal epithelial cell function [I 54,155]. It is possible that some of the phenotypic changes that occur during carcinogenesis or malignant progression can be obtained by the altered expression of a number of apparently unrelated genes. In vitro studies indicate that cells may become hormone independent by expressing mutated ER [ 156,157], by acquiring the con- stitutive expression of previously hormone-regulated genes [57], or by overexpressing oncogenes [158]. The relevance of these observations to the clinical disease has yet to be clearly demonstrated.

Evidence that anti-receptor or anti-ligand antibodies can inhibit tumor growth in nude mice suggests poten- tially important therapeutic approaches [ 105,106], but interpretation of the data within the context of autocr- ine/paracrine mechanisms is problematic due to possible endocrine effects. Nevertheless, there is an ever increas- ing amount of indirect evidence which strongly points towards a critical role for autocrine/paracrine growth factor stimulation in the control of breast cancer cell growth and progression. These observations also indi- cate the possibility that therapeutic interventions that interfere with these interactions may provide new anti- tumor therapies.

IV. Paracrine-stromal growth factor interactions

There are essentially two different stromal responses to neoplasia. The most widely studied host response is the infiltration of lymphoreticular cells into solid tu- mors, perhaps reflecting its prognostic significance and its potential to indicate the degree of host immune competence. For example, the length of survival of breast cancer patients with metastatic disease correlates with pretreatment levels of immunocompetence as de- termined by parameters of cell-mediated immunity (CMI) [159]. The second important stromal response to neoplasia results in the presence of cells of mesenchymal origin in tumors. The majority of infiltrating breast car- cinomas are characterized by a marked desmoplastic re- sponse [160]. The cells which comprise this response have been extensively studied and their structural cha- racteristics widely reported. Resting and active fibro- blastic cells are occasionally observed in addition to myofibroblasts [161]. The interactions among the dif- ferent stromal populations and the adjacent tumor cells,


and their ability to influence the progression of the dis- ease, are poorly understood. In the following sections we will discuss these potential interactions and the role of hormones in mediating or influencing these events.

IV-A. Stromalpopulations of lymphoreticular origin in breast neoplasia

There is considerable evidence implicating CM1 in the control of breast cancer growth and metastasis. The de- gree of CMI, as determined by the skin window proce- dure, indicates a strong correlation between increased metastatic potential and reduced CM1 [162]. The pres- ence of primary tumors over 5 cm and an increase in the number of axillary lymph node metastases are associat- ed with reduced CM1 [163]. Patients with stage IV breast cancer exhibit a significant increase in the number of monocytes and their mononuclear cells exhibit a re- duced response to phytohemagglutinin [164]. There is a significant reduction in natural killer cell (NK) activity in stage III and stage IV breast cancer patients [165- 1671. Patients with lower lymphocyte and/or eosinophil counts have a higher risk of recurrence than patients with normal counts [ 1681.

NK cells make up approx. 1-2.5s of peripheral lym- phocytes and have been widely demonstrated to possess both antitumor [ 1691 and anti-metastatic activities [ 169- 1721. The poor metastatic potential of most human xeno- grafts growing in nude mice has been partly attributed to the elevated NK activity observed in these rodents [ 169,17 l-l 731. However, some tumors appear to be in- herently resistant to NK cell-mediated cytolysis [I 74 1761, perhaps reflecting an ability to suppress NK activi- ty [177]. Low NK activity is associated with familial breast cancer [ 1781.

Macrophages are widely observed to infiltrate solid tumors [165,179,180] and can kill tumor cells by both phagocytic and non-phagocytic processes [180]. Non- phagocytic cytolysis may include the release of lysoso- ma1 enzymes by exocytosis. Macrophages may recog- nize some tumors on the basis of their abnormal growth [181] or by surface modifications [180] and can produce both antigen-specific and non-specific cytolysis. The tu- moricidal properties of macrophages are acquired fol- lowing activation by contact with either the target cell and/or secreted products or by soluble lymphokines, e.g., interferon-y [174]. The biology of macrophage-in- duced cytotoxicity is independent of the sensitivity of the target cells to lymphocyte or NK mediated cytolysis [175]. Tumor cells do not appear to acquire resistance to the cytotoxic effects of macrophages, in marked con- trast to their ability to develop resistance to NK-mediat- ed cytolysis [174176]. The limiting factor in macro-

phage control of neoplasia appears to be effecter/tumor cell ratio [ 1741. However, the sera from some cancer pa- tients possesses macrophage inhibitory activity [ 1821 and macrophage infiltration can be associated with tumor progression rather than inhibition, implying that some macrophages secrete factors mitogenic for tumor cells [183].

The stroma of axillary lymph nodes containing me- tastases possess a higher degree of lymphoreticular infil- tration than the areas of neoplasia. The predominant tumor infiltrating lymphoreticular cells are monocytes/ macrophages (Mono l+). Lower numbers of T- lymphocytes (Leu- 1 + ) and CD4+ (Leu-3a +) and CD8 + (Leu-2a + ) lymphocytes are observed [ 1841. NK cell activity is generally low or absent [ 184,185] but lym- phokine activated killer cell (LAK) activity has been demonstrated [ 1851.

Markers of the degree of malignant progression such as ER and PGR expression [ 186,187] also correlate with apparent perturbations in immunosurveillance. There is an inverse correlation between the degree of inflamma- tion and both ER and PGR levels [188]. There are sig- nificantly fewer T cells and the subgroup of Leu-3+ helper-inducer cells in ER-positive tumors [ 1651. Higher NK activity is observed in ER-negative tumors [189,190]. These observations strongly suggest that the process of malignant progression in breast cancer is ac- companied, not only by increased metastatic potential and loss of both hormone dependence and ER expres- sion, but also by an altered responsivity to effecters of CMI. For example, the increased lymphoreticular infil- tration observed in ER-negative tumors may indicate that these tumors are either more resistant to CM1 and/ or secrete high levels of chemoattractants for CM1 effec- tor cells. Fulton et al. [191] have suggested that interac- tions between macrophages and tumor cells may be re- sponsible for progression to a metastatic phenotype in some mouse mammary tumors.

A potential immuno-modulatory role for endocrine therapies in breast cancer has been recently indicated. Screpanti et al. [ 1921 reported that E2 significantly stim- ulates NK activity athymic nude mice over the first 30 days, with detectable suppression of NK activity being observed after at least 4 weeks. A 4-6-week delay in E2- suppression of NK activity is consistently observed [ 192-1951. The E2 dependence of some human breast cancer cells growing in nude mice could reflect an E2- induced inhibition of NK activity rather than true E2- dependence. However, NK suppression occurs predomi- nantly in the presence of pharmacological but not phy- siological concentrations of estrogens [193,195]. If NK activity is primarily responsible for modulating human breast tumor growth in nude mice, the growth curves of


the appropriate human breast cancer cells would be ex- pected to be biphasic but this is clearly not the case [71,196,197]. More importantly, MCF-7 cells have been shown to fully retain E2 dependency for growth in mice which are deficient in NK cells [198]. The MCF-7ADR cell line is hormone independent and unresponsive and fails to express ER. These cells do not respond to E2 supplementation when grown in athymic nude mice [199]. Screpanti et al. have recently furthered their stud- ies on E2 and NK activity and now report that E2 in- creases the sensitivity of MCF-7 cells to the cytotoxic ef- fects of NK cells [200]. Thus, any effects of EZreduced NK activity in vivo would be either partly or fully com- pensated by an increased sensitivity in the MCF-7 cells to remaining NK actitivy.

Tamoxifen increases NK activity in nude mice and this could contribute to its antitumor effects [201,202]. However, the significance of this observation is unclear, since responses to tamoxifen are almost exclusively ob- served in ER-positive tumors. Athymic mice possess normal levels of macrophage activity [203] and other natural cytotoxic cells have been implicated in tumor re- jection by nude mice [204,205]. A number of immuno- globulin subtypes, e.g., IgM have been detected in sera from nude mice [206]. Pharmacological concentrations of E2 produce an increase in IgM secretion [207]. Al- though of limited value as single agents, we and others have clearly demonstrated the ability of interferons to potentiate the effects of antiestrogens in ER-positive human breast cancer cells growing in vitro [209-2121.

IV-B. Stromal populations of mesenchymal origin in

normal breast

The composition of the mesenchymal tissues is critical for normal human breast development. Transplantation of mammary epithelial cells to the stromal cells of other tissues fails to support normal mammary development [213]. The appearance and function of the stromal tissues present in the normal breast can vary significant- ly depending upon their location. The stroma of the nip- ple/areola area is composed of dense collagen with sub- stantial numbers of smooth muscle cells [214]. A layer of subcutaneous adipose tissue lies between the skin and the two morphologically distinct stromal compartments which surround the functional tissues of the mature human breast.

The stroma which is in closest association with the secretory epithelium surrounds the terminal duct lobu- lar units. This intralobular stroma is loose, cellular, and highly vascular, containing fine collagen fibers and reti- culin [2 14,2 151. The mucoid nature of this stromal tissue is most apparent on alcian blue staining [214]. The in-

tralobular stromal cell populations may be closely asso- ciated with the functional capabilities of the adjacent epithelial structures, since epithelial-mesenchymal inter- actions are required for many biological functions in rodent mammary tissue [2 16-2 181. The extralobular stroma is a considerably more dense fibrous tissue and less cellular than the intralobular stroma. It is thought that the main function of the extralobular stroma is structural [2 151.

The cell populations present in these morphologically distinct stromal structures have not been fully identified. Unfortunately, the potentially vague term fibroblast has been widely used to describe the stromal cell popula- tions present in normal breast tissue. It is now clear that there is considerable phenotypic heterogeneity within fi- broblastic populations, even within the same tissues [219,220]. This heterogeneity may reflect distinct differ- entiation pathways from a hypothetical pluripotent fi- broblastic cell. Schor and Schor [220] have suggested a ‘clonal modulation model of connective tissue function’ to explain this phenotypic heterogeneity. Thus, the func- tional activity of fibroblastic subpopulations may reflect the expansion or inhibition of preexisting subpopula- tions and/or the migration/accumulation of specific fi- broblastic subpopulations in response to chemotactic factors [220]. The high number of fibrocytic nuclei pres- ent in the mature normal intralobular stroma [214] sug- gests that the predominant cell type may be the fibrocyte (mature fibroblast). These cells appear structurally simi- lar to the fibroblastic cells present in extralobular stro- ma [221], but may be functionally distinct as a result of their close association with the ductal epithelial and myoepithelial cells. The development of myofibroblas- tomas, a rare benign breast tumor [222], and extensive reports of the presence of myofibroblasts in infiltrating breast carcinomas [ 160,161,223-2271, suggest the pres- ence of a small or perhaps transient population of myo- fibroblasts in normal breast. There are also occasional smooth muscle cells and other cell types associated with the vascular and lymphatic structures of the normal breast. Occasional lymphocytes, histiocytes, plasma cells and mast cells may be observed in normal intralo- bular stroma [215].

IV-C. The role of stromal cells of mesenchymal origin in mediating the estrogenic responsivit)r qf normal breast


There is a considerable amount of evidence implicat- ing the stromal tissues of mesenchymal origin in mediat- ing the estrogenic signals in rodent mammary gland de- velopment. In the rodent, the stromal cells of the developing breast express ER, whereas the epithelial


and fat pad mesenchymal cells are apparently ER nega- tive [64]. E2 may influence the growth and differentia- tion of normal rodent breast tissue by an indirect inter- action mediated through stromal tissues. E2 only induces epithelial proliferation in vitro in the presence of mammary stromal cells [216,217]. Direct contact be- tween the stromal and epithelial cells is required for in- duction of the full mitogenic responses in the epithelial component [216]. Similarly, an E2 induction of PGR synthesis in isolated mouse mammary epithelial cells oc- curs only in the presence of fibroblastic cells [217]. The effects on PGR appear to be more closely related to stromal matrix production, since coating dishes with type I collagen is also effective [228]. Mouse mammary epithelial cells growing on an artificial reconstituted basement membrane in vitro can express some differen- tiated functions [229]. In contrast, the mitogenic effects of E2 on isolated mouse mammary epithelial cells re- quire metabolically active fibroblasts [228]. The role of stromal tissue in mediating estrogenic signals in the de- veloping normal human breast is poorly understood.

IV-D. The role of stromalpopulations of mesenchymal origin in the control of breast tumor growth

The major mesenchymal component of malignant breast tissue generally results from the proliferation or migration of normal myofibroblasts, perhaps reflecting the reactive nature of the desmoplastic response [160]. Myofibroblasts are the major cell type thought to be re- sponsible for tissue remodelling in the process of wound repair and are found in high numbers in granulation wound tissues [224]. The contractile nature of these cells has led to the suggestion that they are responsible for the tissue retraction often characteristic of primary breast tumors [224]. This retraction may be the result of TGF-/3 secretion by the tumor cells, since TGF-/I has been implicated in the contraction of the desmoplastic stroma of gastric carcinoma [230]. The frequency with which myofibroblasts are observed in breast tumors may indicate that the desmoplastic response is primarily a wound healing response, perhaps reflecting the at- tempts of normal stromal cells to reestablish the critical mesenchymal/parenchymal organization disrupted dur- ing the processes of neoplasia.

A paracrine interaction between tumor and stromal cells could result from the ability of tumors to stimulate proliferation of stromal fibroblastic cells. PDGF is a po- tent mitogen for fibroblastic cells [23 1] but not for breast tumor cells, although, it is secreted by these tumor cells [232]. The mitogenic effects of tumor-derived PDGF may be mediated through stimulation of IGF produc- tion, since PDGF stimulates IGF-I production in

human fibroblastic cells [231]. IGF-I is a potent mitogen for fibroblastic cells [23 l] and its effects appear to be me- diated specifically through the type I IGF receptor in myoblasts [223] and breast cancer cells [113]. PDGF-in- duced mitogenesis may also function synergistically with induced IGF secretion to stimulated stromal fi- broblastic proliferation. The secretion of tumor-derived PDGF and the induction of stromal IGF may be partly responsible for the marked expansion of myofibroblast populations characteristic of the desmoplastic response to breast tumors. PDGF may also contribute to the process of metastasis. Following stimulation with PDGF, some fibroblastic cells in vitro secrete elevated levels of collagenolytic activity which could enhance the ability of tumor cells to invade through the desmoplastic matrix [234].

In MCF-7 cells, E2 induces a small increase in platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) mRNA production and a larger increase in secreted PDGF biological activity [232]. Whilst these tumor cells do not express PDGF re- ceptors [232], PDGF can stimulate IGF-I production in human fibroblastic cells [231]. Thus, an additional par- acrine stimulation of breast cancer cells could occur through the effects of tumor-derived E2-stimulated growth factors inducing stromal cells to secrete IGFs. Stromal-derived IGFs could then stimulate the adjacent tumor cells. Recently, it has been reported that it is the stromal component in breast tumors which is the major source of authentic IGF-I and IGF-II mRNA synthesis [114].

There are a number of potential caveats which could limit the extent of stromal-derived paracrine IGF-stimu- lation of adjacent tumor cells. Sufficient IGF activity must be produced to saturate both the IGF receptors on the stromal cells themselves (autocrine stimulation) and to evade inactivation by either inhibitory tumor-derived IGF-binding proteins [ 121-1231 or IGF degrading en- zymes [235]. IGF-II is a potent inhibitor of aromatase activity [236], therefore, any mitogenic effects of stro- mal-derived IGF-II could be offset by a reduction in local E2 production by breast tumor cells and adjacent breast adipose tissue. E2 down regulates the type II IGF receptor [237] and could compromise functions mediat- ed through IGF-II interactions with this receptor. Whilst some MCF-7 cells respond mitogenically to IGFs [238,239] others have found these growth factors to produce only small effects on MCF-7 cell prolifera- tion [240]. Some tumors lose their responsivity to IGFs [241,242], while others appear to be inhibited by excess IGF-II [243]. Significantly, there is considerable varia- bility in the ability of some tumor cells to synthesize functional IGF protein from IGF mRNAs [244]. Whether these IGF mRNAs are actively involved in


protein synthesis remains to be demonstrated. Thus, the precise role of authentic IGFs in the paracrine stimula- tion of breast cancer growth remains unclear.

Whilst various complex paracrine-paracrine tumor- stroma interactions may be appealing, the more simple autocrine explanation may suffice. Many breast tumor cells respond mitogenically to stimulation with IGFs. Thus, tumor-derived IGFs may be autocrine mitogens for these cells. For the stroma, the IGFs are essential for regulating the exit of fibroblastic cells from the Gi phase of the cell cycle [245] and may be critical for the mainte- nance of the myofibroblast morphology. For example, both IGF-I and IGF-II stimulate the differentiation of myoblasts by inducing expression of the myogenin gene [246]. This mechanism could also contribute to the dif- ferentiation of myofibroblasts. IGFs also stimulate fi- broblastic cells to produce large amounts of collagen [247] and collagen deposition is characteristic of the des- moplastic response [160]. The IGFs (and myofibro- blasts) are also strongly implicated in tissue repair and remodelling [248,249]. Thus, the production of IGFs by the stromal tissues in infiltrating breast carcinomas may be providing essential autocrine factors for the mainte- nance of the fibroblastic cells responsible for desmopla- sia.

Both IGF-I and IGF-II appear to function primarily through the type I IGF-receptor [233,250] and the ulti- mate source (tumor or stromal) or nature of the IGF (IGF-I, IGF-II or IGF-like) may be irrelevant to both the malignant epithelial and associated mesenchymal cells. The secretion of large amounts of potentially in- hibitory IGF-binding proteins [126] may be an attempt by the tumor cells to inhibit the autocrine function of IGFs in the stromal cells and thereby reduce the des- moplastic response. Of potential relevance is the obser- vation that FGFs inhibit myoblast differentiation by in- hibiting IGF-II expression [230,25 11. An analogous interaction could result from the secretion of FGF-like activities by breast tumor cells. Thus, FGFs may reduce the degree of IGF-stimulated collagen deposition by al- tering fibroblastic differentiation and thereby increasing the accessibility of tumor cells to FGF-induced neovas- cularization.

A recent report by Colletta et al. [252] indicates that antiestrogens may induce TGF-8 secretion in ER-nega- tive human fibroblastic cells. The ability of stromal cells to secrete inhibitory growth factors in response to the appropriate stimuli indicates a potentially important pa- racrine inhibition effect. It may be possible in the future to design other agents which inhibit tumor cells by caus- ing stromal cells to secrete potent inhibitors of epithelial cell growth.

The effect on tumor growth and metastasis of the

marked mesenchymal desmoplasia associated with infil- trating breast cancers has been investigated. The majori- ty of studies tend to indicate that direct contact between tumor and stromal cells results in inhibition of either tumor growth or metastasis. For example, co-culture ex- periments indicate that normal mammary cells (mixture of epithelial and fibroblastic cells) can inhibit the prolif- eration of mouse mammary tumor ceils in vitro 12531. Normal breast fibroblastic cells alone inhibit MCF-7 cell proliferation [254]. Weakly metastatic cells in rat mammary carcinomas form significant intercellular communications with fibroblastic cells [255]. Junctional complexes, desmosomes and gap junctions, are not ob- served between highly metastatic cells and stromal cells [256]. The extent of matrix deposition by stromal cells has a significant effect upon the metastatic potential of mammary tumors. The degree of desmoplasia as indi- cated by fibronectin associated with desmoplasia corre- lates strongly with prognosis. Thus, tumors which ex- hibit significant levels of fibronectin immunoreactivity (generally indicating a strong desmoplastic response) are poorly metastatic. Highly metastatic breast tumors appear devoid of fibronectin immunoreactivity [257].

Myofibroblasts comprise a significant proportion of the stromal response to mammary and other tumors, In- hibiton of matrix deposition by stromal myofibroblasts. without inhibition of proliferative responses, can signifi- cantly increase the ability of tumors to invade locally and metastasize to distant sites [258]. Furthermore, myofibroblasts can secrete significant metalloproteinase inhibitory activity which is associated with organ-specif- ic resistance to metastasis [259]. The ability of stromal cells to inhibit the proteolytic activity secreted by tumor cells may prevent their ability to invade local tissues. Some secreted enzymes are mitogenic for breast cancer cells [260], implying a possible inhibitory role for stro- ma-derived enzyme inhibitors, The desmoplastic colla- gen matrix may be important for elements of the lym- phoreticular response to breast tumors. The collagen components of extracellular matrix are essential for lymphocyte migration, recognition/activation and dif- ferentiation [261]. Thus, inhibition of collagen deposi- tion may also reduce the immune response to neoplasia.

Not all tumor-mesenchymal interactions are poten- tially inhibitory (for a recent review see Ref. 262). Transformed fibroblasts [263] and glutaraldehyde-killed fibroblasts [264] both increase tumor-take when co-in- oculated with tumor cells into nude mice. The latter ob- servation clearly implicates the cell matrix, rather than secreted growth factors, as mediating the increased tu- morigenicity. Horgan et al. [264] have observed that live breast fibroblasts increase the growth rate of MCF-7 tu- mors. This may reflect the ability of these cells to in-


crease 17/Sestradiol dehydrogenase activity in the tumor cells, thereby increasing local E2 production from es- trone [254]. Perturbations in immunogenicity, perhaps as a result of altered sensitivity to CMI, has also been implicated in the increased tumorigenicity of heterogen- ous tumors [265]. The increased tumor growth rate may also reflect potential paracrine interactions. Condi- tioned media from some [254,266], but not all fibroblas- tic cell populations [263] are mitogenic for tumor cells growing in vitro.

Clearly, the most important beneficial tumor-stromal interactions result from the processes associated with neovascularization. Unfortunately, a detailed descrip- tion of this phenomenon is beyond the scope of this arti- cle. In the absence of appropriate access to vascular tissues, the growth of most solid tumors is significantly inhibited. From a clinical perspective, more important interactions include the increased potential for disse- mination to distant sites and the reduction in access to tumor tissues by cytotoxic drugs. The importance of this tumor-stromal interaction is most evident in studies into the well documented ‘tumor bed effect’ (for a recent review see Ref. 267). Inhibition of neovascularization by irradiation of stromal tissues produces the equivalent of feeder layers (reproductively dead but metabolically ac- tive cells). Whilst these cells would be expected to con- tinue to secrete biologically active growth factors, they are significantly less able to support tumor growth than normal tissues capable of supporting neovascularization [267].

IV-E. Further comments on tumor-stromal interactions in breast cancer

The stromal responses to tumors most probably re- present a fluid and dynamic equilibrium which reflect the changing biological properties of the tumor cell popula- tions and their interactions with adjacent stromal cells. For example, myofibroblasts are only rarely detected in significant numbers in either benign breast disease or carcinoma in situ, but are frequently the major mesen- chymal cell type in invasive carcinomas [223-2261. This strongly suggests that the phenotypic progression from non-invasive to invasive carcinoma includes perturbations in the signals responsible for either the local migration or expansion of myofibroblast populations. The loss of normal epithelial basement membrane structures, which accompanies invasion, could provide one such signal, since only then would stromal fibroblastic cells come into close contact with tumor cells’ extracellular matri- ces. The intact basement membrane may also provide a physical barrier for the diffusion of some tumor cell-de-

rived secreted factors, access to soluble factors being greatly enhanced on loss of basement membranes.

The expansion of some fibroblastic cell populations may also be altered by the degree of lymphoreticular in- filtration. The differentiation of some fibroblastic popu- lations can be markedly perturbed by contact with either macrophages or their secreted products. Thus, the immunogenic properties of tumor cell populations may indirectly influence the properties of the mesenchymal components of tumor-associated stroma by altering the relative proportion of the various cell types comprising the lymphoreticular infihration. An understanding of the factors which influence the dynamics of host stromal responses and their implications for tumor progression may provide an insight into new targets for the develop- ment of novel therapeutic strategies.

Co-culture experiments in vitro provide one means to study the clearly important mesenchyme-epithelial cell interactions. However, an inappropriate choice of con- trol cell populations could lead to comparisons being made between normal myofibroblasts, the mesenchymal cells most frequently isolated in vitro from malignant breast tissues [224,268], and other normal fibroblastic cells. Apparent differences in the expression of specific genes in tumor stromal cells compared with normal stromal cells, may reflect the presence of normal reactive cells (myofibroblasts), rather than specific tumor-fi- broblast paracrine interactions or novel cell types. For co-culture experiments to provide biologically relevant comparisons, the ultrastructural and biological proper- ties of both the normal control and tumor-derived fi- broblastic and epithelial cell populations should be con- firmed [269]. This is particularly important since there may be as many as four subtype of myofibroblastic cells [270]. It should also be recognized that the behavior of fibroblastic cells from tumors may alter significantly once removed to an in vitro environment. For example, fibroblastic cells can produce both extracellular matrix and enzymes capable of degrading this matrix. In des- moplastic tumors these cells clearly produce more ma- trix than they degrade. As a potential artifact, the equi- librium is shifted significantly towards degradation once these cells are cultured in vitro [262]. Collagen synthesis and deposition by fibroblastic cells also changes sub- stantially with time in vitro [271].

Many investigators have speculated that the process of malignant progression reflects the continuing genera- tion of variants with specific growth advantages. Clear- ly, cells capable of degrading extracellular matrix more rapidly than it is replaced would have a significantly in- creased metastatic potential. A major result of the marked desmoplasia associated with breast tumors may be to facilitate the ultimate selection of highly invasive/


metastatic variants by providing the most appropriate of selective pressures. However, the precise role of des- moplasia in influencing either initiation, promotion or progression remains unclear.

A substantial proportion of breast tumors are de- tected in postmenopausal women. Many tumors exhibit a slow proliferative capacity and have failed to colonize local lymph nodes at the time of detection. The slow progression of these tumors may be the result of stromal responses, both desmoplastic and immunologic, retard- ing tumor growth and metastasis. However, it is clear that significant numbers of breast tumors are capable of negating these effects and successfully metastasizing to distant sites. The ability of endocrine agents to perturb immunologic functions, including NK activity [192,201,272] and immunoglobulin secretion [207], may have important implications for the interactions among the immune response, tumor cells, and hormonal thera- pies in breast cancer patients. These interactions may provide the opportunity for the development of endo- crine therapies which, in addition to direct antitumor cell activity, may exhibit additional immunologic anti- tumor activities.

It is clear from the reports cited in the preceding sec- tions that host-stromal interactions are highly complex and probably dynamic in nature. Tumor stroma may provide both inhibitory and stimulatory effects on adja- cent tumor cells and these effects may occur at different times during the evolution of the tumor. Much has yet to be learned about the nature of these interactions, both how and when they operate, and their role in tumor initiation, promotion and progression. Neverthe- less, a full understanding of these interactions may pro- vide critical insights into important targets for antineo- plastic therapeutic strategies.

V. Hormonal modulation of cytotoxic chemotherapy

The marked heterogeneity of breast tumors is a major restriction of the curative potential of single modality treatments. Even within tumors which express high lev- els of ER, there are areas which do not possess these re- ceptors [63,273]. The selective pressure applied by endo- crine manipulation would be expected to remove the sensitive populations (ER positive) and could facilitate the emergence of tumors comprised of predominantly endocrine-resistant cells (ER negative) [55]. A combina- tion of cytotoxic chemotherapy with hormonal manipu- lation could result in the cytotoxic drugs killing the ER- negative subpopulations and the hormonal agents eli- minating the hormone-dependent cells [274-2761. This approach has the further advantage that DNA synthesis occurs predominantly in the ER-negative subpopula-

tions of human breast tumors [277] which should be more sensitive to cell cycle-specific cytotoxic drugs. Many breast tumors exhibit a low proliferative rate and small growth fraction [278]. These tumors may be resist- ant to cell cycle-specific agents by virtue of their kinetic properties. Subsequent regrowth of these ‘kinetically resistant’ tumor subpopulations may be a significant cause of treatment failure. Consequently, chemoendo- crine regimens have been designed to utilize the mitogenic properties of hormones to recruit non-cycling but hormone-dependent cells back into the cell cycle (es- trogenic recruitment). An alternative approach has been to produce synchronous cell populations by blocking cells in a particular phase of the cell cycle (e.g., a Go blockade by antiestrogens) followed by release using a hormonal mitogen. e.g., E2 (hormonal synchroniza- tion).

V-A. Hormonal eflects on cell c_ycle modulation and response to cytotoxic drugs

E2 recruitment of hormone-responsive breast cancer cells utilizes the ability of E2 to increase the proportion of cells in S phase which reflects an increase in the number of cells drawn into the cell cycle [279]. This in- creases the percentage of cells sensitive to the inhibitory effects of cell cycle-specific cytotoxic agents. For exam- ple, we have previously demonstrated that E2 poten- tiates the cytotoxic effects of methotrexate in ER-posi- tive MCF-7 human breast cancer cells growing in vitro [280]. Treatment with estradiol also increases the cyto- toxic effects of adriamycin [281-2831, cytosine arabino- side [279], melphalan [284] and cyclophosphamide [285] in ER-positive human breast cancer cells growing in vitro. A similar cell cycle recruitment appears to be re- sponsible for the ability of androgens to increase the cy- totoxicity of adriamycin and melphalan in the andro- gen-responsive Shionogi AR SC1 15 cell line [286,287]. Insulin increases the cytotoxicity of methotrexate in MCF-7 cells [288], probably reflecting the ability of in- sulin to increase the percentage of cells in S phase [289,290].

It has been suggested that a combined phase specific- inhibition of hormone-dependent cells by tamoxifen, followed by E2 rescue would produce a greater pertur- bation in cell cycle profile than estrogenic recruitment alone [291]. Yang and Samaan [292] have reported im- proved synchronization by treatment with low concen- trations of thymidine following blockade and rescue with tamoxifen and estradiol. Cell populations synchro- nized in this manner are at least 50-fold more sensitive to the inhibitory effects of 5-fluorouracil. Unfortunate- ly, data derived from in vivo studies on the cell cycle ef-


fects of tamoxifen have failed to confirm the in vitro ob- servations which indicated that tamoxifen induces a blockade in Gt [293]. This may partly explain the con- flicting results obtained in clinical trials investigating this hormonal synchronization approach. Response rates to combined chemohormonal regimens have been poorer than would have been predicted on theoretical grounds. This may reflect suboptimal scheduling of cy- totoxic drugs and hormones, adverse interactions be- tween modalities, or inadequate synchronization of tumor cell populations. While not all tumors will re- spond to cell cycle modifying regimens, few investiga- tors have attempted to confirm adequate synchroniza- tion or recruitment by concurrent estimations of either thymidine labelling index, primer dependent U-DNA polymerase index, or cell cycle distribution on fine nee- dle aspirates. However, when these measurements have been performed, improved response rates are observed almost exclusively in those tumors which exhibited sig- nificant estrogenic recruitment [2942961.

Not all chemohormonal interactions are beneficial. Pharmacological concentrations of estrogen can lower the intracellular steady-state levels of methotrexate and reduce its cytotoxicity in MDA-MB-436 human breast cancer cells [297]. Tamoxifen increases melphalan efflux and inhibits influx in MCF-7 cells. The resultant reduc- tion in steady-state intracellular concentrations of the drug are probably responsible for the concurrent reduc- tion in cytotoxicity [298]. The mechanism by which ste- roids and triphenylethylenes inhibit drug uptake is not known. However, we have recently demonstrated that pharmacological concentrations of both estradiol and tamoxifen reduce the membrane fluidity of MCF-7 and MDA-MB-436 human breast cancer cells, implicating altered membrane structure as the potential mechanism


V-B. Efects on drug resistance and MDR-I

The development of a multidrug resistant phenotype is frequently accompanied by the expression of a 170 kDa glycoprotein (MDR-I) The precise contribution of MDR-1 to the multidrug resistance phenotype in human breast cancer is unclear. Low levels of MDR-1 expres- sion have been detected in normal breast 12211. The larg- est study performed to date failed to detect significant MDR-I expression in 248 breast tumors [299]. In marked contrast, a considerable number of smaller studies have clearly demonstrated MDR-1 expression in human breast tumors [221,228,229,30&302]. Expres- sion correlates with either previous cytotoxic chemo- therapy [264] and/or failure on previous treatment [300] and in vitro resistance to the appropriate drugs

[229,301]. The explanation for this apparent disparity has yet to be established but may involve differences in the techniques used for analysis of MDR-1 expression. Adequate detection may be compromised by the low level of MDR-I expression frequently observed in breast tumors. This level is generally much lower than that ob- served in the other solid tumors which can acquire drug resistance by this mechanism [221]. The level of expres- sion required to induce a clinically resistant tumor has not been established. However, the narrow therapeutic window associated with these drugs implies that a low level of expression may be sufficient at least in some tissues. The detection of higher levels in tumors from breast cancer patients that have received prior cytotoxic chemotherapy [264,300] supports the concept that MDR-1 expression may be induced by exposure to the appropriate cytotoxic agents [303]. Acquisition of a multidrug resistance phenotype in vitro by selection in the presence of adriamycin leads to overexpression of the MDR-I gene in MCF-7 cells [199].

A number of hormonal agents have been demonstrat- ed to at least partly reverse multidrug resistance result- ing from overexpression of the MDR-1 gene. Tamoxi- fen, 4-hydroxytamoxifen and the close structural analogue toremifene can reverse MDR-I-induced drug resistance in some tumor cells [304306]. Progesterone also reverses the effects of MDR-I expression [307]. The mechanism through which these agents reverse is un- clear. Yang et al. [307] have shown that progesterone competes with vinblastine for binding to the MDR-I protein. This results in enhanced accumulation of vin- blastine and a consequent increase in sensitivity to the drug. Cells expressing the MDR-1 gene exhibit similar kinetics of [3H]tamoxifen uptake suggesting that tamo- xifen is not a substrate for this membrane pump (Clarke et al., unpublished data). Tamoxifen can also inhibit 45Ca transport in PC12 neurosecretory cells [308] and membrane fluidity in both the MCF-7 and MDA-MB- 436 breast cancer cell lines [15]. Thus, tamoxifen may function by altered membrane fluidity directly inhibiting MDR-1 function. Reduced fluidity of the MDR-1 glyco- protein environment may inhibit its function, perhaps by altering conformation or decreasing mobility in the cell membrane [15]. Many membrane proteins are either chemically or structurally dependent on their lipid envi- ronment in order to maintain their functionality [309]. Alternatively, tamoxifen may alter the ability of ATP to bind to the appropriate sites on the glycoprotein.

VI. Conclusions

Steroid and polypeptide hormones play multi-faceted roles in the control of breast cancer growth and progres-

sion. Whilst largely cirumstantial, there is an impressive amount of literature implicating growth factors as indi- rect (autocrine/paracrine) mediators of steroid hormone function. Since treatment with steroids modulates the expression of a number of genes closely associated with the control of proliferation, it seems unlikely that any one gene alone is responsible for mediating these effects. Thus, the concerted action of many growth factors, act- ing by both autocrine and paracrine pathways, may be required to induce the full range of biological responses observed in human breast tissue. It is also possible, par- ticularly in heterogenous neoplastic tissue, that some clones within the same tumor will utilize different com- binations of growth factors to achieve a similar hor- mone-dependent or -independent phenotype. The pres- ence of the IGFs, EGF, TGF-ol, TGF$ and some FGFs in normal serum may also indicate potential endocrine routes of tumor cell growth control.

The significance of these observations implicating growth factors in neoplastic growth will partly depend upon how good growth factors and/or their receptors will prove to be as targets for therapeutic intervention. Initial studies have described the ability of anti-EGF-R [310] and anti-type I IGF receptor antibodies [106] to in- hibit breast cancer ceils in culture. These growth factors/ receptors are widespread in normal tissues, consequent- ly, the potential for side effects induced by some anti- growth factor therapies may be substantial [311]. The nature of these side effects, and the degree to which they could limit therapeutic activity, will become apparent once the appropriate in vivo studies have been complet- ed. The overexpression of certain growth factors/recep- tors may also provide the opportunity to target drugs using synthetic ligands or antibodies. Recent reports have described the ability of a TGF-cr Pseudomonus toxin conjugate to inhibit tumor growth in nude mice [312,313].

Tumor-stromal interactions provide a novel thera- peutic target. For example, drugs which could increase proliferation and matrix deposition by stromal myofi- broblasts might significantly retard metastatic potential. Increasing the general immunocompetence of the host, or infusion of mediators of CMI, could both directly in- hibit the tumor cells and also alter fibroblastic cell dif- ferentiation or stromal matrix deposition.

The ability of some hormonal agents to reverse MDR- l-induced drug resistance has significant therapeutic po- tential. For example, concurrent or sequential adminis- tration of the appropriate drugs and antiestrogens may prevent or reduce the effects of MDR-1 expression. Drug-hormone conjugates may provide an alternative approach, provided the conjugates retain the ability to both inhibit MDR-I function and induce cytotoxicity.

During the past ten years, a considerable amount of new and exciting data have been generated relating to the possible role of growth factors and hormones in the control of breast cancer growth and progression. The application of this new knowledge to the development of better treatment will be one of the major challenges of the next decade.


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