Horizon MayJune 2013 edition

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Transcript of Horizon MayJune 2013 edition



Office of the



Area 3 Governor



The Spotlight 5




DPR Awards

who won?


Meaning of Rose



Cultural Funfest



Inspiring you to be your best



Goal Achieved!

Ask Your DTM

AREA 3 Governor’s


DTM Khalid AlQoud

on why I want to

come back!


District 20

P A G E 2

Bharat Patil


Manama Toastmasters

(Jan-Jun 2013)

The Horizon Team

From The President’s Desk

“The longest journey is

taken one step at a time.”

We all want to achieve lots of

things in life and most of the

time we hold back, thinking

that they are too far for us to

reach, and that we cannot get

there. Who knows how far

one can get when the journey

is begun. We want to be as-

sured that we will succeed.

We fear that our efforts will

be wasted. In Toastmasters,

too, part of our goal is to be-

come great leaders. When we

join Toastmasters, the journey

is long and can only be trav-

elled step by step.

However, hard work never

goes to waste. It would be of

use somewhere else. How-

ever, if you think the journey

is long then the truth is that

you may not be afraid of the

journey, but you do not trust

yourself enough and therefore

you do not know yourself well

enough. You have the poten-

tial of the entire Universe. If

one can change anything with

his thoughts and intentions,

then we can do anything with

our determination. Yes it is

true when we start the journey

in Toastmasters it requires

hard work, but more impor-

tantly you should have passion

and love for your endeavors.

You can enjoy every moment

in Toastmasters, and your hard

work need never be wasted.

Every step is a learning experi-

ence towards becoming a

leader of tomorrow.

What is required is that we

take a step towards what we

want to accomplish with our

determination. If we do not

start the journey we can never

finish it. If we start and we

keep walking we will reach the

destination. There is no other

way, because the everything

else in the Universe wants to

support you. Everything else is

part of you. Everything will fall

neatly into place. For example,

if you want to lift a heavy

weight, then your entire body

will focus strength in your

hands: legs, neck, arms, back -

every part of your body will

support your hands. In the same

way, since you are a part of the

Universe, when you decide to lift

a weight, the entire Universe will

focus its strength on you, so that

you can lift the weight. The

strength of the Universe is your

strength and your strength is not

limited to the strength you have

by yourself. Your strength is as

infinite as this Universe. Do not

be afraid. Take the first step.

Dear Toastmasters, take the first

step and complete your projects

step by step with perfection. No

journey can be accomplished using

high jumps and long jumps, every

journey is travelled one step at a

time. Do not be afraid to take

those steps. The universe is sup-

porting you in your journey. Be-

fore long you will achieve the

highest award in Toastmasters,

which is Distinguished Toastmas-

ter (DTM). You will achieve any

goals you set your mind to achiev-


“See you all at the TOP!”

Bharat Patil


Editor In Chief

TM Edmore Mleya

Proof Reader

TM Guraz


Proof Reader

TM Claire


Managing Editor

TM Hannah


Design & Layout by

TM Edmore Mleya

Associate Editor

TM Sayam Bashir


May you always have work

for your hands to do.

May your pockets hold

always a coin or two.

May the sun shine bright

on your windowpane.

May the rainbow be

certain to follow each rain.

May the hand of a friend

always be near you.

And may God fill your

heart with gladness to

cheer you.

Dear Toastmasters and Friends It gives me immense pleasure to write my last editorial of this wonderful newsletter. This is a combined edition of the of May and June months. A lot has happened in these last 2 months ranging from the Tall tales contest to the social event themed MTM Cultural Funfest. I had the pleasure of working with fellow toastmasters in the organizing com-mittee and it proved that team work results in success. Another big event is on the cards which is the Golden Jubilee celebrations and it is very encouraging to see toastmasters new, mid level and senior rising to the occasion. Although the event is only next year “there is no better time than now” to start the ground work and planning. I wish all the toastmasters who volunteered a successful event ahead. I am also delighted to announce that the club has achieved 10 out of 10 DCP point and this has been through the hard work of members completing their projects and the Excom in getting new members. A total of 9 members were inductied in the Term Jan-Jul 2013. On a somber note we entered the District PR Awards for the Best Newsletter and other categories but failed to make it. However our Horizon newsletter were conspicuous among the other District 20 newsletter posted on the District 20 website. It has been an exciting term for me as VP Public Relations and also the Editor in Chief of the Horizon and I wish the best of luck to the incoming team, whom I am prepared to assist in anyway should they require my help. Adios and Goodbye till next time Edmore Mleya Editor In Chief / VP Public Relations

This year Mother’s day was celebrated on 12th May 2013. Mother's Day is a celebration honoring mothers and motherhood, maternal bonds, and the influence of mothers in society. Did you remember to call your mother and tell her you love her or just appreciate her.

If your mom is alive, make every moment count. A Mother.... When you are a child she walks before you, To set an example. When you are a teenager she walks behind you, To be there should you need her. When you are an adult she walks beside you, So that as two friends you can enjoy life together. -author unknown.

Father's Day was created to complement Mother's Day. It is a celebration honoring fathers and celebrating fatherhood, paternal bonds, and the influence of fathers in society. This year fathers day was celebrated on 16th June 2013. It is a day dedicated to fathers across the world and sees children pay respects to their dad for the significant role he has played in their upbringing. Some have a dad while others have father figures whom they'd like to dedicate a message to on this special day. Children look up to their dad as their heroes and role-models and it is on this day that they honor them with words, gifts or just about anything they feel is appropriate to mark the occasion. Did you remember to honor your dad?

Happy Mother’s Day and Father’s Day

Editor In Chief

TM Edmore Mleya

Unfortunately ALBA TM’s restoration is yet to be completed, hopefully this will happen in the next term. Moreover, it gives me an immense pleasure to inform that our Division is in the process of realignment, and a new club will be added to our fold soon. That new club is Bah-rain University club which is in the formative stage. Three of MTM stalwarts, Dr Thuraya Juma, Dr Khalid Amin and DTM Indrupati Joel are spearheading the formation of this new club. Area 3 conducted the Annual contests with 2 clubs participating that are Manama Toastmasters and Quaid Toastmasters only, but still we had a good contest and we were glad to see some of our members move up to Division level contests. The clubs’ performances at District level were exemplary and we had TM Waleed as a contest chair, TM Asrar Merchant competing in humor-ous speech contest (though from another Area) and TM Claire Cosgrove actively participated in the District conference at Dubai. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome AREA 3 Governor elect TM Kishore Babu and wish him all the best in taking our Area 3 to newer heights.

Regards, Ratinder Nath Area 3 Governor

Dear Toastmasters, Being the Area Governor of Area 3 com-prising of 3 clubs, which are Manama Toastmasters, Quaid Toastmasters and ALBA Toastmasters clubs, has been a unique experience for me. When the term started in July 2012, Manama TM’s club was in good stead and going full blast ahead with their programmes for the term July to December 2012. Quaid TM’s had a paid up membership of 5 members and we were struggling to increase the member-ship and conduct regular meetings. ALBA TM’s in spite of having paid dues for the membership till October 2012 were not holding any meetings. The area leadership had many challenges, but the hard work and perseverance of the club Presidents and their excom teams prepared us to overcome all obstacles. MTM goal was to achieve 10/10 DCP points, Quaid TM’s Club was to get 20 + members and start having regular meet-ings. The District officials were working hard to get ALBA TM’s back to their past glory. AREA 3 can proudly claim that they have met almost all the targets set. MTM are now at 10/10 DCP points. Quaid TM’s have already registered 20 + members and are having regular meetings twice a month.

P A G E 4

TM Ratinder Nath

Area 3 Governor

Division C, District 20

Do unto others as you would have others do unto you.

P A G E 5

The name Khalid AlQoud is well-known in Toastmasters circles around the Gulf coun-tries in the Middle East. DTM Khalid AlQoud is the Immediate Past District Governor of District 20 and the first District Governor in a new District formed after the split of Dis-trict 79. District 20 comprises seven coun-tries in the Middle East, including: Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, UAE, Jordan and Leba-non. During his association with Toastmasters, he has taken up leadership roles as District President, District PRO, Division C Gover-nor, LGM and LGET. As an outstanding citi-zen of Bahrain he has organized events & community service programs and the re-wards were in galore. DTM Khalid Alqoud began his toastmaster’s journey in Manama Toastmasters in the year 2005 and also served as President on Man-ama Toastmasters Club. DTM Khalid AlQoud returned to his mother club after having resigned on 2 occasion, which pro-

moted a Spotlight Question on Why he is retuning back.

His Response: I was a committed member and when I saw myself being busy in life, I left to focus in my important thing and then I found some free time to im-prove myself so I re-joined, I did that for 2 times and that was in my per-sonnel opinion the best way, because if you are not active due to your life schedule you should take a step back and evaluate your priority and then see the best and move one. And I learnt one thing in this process, (you will get what you want only if God wanted you to get it) and we will have our opportunity, which God allocated for every single person in life, and it is writhen in our book of life. You can never satisfy the world but we should satisfy God wishes by saying THANK YOU.

DTM Khalid Al Quod

Well Done to TM Hannah Karanja on becoming Toastmas-ter of the Month May 2013.

TM Hannah accumulated 50 points during the month.

Speaker on 4th May 10 points

Speaker on 25th May 10 points Horizon Contribution 10 points Other roles in two meetings 10 points Attendance 5 points Winner 5 points

If you're still wondering how you can get this award, its a 3- step process : perform a lot of assignments, pay your dues in time, and be regular at the toastmaster meetings.

Toastmaster of the Month

DTM Khalid AlQoud received his pin after

induction on 15th June 2013

DTM Khalid AlQoud delivers his Ice Breaker speech a journey towards his 4th DTM title.

P A G E 6


To achieve 10 points


Distinguished Club

Manama Toastmasters Club lived up to it’s Goal of achieving all the 10 Goals set out in the

Toastmasters International Distinguish Club Program (DCP). Thanks to Laxman Singh Rathore who

also achieved his Competent Communicator title after completing his 10th project of the basic manual

CC on 15th June 2013, only 15 more days before the end of the Toastmasters International Term.

W H A T A R E T H E 1 0 G O A L S ?

Below are the 10 goals that make up the Distinguished Club Program. Note that for your club to be

eligible for the recognitions available from International, you must end the year with at least 20 mem-

bers OR be +5 members on the year. For example, if you started the year (July 1) with 11 members in

your club, you would have to end the year (June 30 of the following year) with at least 16 members. 1. Achieve 2 CCs

2. Achieve 2 more CCs

3. Achieve 1 AC (either an AC-B, AC-S, or AC-G)

4. Achieve 1 more AC (either an AC-B, AC-S, or AC-G)

5. Achieve 1 of the following: CL, AL-B, AL-S, DTM

6. Achieve 1 more of the following: CL, AL-B, AL-S, DTM

7. Sign up 4 new members

8. Sign up 4 more new members

9. Have at least 4 officers trained during each training period (June-August and December-February)

10. One membership dues renewal report and one club officer list submitted ontime.

There are 3 different levels of recognition that

your club can earn through the Distinguished Club


Distinguished Club -- Clubs that have achieved 5

of the 10 goals and meet the membership require-


Select Distinguished Club -- Clubs that have

achieved 7 of the 10 goals and meet the member-

ship requirements

President's Distinguished Club -- Clubs that

have achieved 9 of the 10 goals and meet the mem-

bership requirements. If at the end of the year your

club is recognized at one of these levels, your club

will receive a ribbon from International that you

can attach to your club's banner. The ribbon will be

mailed to the person who was club President dur-

ing that year.

QUESTION:: Does my club receive any special

recognition for achieving all 10 goals?

ANSWER: No. While clubs are encouraged to

complete all 10 goals, the highest level of recog-

nition given by International is for achieving 9 of the 10. If your club is able to achieve all 10, you should

feel very confident in your club, as that signifies that your club is doing everything that it needs to be

doing to service its members and the members of your community.

TM Laxman Singh Rathore completed his 10th

project and becomes a CC earning the Club the

final 10th DCP. Well done Laxaman!

P A G E 7

You will help even if you stick

to your letter Source: UNEP

P A G E 8

Birthdays & Anniversaries

TM Monther Noaman birthday on 6th May

TM Waleed Noaman birth day on 12th may

TM Manal Al Matrook birthday on 24th May

TM Amina AlHajiri birthday on 24th may

TM Shaikha Butti birthday on 5th June

TM Shaikha Al Shomali birthday on 20th June

TM Hannah Karanja birthday on 26th June

TM Sheela Pai anniversary on 11th May

TM Bharat Patil anniversary on 23rd June

TM Shauna Nearing Loej anniversary on 25th June

Q: Which book have you read has had the most impact on your life? A: The Alphabet book . Q: If you had a dinner party, which three historical figures would you invite? A: The Queen of Sheba, William Shakespeare Q: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? A: I would like to stop over ana-lyzing Q: If you had a choice to be a super hero, which one would you choose? A: Superman Q: Who is the one person that has had the most impact on your life? A: My Father Q: What is the best piece of ad-vice that you have ever received? A: Always be honest with yourself and others Q: What advice would you give to anyone who was starting their toastmaster's journey? A: Remove the these two words from words dictionary (Hesitation and procrastination) and be com-mitted Q: What is the most exciting as-pect of toastmasters? A: The excitement of how toast-masters can gather in one room, people from different nations , backgrounds, experience, level of education and different ages, but they are sharing the same goal. Q: What is the first thing that you would do if you won a million dol-lars? A: I will buy a car.

Q: What city are you from? A: Bahrain/a village called Darkulaib Q: What was your first job? A: Administrative Technician Q: What is your favorite sound or noise? A: Sea waves sound Q: What is your favourite motiva-tional catch-phrase? A: As you sow, you reap. He who wishes to reach the top, must suffer the stings of bees. Q: If you were stranded on a de-serted island, what three things would you not be able to survive without? A: The Holy Quran, water and My sun glasses Q: Name one song which defines you. A: Not yet composed . Q: What book are you reading at the moment? A: How to develop self-confidence for success

P A G E 9

Getting to know

Fellow Toastmasters

TM Laxaman Singh Rathore TM Muna Alaiwi

A: Bring discipline in life. Q: If you had a choice to be a super hero, which one would you choose? A: He man – This was the first cartoon I watched on TV. Q: Who is the one person that has had the most impact on your life? A: My Father Q: What is the best piece of advice that you have ever re-ceived? A: Try to speak your mind more often and openly. Q: What advice would you give to anyone who was starting their toastmaster's journey? A: Try to attend all meetings & take role as much as possible (both items I have not imple-mented) Q: What is the most exciting aspect of toastmasters? A: Standing and speaking in front of fellow toastmasters especially in table topic session; Q: What is the first thing that you would do if you won a mil-lion dollars? A: First I would take possession of one million dollar and than think of what to do.

Q: What city are you from? A: Delhi - India Q: What was your first job?A: I was fond of sales job, so my first job was to sell auto-motive parts, but unfortu-nately I could not sell even one part. Q: What is your favorite sound or noise? A: My children’s laughter. Q: What is your favorite mo-tivational catch-phrase? A: Keep walking……….. Q: If you were stranded on a deserted island, what three things would you not be able to survive without? A: Water, Food and dreams of being out of desert. Q: Name one song which defines you. A: Hindi Song: Papa khateh hai ke bada naam karega, mager ye tho koi na jane, ke apni manjil hai kaah (Father says that my son will make me feel proud, but no one knows where is my destiny) Q: What book are you read-ing at the moment? A: Chetan bhagats : - Revolu-tion 2020. Q: Which book have you read has had the most impact on your life? A: Tough times never last, but tough people do by Robert Schuller. Q: If you had a dinner party, which three historical figures would you invite? A: Steve Job, Charlie Chaplin & Michael Jackson. Q: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

Manama Toastmasters entered the Dis-trict 20 PR Awards 2013. The final sub-mission were to be sent in by 15th April and the winners to be announced at the DTAC event in Dubai. There were 5 Categories namely.

1. Platinum Web Btye Award – for best club website award.

2. Talk of Town Award – for the best article in external media or club/Area/Division newsletter.

3. Captivating Communiqué Award – for the Best Club Newsletter award.

4. Beat the Drum Award – for the Poster or Invite award.

5. CSM (Connected Social media) – for best club with social media presence.

The Horizon Newsletter was entered into category 2, 3 and 5. Unfortunately we did not win anything but we encourage the next Horizon team to work on the Cate-gories above. Below is the email from the District 20 PR. Team. ************************************ Dear TM Edmore Mleya and leaders of Manama Toastmasters, Thank you again for your active participa-tion in D20 PR promotions and Awards. Though your PR Award submissions were not successful in making to the final win-ners list, they reflect the commendable work you have done in promoting your club activities. Please find below communi-cation from District PRO announcing PR Award winners in each category. Continue encouraging club members to utilise their creative talents through effec-tive PR campaigns. Pass on the good prac-tices you have initiated to the next term club officers so that the enthusiastic club officers and club members can work to-gether to conquer further heights. As the club is in the final two months of this toastmasters year and looking for-ward for another exciting year, wishing you and your team all the very best in making this journey fulfilling. Best regards, for D20 PR Team, Sunil Kottarathil, DTM

P A G E 1 0

Spot the Horizon– Among other District 20 Newsletters vying for t he Best Award

P A G E 1 1 Dear Friends, Did you miss out on the Tall Tale Contest held on 18th May? Then please keep me company… Lets start with the whooping turn-out. “Standing room only” does not even begin to describe the packed boardroom as we all prepared to experience the height of

exaggeration. As for the number of contestants, well, lets just say that you couldn’t swing a cat without hitting one! 10 contestants in total. That’s right -Ten! The ten included our “return with a bang toastmasters” TM Kawther and TM Khalid. Contest chair TM Hannah made it through the contest unscathed. She introduced the anxious and excited contestants who ranged from newbies to seasoned veterans who would be in the Toastmasters hall of fame if there were one. Nothing, not even the shrieking mic, could get in the way of our contestants entertaining us

with their outrageously funny, goofy and sometimes even bizarre stories. The contestants were, in no particular order, TM Maisa, TM Claire, TM Mahmood, TM Kishore, TM Waleed, TM Ammar, TM Chris and TM Laxman and of course the aforementioned TM Kawther and TM Khalid. We must say that you know you have arrived as a club when you are honored with a visit from a dignitary who is not only a sitting Member of Parliament but also a renowned orthopedic surgeon who has been in the practice for more than 25 years. We are talking about Dr. Jamal Saleh. He not only honored us with his presence but also stayed on till the end to present the winning trophies and also hang around to chitchat with members. We were truly honored and humbled. Congratulations to our champion Tale Tellers whose announcement was greeted with the sound of an improvised drum roll. (Trust MTM members to be so innovative). They were; Third place TM Kawther “Lucy” Al Taitoon (boy – the girl can bark!), Second place, our very own “Lionel Messi” TM Khalid Amin and First Place winner, our "genie in a coffee pot" lady, TM Chris No-ronha whose win was also witnessed by her proud mother.

Many thanks go to all those who made the contest possible; VP Education and also stand in president for the day TM Thuraya for organizing the event, Chief Judge TM Isaac, Timers TM Shauna and TM Ed, Tally Counters TM Sadaf and TM Amina, Sergeant-at-Arms TM May, our incognito judges whoever they were and of course our

lovely contestants.

Contestants Line up with participation certificates

House Full audience galore!

TM Kishore Babu -Developer

of the Hacker Tracker Edi-

tion & his friend Billy

Honorable MP and DR Jamal

Saleh introduced by TM Thuraya

Contest Chair– TM Hannah


By TM Hannah Karanja

Winner TM Chris Noronha

P A G E 1 2

Source: www.piedmontlandscape.com

The symbolism of rose colors is steeped in tradition. Roses inspired people over thousands of years to develop a language of color. When you choose a color, variety or number of roses for someone, you are personalizing your gift with deeper sentiment. Rose colors may have very a different meaning from what you intend. Use our guide to help com-municate your feelings. Roses by the Numbers

A single rose of any color depicts utmost devotion

Two roses entwined together communicate "Marry me"

Six Roses signify a need to be loved or cherished

Eleven roses assure the recipient they are truly and deeply loved

Thirteen roses indicate a secret admirer

Source: http://www.oldroses.org/roses/colors.asp

Contribution by

TM May A Aziz

P A G E 1 3

The excitement of being once again in a thronging crowd of speakers never loses its attraction. The thought of seeing friends whom we only see once a year is still strong and draws one even closer. I arrived later on the night of the first day. Always a challenge to secure the Thursday as leave so as to witness the semi-final contests. But I wanted to be there bright and early Friday morning for the banner march. After a more than adequate breakfast with a superb view across the Creek and a fresh breeze wiping my cheek, I felt full and ready to face the day. Af-ter all the Friday is the LONG day with The official opening of the DTAC-2013 in a grand hall. Then there are all the welcome addresses and speeches. The MC’s worked in pairs as a team introducing each speaker and each contest chair. The Humorous and Evaluation finals were a treat to hear. Interspersed between these two main events were work-shops and special guest speeches. So inside the hall, we were all fine-tuning our listening skills while outside the grand hall there was net-working, campaigning, book selling, refreshments and reunions. Personally I found the venue excellent. Everything was conven-ient with more than adequate space. There were scalators whisking one from one floor to the next, from workshop venues to grand hall, from vegetarian to full dinner options. As a club representative and proxy holder, I typically miss out on the Friday evening more relaxed entertainment in the grand hall for the entertainment of the Division Council meeting and election of the District leaders and Division Governors. Person-ally, I feel its very important to be present for the election of the leaders for the coming year as these persons determine the success and quality of Toastmasters throughout the coming 12 months. And of course, to have a say in who will host the DTAC event in two years time. The council meeting has its own level and quality of entertainment. The Friday is a very long day but very satisfying. We are keen to continue into the next day but need some R&R before the next round of contests. Saturday again saw us with guest speakers and workshops and Table Topics contest. Now regretfully, I had waited to book my flights until the last minute. So I had to de-part for the airport in the mid-afternoon cutting myself short of the International Speech contest. A word of warning to intending participants for next year’s DTAC. Plan ahead, book ahead and be there in full force in Oman to support each and every Toastmaster. It’s the place to be where we are delighted by our champions and encouraged by the presence of so many committed Toastmasters. And most of all, it’s an opportunity to reunite with friends just once a year, but friends for life. So thank you Dubai for a wonderful event. Hope to see you all in Oman 2014.

By TM Claire


played. Throughout the afternoon, guests won

on the spot prizes for being the first to bring

forward any item asked for by our MC/DJ.

Anything! Nothing was off limits - from super-

market receipts to school ID cards.

It was then time to vote for the Best Cos-

tume. A panel of judges made up of carefully

selected, highly experienced individuals

(everyone in the room) made the decision. It

was obvious that it was one of the most diffi-

cult decisions ever and some of our “judges’

were begging to be allowed to vote more than

once. The final razor thin decision was made

to award the best dressed lady award to TM

Chris (with TM Maisa coming a close second)

and for the gents, well, there was no way to

break the tie so it went to TM Ed and TM

Khalid AlQuod.

By this time, everyone was drooling with anxi-

ety waiting to see who would take home the

coveted “Bollywood Brunch for 2 at Spe-

cies Restaurant in Crowne Plaza Bah-

rain” vouchers. Eventually, they went to TM

Maisa (whom we understand had bought a

ticket at the 11th hour) and TM Rashid (who

had arrived early and taken advantage of the

early bird offer). Congratulations you two! To

wind down the day was our long

awaited Karaoke session in English or Hindi.

Watch out American Idol! MTMs got talent...





1 4

Words like Fantastic, Incredible and Memo-

rable do not even begin to do justice to our

fun filled Funfest event held on Friday May

31st. The day was everything we had hoped

it would be and more! On his way out, one

guest said, quote – “It was one of the best

events I have ever been to” – unquote.

From the outside, the explosive mix of col-

ours made the room look like a Rio Cos-

tume Party or the launch of a new fashion

line. Many attendees like TM Thuraya, TM

Asrar, TM Guraz and TM Ratinder paid

homage to their national costumes whilst

others chose to cross over - TM Chris

looked like an Egyptian Goddess whilst TM

Khalid AlQoud looked like an Indian Maha-

raja. And was that an Afghan princess? No. It

was TM Maisa. Others, like TM Hannah,

decided to do a Masala of different cos-

tumes. (We guess some decisions are hard

to make). As for TM Khalid Amin he looked

like he had just stepped out of the set of a

movie where he was playing Al Capone. The

only thing missing was the famous (or infa-

mous) cigar.

The MC come DJ TM Waleed Noaman

proved what we have always known about

him - He is a man cut for fun! His energy and

enthusiasm were contagious to say the least.

Various games such as the Price is Right a

guessing game on the prices of commodities,

5 for 3, Charades and Trivia were

P A G E 1 5

THE EXCOM JAN-JUN 2013 Manama Toastmasters Club was established in

1964, It is the first in the Middle East and

is registered under the Ministry of Labour and

Social Affairs (reg. no. 74/C/C). It is affiliated to

Toastmasters International USA.

Our mission is to provide a mutually supportive

and positive environment in which every member

has the opportunity to develop communication

and leadership skills which, in turn, foster

self-confidence and personal growth.

Our meetings are held every Saturday from 7:00

p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Crowne Plaza Hotel,

Kingdom of Bahrain.

Guests are always welcome.

Visit www.manamatoastmasters.org

for more information or Like us on face book


Contact VP-Membership Muna Alaiwi

on +973 39271739 or

VP-Public Relations Edmore Mleya

on +973 36061524

Visit Toastmaster International

on http://www.toastmasters.org/

TM Bharat Patil

President TM Thuraya Juma

VP Education

TM Ed Mleya

VP Public Relations

TM Sadaf Gill


TM Asrar Merchant


TM Adulla Mian


TM Muna Alaiwi

VP Membership

Sub Committee

VP PR: Shauna Nearing

VP Membership: TM Zakaria

& TM Krishnadas

Stg st Arms: TM Maisa Sheikh

TM Hannah Karanja

Sgt at Arms

Guests and members of Manama Toastmasters at the Cultural Funfest