Hope You Get All The Words Right!? Spelling Test By NH.

Post on 16-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Hope You Get All The Words Right!? Spelling Test By NH.

Hope You Get All The Words Right!?

Spelling Test By NH

Characters In My Book

Characters and Mane Characters in my book are:


Mr. Bishop


Mom and Dad

Older Sister/Dawn


About the Characters

B is part of a family of witches. She didn’t get her powers yet and we will find out why.

Mr. Bishop is B’s English teacher and he is the one giving a spelling test. Who ever wins will get a pass to see someone famous.

Who will be the winer? Let’s find out.

About the Characters

George is B’s BEST FRIEND!! They know each other for what seems as much as a century.

Of course B’s mom and dad are witches.

Dawn, B’s older sister also has witch powers, that are almost the same power like her parents.

About the Characters

Last but not least, Mellifluous also known as Mell is a witch who teaches witchcraft in another world. She is a very nice person.

About the book

My book is about a girl called B and she and her family are witches. But for now she is like most of the girls in her school. She lives an “ordinary” life until that certain day.

How did she figure it out? Read the book and you will see all the mistakes she did until she learned she had magic!!


Animals in the Book

Within the story there is a hamster. B uses her powers to make him talk and asked him a few questions to find out what she was seeking for.

I wonder what it was?


One of them is that you have to rhyme the spell.

Another one is that you spell the words out and the spell happens.

And on and on it goes.

Spelling Test!!

There is a spelling test here and you have to try to spell out the words out loud and who ever wins the spelling competition will get a surprise.

The person that do’s not win the last word has to say “I lost” and you will see your gift .

Spelling Words







Spelling Words






Speech Less


You Win!!

Or You

You Lose!!

You Win!!You win hope you had fun and here is your surprise!!

Two tickets to see the World Cup game!!

You Lose!!

Sorry but you lost but hope you had a great time spelling words!!

You got a Stuffed Animal!

The End or End of Story

The End= T-H-E E-N-D

End of Story= E-N-D O-F S-T-O-R-Y