H.O.P.E. Program at EES

Post on 06-Jan-2016

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H.O.P.E. Program at EES. Having an Optimal Program for Education. Mrs. Vickie Lewis Director/Teacher. This is my 10 th year as a classroom teacher. I live in Stuttgart. I am married to Mr. Don, and we have two children, Dillon, 22, and Kayla, 17. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of H.O.P.E. Program at EES

H.O.P.E. Program at EES

H.O.P.E. Program at EESHaving an Optimal Program for Education

Mrs. Vickie LewisDirector/TeacherThis is my 10th year as a classroom teacher.I live in Stuttgart.I am married to Mr. Don, and we have two children, Dillon, 22, and Kayla, 17.I have three dogs, three cats, and numerous fish.My favorite food is Chinese!I like to read novels for young people and watch good movies with Mr. Don.I am a pastors wife and play the piano at church.

What is H.O.P.E.?The H.O.P.E. Program at EES is a class where students can come that need a smaller environment in which to learn and more individual time with the teacher.H.O.P.E. is NOT a classroom for punishment, but for second chances to become successful in learning.Students will become academically and socially successful before returning to the regular classroom.

Become Academically Successful by:Coming to class preparedStaying on taskCompleting work willingly and satisfactorilyAllowing learning to continue smoothly

Show Acceptable Behavior by:Using good manners (Please, Thank you, Yes maam, No maam, Excuse me, etc.)Using appropriate languageMaking others feel respected and comfortableMaintaining a safe environment for self and others

Use Acceptable School and Classroom Behavior by being:RespectfulOn time and ready to learnAppropriate in attitude and participationResponsibleRememberROAR!


How Am I Doing? (Conduct)Check the conduct chart.Conduct will be monitored and posted each hour with colors. Conduct will be monitored based on H.O.P.E. Behavior Goals.Green- You are doing great.Yellow- You received a warning.Red- You broke a rule despite the warning.Blue- Repeated offense; Parent contact/D-HallBlack- Continual repeated offenses, more serious offenses; Office referral/Principals discretionConduct reports will be sent home each day to be signed and returned.Consequences for MisbehaviorK-2: Red card: recess is taken awayBlue card: parent contactBlack card: office

3-6:Red: recess is taken awayBlue: parent contact and D-hallBlack: office (Principals discretion)

ProceduresRestroom: We will restroom as a class.Supplies: Pencils, paper, and erasers are in the writing center for your use.Coming to attention: I will tap the bell on my desk.To speak: Raise your hand and wait to be called on.Need help w/ work: Use the red/green card on your desk. Green-Im doing O.K. Red-I need help.Sharpen two pencils first thing in the morning and during c/r transitions, if needed.Hallway: We will walk in a 4S line (Silent, Still, Straight, and Smiling); hall passes must be used for individual travelLocks, Lights, Out of Sight & other drills

Procedures ContinuedBackpacks/jackets: Hang them on the back of your chair.Turn in all work to the Turn In basketMake-up work: Check your folder; you get one day for each day you are absent to make up work.Intercom announcements: Freeze and quietVisitors: Continue working or if I am teaching, read your AR book silently.Group work: We will establish NORMS for group work; they will be followed as agreed upon by the class.Testing: Absolutely NO TALKING during testing; offices will be used to minimize distractions.

Procedures ContinuedWork in Centers: Only two students permitted in each center at a time. Materials are to be returned to the center. Computers are to be used for center work only unless otherwise specified by the teacher. You are to work on center work only; stay on task.Substitute teacher: Give her/him the same respect you give to me. Follow your behavior expectations. Do your work neatly and completely. Turn in all work with your name on it.Our classroom: Take pride in our classroom; help keep it tidy. Clean up after yourself.Food/drinks: NO GUM. Snacks on Snack Days onlyUse of technology: See AUP-must be signed and returnedDaily Bell Ringer: Begin each day w/ the DBR.

Grading Scale for 1st-6th Grades100-89.5 = A89.4-79.5 = B79.4-69.5 = C69.4-59.5 = D59.4-0 = F

Grading Scale for KindergartenProficient- A, B, CBasic- C, DBelow Basic- F

What will I do in the H.O.P.E. classroom?We will look at your areas of need and tailor a learning program just for you.You will work on and be tested in all academic areas, attend specials, lunch and recess, and also work with Mrs. Tammye and outside counselor, if you have one.I will teach you directly, and you will also work on computers/iPads to assist you in learning and skills practice.While I am working with other students, you will be working in centers (literacy and math) to help strengthen your academic skills.You will have homework to help you practice new skills you have learned.

Exiting H.O.P.E.The goal of H.O.P.E. is to return you to your homeroom classroom as a successful learner and citizen of the EES learning community. I will do everything I can to help your reach your behavior goals, but your success is up to you.Review Behavior Goal slide