Hope or Hype

Post on 06-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Hope or Hype

  • 8/3/2019 Hope or Hype


    Delayed & Denied? Toward anDelayed & Denied? Toward an

    Effective ERISA Remedy forEffective ERISA Remedy for

    Improper Processing of HealthcareImproper Processing of HealthcareClaimsClaims

    Faculty Quodlibet

    March 24, 2010

  • 8/3/2019 Hope or Hype


    Why ERISA?Why ERISA?

    Why claims processing regulations?W

    hy claims processing regulations?

  • 8/3/2019 Hope or Hype


    Toward an Effective ERISA RemedyToward an Effective ERISA Remedy

    for Improper Processing offor Improper Processing of

    Healthcare ClaimsHealthcare Claims

    I.Background: Three Things About ERISA

    II. Claims processing procedures as back-

    door benefits denial

    III. Possible solutions

  • 8/3/2019 Hope or Hype


    1.1. Comprehensive federal statuteComprehensive federal statute

    governing employergoverning employer--sponsoredsponsored

    pension and welfare planspension and welfare plans


    Passed in 1974 to great fanfarey Originally aimed at preventing pension



    Business community strongly opposed

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    Focus was on pension, not welfareFocus was on pension, not welfare


    y Sets out technical rules governing pension


    y Creates Pension Benefit Guarantee

    Corporation as back-up for defaulting


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    Any debate over welfare plans?Any debate over welfare plans?

    y Little debate over healthcare plans

    y Organized labor fought for preemption of

    regulations of welfare plans

    y Labor wanted to keep ABA from

    controlling prepaid legal plans

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    Congresss goalCongresss goal

    To increase the likelihood that full

    benefits will be paid to participants and

    beneficiaries of [ERISA] plans. 29 U.S.C.


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    Supreme Court agrees . . .Supreme Court agrees . . .

    y Congress enacted ERISA to protect . . . the

    interests of participants in employee benefit

    plans and their beneficiaries.

    Aetna Health v. Davila, 542 U.S. 200, 208 (2004).

    y ERISAs repeatedly emphasized purpose [is]

    to protect contractually defined benefits.Mass.Mut. Life Ins. Co. v. Russell, 473 U.S. 134, 148


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    High hopes from sponsors . . .High hopes from sponsors . . .

    [T]he greatest development in the life ofthe American worker since Social


    Principal sponsor Senator Jacob Javits

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    Basic structureBasic structure

    y Gives all who have decision-making

    power over ERISA plans fiduciary status

    y Codifies broad principles of trust law



    Exclusive benefit rule

    = heavy influence of trust law, trust law still

    influences remedies

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    High hopes dashedHigh hopes dashed

    y An unjust and increasingly tangled ERISA

    regime.Aetna Health, Inc. v. Davila, 542 U.S. 200, 208(2004) (Ginsberg, J., concurring).

    y A gaping wound.

    Cicio v. Does, 321 F.3d 83,106 (2d Cir. 2003)(Calabresi, J., dissenting in part).

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    2.2. ERISA preempts stateERISA preempts state--lawlaw

    claims that touch on ERISA plansclaims that touch on ERISA plans

    y Section 514 preempts state laws that

    relate to an ERISA plan

    y Section 502 sets out exclusive remedies

    for claims under ERISA

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    State law claims preemptedState law claims preempted

    y Exception to the well-pleaded complaint


    y For federal statutes that wholly displace the

    state-law cause of action through complete

    preemption.Aetna Health v. Davila, 542 U.S. 200,

    208 (2004).

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    Payor says hospitalization during final weeks ofhigh-risk pregnancy not medically necessary,despite two doctors statements that it was;woman goes home, fetus goes into distress

    and dies.

    Held: ERISA preempts negligence claims, noremedy here.

    Corcoran v. United HealthCare, Inc., 965 F.2d1321 (5th 1992).

  • 8/3/2019 Hope or Hype


    3. The ERISA bargain gives few3. The ERISA bargain gives few


    502 Claim for benefitsx Remedy: benefit itself, injunction, other equitable


    x Supreme Court says no consequential damages

    409 Claim for breach of fiduciary dutyx Remedy is other equitable or remedial relief

    x Restore profits

  • 8/3/2019 Hope or Hype


    SophisticatedSophisticated payorspayors on ERISA:on ERISA:

    The advantages of ERISA coverage in litigioussituations are enormous. There are no jury trials,there are no compensatory or punitive damages,relief is usually limited to the amount of thebenefit in question, and claims administratorsmay receive a deferential standard of review.

    Internal Provident Insurance Company memo,dated October 2, 1995 (emphasis added)

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    Memo (cont.)Memo (cont.)

    y As an example, [an adjuster] identified

    12 claim situations where we settled for

    $7.8 million in the aggregate. If these 12

    cases had been covered by ERISA, ourliability would have been between zero

    and $0.5 million.

    y Internal Provident Insurance Company

    memo, dated October 2, 1995

  • 8/3/2019 Hope or Hype


    ERISA is a major coup forERISA is a major coup for

    employers &employers & payorspayors

    The National Coalition on Benefits

    believes that the employer sponsorship of

    benefits under ERISAs uniform rules has

    worked very well.

    Statement of employers lobbying group vis-

    -vis healthcare reform

  • 8/3/2019 Hope or Hype


    II.II. The problem: ClaimsThe problem: Claims

    processing as backprocessing as back--doordoor

    benefits denialbenefits denial

    yWhat happens when we file a claim?

    yWhat happens when claims are not

    processed the way they should be?

  • 8/3/2019 Hope or Hype


    Steps in Claims ProcessingSteps in Claims Processing

    y Seek care

    y Submit claim (either self or provider)

    y If denied, appeal

    y Appeal again

    y Sue in federal court

    y Denial affirmed unless arbitrary and

    capriciousy If win, get value of benefit, sometimes

    attorneys fees

  • 8/3/2019 Hope or Hype


    Regulatory requirementsRegulatory requirements

    y Have a claims processing procedure

    y Claims processing procedures should

    decide claims uniformly, according to plan


    y Process claims within a certain time

    y Review the participants file

    y Decide appeals within certain time limits

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    What happens if you dont?What happens if you dont?

    y Substantial compliance doctrine erases

    most instances of non-compliance

    y Possible lowering of discretionary

    standard of review

    y Possible attorneys feesbut rare, and

    not during administrative phase

  • 8/3/2019 Hope or Hype


    No claims processing procedure atNo claims processing procedure at

    all? No problem.all? No problem.

    y [T]here was no direction as to what the

    claims procedure was. So everyone just

    had to use their own imagination as to

    what types of claims procedures existed.

    y Sage v. Automn, Inc. Pension Plan & Trust, 845 F.2d 885, 894 (10th Cir.1998) (affirming denial of benefits and quoting testimony of plan


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    MostMost frequent result?frequent result?

    y Payor is ordered to go back and do the

    review that it should have done in the

    first place

    y No penalty

    y Meanwhile, the participant waits or gives


    yWhat about lawyer?

  • 8/3/2019 Hope or Hype


    Participants tend to give up = backParticipants tend to give up = back--

    door denialdoor denial

    y Those who can fight doand win (settle


    y Affects access to healthcare

    y Hurts the less educated and the sick(!)

    y Undermines purposes of ERISA

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    III. Can there be a real ERISAIII. Can there be a real ERISA

    remedy for improper processing ofremedy for improper processing ofhealthcare claims?healthcare claims?

    y But state common-law claims are preempted

    y State laws & regulations are preemptedy ERISA remedies provide no consequential damages

    y May be no direct damage to participant (delayarguably costs only interest)

    y Discouraged participants do not come before thecourtthey quietly give up

    = millions of small injustices that add up

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    Guiding principlesGuiding principles

    y Legislative history supports a remedy

    y The rising judicial chorus referenced by


    yWillingness to view individual ERISA

    claims within a broader context

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    Where to look for a remedy?Where to look for a remedy?

    I. Rethinksubstantial compliance doctrine

    as undermining purposes of ERISA

    II. Develop breach of fiduciary duty claim

    III. Breach of fiduciary duty as class action

    IV. Analogy to truth-in-lending lawsneeds

    legislative reform (least likely)

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    I.I. Rethinking substantialRethinking substantial


    1. Purpose of ERISA is to protect

    contracted benefits

    2. Substantial compliance doctrine permits

    overall lax approach to claims


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    II.II. Improper claims processing asImproper claims processing as

    Section 409 fiduciary breachSection 409 fiduciary breach

    y ERISA decision-makers are fiduciaries

    y Permitted under ERISA

    Rarely remedied (as explained above)

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    Provision for equitable remedies inProvision for equitable remedies in

    Section 409Section 409

    y Disgorgement of profits

    y Beneficiary need not be harmed

    y Idea is to enforce fiduciary duties

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    Section 409 claim analogized toSection 409 claim analogized to

    securities regulation for damagessecurities regulation for damages


    y SEC has brought fiduciary breach actions

    and successfully obtained disgorgement of

    profits remedies

    yWhat can we learn from this?

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    III.III. Section 409 as class actionSection 409 as class action

    y Can fiduciary duty plaintiffs overcome

    class action requirement of typicality,


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    IV.IV. Case for legislative reformCase for legislative reform

    y Analogy to truth-in-lending laws and


    y Truth-in-lending violations result in

    statutory remedies

    yJust as request for SPD results in

    $100/day fine..

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