Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation · REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ON Revamp of VPN...

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Transcript of Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation · REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL ON Revamp of VPN...

Hong Kong Science and

Technology Parks




Revamp of VPN Connectivity

(Ref: RFP/IT/2017/08/001)

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Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS ..................................................................................... 2

OBJECTIVE .................................................................................................... 3

OUR BACKGROUND ........................................................................................ 3

SCOPE OF WORK ASSIGNMENTS ................................................................... 4

SUBMISSION OF RESPONSE TO RFP ............................................................ 11

CLOSING DATE .............................................................................................. 14

ENQUIRY ...................................................................................................... 15

EVALUATION CRITERIA ............................................................................... 15

BUY HK SME INNOVATION PREFERRED .................................................................. 16

EVALUATION AND AWARD PROCESS ...................................................................... 17

SCORE CALCULATION METHODOLOGY .................................................................... 18

PAYMENT TERMS & SCHEDULE .................................................................... 19

GENERAL CONDITIONS OF RFP ................................................................... 20

PURCHASE ORDER TERMS & CONDITIONS .................................................. 27

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Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) would like to

solicit proposals to replace the existing VPN gateways by a dedicated network

appliance which delivers VPN connectivity to the authorized individuals and


The awarded tenderer (the vendor) shall accomplish the work assignments,

terms and conditions stipulated in this Request for Proposal (RFP) and the

awarded proposal.

The assignment is named Revamp of VPN Connectivity.

Our Background

Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) is a statutory

body dedicated to build a vibrant innovation and technology ecosystem to

connect stakeholders, nurture technology talents, facilitate collaboration, and

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catalyse innovations to deliver social and economic benefits to Hong Kong and

the region.

Hong Kong Science Park (HKSP), which is one of the compositions of HKSTP,

is located in Shatin and provides world-class infrastructure for business partners

and visitors.

HKSTP also runs laboratories or support centres based in HKSP to provide

R&D support services to nurture new science and technology businesses.

Scope of Work Assignments

The scope of the revamp of VPN connectivity covers the following

assignments and requirements:

1. The vendor shall recommend and supply a VPN-capable network

appliance to replace existing VPN gateways.

2. The appliance shall be able to provide:

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a. High availability of VPN connectivity services over approximate

100MB effective network bandwidth:

i. Gateway-to-Gateway VPN;

ii. Client-to-Gateway VPN;

iii. SSL/TLS VPN for remote services by web access, including

remote desktop and file shares, Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft

SharePoint, Citrix Metaframe / XenApp.

b. Pervasive VPN protocols, including but is not limited to, IPsec

(version 2 and version 3) and SSL/TLS.

c. Secure cipher suites and automated keying methods (e.g.,

IKEv2, AES-256, SHA-256/SHA-384, etc.) as well as legacy

cipher suites and keying methods (e.g., IKEv1, 3DES, SHA1,


d. Application level VPN connectivity for authorized mobile

applications (e.g. Cisco Jabber, etc.) on company-manned


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e. Endpoint health and security check in attempting VPN


f. Two factor authentication using either hardware token or digital

certificate with AD/LDAP, RADIUS and RSA SecurID directory

and authentication servers in attempting VPN connection by

authorized individuals and parties, and in attempting appliance

administration by authorized administrators.

g. Best practice in implementation of authentication and

authorization in logical access control (please indicate which

item can be complied and which cannot).

i. Password length should be at least 7 characters long.

ii. Password complexity should be a combination of characters

from both letters and numbers. Space character should also

be acceptable and consecutive space characters should be

replaced by a single space prior to verification.

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iii. New password should be checked against 5 or more old

passwords, repetitive or sequential characters (e.g.

“1234abcd”, etc.), dictionary words, context-specific words

(e.g. name of the service, the username, and derivatives

thereof, etc.), palindrome, and/or, a black list of

unacceptable passwords (e.g. “Password1”, “QWERTY”,

passwords obtained from previous breach corpuses, etc.).

iv. The rate of failed authentication attempts should be limited

to 5 or less.

v. Authorized administrators should able to force a password

change if there is evidence of compromise.

vi. Passwords stored in the appliance shall be salted with

arbitrary value (at least 32 bits in length) and hashed by

strong cryptography.

vii. Authorization should be role-based model or group-based

model with Auditor role or equivalent read-only group.

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h. Robust logging and reporting of VPN connectivity and

administrative activities for security information and event


i. The appliance company shall be in the upper quadrants in the

evaluation of the ability to execution in the report of “Gartner

Magic Quadrant: Unified threat Management, SMB Firewalls


3. The vendor shall commit one-off implementation service:

a. Installation and configuration in best security practice;

b. Migration of existing authorized VPN connectivity:

i. 3 IPsec gateway-to-gateway VPN connectivity;

ii. 78 IPsec client-to-gateway VPN connectivity;

iii. 50 SSL/TLS VPN connectivity.

c. Documentation including implementation plan, manuals and

post-implementation report.

d. Acceptance test and report;

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e. At least 1 man-day for post-implementation nursing support and

technical workshop to network administrators.

4. The vendor shall commit on-going maintenance and support service for

a minimum of 3 years:

a. Hardware and software warranty;

b. On-site support including critical security vulnerability patching,

parts replacement and parts on loan, etc., on weekdays (9:00

am - 6:00 pm) and Saturday (9:00 am – 1:00 pm) excluding

Hong Kong general holidays;

c. Off-site support by phone and email.

5. The tentative start date of the work assignments is in October of 2017

and has to be completed in one month. The tenderer is required to

propose a complete implementation schedule with the planned

completion date for each milestone.

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6. The vendor is responsible for planning and scheduling meetings, at

appropriate time points and as required by HKSTP during the work

assignment life cycle, to prepare meeting agenda, to chair and to take

notes for all the meetings with various parties, and any other activity

which are necessary for the satisfactory completion of the work


7. The vendor shall ensure that all designated personnel in connection

with the assignments have the competence and have the security of

HKSTP in mind.

8. The vendor shall ensure that all information furnished by HKSTP or

extracted from it is treated as confidential and is used by designated

personnel in connection with the assignments.

9. The vendor shall carefully schedule all activities to avoid / minimize

service interruption and agree with user on the schedule, possible

impact and fall-back / recovery procedure if such is inevitable.

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10. The vendor shall ensure that the security level of the information

systems is not affected in the work assignments. The vendor shall also

ensure that the services provided have minimum impacts on the daily


11. The vendor shall ensure that no malicious software, backdoor or

anything which would disrupt the operation or lead to compromise of

any system is embedded in either the information or its storage media

when disseminate and/or exchange with HKSTP.

Submission of Response to RFP

Tenderers shall submit response to this RFP for HKSTP consideration

including a detailed technical proposal for the complete scope of work

assignments and a price proposal for the price offering.

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For technical proposal, tenderers shall provide, but is not limited to, the

following information:

a) Company profile;

b) Proposed solution, fulfilment and limitation to the work

assignments and requirements;

c) Project schedule;

d) Description of any Hong Kong SME Innovation element in the

proposed solution eligible for the Buy HK Innovation Preferred

technical score;

e) Detailed reference with at least 2 similar services.

For price proposal, tenderers shall submit the price offering in Hong Kong

currency and precise breakdown for a validity of 3 months.

The proposals shall be submitted in separate sealed envelopes respectively:

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• One envelope is for the technical proposal marked "RFP - Revamp

of VPN Connectivity (RFP/IT/2017/08/001) - Technical Proposal”. It

shall contain a hardcopy of the technical proposal and a softcopy of

the technical proposal in MS-Word or PDF format (stored in a

CD/DVD). The envelope or the proposal MUST NOT contain

any price information and HKSTP reserves the right to disqualify

any tenderers violating this requirement.

• Another envelope is for the price proposal in attached prescribed

price proposal form and marked “RFP - Revamp of VPN Connectivity

(RFP/IT/2017/08/001) - Price Proposal”. It shall contain a

hardcopy of the price proposal and a softcopy of the price proposal

in MS-Excel format (stored in a CD/DVD).

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The proposal shall be sent to the address shown below and submitted into

the tender box on or before the closing date. All submissions shall be addressed


Attn: Procurement Department

Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation

8/F Bio-Informatics Centre

No 2 Science Park West Avenue,

Hong Kong Science Park,

Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong.

Closing Date

The closing date and time for this RFP submission is 8 September 2017 12:00

noon (HKT). Late submissions or submissions that do not address the

requesting information will NOT be considered. In case a rainstorm black

warning or typhoon signal No.8 or above is hoisted on the closing date, the RFP

closing time will be extended to 12:00 noon on next working day.

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Any enquiry shall be sent to our Information Security Officer via email at

tony.szeto@hkstp.org with the subject “Enquiry on the RFP - Revamp of VPN

Connectivity” or by phone at 26296835 before the closing date.

Evaluation Criteria

HKSTP will assess the proposal on a set of pre-determined criteria. The

assessment of proposal is 70% based on competence element and 30% based

on price element. The assessment on the competence will include the following


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Evaluation Criteria (Total: 100 Points) Point

Company profile (year of establishment, experience in similar

projects, size, etc.).


Proposed solution, function and features, fulfilment and limitation

of assignments and requirements.


Project Schedule and Project Team’s experience. 20

Hong Kong SME Innovation Element. 5

Reference with similar services. 15

Total Score: 100

Table 1. – List of Evaluation Criteria

Buy HK SME Innovation Preferred

To show HKSTP’s support for the Hong Kong innovation & technology SME

community, up to 5% of the evaluation score will be given to any tenderer who

could show their proposed solution containing HK SME Innovation. The tenderer

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shall furnish the relevant information to HKSTP in order to be eligible for the

preferential scoring.

A HK SME Innovation is any product/solution designed, researched or

developed in Hong Kong by a Hong Kong SME company.

HKSTP’s judgment will be final in determining whether a proposed solution

contains HK SME Innovation and to what extent.

The vendor warrants that the content of HK SME Innovation nominated in the

proposal will be met in full. Failure to achieve this will render the termination of

the contract by HKSTP at its sole discretion with no compensation to the vendor.

Evaluation and Award Process

An assessment panel will evaluate all responses to this RFP. Proposals must

meet all essential requirements and achieve required minimum point score (60

points in Table 1) before continuing for consideration.

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HKSTP may require tenderers to have presentation and / or demonstration

(as proof of concept) to the assessment panel on their proposed solution. If a

presentation or demonstration is scheduled for HKSTP assessment, the key

personnel in connection with the assignments shall attend it and provide

briefings on the proposal.

Score Calculation Methodology

Technical Score

Vendor Technical Score = (Vendor Point Score / Highest Point Score) x


Price Score

Vendor Price Score = (Lowest Price / Vendor Price) x 30%

Overall Score

Overall Vendor Score = Vendor Technical Score + Vendor Price Score

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The vendor price is for assessment purpose and does not equal to the

eventual contract price. The awarded tenderer would usually be the one with

the highest overall score.

Payment Terms & Schedule

Payment to the vendor will be made in Hong Kong currency within 30 days

upon receipt of invoice. The payment schedule is as follows:

Payment Schedule Invoice Amount (% of


1st invoice upon tender awarded. 30%

2nd invoice upon the delivery of

implementation plan and the delivery of the

appliance on premises.


Last invoice upon one month after

acceptance of the one-off implementation



Table 2. – Payment Schedule

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General Conditions of RFP

Acceptance / Rejection of Proposal

Any response to this RFP submitted by a tender represents a firm offer to

contract on the terms and conditions described in this RFP.

Tenderers are requested to bid on complete scope and submit the fixed price

for the total solution and no partial solution or alternation of price afterwards is

considered or accepted.

HKSTP will evaluate proposals in strict confidential. HKSTP may elect at sole

option to accept all or any item or items of the tenderer’s offer and HKSTP has

sole discretion whether or not to accept any of the tenderer’s proposal

irrespective to its prices. If a quote is submitted on the basis of an overall

acceptance of all the services offered, this must be clearly stated in the proposal.

HKSTP reserves the right to negotiate with any tenderer about tender offer.

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It shall be noted that HKSTP would not be responsible for the reimbursement

of any cost incurred by tenderers for the preparation of the submission.

By submitting the proposal to us, tenderers agree the terms and conditions

stated in this Request for Proposal.

Accuracy of RFP Prices

Tenderers shall make certain that the prices quoted are accurate and all

products and services (shipment, delivery, un-pack, installation, integration,

customization and configuration, wiring & cabling patching, etc.) are properly

included as per HKSTP’s request before submitting response. Under no

circumstances will HKSTP accept any request for price adjustment on the ground

that a mistake has been made in the RFP.

Alteration and Assumption

No unauthorized alternation or erasure to the text of the RFP document will

be permitted. No unauthorized assumption will be entertained.

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At no time shall HKSTP be considered to be under any obligation or

commitment to purchase any product or service from any respondent to the RFP

unless after a written contract or purchase order has been entered into with such

respondent. The award is intended to be made to the tenderer whose overall

proposal is determined by HKSTP in its sole discretion to be the most

advantageous to it.

Assignment of Contract or Sub-Contracting

The vendor shall not assigned or otherwise transfer this contract or any of its

rights and obligations hereunder whether in whole or in part without written

consent of HKSTP.

Liquidated Damages

If the vendor fails to deliver the goods or complete the services, then it shall

follow up all related activities without any extra cost to HKSTP. HKSTP may

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without prejudice to any other methods of recovery, deduct the sum of such

damages from any monies due or to become due to the vendor under this

and/or any other contract valid at the time between HKSTP and the vendor. The

payment or deduction of such damages shall not relieve the vendor from the

obligations to deliver the goods or complete the services or from any other of its

obligations under the contract.

Work Site Damages

The vendor shall make sure that there is no damage to the existing system

during and after the service assignment. Any damage to existing utilities,

equipment or system resulting from the performance of works during the service

assignment shall be repaired to HKSTP’s satisfaction at the vendor’s expense.


The vendor agrees that the goods / services furnished under any award

resulting from this RFP shall be covered by the most favourable commercial

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warranties the vendor gives any customer for the goods / services. A copy of

this warranty shall be furnished with the quote. At a minimum, all materials,

equipment and labour shall be fully guaranteed by the vendor against defects

resulting from the use of inferior materials, equipment or workmanship for one

year from the date of final acceptance of the goods / services. During the

warranty period, defects discovered shall be rectified by the vendor to HKSTP

satisfaction at no cost to HKSTP.


The vendor is under an obligation to protect the interest of HKSTP by not

divulging confidential information to any parties. The vendor is required to sign

a Non-Disclosure Agreement before commencement of contract.

Intellectual Property Rights

Any and all Intellectual Property Rights in the specifications, plans, tests,

reports, data, results, custom programs and other materials developed by the

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vendor and any of its employees, sub-contractors or agents in performance of

the works and the custom programs and relevant document supplied by the

vendor under or in connection with this contract are and shall be the sole and

exclusive property of HKSTP.


The vendor shall be responsible to provide Employees’ Compensation

Insurance coverage for those employed for the execution of the services under

this contract. The vendor shall indemnify HKSTP against all losses and claims in

respect of injuries or damage to any person, equipment or installation

whatsoever which may arise out of or in connection with the services.


If the vendor fails to deliver the goods or complete the services to the

satisfaction of HKSTP, HKSTP may terminate the contract by giving one month

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prior written notice to the vendor and the payment will be subject to the extent

of the work in progress as determined by HKSTP.


The tenderer shall not communicate to any person other than HKSTP the

amount of any tender, adjust the amount of any tender by arrangement with

any other person, make any arrangement with any other person about whether

or not he or that other person should or should not tender or otherwise collude

with any other person in any manner whatsoever in the tendering process until

the tenderer is notified by HKSTP of the outcome of the tender exercise. Any

breach of or non-compliance with this clause by the tenderer shall, without

affecting the tenderer’s liability for such breach of rules and laws or non-

compliance, invalidate his tender.

This clause shall have no application to the tenderer’s communications in

strict confidence with his own insurers or brokers to obtain an insurance

quotation for computation of tender price and communications in strict

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confidence with his consultants / sub-contractors to solicit their assistance in

preparation of tender submission.

Purchase Order Terms & Conditions

The HKSTP’s Purchase Order Terms and Conditions version dated 4 March

2016 which is available in our Corporation’s website

https://www.hkstp.org/hkstp_web/en/hkstp/Supplier registration/ refers.

*** END ***

RFP on Revamp of VPN Connectivity

(Ref: RFP/IT/2017/08/001)


Submitted by


Name of the firm (in block letters)

Item (in Hong Kong dollars)

Total fixed lump sum all inclusive fee for the

provision of the Services as described in this

RFP (including three year maintenance and

any software subscription)

We offer to provide the Goods and/or Services to HKSTP at the prices quoted

in accordance with the requirements and the terms and conditions stated in this

Request for Proposal. Acceptance of this offer shall be evidenced by the issuance

of a completed Purchase Order by HKSTP.

Authorized Signature with Company Chop: ___________________________________

Name: _______________________________

(in block letters)

Title: ________________________________ Date: ___________________________