Homer By Matthew Phillips Core 1/2. Introduction Homer was a great poet and was very influential on...

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Transcript of Homer By Matthew Phillips Core 1/2. Introduction Homer was a great poet and was very influential on...


By Matthew PhillipsCore 1/2


Homer was a great poet and was very influential on Greece. In my report, I will talk about homer's life. Following that I will talk about his works. After that, I will talk about homer's 2 works, the Iliad and the odyssey. Lastly, I will examine some theories about homer's existence and state the effect he had on the world.


There are many stories about homer's life. Here I will tell you the most popular theories. The most popular theory is that homer was born in Iona, a city in Greece. The second most popular theory is that homer was born in Babylonia where he was captured and taken to Greece. A less popular theory is that homer was born in Asia. All the theories agree homer ended up in Greece as a bard. It is not known if homer was a wandering minstrel or a royal bard. He was probably a royal bard, considering he was blind.


Homer's poems had a good sound to them and good stories. In fact, homer's poems were meant to be sung, not read. Here are homer's 2 most famous poems.THE ILLIADThe Iliad is a poem about the Trojan War. It is about a man in the Trojan War. He faces many hardships and bloody battles but eventually wins.THE ODDEYSEY The odyssey is the story of a man coming home from the Trojan War. He sails through Cyclopes and an island full of sirens to get home, only to find his wife about to get remarried. Luckily the wife is having a shooting contest to find her new husband so the man wins the contest and gets his wife back.


Many people debate on homers existence. Here I will tell you about the most popular theories and proof. It is up to you to decide whether or not he existed.HE EXISTSA popular theory is that homer existed. Some proof is that the poems keep a consistent style, therefore proving it was written by one man.HE DOSN’T EXISTA less popular theory is that homer didn’t exist. Some people say that homer describes too many things and that an ancient Greek man could not have traveled to so many places. They reinforce this statement by saying homer was blind.Personally, I think homer wrote the poems, but other people edited them.


.Homer had a big effect on Greece and the rest of the world. Many Greeks considered him a divine being. People in Alexandria built him a shrine. Homer also had his own cult and language


So that concludes my report on homer. I really enjoyed writing about his life and works. I also enjoyed writing about the Iliad and odyssey. I also found it fun and interesting to examine some theories on homers existence. I also liked writing about his effect on the world.

Translation From The OdysseyThe full poem is much too long to put in, but here is a medium sized section from it. This may not match the original poem, but it was the closest I could get. This is where the hero, odysseys and his men get trapped in a Cyclopes’ cave. NOTE [This poem is not for those of you who are squeamish]


MY POEMVOCABULARYScepter The Iliad by homer book 1 line 4Shaft The Iliad by: homer book 1 line 14Midst The Iliad by: homer book 1 line 14 Shod The Iliad by: homer book 3 line 5 Sensible the odyssey by: homer book 23 line 4Reasonable the odyssey by: homer book 23 line 5 WARBY Matthew pThousands of soldiers armed with iron shod spearsHundreds of archers grasping arrow shaftsProud royal warriors holding decorative sceptersStrategists thinking of sensible and reasonable formationsGenerals bellowing out ordersFlags held high on tall postsBlack insignias scrawled on long crimson cloth and thrust against the skyCasting their shadows over an empty fieldWith two armies waiting to clashLike two dragons, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strikeTensionStillness Motion Anger Fear

AUTHOR’S & WORK SITED PAGEAUTHOR’S PAGEHello, my name is Matthew p. I am 11 and I live in Santa Cruz. Some things I enjoy doing are reading, playing video games, swimming and bodysurfing. Some stuff I don’t like doing is math and eating vegetables. I really enjoyed writing about homer because I love ancient Greece [You can see more of my works on ancient Greece by looking at my report on Athens and Sparta]. Anyway, I hope you liked reading my report as much as I liked writing it

• WORK SITED PAGE• http://en.wikipedia.org/wik


• http://classics.mit.edu/Homer/iliad.html

• http://classics.mit.edu/Homer/odyssey.html

• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Odyssey

• http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iliad