Homeless Center Presentation Part 1

Post on 18-Aug-2015

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Transcript of Homeless Center Presentation Part 1


the future!

the future is now


it’s time to end homelessness

in the United States of America.

No more excuses.

It’s time to give a damn.

To all existing shelters and related homeless & poverty organizations --- people that are actually in the “trenches” helping the homeless and impoverished every day. Please do NOT be offended by comments made in this presentation. All your efforts and kindness are not forgotten. As you will see, it is time for the “big dogs” to step up to the plate to provide help to much greater numbers of homeless and poor. Our nation is in desperate need of a change. But, never forget, you are true heroes!!! You can provide great experience and knowledge on the following project. Please get on board and help make this happen!

A Note

Homelessness Statistics

According to the U.S.A.’s National Coalition for Homelessness, there are several national estimates that are based on dated information. “The best approximation is from a study done by The National Law Center on Homelessness and Poverty (2007), reporting that approximately 3.5 million people, 1.35 million of them children, are likely to experience homelessness in a given year.”

Statistics Cont’d

A bad economy is scary in and of itself, but the numbers of poor and homeless are becoming even more horrifying.

In a great country such as ours, blessed with so much wealth and “humanity,” this is unbelievable as well as unforgivable.

Secondly, we’re always in the rest of the world’s business and we don’t even take care of our own. I’m very ashamed of us.

Statistics Cont’d

“Alone”poem by Maya Angelou

“Well, I was lying, thinking, last night, how to find my soul a home, where water is not thirsty and bread loaf is not stone. Well, I came up with one thing, and I don't believe that I'm wrong:  Alone, all alone, nobody can make it out here alone. Nobody can make it out here alone.  

Well, there are some millionaires with money they can't use, their wives run around like banshees and their children they're singing the blues,

they've got expensive doctors to cure they're hearts of stone, but nobody, no nobody, can make it alone, alone, all alone. Nobody can make it out here alone.  

Now if you listen closely, I'll tell you what I know, storm clouds are gathering, the wind is gonna blow, the race of man is suffering, and I can hear the moan, But nobody, no nobody, can make it alone.”

“Alone” Cont’d

Just do it!

Homelessness and poverty are devastating, de-humanizing, humiliating and destructive. And, given the right circumstances, it can happen to anyone, rich, as well as poor. All it takes is one, two, or a series of unfortunate events. For instance: natural disaster, stock market crash and economic depression, physical illness, mental illness, post traumatic stress disorder, medical bills, loss of job, bankruptcy, abusive relationships, lack of positive adult role models, physical and learning disabilities, lack of education, prison record, poor social skills, self-destructive behavior (drugs and alcohol), poor credit scores, etc. -- to name a few. Once on the streets, many never recover. Life on the streets kills – and not in a good way.

Year after year the U.S. continues talking about the problems of poverty

and homelessness, forming organizations to study these problems and concerns, laying out statistics for

other governing organizations to study their findings and arrive at new

statistics, blah blah blah!Meanwhile these chronic social ills keep whittling away at our nation’s

health and welfare, morale, and economic and governing resources.

We know the money is there. We need to stop talking and start acting to help

our discarded fellow human beings and American citizens (many war

veteran-heroes). It’s time. Let’s just do it!

“It is a kingly act to assist the fallen.” - by Mother Teresa

Presentation Focus

Please be aware this presentation

is not the result of a fact finding

mission. The focal point of this

presentation is a viable solution to

homelessness, poverty and

related issues such as crime.

The following is an actual model

and business identity for a new homeless center.

Presentation Focus Cont’d

Introducing to you

A fabulous new grand scalehomeless center model!

Sanctuary center

The following 3 slides include color

variations forSanctuary Center logo. Please note

the use of the Greek symbol for omega [W], meaning “the

end.” Naturally this theme is symbolic to the

reference of “the end of

homelessness.”These are only

ideas and not cast in stone.

Sanctuary Center Cont’d