Home Remedies for Babies Toddlers & Kids ebook

Post on 22-Jul-2016

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This is a comprehensive ebook on home remedies for Babies Toddlers and Kids. The remedies covered in this book are readily available at home and easy and quick to prepare.

Transcript of Home Remedies for Babies Toddlers & Kids ebook

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Table of contents

Home remedies for cold and cough 04

Home remedies for gas 10

Home remedies for dry cough 14

Home remedies for chest congestion 18

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I am Sangeetha Menon, Founder and Chief editor at

Bumps n Baby

Bumps n Baby is my medium to reach out to parents

worldwide and simplify their parenting phase

Bumps n Baby features a lot of tried and tested baby n

toddler food recipes, home remedies, month-wise food

charts and many more parenting tips

You can connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, G+, and


Special thanks to Anjana, Jayalekshmy and Yamuna for

their amazing contribution towards this ebook

If you like to distribute this ebook on home remedies, feel

free to do so giving credit back to us. Good karma always


Disclaimer: We do not recommend any intake of home remedies

for babies below 6 months; kindly consult your paediatrician in

such a case.

Mother‟s milk is the best for baby.

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Chapter 1


Home Remedies for Cold and Cough

in Babies, Toddlers & Kids

Remember your baby‟s first cold? A baby‟s first cold n cough becomes the terrible

time for both parents and baby alike.

“It‟s difficult to see the little chest in pain”, my colleague was discussing about her

son‟s cold and cough. I remember when Anshika was barely 3 weeks old when she

became down with her first cold and cough. Trust me when I say this, it was difficult!

I am sure many moms would have gone through this difficult phase of sleepless night

and crankiness in babies during cold and cough.

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1. Breast milk

Babies under 6 months do not need any medication other than breast milk during

cold and cough to fight off the virus. The antibodies in breast milk help the baby‟s

body to build immunity against all types of germs and aids in proper hydration


2. Nasal saline drops

I am sure your paediatrician would have prescribed paediatric saline drops. Use the

saline drops at regular intervals or as prescribed. It helps to add moisture to the

nasal tract thereby preventing dry mucus formation.

You can make saline drops at home too. Take a steel bowl, spoon and sterilize it well.

Take 1/2 teaspoon of salt and dissolve in 8 teaspoons of warm filtered water. Once

cooled, you can use it for your baby. But I suggest going for the saline drops available

in the market than the home-made ones as there is a risk of bacterial growth.

3. Garlic and Ajwain potli (pouch)

Garlic and ajwain are known for its anti-bacterial and anti-

viral properties.

Dry roast 2 big cloves of garlic and 1 tablespoons of ajwain on

a tawa. Once cooled make it into a potli or tight pouch with a

clean muslin cloth. Place this potli in the baby cot/cradle where baby sleeps.

The garlicky ajwain smoke from the potli would help to open the blocked nose of

baby and relieves from congestion.

Please don‟t keep the potli near baby to avoid the chances of putting into mouth,

choking or breathing hazard in anyway. You can also dry rub the potli on the soles of

baby‟s feet.

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4. Covered clothing

Baby‟s clothing should be as such to protect the chest from cold.

5. Wash /Wipe hands

Keep baby‟s and your hands sanitized thoroughly at regular intervals with

antibacterial baby wipes or soap. This helps to prevent the spread of germs.

6. Keep baby’s head elevated

Keep baby‟s head elevated when he sleeps, to ease breathing.


You can try 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 too. Apart from those,

7. Warm or Boiled cooled water

Give warm water at regular intervals to keep the baby well hydrated. You can try

boiled ajwain or cumin water.

8. Soups

Provide warm vegetable soup or tomato soup. You can

try chicken soup if your baby is 8m+.

These soups increase the immunity of the body.

9. Nilgiri oil

Nilgiri oil dipped in a cotton ball placed in the room where baby sleeps is found to be


10. Steam

You can try steaming the room using a vaporizer or giving a warm shower. Please

note that the steam should not be placed close to the baby.

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11. Ajwain and Garlic potli

The garlic and ajwain potli can be used to rub on the baby‟s chest by making it warm

on a tawa.

Don‟t apply the potli on the chest directly from the tawa. Instead place it on your

palm, check for the temperature and rub it on with the slight heat. It helps to clear

the phlegm from the chest.

12. Rasam

Tomato and garlic soup also called „rasam‟ can be given to 7M + babies. This is

popular in South India as a common cure for cold and cough. Please omit the red

chillies / chilli powder here.

13. Vaporub for babies

Apply vaporub on baby‟s sole of the feet and put on cotton socks before sleep.


14. Ginger & Honey mixture

Grate ginger and add honey to it. A teaspoon of this can

be given at regular intervals.

Helps to soothe the throat and cough.

15. Lemon juice & Honey

Add lemon juice and honey. Add a little warm water and make your toddler drink it.

16. Milk with Turmeric

Boil one cup of milk and add a pinch or teaspoon of turmeric powder. It is effective

for dry coughs.

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17. Ginger coffee

Ginger coffee works like magic.

Boil about 1 cup of water with 2 slices of ginger, 2 tulsi leaves, 2 pepper pods, 2

cardamom, 2 cloves and 1 tablespoon jaggery.

Strain and give this concoction for quick relief from cold and cough.

18. Cloves

Dry roast 5 cloves and grind it well once cooled. Add honey to it and give it before



19. Jaggery & Pepper corns

A powdered mixture of jaggery and 4 peppercorns helps to remove phlegm.

20. Turmeric powder, Ghee & Pepper

A pinch of turmeric powder with pepper and ghee is

found effective for colds and coughs in toddlers

above 2 years of age.


21. Infusing medicated vapors

Pour 2 drops of eucalyptus oil or nilgiri oil in a pot of steaming boiled water. Ask the

child to bend, cover his head with a breathable blanket and infuse the medicated

vapours. This helps to unblock the nasal tract.

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22. Honey & Lime

Gargling with 1/2 teaspoon honey and a few drops of lemon in warm water helps to

clear the throat and nose.

Further Reading:

5 tricks to keep cold at bay

7 healthy soup recipes for babies and kids

Kaachiya enna or velichenna kaachiyadu for cold and cough

How to cure fever, cold and congestion in babies?

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Chapter 2


Home Remedies

for Gas in Babies, Toddlers & Kids

A baby suffering from gas problems is a major concern since their digestive system is

under-developed. Often they cry uncontrollably when they are uncomfortable with

the gas not being passed out of body.

Babies eat throughout the day and night. Hence their bowels produce a lot more gas

compared to adults. If you are breastfeeding and have taken some gas causing

foods in your diet, it can cause gas as it passes on to the baby through breast milk.

Babies swallow air when they cry. It can also result in gas. Breastfed and bottle-fed

babies can have gas problems as they suck in a lot of air along with milk making a

build-up of air in the intestine.

Gas problems are mainly caused by the substances called natural sugars like fructose,

lactose, raffinose and sorbitol and/or soluble fibre. Since these substances are not

digested in the stomach, they make their way down to the intestines.

The bacteria in the intestines do the needful resulting in the release of gas, bloating

and flatulence.

Many fruits, vegetables, legumes and dairy products can also cause gas/ bloating in

babies and toddlers.

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1. Burping after every feed

Infants who are breastfed must be burped after every feed. Don‟t make them lie

down once they have had their full.

Take your baby in upright position, pat her back and carry her for some time. This

avoids most of the gastric troubles in infants.

2. Bicycling your baby’s legs

Bicycling your baby‟s legs few times a day keeps the gas away. The rotations relieve

them of gas and soothe pain, if any.

It is an easy method which can involve singing, talking and playing. This technique

keeps them happy, active and playful too.

3. Massaging with mustard oil

Giving a gentle massage with warm mustard oil daily is a

very healthy method.

Apart from calming the digestive system, it also

strengthens the bones, brightens skin and promises a

sound sleep.

4. Heat fermentation

Dip a soft cotton towel in warm water and place it on the baby‟s tummy after

squeezing out excess water. This eases the gastric pain and baby feels at peace.

Please make sure that the towel is not too hot for the baby. Check for warmth by

placing in your hand first.

5. Ajwain ka pani or Carom seed water

Boil water with a handful of ajwain (carom seeds) and set aside.

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Keep giving this water at frequent intervals. This remedy is best for babies of 6

months and above.

6. Ginger

Adding ginger to your baby‟s food soothes and simplifies the digestion process.

Ginger reduces stomach gas and flatulence. Please go slow with ginger and include

just a pinch of it in your baby‟s food, preferably after 8 months of age.

7. Cumin

Cumin has Thymol, a compound which triggers the pancreas to produce digestive

enzymes. Boil 1/2 teaspoon of cumin seeds in a glass of water. Give this water at

regular intervals to relieve gas. Suitable for babies aged 6 month and above.

8. Cardamom (Elaichi)

Elaichi is packed with minerals like potassium, calcium and magnesium and it also

has iron and vitamin C. Since it reduces the air in the stomach, it speeds up the

digestion process and also fights anaemia.

Add a few grains of elaichi in baby food. It helps to fight gas in babies and adults as


9. Asafoetida:

Take a pinch of asafoetida and dissolve it in warm

water making a paste.

Apply this paste around the infant‟s navel. This is an

excellent gas reliever.

For babies over 1 year old, we can add a pinch of

hing/asafoetida powder to their khichdi, dal etc.

For older kids, you can add a pinch of asafoetida in their buttermilk or chaas.

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Further reading:

Advantages and disadvantages of formula feeding

Signs and symptoms of food allergy in babies

How to tackle loose motion in babies and kids?

5 medicinal benefits of silverware for babies

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Chapter 3


Home Remedies for Chest Congestion

in Babies and Toddlers

Heavy noisy breathing and difficulty to sleep are the common symptoms of chest

congestion in babies and toddlers. Other symptoms of chest congestion in babies and

kids are as follows.

Difficulty in breathing

Coughing with phlegm

Low or mild fever


Fussy towards food

Difficulty in sleeping

The common causes of chest congestion in babies are low immunity, exposure to cold

n cough virus and common cold.

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1. Steam the room

Add a vaporizer to your baby‟s room. It helps to add the required moisture to the

nasal tract of babies which reduces the breathing difficulty associated with chest


2. Ajwain & Garlic potli

Make a potli or pouch of dry roasted garlic and ajwain.

Frequent rubbing of this potli on baby‟s chest or under

feet can help to reduce the congestion levels.

Do NOT keep or rub hot potli over baby‟s chest or feet.

3. Frequent nursing

Frequent breastfeeding helps the baby to get adequate hydration. This helps to

prevent the solidification of mucus inside baby‟s nose and chest.

4. Raise the head of your baby while sleeping

Always make it a point to elevate the baby‟s head while sleeping and breastfeeding.

This helps to drain out the mucus from nose and chest relieving baby from


Raising head of the baby can be done by using pillows or slings. You can also allow

the baby to sleep sideways to ease breathing.

BABIES ABOVE 6 MONTHS 1, 2, 3 and 4 can be followed for babies of 6 month and above too.

In addition to these,

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5. Addition of soups and extra fluids

Make sure the baby is well hydrated with the inclusion of various soups and fluids.

Chicken soup is known to soothe the baby during chest congestion.

Chicken soup can be started from 8th month onwards. Boiled water with carrom

seeds or ajwain can also help to soothe the baby.

6. Vicks vapourub

Rub vicks vaporub for babies on soles of their feet and wear socks during night time.


7. Turmeric milk or Haldi doodh

Turmeric is known for its antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-viral properties.

Warm milk with turmeric is an effective home remedy for chest congestion in

toddlers and kids.

You can boil a cup of milk and add a pinch of turmeric powder/ a piece of turmeric in

it. If your toddler is not interested to have it, add jaggery and salt / sugar according

to his taste.

8. Garlic milk

Yes sounds a bit yuck, but garlic milk works wonders for chest congestion in toddlers

and kids. Boil one or two cloves of garlic boiled with one glass of milk and a pinch of

turmeric powder. Add sugar once the milk is boiled. You can also add honey instead

of sugar.

9. Tulsi juice with honey

Crush a few tulsi leaves to get the juice. Add 1 tablespoon of honey to it and store in a

container. Make your toddler have this juice at regular intervals to drain the phlegm

from chest. Make sure you prepare a fresh batch every day.

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10. Ginger juice with honey

Grate ginger and add 1 tablespoon of honey to it. Store in a container and make your

toddler have this at regular intervals throughout the day.

You can also blend ginger with water and then add honey to it.

OLDER KIDS ABOVE 3 YEARS All the steps till 10 can be followed for older kids. In addition to these,

11. Dates

Eating dates followed by drinking luke warm water

has also been found beneficial for chest congestion in


12. Hot betel plant leaves

This is a very old but effective home remedy used by my ayyamma (grandma).

Hot betel leaves (Vettilai) soaked in castor oil or mustard oil placed on

child‟s chest followed with hot compress (cloth soaked in hot water) helps to loosen

the phlegm and mucus in chest.

Further reading:

How to help your baby love vegetables

How to take care of babies during winter?

12 winter care essentials for babies and kids

Protect your baby from mosquitoes today with these 10 natural methods

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Chapter 4


Home Remedies for Dry Cough

in Babies and Toddlers

Have you experienced the dry rough cough in babies and toddlers?

Though there is no phlegm, the cough could be terrible and can give sleepless nights

to both baby and parents.

In all the remedies for dry cough, jaggery is added so that babies and kids won‟t get

the bitterness of the medicines.

Further reading:

How to take care of babies during winter?

Juices for babies: when, why and how

Milk for toddlers in 8 unique natural flavors

Spinach and sprouts soup for babies and kids

Beetroot halwa for toddlers and kids

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1. Breast milk

Usually babies below 6 months need only breast milk to recover from dry cough.


2. Jeera water/ Cumin water

Add 1-2 teaspoons of jeera/cumin seeds to the boiling water. Give this water at

regular intervals.


3. Kashayam

This kashayam is made with Indian spices. You can give this kashayam once or twice

to the baby.

Kandanthipili/long pepper/papal – 1 inch

Sitharathai/Indian giner or snap giner, Kulanjan – 1 inch

Vethalai/ betel leaf – 1

Pepper – ¼ spoon

Jaggery – ½ spoon (as per taste)

Crush all the above ingredients add to 1 glass of water boil till it reduce to half glass

of water. Filter it and drink when it is warm.


4. Dry ginger coffee

This coffee made with dry ginger and coriander seeds can be given once or twice for

quick relief from dry cough.

Dry Ginger – ½ spoon

Coriander seeds – 2 spoon

Pepper - ¼ spoon

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Jaggery – as per taste

Crush all the three ingredients except jaggery and add to water. Add the crushed

ingredients to 2 cup of water. Boil till it reduces to 1 cup of water. Filter it and add


5. Honey and pepper concoction

Honey – 2 tsp

Pepper crushed – ½ teaspoon

Heat 1 cup of water and add honey to it. Add crushed pepper to it and mix well.

Give this concoction to your toddler before sleep at night.

Further Reading

Can worm infection in babies cause weight loss

One change in kitchen which will bring big difference in your childs health

10 simple ways to make baby food more nutritious

Benefits of acupressure for your baby

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baby food recipes, baby n mom care kindly

visit us at www.bumpsnbaby.com

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