Home Made Mason Bee Paper Liners That Work The Graphic Version By Randy Person.

Post on 02-Jan-2016

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Transcript of Home Made Mason Bee Paper Liners That Work The Graphic Version By Randy Person.

Home Made Mason Bee Paper Liners That Work

The Graphic Version


Randy Person

This slide show is a companion to the PDF document Paper Liners That Work.PDF That document provides more information about the dimensions, materials, and added how-to instruction. For the full story, be sure to look at it. If for some reason the Word document is not available at the site you found this slide show, contact the author at rmperson@juno.com for a copy.

Everything you need is here – the block, paper, rolling rod, back and screws

The rod should be a couple inches longer than the paper

It takes a little practice to get the paper started tight against the rod

Roll evenly until the paper is all on the rod

Hold the paper tightly so it doesn’t unwind yet

Still holding tightly, insert rod with paper into empty hole

Keep paper tight until it’s all the way through, sticking out each end of block

Now release the paper – it should try to unwind and line the hole tightly

Then the rod slips out easily

Push the paper roll flush with the front of the block

If it seems loose, push it back and forth a few times to encourage it to uncurl

Once all the holes are filled, put the block face down with the “tails” sticking up (out the back)

Sharply pinch a tube, then mash it down flat

A neat crease gives maximum usable length in the tube, and creates a positive seal at the back

Do them all so they are all lying the same direction

Slide the back on “with the bend” to be sure all the tails are flat

Then fasten the back into the pre-drilled holes

A sharp knife makes short work of the tails that need trimming

The back is all sealed up

And the block is ready for use