Holy Spirit Catholic Parish · 2018. 12. 16. · Fr Warrick Tonkin Josephine Flynn Pauline Chifley...

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Transcript of Holy Spirit Catholic Parish · 2018. 12. 16. · Fr Warrick Tonkin Josephine Flynn Pauline Chifley...

Holy Spirit Catholic Parish Burdekin Ave, Amaroo, ACT

Supporting and supported by Holy Spirit, Good Shepherd, Mother Teresa Primary Schools and St John Paul II College

15 - 16 December 2018 Third Sunday of Advent - Year C

Email: office@holyspiritgungahlin.org.au Parish website: www.holyspiritgungahlin.org.au

A Gospel Reflection

What’s on this week at Holy Spirit Parish


No Mass Parish Office closed


9:15am Mass


7:00am Mass

6:00pm Novena

7:30pm HSP Prayer Group


9:15am Mass

7:00pm Music Practice

7:30pm Legion of Mary


7:00am Mass


5:15pm Reconciliation

6:00pm Mass

7:00pm Rosary


8:00am Mass

9:30am Mass

5:30pm Mass

6:30pm Volleyball

Helpful hints for this week’s readings

FRIRST READING: Zion —— ZAI-uhn, Israel —— IHZ-ray-ehl, Jerusalem —— dzheh– ROO– suh– lehm

Pontius Who? At Sunday school, the

younger children were

drawing pictures illustrating

Biblical stories. The teacher

walked by and noticed one little

boy was drawing an airplane!

"Oh, what Bible story are you

drawing?" she asked. "This is

the Flight into Egypt," the little

boy answered. "See, here is

Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus.

And this," he said, pointing to

the front of the plane, "is

Pontius. He's the Pilot."

What Must We Do?

Father Michael finally sat down at his computer. He’d been interrupted several times that day as he tried to write a report for the school magazine that was already a week late. Just as he was beginning to put his fingers on the keyboard, the doorbell rang. He was tempted to ignore it, but out of duty he stomped towards the front door and yanked it open. It was Patrick. Father Michael knew his caller very well. Patrick was a “gentleman of the road” who liked a drink now and then. The priest would usually pass the time of day with Patrick, who would then happily move on, having gained the price of a cup of tea. Today, however, was different. Angry that he’d been disrupted Father Michael snapped: “And what do you want?” Patrick began his usual story, building up to the request for a little money. But Father Michael was not in the mood. Before Patrick had the chance to ask, he was sent away and the door was slammed shut behind him.

Father Michael returned to his computer and started to type. But now he was even more frustrated, not because he’d been disturbed, but because he’d been so unkind. All he could think about was Patrick’s stooped figure walking down the presbytery path. To make things worse, it was a few weeks before Christmas, and even though it was summer, there was a cool breeze. He imagined himself as Scrooge in Charles Dickens’ book A Christmas Carol.

Then the doorbell rang again. Unable to concentrate on writing his report, Father Michael went to see who it was. There stood another gentleman of the road. Immediately, Father Michael pulled one of his coats off its hook and thrust it toward the man. The visitor was slightly bemused by the priest’s gesture, particularly because he hadn’t even had time to ask for anything. Wearing his new coat, and with the price of a meal in his pocket, the man set off on his way. Father Michael returned to his computer. As he began to type, he smiled knowingly to himself. Had God taught him a lesson? If only he’d been generous when he first had the chance, it would have cost him the price of a cup of tea and not his best overcoat.

Advent is a time of waiting in joyful hope. We are looking forward to celebrating the fulfilment of God’s promise. It’s a time of thankfulness for God’s generous love, made real for us in Jesus. John the Baptist knew that this love was a free and undeserved gift. He was not even worthy to bend low and undo Christ’s sandals. We do not have to be worthy to welcome Jesus, but we are called to be willing to let his presence change our attitudes and behaviour.

The Gospel shows us what it means in practice. Whatever shape they take, genuine Christian generosity and kindness will always be expressed with happiness and joy. We rejoice in God’s gifts to us; let’s also be joyful in happily sharing them with others. Copyright © 2014 GPBS, All rights reserved

READINGS: Zephaniah 3:14-18, Philippians 4:4-7, Luke 3:10-18

ENTRANCE ANTIPHON: Rejoice in the Lord always; again I say, rejoice. Indeed, the Lord is near.

RESPONSORIAL PSALM: Cry out with joy and gladness: for among you is the great and Holy One of Israel.

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION: Alleluia, alleluia! The Spirit of the Lord is upon me; he sent me to bring Good News to the poor. Alleluia

COMMUNION ANTIPHON: Say to the faint of heart: Be strong and do not fear. Behold, our God will come, and he will save us. Liturgy Help

An Advent Prayer

Father, in the wilderness of the Jordan you sent a messenger to prepare people's hearts for the coming of your Son. Help me to hear his words and

repent of my sins, so that I may clearly see the way to walk, the truth to speak, and the life to live for Him, our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Please keep the following

individuals in prayer….. We welcome into our

community through the Sacrament of Baptism

Dominic Reimer Patrick Briggs

Robert Lukaszyk Hugo Bolnd

For those who are sick

Fiona Jarvis Ray Harris

Maryanne McGrath Rex Sullivan Cody Bonner

Wesley Benedet Allan Cockroft

Luke Ward Fiona Moore

Marlene Lawless Jennycar De Jesus Gloria De Andrade Michael Rodriguez

Gim Carey Kerry Glover Eileen Dean

Cathy St Joseph Sharon Au

Nola Newton Ronnie Smith

Anne O’Connor Ethel Hannan

Bill Honess Fr Warrick Tonkin

Josephine Flynn Pauline Chifley Peter Mooney

Kay O’Sullivan Kelly Boyton

Nell Davis Edward Potter

Devin R. Margaret O’Brien Kiera Whitehead

Doug Honess Robyn James Mary Bogue

Recently deceased

Kevin Elias Ann-Maree Burns

Allan Cockroft Jude Mackellar


Kathleen Sullivan Jake Barrett Carmel Perry Denise Stubbs

Prayer cards are available

in the foyer.

Parish News and Activities

Pause for thought

ADVENT AND CHRISTMAS IS THE TIME FOR GIVING….not just of presents to our families and friends but also of ourselves, for giving of our time and sharing with those less fortunate than ourselves. An amazing benefit of giving is that it releases us from the real burden of our own financial needs. As we learn to trust God through giving, we can live confidently on what is left because we know that God is taking care of that.

Here are some ways you can contribute this year.

HAVE YOU NOTICED OUR GIVING TREE IN THE FOYER? We invite you to take a tag and return your chosen item prior to our Giving Mass on 16 December. There are baskets in the church foyer and Parish Office.

DONATING TO ST VINCENT DE PAUL Christmas Appeal envelopes are available in the foyer.

PARISH CHRISTMAS GIVING - Karinya House (an aboriginal word meaning ‘peaceful home’) is a community based, not for profit organisation servicing the ACT and surrounding regions. The service operates on a twenty-four hour, seven days a week basis. It is the only residential and outreach service specifically for pregnant and parenting women in the region. The service includes: — supported accommodation, transitional housing and an outreach service for pregnant women at any time before the birth of their baby and for up to three months after their baby is born — Casework support incorporating counselling, referral and information for clients in matters relating to childbirth, parenting, health and welfare services, including housing needs.

Children’s Christmas Mass on 24 December—7:00pm Children who would like to be involved in the 7pm Christmas Eve Nativity on Monday 24 December are asked to complete the form and place it in the red

box in the foyer or email theivani@holyspiritgungahlin.org.au by Thursday 20 December 2018

Practice times as follows:

Sunday 23 December 11am -1pm (byo lunch)

Monday 24 December 1pm - 3pm (byo snacks)

Does the lead-up to Christmas make you tired?

Every year, caught in the pre-Christmas rush, I listen wearily to Jesus call those who “labour and are overburdened” to come to him and “rest”. “Shoulder my yoke and learn from me,” he says, “for I am gentle and humble of heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”

Into all of this striving and stressing and clinging, Bible speaks of a deeper truth – that God is ultimately the one in control: “Did you not know? Had you not heard? The Lord is an everlasting God, he created the boundaries of the earth. He does not grow tired or weary, his understanding is beyond fathoming.”

“Those who hope in the Lord,” Isaiah goes on to remind us, are the ones who “renew their strength… run and do not grow weary, walk and never tire.” Perhaps, then, what Jesus calls us to is the deeper heart rest of knowing that we don’t have it all together, and that we don’t have to – that we can trust God to take care of us and our world.

This kind of heart attitude, it seems to me, takes off a whole load of pressure, and allows us to experience the world more as God’s beloved children, experiencing his providence and enjoying his gifts. Lord, please show us the way to this kind of living! Excerpt from: Living world, Daily Gospel reflections


This weekend the parish is invited to assist the St Vincent de Paul members to distribute Christmas hampers after all the Masses (except 5.30pm).

Maria Stark, St Vd P President will briefly explain some information to parishioners regarding the process and some WHS issues to ensure such a big task goes smoothly.

Thank you to all the members of the St Vincent de Paul Conference in our Parish. You have done such a wonderful job organising the hampers and seeking donations from schools and parishioners. We also thank the schools for their support and all parishioners who have so generously donated to the Giving Tree. We are truly blessed to have such a generous spirit of giving and sharing in the Parish. Fr Mark

Sacramental Information

Sacrament of Baptism

Please register your interest for the sacrament of Baptism on our Parish Website. Once the registration form is completed a Parish staff member will be in contact to arrange a meeting with you and

your family regarding the important sacrament of Baptism.

Community Messages

Parish News and Activities

The Pope Francis’ Monthly Intention

Parish Bank Account Details

The meaning of the Advent Wreath What’s happening this Advent and Christmas

Weekend 15 -16 December 2018

St. Vincent De Paul Giving Weekend. Christmas

Hampers will be available for collection after each

Mass (except 5.30pm Mass) on the weekend of

15 -16 December. Please note that you can only

deliver to families between the hours of 8am to

2pm on Sunday 16th Dec. Thank you

Wednesday 19 December 2018

7:00pm Reconciliation Service

8:00pm Christmas Set up

(turn church chairs around) - Help needed

Saturday 22 December 2018

8:00am Church cleaning 9:00am Christmas Set up

22-23 December 2018

6:00pm Saturday Mass (4th Sunday of Advent)

8:00am Sunday Mass

9:30am Sunday Mass

Monday 24 December 2018 | Christmas Eve

7:00pm Children’s Nativity Mass

9:30pm Christmas Carols

10:00pm Christmas Eve Vigil Mass

Tuesday 25 December 2018 | Christmas Day

9:00am Christmas Day Mass

St Francis Xavier Hall

Monday 24 December 2018 |

Christmas Eve

7:00pm Carols

7:30pm Christmas Eve Mass

Tuesday 25 December 2018 | Christmas Day

No Mass on Christmas Day.

Thursday 27 December 2018

9:00am Pack up after Christmas

‘Sunday Opening’ - The Canberra Catholic Bookshop will now be open on Sundays from 10.00am to 1.00pm. During the week the Bookshop is open from 9:30am to 5.00pm and then on Saturdays from 9.00am to 1.00pm

The Live Nativity St Joseph Parish - Tuesday 18 December at 8.30pm

We thank you for your generosity – for your convenience, donations

(one off or regular) can also be made directly into the

parish account using the following details:

Account Name: Holy Spirit Parish

BSB: 062 786

Account Number: 00010701

Christmas Stall

Have you seen our

Parish’s diaries, yet?

They are going to be available

for purchase with other Christmas gifts

after every Mass during this weekends.

Thanksgiving Holy Hour followed by Mass. Sunday 30 December at 4.30pm

Holy Spirit Church.

Each year, the Holy Father asks for our prayers for a specific intention each month. You are invited to answer the Holy Father's request and to join with many people worldwide in praying for this intention each month. In December the intention is: Evangelization – In the Service of the Transmission of Faith That people, who are involved in the service and transmission of faith, may find, in their dialogue with culture, a language suited to the conditions of the present time.

The Advent wreath is part of our long-standing Catholic tradition.

The four candles represent the four weeks of Advent. A tradition is that each week represents one thousand years, to sum to the 4,000 years from Adam and Eve until the Birth of the Saviour.

Three candles are purple and one is rose. The purple candles in particular symbolize the prayer, penance, and preparatory sacrifices and goods works undertaken at this time. The rose candle is lit on the third Sunday, Gaudete Sunday, when the priest also wears rose vestments at Mass; Gaudete Sunday is the Sunday of rejoicing, because the faithful have arrived at the midpoint of Advent, when their preparation is now half over and they are close to Christmas. The progressive lighting of the candles symbolizes the expectation and hope surrounding our Lord’s first coming into the world and the anticipation of His second coming to judge the living and the dead.

Donate using your Credit Card at Mass!

Forgotten your cash? Want to make an extra donation

over Christmas?? Holy Spirit parish now has two Tap

and Go devices for your convenience and we will have

them placed in the foyer this weekend at all Mass


How does it work? The device processes a ‘set’ donation amount

and those who wish to donate simply tap their card to make the

donation. Our set amount is $20.

Please contact the parish office if you any questions. On 6242 9622

Tap and go donation

Our Parish Schools Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School & Early Learning Centre Mapleton Ave and Wimmera St, Harrison Principal: Peter Hughes P: 6241 5604 (Primary School) 6241 3211 (ELC)E:office.mts@cg.catholic.edu.au

Saint John Paul II College Gungahlin Drive, Nicholls Principal: Catherine Rey P: 6163 4800 E: office.jpc@cg.catholic.edu.au

Holy Spirit Catholic Primary School & Early Learning Centre Kelleway Ave, Nicholls Principal: Brad Gaynor P: 6241 8640 E:office.holyspirit@cg.catholic.edu.au

Good Shepherd Catholic Primary School Burdekin Ave, Amaroo Principal: David Austin P: 6255 7888 E:office.goodshepherd@cg.catholic.edu.au

Weekend Mass Times

Holy Spirit Amaroo Saturday 6:00pm Sunday 8:00am, 9:30am* and 5:30pm

*Children’s Liturgy during school term

St Francis Xavier, Hall 2nd and 4th Sun at 8.30am

Weekday Masses (at Amaroo) Tues 9:15am Wed 7:00am Thurs 9:15am Fri 7:00am

Reconciliation Sat 5:15-5:45 pm

Communion: Sick and Housebound Please contact the Parish Office

Anointing Mass Thursday 31 January 2019 at 9.15am

Baptisms, Marriages & Funerals By Appointment

St Vincent de Paul Maria Stark on 0411164630

Care Group Sonja Vocisano on 0438 699 591

Vinnie Costa on 0410 460 624

Seniors Group Ruth Schwensen on 6262 2431

Craft Group Beth Forshaw on 6242 5191

Youth Ministry Hannah McMahon youth@holyspiritgungahlin.org.au

Call to Connect Women's group to pray, share & support Beth Forshaw on 6242 5191

Prayer Chain Joe and Irma Jambor 6242 7332 irmandjoe@gmail.com

Family Groups Jennifer Smith 62623532

Couples for Christ Danny & Ner Ambida on 0448 243508

Novena—Mother of Perpetual Help Tom 6253 9779, Parveen 0439 642571 Wednesdays at 6pm-6.45pm in the church

Holy Spirit Prayer Group Kathy Torcasio 0401 920028 Wednesdays at 7:30pm in the church

MenAlive Gathering Steve Seesink 0421635675

Cursillo Movement Gatherings Irma and Joe Jambor on 62427332

Legion of Mary Marie Lazaro 0405669022 Thursday at 7.30pm at the Parish Centre

Young Adults Frances Dinn yamholyspirit1835@gmail.com

Music Ministry Theivani Evers 0472 921 518

Parish ministries Contact Us Mass Times and Sacraments

Parish Office and Presbytery 93 Burdekin Ave, Amaroo Ph: 6242 9622 Website: www.holyspiritgungahlin.org.au

Parish Priest: Fr Mark Croker Assistant Priest: Fr Jiss Sunny Parish Assistant: Theivani Evers E: theivani@holyspiritgungahlin.org.au Parish Secretary Magda Baraniecki (Tue - Fri 9am-3pm) E: office@holyspiritgungahlin.org.au General Enquiries Naomi Johnson (Thu -Fri 10.30am - 4pm)


Finance Officer/ Planned giving

Tony Rose

E: giving@holyspiritgungahlin.org.au

Sacramental Coordinator

Gayle Jeffries

E: sacraments@holyspiritgungahlin.org.au

Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) Alison Weeks E: alisonmweeks@bigpond.com PPC Secretary Jenny Grierson E: dave.jenny_grierson@bigpond.com

Children ‘Are you ready for Christmas?’

Throughout Advent and Christmas, there will be copies of Children’s Bulletin/

Worksheets available in the foyer. Please bring your pencils to work on during Mass or take it home and work together with your family.


I remember Christmastime as a kid and young adult. I spent a lot of time worrying about whether I’d get all the stuff I’d hoped for.

My attitude started changing as I grew closer to Jesus. One Christmas some friends took me someplace that changed my Christmas hopes completely – a soup kitchen.

These friends visited a soup kitchen each Christmas Day. While other volunteers served food, my friends sang carols. They sang about the Good News while hungry men, women, and children – many who were also homeless – lined up for their meal. During that first Christmas visit, I wondered how long it had been since anyone had given some of those hungry folks good news.

My Christmas hopes are different now. I hope people addicted to drugs find treatment. I hope young people I know find good friends. I hope wars around the world end. I hope refugees and asylum seekers find a place to call home. I hope people living in violent neighbourhoods find safety and success in life.

John the Baptist had similar hopes. He lived in a land full if poverty and violence. He called people to change their lives by sharing their wealth and treating others fairly and kindly. He told them Jesus was coming to baptise them with the Holy Spirit and fire; in other words Jesus would give them the courage and passion to hope and work for a better world.

John’s words hold true today. Look around the world this Advent. Can your Christmas hopes focus on a better world? Can you ask Jesus for the courage and passion to go out to do your part?

What are the problems your community faces, and how can you start this Advent to make a difference?

Find us on Facebook -Holy Spirit

Catholic Parish Gungahlin and check

out the upcoming events, uplifting

reflections and much more!