Holy Spirit

Post on 09-Jul-2016

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Transcript of Holy Spirit

Holy Spirit, We Need You!Fr. Jerry M. Orbos SVD

Philippine Daily Inquirer12:23 AM May 15th, 2016

THE STORY is told that during the elections last week, there was a contingency plan in case the supply of indelible ink ran out: to use a hammer to hit the forefinger of each voter, in order to leave a long-lasting mark.

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Today is Pentecost Sunday, the birthday of our Mother Church. It is the permanent presence and indwelling of the Holy Spirit that gave birth and gives life to, and guarantees that, the Church will survive and continue its mandate and mission. May we recognize our need for the Holy Spirit especially during our day and time.

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“Come, Holy Spirit, we need you!” More than ever, we should pray this much, and pray this more. We cannot, must not, leave out the stirring and leading of the Holy Spirit in the events that are unfolding in our midst right now. Let us not be so caught up in human efforts and achievements to the point of leaving out or belittling the divine. Let us not be proud. Let us not be blinded by worldly power and might. It has been said before, and we say it again: Pride comes before the fall.

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Now that the elections are over, we pray that the elected officials—and the new administration, for that matter—will really listen to and get directions and instructions from a broad section of our society, and not only from a privileged few. May they not be narrow-minded or shallow-sighted, but use their mind and sight deeply and widely for what is truly

beneficial for many. It is time to cast the net widely over the waters.

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Now, too, that the elections are over, what matters most is what we have learned from it all. Elections come and go, people win or lose, but what remains, what is indelible, is how we did our best, how we did not resort to foul play, and how we fought a good fight.

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Someone once said that in life, we should be busy building, not walls, but bridges. It is time for healing. It is time to extend our hands to one another, and reach out toward unity and peace. Peace is the fruit of the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts. Hatred, revenge, pride and being unforgiving come from the evil one.

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The evil one scatters, the Holy Spirit gathers. Let us all pray and work for unity and peace. How far easier it is to destroy and divide. It is not easy to become an instrument of unity and peace. It is not easy to stand for righteousness and justice, and to proclaim Gospel truths in the dirty game called politics. Congratulations to all those who did their best, and to those who brought out the best in us. Whether you won or lost, you still have our vote and respect.

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To losers and winners alike in the last elections, please remember that things happen or don’t happen for a reason, and for a mission. “Thy will be done, Lord!” Let this be your constant prayer, your source of comfort and

inspiration. If we learn to surrender everything and everyone to God’s heart, then peace will be ours, through the Holy Spirit dwelling in our hearts.

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Think about this: “Never be ashamed of your scars. It simply means that you were stronger, and that you survived whatever hurt you.”

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Fr. Jun Ocampo, SVD, the chaplain of the Filipino community in Berlin, Germany, is doing very good work for the Holy Spirit as an instrument of unity and peace among our overseas Filipino workers. But all of us, too, wherever we are and in whatever situation we are in, should do our part to spread goodness, peace and love in keeping with our Lord’s mandate that we love one another. Yes, we need the Holy Spirit to enlighten, guide and strengthen us to do our mission. Please remember that life is short, death is certain, and we have a final destination—heaven—where there are no more tears, no more sorrow, no more pain, no more politics and no more goodbyes. Amen.

* * *The Divine Word Institute for Mission Studies, located at the Divine Word Seminary in Tagaytay City, invites you to a seminar on June 5-15. The seminar is designed for parish priests and their coworkers who are doing pastoral work in city parishes. The focus of the seminar is “The New Evangelization,” particularly the modern forms of Areopagus. It is also intended for students who are doing research for their thesis/dissertation on Mission in the City. For details, you may contact Ms Suzette at 09234792989 or 09499523830, or e-mail dwims.secretary@gmail.com.

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A moment with the Lord:

Come, Holy Spirit, we need you. Rekindle in us the fire of Your love, and revive in us whatever goodness that has died. Amen.