Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Church - How to Read the ......significance on which Ukrainian...

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Transcript of Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Church - How to Read the ......significance on which Ukrainian...

How to Read the Basilian Press Wall Calendar

A = Pericope (selection) from the


Ап. = Apostle (or Epistle) reading

Єв. = Gospel reading

B = Pink Background

Pink backgrounds are used for days of

significance on which Ukrainian Catholics are

expected to attend church. (Americans often

call this a day of obligation.)

C = Music Tones

Ґл. = Tropar tone

Єв. = Prokimen and Alleluia Tone

D = Capital Letters

All caps are used for liturgical feasts which are

celebrated in addition to the saints

commemorated that day.

E = Additional Info for the Day

Devotions particular to the day or other info can

be listed here when applicable.

F = Bible Readings for the Liturgy

This usually consists of one New Testament and

one Gospel reading. Old Testament readings are

usually read during Matins which are not shown

on this calendar.

G = Red Numbers

High-ranking feasts are marked in red.

H = Small Fish

Small fish are used to mark traditional fasting

days on which Ukrainian Catholics are

encouraged to fast and abstain.

I = Large Fish

Large fish are used to mark fasting days on which

Ukrainian Catholics are expected to fast and



1001 Grant Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3M 1Y3 Tel: (204) 453-4653 Fax: (204) 475-0928

Website: www.holyfamilychurch.wordpress.com

Office Hours Tue-Fri, 9:30 am-400 pm Від вівтірка до п’ятниці - 9:30 рано до 4:00 пополудн

Clergy and Staff - Духовенство й Працівники

Fr. Darren Kawiuk, Parish Priest - 204-453-4653 dkawiuk@yahoo.ca

Joe Kulyk, Office Manager - 204-453-4653 holyfamilyparishoffice@gmail.com

Eucharist - Божественна Літургія Sunday Divine Liturgy 9:00 am-English - по-англійськи 11:00 am-Ukrainian - по-українськи Weekday Divine Liturgy - Будні - Tuesday-Friday: 8:00 am

Repentance (Confession) - Сповідь Sundays during Liturgy & by appointment

Baptisms - Хрещення Notify the Parish Office at least a month before the baby is expected or shortly afterwards. There is a special information class which parent’s must attend before the Sacrament of Baptism & Confirmation can be celebrated.

Weddings - Вінчання Contact the pastor 9-12 months in advance

Parish Hall - Храмовий Зал - 204-452-2332

Parish Pastoral Council Calla Komarnicki, Chairperson - 204 - 489-6189

Knights of Columbus Zenon Scraba, Grand Knight - 204-797-4862

UCWLC, Vicky Adams, President - 204-453-7514 Leona Shewchuk, Assistant - 204-257-4315

Club 55+, Stella Hyska, President - 204-489-6425

Queen of Peace Prayer Group Leonard Terrick, Coordinator - 204-269-4696

Decorating/Altar Guild

Elizabeth Weselowski - 204-477-0030

Catechism Program Martin Pasieczka, Coordinator - 204-453-4965

Holy Family Ukrainian Catholic Church Українська Католицька Церква Пресвятої Родини

31ST SUNDAY AFTER PENTECOST 26-го Січня January 26, 2014

Христос Раждається! Славіте Його! Christ is Born! Glorify Him!

God is our last

recourse, our final

healing, the Ultimate

Solution. But our

chances of being freed

from our affliction or

guaranteed of our soul’s

salvation can pass us

by if we do not take the initiative, or if we entertain any

doubts about God’s loving mercy. We have to stand

up and proclaim our faith, like that blind man of

Jericho, who patiently waited for our Lord to come by

his way, and would not be silenced by the crowd

which despised him for his “sin”. He cried out all the

more loudly for Jesus to help him. God rescues us

from our tribulations, especially from the darkness of

sin. But He has given us free will — the right to

choose. He desires our full attention before

responding to our call. Jesus asks us, “What do you

want me to do for you?” And like the blind man of

Jericho, we should answer, “Lord, please let me see.”

Yes, more than physical healing, we need to be able

to see thru the darkness of our sins — our selfishness

and pride, our addictions to the traps and trappings of

Satan’s kingdom, and our lack of faith. But really, all

we have to do is ask, and as surely as the break of

day, Jesus will lead us to the light.

ПРОСИМО МОЛИТВУ ЗА ЗДОРОВЯ - Please remember in your prayers those people of our parish who are in the hospitals, care homes and those who are shut-ins, as well as those who need our prayers. Remember, if you

would like a hospital visit or to have your name published in the bulletin, you or a member of your family must call the parish office and let us know.

We express our condolences

to the family and friends of


Who passed away Friday, January 17th. Ann was devote

in her catholic faith. The Funeral Service was held in our Church

January 23, 2014. Please remember her in your Prayers.

Vichna pamjat’ Вічна пам'ять!

Christmas Decorations

Volunteers Needed Today

We will be removing the Christmas decorations TODAY, and on the next Sunday, February 2nd. If you are available to help take down decorations, we would appreciate your help after the 9:00 am Divine Liturgy. We’re grateful for your help!

Pancake Breakfast Silent Auction Fundraiser for charity

Sunday, March 2, 2014. we are in need of prizes for the Auction. (no used items please)

You can hand them in anytime between now and Saturday, March 1st to Zenon Scraba

at 204-797-4862

“Be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your

choice” - Wayne Dyer

Adriana Pasieczka - Age 11

Group ‘D’ 1st Place

Anna Kulchycki - Age 11

Group ‘D’ 2nd Place

Nicholas Pasieczka - Age 13

Group ‘E’ 2nd Place Anastasia Pasieczka - Age 15

Group ‘E’ 2nd Place

to all the winners . . .

Super Job!

- Zenon Scraba, Grand Knight

Nicholas Sierra - Age 5

Group ‘A’ 1st Place Matthew Sierra - Age 7

Group ‘B’ 1st Place

Keep Christ in Christmas Colouring Contest

Holy Family Parish

Group Winners - 2013


Anna Charleson Age 8

Group ‘C’ 2nd Place

Ayden Luckey/Jansen - Age 9

Group ‘C’ 1st Place

Holy Family



Icon of Mary

Icon of Jesus

Jan 26


Feb 1

Health of Darlene Jeske by brother Zenon and family

Health of Darlene

Jeske by brother

Zenon and family


Jan 26 Feb 2

Rosary Leonard Terrick Linda Marak


Leonard and Paulette Terrick

David and Brenda Bay

Epistle Peter Tataryn Amber Osterman

Ushers Peter Yakimoski Trevor Scraba

Walter Bzovy Stanley Kustiak

Eucharist Ken Charleson Kevin Komarnicki

Sacristan Leonard Terrick Eugene Statkewich


Jan 26 Feb 2



Lawrence Luba

Oliver Moreau

Lawrence Luba

Oliver Moreau


Eucharist Myron Musick Myron Musick


Peter Tkach



Peter Tkach

Randolf Moreau



MINI OLYMPICS - February 8th.

Immaculate Heart of Mary School.

(650 Flora Avenue); 5-10 yrs: 12:30-2:30

pm; 11-16 yrs: 2:30-4:30 pm; Host

Councils: St. Josaphat, Bishop Ladyka

and St. Basil


22nd. Immaculate Heart of Mary

School (650 Flora Avenue). 5-10 yrs:

12:30-2:30 pm; and 10-16 yrs: 2:30 pm

- 4:30 pm; Host Councils: Holy

Eucharist and Bishop Budka

BALL HOCKEY - March 8th, Location:

TBA, 9-12 yrs: 1:00-3:00 pm; 13-16 yrs:

3:00 pm-5:00 pm; Host Councils: Holy

Family Council and Fr. Shyshkowich

YWG WIND-UP – March 21. Location:

TBA; 6:00-10:30 pm; Host Councils: All


Parishioners who have not picked up their 2014 Sunday Envelopes by this Sunday,

January 26th - can pick them up at the Parish Office.

Lenten Retreat Sunday, April 6 - after both Liturgies

Monday, April 7 - 7:00 pm Tuesday, April 8 - 7:00 pm With Easter Confessions

Divine Liturgy Schedule Порядок Богослужінь

Sun Jan 26 9:00 am

11:00 am

Michael Maksymetz by wife Rosalene

For intentions of all our parishioners

Tue Jan 28 8:00 am Herve Bougeois by Family

Wed Jan 29 8:00 am God's blessing for the New Year by Irene Sulymka

Thu Jan 30 7:00 pm Feast of the Three Holy and Great Heirarchs

Fri Jan 31 8:00 am Jean Krupa by Carol Nowosad

Sun Feb 2 9:00 am

11:00 am

Angulla Tkach (10 years) by Family

For intentions of all our parishioners

Tues Feb 4 8:00 am Health and birthday blessings for Randy by Elizabeth


Wed Feb 5 8:00 am Vera Munick by Sister Helen & family

Thu Feb 6 8:00 am Harry Phil by Family

Fri Feb 7 8:00 am Theresa R Triska by Joseph Triska and all his children

Sun Feb 9 9:00 am

11:00 am

For intentions of all our parishioners

Anna Tkach (40 days) by Family

Pre-authorized Debit

If you would like the convenience of having a monthly donation

automatically debited from your bank account, please complete the green form (available in the narthex), include a void cheque, and put in the collection basket,

drop off or mail to the parish office. Donations can be

adjusted or cancelled at any time by contacting the parish office.


2013 Income Tax receipts are ready for pick up in

the narthex.

I wish to thank Holy Family Parishioners for their generous

donations in 2013. May God bless you and your family.

- Fr. Darren

On January 30 there is a common feast of three great Fathers of the Church: St. Basil the Great, St. Gregory of Nazianzus, surnamed the Theologian, and St. John Chrysostom. Since they all have separate feast days in January (St. Basil on January 1, St. Gregory on January 25 and St. John Chrysostom on Jan 27) we might well ask why we celebrate a feast in honor of these three saints, and why, on the same day? At the end of he eleventh century during the reign of Alexius Komnenos, an argument arose among Christians living in Constantinople as to which was the greatest of these three saints. Since lo-cal pride was involved, considerable hard feelings naturally followed, almost resulting in schism. The faithful were in fact divided into three groups: Basilians, Gregorians, and Joanites.. When tempers were dangerously high, a solution literally came from heaven. All three saints appeared one night to the saintly Bishop John of Euchaita, a suburb of Constantinople, to tell him that they were all equal before God. The faithful accepted this solution with great enthusiasm and began to honor all three saints together on the same day to emphasize their equality. Each Hierarch holds a closed gospel book, signifying their roles as great teachers and preachers of the Church. Saint John and Saint Basil are giving the traditional blessing with their right hand, and Saint Gregory has his hand respectfully resting over the gospel book. Saint Gregory and Saint Basil hold the gospel with their left hands covered by the phelonion and omophorion as a sign of special respect

Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian John Chrysostom

-Basil Shereghy

Щиро Вам дякуємо!

Thank you for your Generosity!

Sunday Envelopes (73) $2439

Loose Cash $18.50

Visitor Donation $61

Candle Donation $47.20

Coffee & Donuts $55.40

Initial Offering $75

Youth Carolling $155

Church Maintenance $20

Holy Spirit Seminary $131.40

Baptismal Certificate $15

Parish Collections Жертводавство у нашій Парафії

January 19, 2014

We need your help!

To escort the residents of Holy Family Nursing Home to Divine Liturgy every Sunday morning for the month of February. This is a parish sponsored charitable service. Please try to give some time to help with this event. Sign up sheet is in the narthex. Contact Zenon Scraba at 204-797-4862.

Annual Meeting Reports

All parish organizations are reminded to hand in their annual

reports to the parish office in electronic format by April11th for their inclusion into the printed

Parish Annual Report.

AGM Annual General Meeting is

Sunday, April 27, 2014. after the 10:00 am Divine Liturgy

Place Your Perogy

Order Now ! Please Call the parish office at

204-453-4653 to place your perogy order. $5.00 per dozen

Perogy Helpers Needed! Sunday, Jan 26 - following 9:00 am Divine Liturgy - potato peeling Tuesday, Jan 28 - 8:00 am - making potato balls Wednesday, Jan 29 - 8:00 am - perogy pinching Friday, Jan 31 - hall setup, perogy supper, & Clean-up

Perogy Supper - will be held at Holy Family Ukrainian Church, Auditorium, 1001 Grant Ave, Friday, Jan 31st, from 5 - 7 P.M.. Cost is $6 regular plate, $10 large plate. Each meal includes a piece of pie and beverage.

''On Safari With the Sisters'' - Friday, February 7th - presented by Holy Family Home Ladies' Auxiliary at Holy Eucharist Parish Centre, 460 Munroe Avenue, $65/ticket. Appetizers 6:15 pm. Dinner and Draw to follow

“Let’s break the Silence… and help set them free!” The Ukrainian Catholic Wo

men’s League of Canada and Father Filipow Council #8944 of St. Nicholas

Ukrainian Catholic Church invite everyone to a special presentation Monday, Janu

ary 27 at 7:00 pm: Speak out….. Don’t be Silent presented by Sr Theresa Marwe,

SSMI, Protect the Children from Modern Day Slavery.

IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY SCHOOL ANNUAL TEA Sunday, February 2, 2014 at 650 Flora Avenue, 1:30-4:00 pm., Tea Theme: ‘Celebrating Our Alumni’ The Tea will be officially opened by The Tea will be officially opened by the Taylor Family, Krystal ‘75, Travis ‘03 and Brittney ‘05. An invitation is extended to all to come and visit the school. Enjoy the Bake Room and Raffles

St. Boniface Diocesan High School’s OPEN HOUSE is scheduled for Wednesday, February 12, 2014 at 7:30 pm. Visit www.sbdhs.net

Caring for the Dying: Ethics & Spirituality at the End of Life. The workshop will focus on the following topics: - Palliative / Hospice care - The Proper Context - Ethics in the End-of-Life Decision Making - Spirituality at the End of Life - Substitute Decision Making for Loved Ones ("Living Wills") There will be plenty of time for questions during and after the presentations. Friday, February 28: 7:00-9:00 pm Saturday, March 1: 9:00-3:30 pm. The workshop will take place at Blessed Virgin Mary Parish hall 965 Boyd Ave, Winnipeg MB Registration $20 (for both days, includes lunch & refreshments) For more information or to register contact Religious Ed office at 204-338-7801 (ext.1)

Meetings & Events Сходини та Події

Sun - Неділя Mon - Пон Tue - Вів Wed - Сер Thu - Чет Fri - П’ят Sat - Суб


Office closed

2 Encounter - Meeting of

our Lord in the Temple

9:00 am Divine Liturgy

10:30 am Catechism

11:00 am Divine Liturgy


Office closed 4

1:00 pm Club 55+

8:00 am Divine Liturgy

7:30 pm K of C General



8:00 am Divine Liturgy

7:00 pm UCWLC Mtg


8:00 am Divine Liturgy

7:00 pm Prayer Group


8:00 am Divine Liturgy


Office closed

9 Publican & Pharisee

9:00 am Divine Liturgy

10:30 am Catechism

11:00 am Divine Liturgy


Office closed


8:00 am Divine Liturgy

1:00 pm Club 55 + Get



8:00 am Divine Liturgy

7:30 pm Pastoral

Council Meeting

13 8:00 am Divine Liturgy

7:00 pm Prayer Group


8:00 am Divine Liturgy

Happy Valentines Day!


Office closed

16 Sunday of the Prodigal Son 9:00 am Divine Liturgy

Potato Peeling

10:30 No Catechism

11:00 am Divine Liturgy


Office closed 18

8:00 Divine Liturgy

Potato Balls after



8:00 am Divine Liturgy

Perogy Pinching after

Divine Liturgy


8:00 am Divine Liturgy

7:00 pm Prayer Group


8:00 am Divine Liturgy

5-7 pm - Perogy Supper

22 Office closed

23 Meat-Fare Sunday

9:00 am Divine Liturgy

10:30 am Catechism

11:00 am Divine Liturgy


Office closed 25

8:00 am Divine Liturgy 26

8:00 am Divine Liturgy

7:30 pm K of C Exec



8:00 am Divine Liturgy

7:00 pm Prayer Group


8:00 am Divine Liturgy

7:00 - 9:00 pm Care for the

Dying workshop - BVM

Presenter: Fr Mark Miller,


Mar 1

9:00 - 3:30 pm Care for

the Dying workshop -

BVM - Presenter: Fr Mark

Miller, CSsR

Sun - Неділя Mon - Пон Tue - Вів Wed - Сер Thu - Чет Fri - П’ят Sat - Суб


Office closed

2 Encounter - Meeting of

our Lord in the Temple

9:00 am Divine Liturgy

10:30 am Catechism

11:00 am Divine Liturgy


Office closed 4

1:00 pm Club 55+

8:00 am Divine Liturgy

7:30 pm K of C General



8:00 am Divine Liturgy

7:00 pm UCWLC Mtg


8:00 am Divine Liturgy

7:00 pm Prayer Group


8:00 am Divine Liturgy


Office closed

9 Publican & Pharisee

9:00 am Divine Liturgy

10:30 am Catechism

11:00 am Divine Liturgy


Office closed


8:00 am Divine Liturgy

1:00 pm Club 55 + Get



8:00 am Divine Liturgy

7:30 pm Pastoral

Council Meeting

13 8:00 am Divine Liturgy

7:00 pm Prayer Group


8:00 am Divine Liturgy

Happy Valentines Day!


Office closed

16 Sunday of the Prodigal Son 9:00 am Divine Liturgy

Potato Peeling

10:30 No Catechism

11:00 am Divine Liturgy


Office closed 18

8:00 Divine Liturgy

Potato Balls after



8:00 am Divine Liturgy

Perogy Pinching after

Divine Liturgy


8:00 am Divine Liturgy

7:00 pm Prayer Group


8:00 am Divine Liturgy

5-7 pm - Perogy Supper

22 Office closed

23 Meat-Fare Sunday

9:00 am Divine Liturgy

10:30 am Catechism

11:00 am Divine Liturgy


Office closed 25

8:00 am Divine Liturgy 26

8:00 am Divine Liturgy

7:30 pm K of C Exec



8:00 am Divine Liturgy

7:00 pm Prayer Group


8:00 am Divine Liturgy

7:00 - 9:00 pm Care for the

Dying workshop - BVM

Presenter: Fr Mark Miller,


Mar 1

9:00 - 3:30 pm Care for

the Dying workshop -

BVM - Presenter: Fr Mark

Miller, CSsR