Holowecki Notary Assignments

Post on 07-Apr-2018

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Transcript of Holowecki Notary Assignments

  • 8/4/2019 Holowecki Notary Assignments



    2. Full name (firsr/middte/tasg: lU I lTatwe--all lields are

    Resideaceaddress:E7(no PO boxes)-I

    I hereby certi& that I am 18 vears ofage or oldeq a resident of Michigan or maintain a principal place of busines,, ,";;;;;ossess pmof of Jegal presence; am abie to *rd il;;;; t. E eriihl.r. il;1# urrrentry incarcerared in a correctionar faciriry orhave .served time dwing the in, nediate past ten years [t-t'i'l'o* o, *i.a.r.unolo-f.rr"'in ,oy .*.. i solemnry .rn r, u.a;.-*.," penarfy of pet'ury, thatthe information provided in rhi. #pii;;; i. ;;, iIilil, and corrrct; rilil;;; .#irrrr.oua the norary tuo, oi t r,"n,g*; and that, ifppointed atd commissioned as a notary-puuric, I war flrron'n fairhfuuy,';-h; t i.ri,, *irirr, ail notariai u.t" i, *"o.0-"e rvith the raw. Iunderstand that all information contained'on thl; "il;J;;; ir.ubj;;1,o;""ro.il'r,'#l'jrr," rrliil;r#;Hiicq rszo pA 442, MCLii;'ii;iffi;il.:il,;'f,t".Tgk*;;;;;;lilil'iil *,o,jn,orsr0.00-pay;;G; the Sta,p orMichigan. which rurdestandisaCOMMISSTONEI}NAME:SIGNATURE:

    Foro 9E (Rev, 03/0?)


    Igflorotv U""6or"Counf name 4tr/,1,t8Date of oatlland bond I AfiiYtrAMOathadministered

    by, and bondfiled with:! euog.y qouO onlgtd_ (C!erl's initials)

    l. Driver's iicense or personal identificatjon card number

    6. Business address:5. E-mairaddress: y)4plO;

  • 8/4/2019 Holowecki Notary Assignments


    Rc(rn lo:Orlans ttilora PLLCP. O. Box 50{l! Tr,oy, MI4E0O7-5041



    / No ttlorrgrge Bmkcr ic hvotved;_ Mortgage Brotcr:Nrrue:

    Address:Liccnsc #:

    / No u*g.g" originrr is imotved;_ Mongegc OdgiBnor:Narc;ACdr6tLi::tcf:


    ^SSIGNMENTMort?r$c Electooic Reekratiofl S!6tcms. Inc.holdcr ofr morlBage fiomJoycr Kakmlyro@

  • 8/4/2019 Holowecki Notary Assignments


    RetEn to:Orlans Morra PLl.fP. O. Box 5Od tll Troy, Ivfl 46007-5041L-/




    ASSrcTTHEHT!{scr!c E;

  • 8/4/2019 Holowecki Notary Assignments


    \c (dRctrsn to:Orhns l4otrn PLLCP. O. Box SOalTroy, MJ 4Em7-s0{l



    flrHllrHlllflffiullffim201ffi?15ffiS 8k:ffi$3 Pg:?SO?rlBrNrC t0:t6 60T Fi lrl

    ASSIGilVEITrrMflrqaEc ELdronh Re{58!rio{1.,lF},|{cqr- Llc.holdor of r mortglgc FooJooathao A. Rcduker 8od Arn Mrrie As.vidtto Mmgag Etc$ronic Retist rrio! Sv!..fis.IFc.daed @npry-.!6-2007.recordcd with Essrx Cou*y (S0$c.n District) kgi$ry of D..& h Bod 266aar, P{f t2! anlgrtssid mortga3esecurd rhcrtby to BAc Homc Loans scrvicirq LP. 400 coot.1rrilc Y:r- sai vicr. cl 93t5,5lN WITNESS wHEReoF dtc said Mortelgc Electaic R'csitrai[ s]'86' h b3 tscd ri"s' Fesrns to bcsim.d h ir nsmc s,d bchalf bV Mar$atJ I Isrc!, its Ascigd Sactry rd fe 1t16itcflt Essr. bCfuonre Reolorim and iB cdrnorr& scal o bc trircuro rfErcd thL l3rr drr of Jdl 2f l0' Sydcrl lrc.


    STATE OF MICHIG^NCOTNTYOFOAKLANDOn lhis t3lh day of July. 20t0, beforc rnc thc undcniSrEd ffi)'Poblh, p.Gffi[y appcacd Manhdl R. Isam'ilri'J""Gli.illr.y indvii. *4Ucrt Purnn* ro Cdrporac.n&irulin of Morlg.3. ELcfilnic Registrrlion .SYslaEs. tnc. whi t haw pcrsocat koowlcdgc of iicntir.v, r bc rfr frron u/t@ narc is signcd on thc procedingoi snmnca docrmcnr rra i*no*lcdgcd o mc ttru hdshc rlnod I roluntrily for iE slatcd Pttp6c'


    l(oloty ?raatc . i{cHeonItt nc Couly -Wcoetild;&Dti"i'lcrho ir .ha CotF,y oa

  • 8/4/2019 Holowecki Notary Assignments



    B.turn to:Odrr MorraPLLCP. O. BoNt JOllIoy, Ml 4!007-5(}.(I *mffiro ffi!#']1)


    AsslcxMEtlrHcre Ef!t* lrgisrha $e-s. hc.d-dlffC{FEa,U-tAB*ttu laryAf*c.D }k!-ILfira Rr.atiEid svffir lnc.d>2r-w06*e#rtEs.Corly (Sor.ttrra Didri.r) Bcairry of Dc+ds in Bm& 2{47t, Pagr 372 r$Ehr s.id tmrlgaEcrd [ada,:E B*C Hoe f-q'l3 Scrvki.rr- I.P. 4(x] Costryridc Wav. Siori Yrlkv. CA 93065l{ UITXESS ffHEfE(F ttc s*t Morrgsgr Aedloni Registrarion Syslcrfls, lnc. hrs csuscd thcsc prcscnls to bcfud i ls re .rd bcfdf by Ml'ahal! R. ts6a.+ l! Assidsot Secrfiary and Vicc Pnsidera Purtr!1il loCie rauir ad fr rirprru scd to bc heictuo dfurcd this l 3th &y of Jt ly, 201 0'

    FLlh.6r?i655rBll alotofrEaldctltlt,ltq 't5l(IalrE|il CorrtlfIr Cril5Ei tsDr.r rt ?r?olalcEErrtr corril, 1l-&JF#

    STATEOFMICHIGAN$XTYffOArLANDOr rE l3ri @of Jdy,20l0, bcfon r* lh! uid(siE d notffy public, Pc-rsomlly sIoeIcd l,{erst.ll R. lsucr'A611 S..r.irysdVi* *esirtnt Plnnnnt toCo-rpa*c nisiluloo bf Uortgtgc qbclro+ R .cgirtretior.C!*-, tlj- d; l-hrlrc pctsoel knowlcdgc of iddity, to bc th! pc1son w_trory -nrne ir sigrnd on t}r prooccfingid noarad iclno*lodgpd to rnc thil hrJdE i$Gd it voluDluily for iLs statcd prpose'

    hcaHcnl Porsu8trt to Cotporsto Rrsolution

  • 8/4/2019 Holowecki Notary Assignments


  • 8/4/2019 Holowecki Notary Assignments


    yn Rcfirn to:Orhst{rraPLICP- O. Bor 50alTpy, Ml 4gxr7-5fl1 {,,?lH##m$',,Vl


    AssrcNirElf[Hrlrsc Elqtci Xctirt'ri:r Swtqsh.lo{d.r of. ffiErla irLird.S S.dE HcrEEEr* I.c#r1i6 SrlElE, Ins-d-dI-TEEIIret6r*l ra Esre Aody (So*.rr Dilrh) Rcatgry of Ocodt ir Boot 26574, Pege I 15 asigu rail mortg.Scrad icr*t b BnC llc Lm Scrriein L.P 4$ Counwwilc Wav. Simi Vallcv..CA 91065IX UrIXESS tt'l-RxF ic rirl Moqagc El.cbotic RcgisFation Systcmr, Inc has ceuscd thcsc prc*nls to bcriltrt h is - d brhtrby MrsHI R. I6!rs, ils Asrirbnt Sscrctry rnd Vlcc Prctidem Pursuanl toCirg rr=rEtr d i3co.pflca*l !o bs hstunto.fft rtd this l5th dry of luly,2010.

    Mortgaga Elmtrorh Rrfrigrtbn System, Inc',,//ccrclery md VrccPr6idail, Pur$ult to Corpontc Rclolulior

    STATE OF MICI{IGANCTI.I{TY GOAXII}IDh C* tJtirofJufy, AtlQ bcfcE Ir rhc undcrsigncd ooury pubffc, pc-rsonally appcered Manhall P' Isrecs,Ari-t ScE;ryrdviccir:sitanrhrsGnti,oCorpontcRa.oMiooofMorlgrgeElcctrotlcRcglrlrrthl_.S-. b *i I ltr pcrorl krovlcdgF of i{rcuity, to b. the pc{son vfiorc nlmc is signcd on t}rc proctcdingri d ffi rd idm*lodtd to fE lhat hc/stc iignct it roluntrily for b ttattd putposc.

    FlNo 5l7J{94

  • 8/4/2019 Holowecki Notary Assignments


    tv ReDnnm:Orlant Morafl PLLCP. O. Box J01lTmy, Ml 4tfili-5Bll $ ltfl t!t illit tillfl trfftrilu tllfrlffi,lffifn gk:2966 h:X$Olt16,?slil t:,tt rser pg tli,[P't



    ^sslcNMENrMo.tr.rB Elccrronic RcdlEilim SlELafii-lEholder ofa modBats fromSenka Huskic util Nidzad Huskic

    datcd Febflrary 27. 2fi)itrecotdrd vith Essex County (Sotnhern Disrht) Rcglfiry ofDetds io Book 22aa3, Fage 495 lsigrls eid mortgstcsesurcd thcr.by to lEis Rcal Esutr Capital Inc.. 400 Co{ntr}nryjdc Urrav. Simi Vallcnr. CA 93065lN WTINESS WHEREOF rhc laid Mortgage Eleotronh Rcgiirfarior SFrrmf hc. b caEcd fi.s. pr6cl*s to bts[ned is ils tafic and bchallby Mmtratl f,. tsercs, irs As3Eranl s..rctr-v erd ry .ryqqltt Prglrr toCorpratc Rtsoturlon and u cirpomc rcel ro be heteuno efted this l Sth &y of ,uty, 2010.

    MorErg? Eh.trqli. ftirrnrih $yrrra!, IneZE.EsiAslinn{crradvicthcsidsil, Puislant lo Corpfar ncsoltrbtt

    ru. Ha. 6l?.3i1.1

    STATE OF MICHIGiXCOUNTY OFOA(LANDgE 6b ij{h &, of julr, 2010. bcforc otc thc undersiBr.d noo+'fral4 pasooelly appcarcd Mar$all R. lsaacq.{silfril Soft1 aad vice Prtsid.r}t PuEum to Ccrpofac Rcsaludu of Yortgegc Elearonic Registritlon-.Sy*clr trc. vh6 t hrw pctsonal knowlcdgp of idailrt-v, F b hc Fcnsn v,lctc nunc is signcd on lhc procctdingoi rdcC de.acrt rnd tcknowlcftcd ao mr tIEr ha/sbc tEBcd il vo{rr:rlrily fcr iB slfiEd Frpose .

    My Comdssifi Expircs: I 1.9,2014

  • 8/4/2019 Holowecki Notary Assignments


    ,,1/ { Rshrrrto:'lJ orkE t{.rr PLLCI P.o.s".Jo{tI Troy, Ml {t{E?-5C41 lrH[ffi[lllllfr[ffilil][20100,180?17 Bh2$ffi Pg: $0$ltilzlL 12,l. ASG! 9t lrt,l'?'t


    Da fTnSS USEIEOf rb alu Mo.trlSc Elccmnir: Regis*ioo Sprems, Irrc. hos causrd ilresG prEs.ltB (o birl . - - d b.L.E bt Mr$di & Ir..cs, irs Assisautr Seo,aery aad Vice Prcaidfit Pur$raot toCrO-ztfaAirdiserpor* scrl ta b.lurunio affixsdthii lrlfi dlyof luty, {010.*"*r"r. "**;q!fittioo srrt m', tEc.retaryandVicc?rcsidmq Prr$ant io Corporde Rcsolulkn

    ^SSIGN}IEI{T,ee ELsrtic l4irgrb Srgar!. tnc.*tfrm;ryfurabS-O*.lA$*y'V.C*lr-5 l&e EL.-(* IctitErirsYg.rE. lrc.i5-?5-87sr r,t Ers cot, (S.rn:rr Di*icr) Registry of Dcod! rn Book 270t6, Pae 3 t caigns SaH modSagcr-a tsitt I lirtC B*c Lan Scniong. LP. 4(X) Curnwwilc We)'. Simi Vrllcv. CA 93065


    STATEOF M]CHICANo(Ilrf,trolxIrNDfr5 tln it t'rr:y, 2010, befre mc the undcrsigned nary publb, fenonally appcared MarshEll R' Isarc,fcil Sacnfy -d y:e Prtsda Pursurnt to Corporrtc Rcrirlutixt o[Mortgtgr Ele.{ruric Rotblrrtior._Sf-, 6- *o I h= ycrrl horlofic of klcotity, to be tht pcrson whmo name i3 slgn d o$ lhc pmeccdintsA:a*adieoikdSd |onrc hthdshc signad it toluntarily for ils statcd purposc'

    Xclly Holowecti , Nffi PublicMy Coarmirsion Expi-rer: I l/9f?0 l{

  • 8/4/2019 Holowecki Notary Assignments


    t' lY'\lfoo\ozEdJIcoo(,com


    A$SIGNMENTModlataELecnoric Rcii3tralhn Sygems. lnc.holder of a mo:'tgage from(ennaroog Kylo MortEalc ELctronic Rceisrrerim Svsrcms- lnc.dstedOcl9b.r l7-2008rcctrded uith Esscx Coonty (Sourhcrn Diflris) Regstry of Dttis in Book 28109, Page n} cigns sekl mortS,egesccrrcd d*rcbry to MaLll: Homc laans. a division of Metufc B$k. N"4... 4000 Horizor Wav. lrvin& TX 75063

    -No Mortgage Brokcr is irvolved ' ,/nto Xlfitrgc otiginattr is involwd;

    Rclrfli to:Orlars }iorao PLLCP. O.8or 5041Trot', l'{ 46C97-50{l

    Filc No. 238.E2{E

    ff trl [ ffillll llll li llllill illtm?0100il1fi06? 8X :?350E Pg : 3106lOar:ig 10 eg ASCT 9s lrl

    - .{ Mortgage e.ok., 4l^lamt: /t6gnissl IrufIAddrcss:Lic*nsa #:lYlodrrc Orisinator:Ftl-'t$dtYrc. x-rr*- Ad&s:Lir''wl

    IN wlIltESS WHEREOF tfic mid Mortgage Elccaonic Rcgistration S'rilcnrs, Irlc. hc cau:ed thesc plcsflts10 bcsigncd in its name and bchalfby Marshrll R. lsaacs, its Assilrad Scsretary and Vice Pr6ideot Ptrsurnt !oCoeorrrs Rsolution ard ie corporate st{l to bc heteunto af ir-cd 6il I 31 6ay of }utE3-to.Systcmi Inc.

    STATE OF MICHJGANCOUNTY OT OAKLANDOn this t st day of Jrmc, 2010, bcforc m. rhc undersign d no(fiy Publ;c, prsonslly lPpcilcd .Var'hali R. lsarcs,Assisrant Sccrctary and Vice Presidcnr h,nsurnr to Corpodc R.sollaim of IvIorE Sa ElrcttoDia RctistflliDn .Syslcm& Inc. wbi I haw pasonal krrowkr[c of ltentiry, to be tb pe*on vrtorc unc is siged on thr prQcoedingoi aurhcd doc{ment and idrncwlcdgcd lo mc thrr hd*c tigtEd ir voluarily lr iu catld FrPc6.c.

    Kclly Holorrccki /lrblry PuHicivi;* Commissin Expirss: I 1,D,2014

    r.tte hF colr{yo,

  • 8/4/2019 Holowecki Notary Assignments


    Ir45 Retrrn 10:Orlens Monlt PLLCP, O. Box 504iTroy,Ml4Wl-5441

    / xorro44pB.o&.rbbrc{vu{_MffrgcBrot r:HsrgAdd!$:Li-nsa J:

    File No.6l?.5054


    J- n u*v*origidtr is inrolwd;_ h{o.rSrSc Ortsifi!iltrNeme:Adders:Licaee f:

    I Uqr2ol,l

    illffilmffi? 8k:ffi12 Ps:3{66121126!0 l0 29 ASGf 9s r.tl


    ^${lGN$EilrMortralc Et clranL Rcafutratlm Sysngn& tac.holdcrofr margrge tomJrm,c M. Jcl.ffts E/e'r Jui. Jan-Ch-lcs ecd Rkerdy L. Jean.Charlcso Mmgap Elccluric Reritrdn Sv*r:r'trr.crcd l,rynrv 2- 26trerordcd siS Etcrs Canry (Soufcm Oioir) Rrgisry of Dtc& h Bok2?44a, Page 12 ssigns 3.id morr8tgei.srcd tc'*l, to BAC H,e-c Los savti+ LP. aoo Courrrwilc Wey. sirni vqrtcy. CA 9305J

    IN WfnlESS WHEREOF rhe !.id Mctg.lc Elc{rrcsic Rr3bEltbo Syrirmr, lnc, }res ca{tcd thesc prtscttts to bcsirrd h irs ntEr td bc#rlf bv Murtrl-l IL l:.1 tu Assilx SctrlEy 8,ld vice Prcsidcrt Pursualrt ro&por*c Rrsolmion std irs eorporue scl to bc traamo gfExca tins I tth &y of luttc, 2Ol0'

    STATEOf MICI{IGANCOI.JNTY OF OAKLANDGt rhb l8G dry of Jurc, 2010, bcforc mc tho undcnngtcd mtry dlic. pcrsoorfy +pcaret Marshali R. Isracs,nsrtnot Sccpiary arrd Vtc piesklcnt Pururnr o Corgorac Rccolutioo of Horrfrgc EL.fodic Rctbtniloo-.Srstemr. lrc. wlri I havc sersual ksoqldge of id.ntrty, to bc fu pcrfr *ti6ra tae is rigncd on the procrcdingoi arachcA docum.xrl and ictno*ledgod to rm rhrr hdlhc ligned it rolatrnly fur ils $sed nl Potc'

    EEEffi.ilisrerrrymdvictPrcsktcot, Pursuant to Cotpordc Rcsolutio!

  • 8/4/2019 Holowecki Notary Assignments


    4t-/')J ta

    fr,r R.ctrrn lo:OrhDsM6& PllCP. O. Box 50{ ITroy, MI 4fi07-fr41 #r,tffilul'uul,




    holder ofa morgagc frwnLinda Lrcl(cto@dacd JuBc +.200?recordcd r+ith Essex ColDty (Sorih?rn Distntl) Rcgisry of Decds in B{f 2fi99, Prse 539 rssip seid mongrgescur.d dleIlby to BACHome lers Scrvicinc LP. {X} Cmrrla'ijc wrv. Sirai Yrllcv. CA 93065lN WITNESS WHEREOF thr 3iid Mongrgc Elrrtsoflic Rcgiirnir SyErrq fil!- hsj czusd thcrc prcseots lo b.sigrd in ats orrne ard behelf by Mrshall R. lsrecs, irs Assisar Sccraay !ild Ybc Ptcsi{r.d Pursurnl !oCorporate Rssoluliur ard ils corponts scrl to be hstqflr{o rfiix+d this I tdt &y of Ju+, 20 I 0 .

    Filc No. 617.50,57

    STATEOF MrcHIGANCOI,NTY OF OAKLANDOo this I Elh day of Jung 2010, beforc me thc 'sdcrsign d notry pr.5lic, pcrsordly ,ppercd Mff$dl R. lsaacs,Asiistafl( Secr{ery and Vicc Prcside,{ Pufillaetro CotporaE RcaolEthr of Morrg4e Ehrtronic Rgistretion .Srtcms, lnc. who I haw pcrsonal larowlcdge ofidcndty, lo bc thc parsgn uirsc nanre rs sigrncd on lhc proecdingor a[aahed docwrrnt ind acknowlcdtEd m rrc lha{ h.rslE sigrcd it tofuntarily for its stalcd purpcc.

    Kclly llolowecki, Mrary Publietvty Cornmissaon Expir.s: I l8n0l4

    rty CqlilIldr BFr.r rat ?. tota

  • 8/4/2019 Holowecki Notary Assignments


    f,, - Rctum(o:L/. / Orhos Moran PLLC4 \ P. o. Bcxisal| / Troy, MI dt007-5&r I

    As;lGE}!EI\-[Moarr+ Elctacoic Raisrerix Svrcnt hr.hokic of r ncrgrgc &ectltfir F. L.p.zb lrrtzr E&arcnic Rrcirrilir S\g.irrs. Itlc.ded&d lC'.29j5*rrU *1L Esrs C(.rry (Sq*Br, I).rsuict.) R.gidry of Dccds iB gsk 24719, Page JJJ ss5lp5 sirJ monErgexrtd i=ctf to 8,rC llsrc l4s-Srrvicbg LP.40 Ccunwwldc Wav. Simi Vallcv. CA 93065Rl llTiliEls YTRERECF tc ia Mongag ElccraSc Rrgisraion Syslcms, lrr. has caused lhrs" prc$Efils lo bcsig=d b ir.-.- b.r.lf 5? Mr*dl R. lseacs, rs Asist nt SccreEry and Vice Pre$idatl Purslnl .oGerr& nlskia rd b csparrc rcel ro be lscqro affrxtd this l8th dey of }une, 2O!0.

    FL }tc 6l?-gIt3

    5TATE OF MICHIGAN@{--}rTY OF OAXLA-\?& n5 I*L (bdrr*,2010. brfrFr c 6e rdrsigncd noury prrblic, pcnonalty appcand Marshall R. lsaacs,ts*5u Scqttry rd !'rrr Prsidcnt Pwast ro Corpoil! Resolution of Morlgege Ele{tronh R?gitlrition..Sytc* tx. rt I krc pasoe lDsledg! of klntity, 10 bc tlE prson r*tosc name is signcd on thc proceedhgd mcd Ars d i*trFi.decd to me ttar hdsrc siEn d it vohr*arily for iB slsEd pEPose.

    51"bilillilllltulilHilriltfilmflI20t0ffi100ffi9 Bk;ffi? PE:319atz1lfirr0 19127 SGt Pr ltl



    s-,r ia

    Kclly Holowccki ,VyComoisioo Eipircs:

  • 8/4/2019 Holowecki Notary Assignments


    {Tc0,4t Rchrn lo.Orlani Moratr PLLCP. O. Box 9011Troy, MI 4t007-5t),1t H iltilI llIffiililtfl lililulilt tfi r20100621ff67 8t:ilS{? k:23S/2l r29lo tG ?6 EGI Fq t /'i




    ASSIGN'MENTMorteal. Ehc$onic RrEi3rathn Systemr lnc.holdcr ofa nrongage frornKetrinr K. Numzto@datcd March 1.2007recordrd with Esscx CorEty {southcrn Diflrict) Rcgttry ofDccds in Book 2662E, PaE ,J3 asigns saif tnorlgag.sccirci tereby to BAC Homcloam ScIN WrTNESS WHEREOF thc srid Mortgagc Ele.tronie Regis0aion Systcrn IDc. h. celsd thcse preserrs to berigrcd in its narrc and beiralf by Mrshafl R. trtrss, its Assi-gant Sccretary aJ Vk PrEsid!il Prgruad toCoqontc Rcsolution and fu co+orate sal lo bd hcrBurrto arfixc{ thb t trh dty of JurE, 20 t0.

    Filc No.517J063

    STATEOf M'CH;GANCOUNTY OF OAKLANDOn this I Eth day of Jrlllc, 2010, before me rhc rurdcrs[ncd oury p$ti p+rsoneny rppcrcd Marshall R. lsaacqAssrstafll Sacrctrry ard Vi* Prasid.nt Pursuert to Corporua Rcsolutior ofMortgagc Ehttronic Registr.lior-.SrslGrB, t [c. wh6 I havc ptrsonal knowlcdgc of klccrity, to bt trc pcrson nhse m:ne is 3i8ned ofl thc Foceedingoi anached documcnt and aclnowlcdged to me tbet hers:r signcd i vohaurily fo:'fus neted purpost,

    yy Coolniiriod Expirts: I ll9tr0lil

  • 8/4/2019 Holowecki Notary Assignments


    Rcim toOrbcs Mq'.r PLLCP. O. Bq 50.t1

    C - TmI, Mlat00?-5041.tr{.-)Y